path: root/debian/apache2.README.Debian
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authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 15:01:31 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 15:01:31 +0000
commitc9cf025fadfe043f0f2f679e10d1207d8a158bb6 (patch)
tree3a94effe0bdc0a6814d8134f4ed840d7cc6b6f19 /debian/apache2.README.Debian
parentAdding upstream version 2.4.57. (diff)
Adding debian version 2.4.57-2.debian/2.4.57-2
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 444 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/apache2.README.Debian b/debian/apache2.README.Debian
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5597227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/apache2.README.Debian
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+ Apache2 Configuration under Debian GNU/Linux
+ Files and Directories in '/etc/apache2'
+ Tools
+ Using mod_cache_disk
+ Enabling SSL
+ Creating self-signed certificates
+ SSL workaround for MSIE
+ Suexec
+ Documentation
+ Upgrades
+ Common Problems
+ For Developers
+Apache2 Configuration under Debian GNU/Linux
+Debian's default Apache2 installation attempts to make adding and
+removing modules, virtual hosts, and extra configuration directives as
+flexible as possible, in order to make automating the changes and
+administering the server as easy as possible.
+Please be aware that this layout is quite different from the standard
+Apache configuration. Due to the use of environment variables, apache2
+needs to be started/stopped with '/etc/init.d/apache2', apachectl, or
+apache2ctl. Calling '/usr/bin/apache2' directly will not work with the
+default configuration. To call apache2 with specific command line
+arguments, just call apache2ctl with the same arguments.
+Files and Directories in '/etc/apache2':
+ This is the main configuration file. It does not include any
+ actual configuration we expect to be adapted on your site, so
+ where possible please do not touch it. This file is the
+ foundation stone of the Apache configuration in Debian and should
+ be up to date after upgrades to make sure all configuration pieces
+ are properly included.
+ If you want to extend the global configuration, you can customize
+ the Apache web server by including configuration files through the
+ conf-available mechanism. To change listening ports and socket
+ configuration use ports.conf (see below).
+ Configuration directives for which ports and IP addresses to
+ listen to.
+ Patterns for mod_mime_magic. This is not compatible with the format
+ used by current versions of the file/libmagic packages.
+ This contains environment variables that may be used in the
+ configuration. Some settings, like user and pid file, need to
+ go in here so that other scripts can use them. It can also
+ be used to change some default settings used by apache2ctl,
+ including the ulimit value for the maximum number of open files.
+ The default LANG=C setting is also here, and can be changed to a
+ different language.
+ Files in this directory are included in the global server scope by
+ this line in apache2.conf:
+ # Include generic snippets of statements
+ IncludeOptional conf-enabled/*.conf
+ This is a good place to add additional configuration
+ directives. All configuration snippets need a '.conf' suffix to be
+ included as actual configuration. The local administrator should
+ use file names starting with 'local-' to avoid name clashes with
+ files installed by packages.
+ Configuration snippets can be enabled and disabled by using the
+ a2enconf and a2disconf executables. This works similarly to the
+ approach used for modules and sites below.
+ Configuration snippets can of course also be included in individual
+ virtual hosts.
+ Like mods-enabled/ and sites-enabled/, a piece of configuration is
+ enabled by symlinking a file from conf-available/ into this
+ directory. The a2enconf helper is provided to assist this task.
+ This directory contains a series of .load and .conf files.
+ The .load files contain the Apache configuration directive
+ necessary to load the module in question. The corresponding
+ .conf files contain configuration directives necessary to
+ utilize the module in question.
+ To actually enable a module for Apache2, it is necessary to
+ create a symlink in this directory to the .load (and .conf, if
+ it exists) files associated with the module in
+ mods-available/. For example:
+ cgi.load -> /etc/apache2/mods-available/cgi.load
+ The a2enmod helper can be used to enable a module.
+ Like mods-available/, except that it contains configuration
+ directives for different virtual hosts that might be used with
+ apache2. Note that the hostname doesn't have to correspond
+ exactly with the filename. '000-default.conf' is the default
+ host which is provided by Debian.
+ Similar in functionality to mods-enabled/, sites-enabled
+ contains symlinks to sites in sites-available/ that the
+ administrator wishes to enable.
+ Apache uses the first VirtualHost that matches the IP/Port
+ as default for named virtual hosts. Therefore the 'default'
+ site should be called '000-default' to make sure it sorts before
+ other sites.
+ Example:
+ dedasys.conf -> /etc/apache2/sites-available/dedasys.conf
+ The a2ensite helper can be used to enable a site.
+The Include directives ignore files with names that do not end with a
+.conf suffix. This behavior has changed from previous releases!
+In some cases you may want to enable a specific piece of configuration
+(think of files shipped in conf-available/) for a particular virtual
+host only and not globally as is our default. In such cases you can
+disable the configuration at a global scope for example by doing
+ a2disconf some-configuration
+Then it can be included in a particular virtual host within a file in
+sites-enabled/. You may want to add
+ Include conf-available/some-configuration.conf
+in that site configuration. However, be careful, as this may not work for
+some configurations, depending on the context and implications of some
+a2enmod and a2dismod are available for enabling and disabling modules utilizing
+the above configuration system.
+a2ensite and a2dissite do essentially the same thing as the above tools, but
+for sites rather than modules. Finally a2enconf and a2disconf are the
+corresponding tools for configuration snippets.
+a2query is a helper script providing runtime information about the running
+server instance. For example it can be used to query enabled modules, the
+selected MPM, and other information. This tool is primarily meant for package
+maintainers who need to interact with the Apache packages to activate
+their configurations upon package installation, but it can be used by users
+as well.
+apxs2 -a/-A is modified to use a2enmod to activate newly installed modules.
+Using mod_cache_disk
+To ensure that the disk cache does not grow indefinitely, htcacheclean is
+started when mod_cache_disk is enabled. Both daemon and cron (daily) mode
+are supported. The configuration (run mode, cache size, etc.) is in
+Normally, htcacheclean is automatically started and stopped by
+'/etc/init.d/apache2'. However, if you change the state of mod_cache_disk or
+the configuration of htcacheclean while apache2 is running, you may need to
+manually start/stop htcacheclean with "/etc/init.d/apache2 start-htcacheclean"
+or "/etc/init.d/apache2 stop-htcacheclean".
+Note that mod_cache_disk was named mod_disk_cache in versions 2.2 and earlier.
+Enabling SSL
+To enable SSL, type (as user root):
+ a2ensite default-ssl
+ a2enmod ssl
+If you want to use self-signed certificates, you should install the ssl-cert
+package (see below). Otherwise, just adjust the SSLCertificateKeyFile and
+SSLCertificateFile directives in '/etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf'
+to point to your SSL certificate. Then restart apache:
+ service apache2 restart
+The SSL key file should only be readable by root; the certificate file may be
+globally readable. These files are read by the Apache parent process which runs
+as root, and it is therefore not necessary to make the files readable by the
+www-data user.
+Creating self-signed certificates
+If you install the ssl-cert package, a self-signed certificate will be
+automatically created using the hostname currently configured on your computer.
+You can recreate that certificate (e.g. after you have changed '/etc/hosts' or
+DNS to give the correct hostname) as user root with:
+ make-ssl-cert generate-default-snakeoil --force-overwrite
+To create more certificates with different host names, you can use
+ make-ssl-cert /usr/share/ssl-cert/ssleay.cnf /path/to/cert-file.crt
+This will ask you for the hostname and place both SSL key and certificate in
+the file '/path/to/cert-file.crt'. Use this file with the SSLCertificateFile
+directive in the Apache config (you don't need the SSLCertificateKeyFile in
+this case as it also contains the key). The file '/path/to/cert-file.crt'
+should only be readable by root. A good directory to use for the additional
+certificates/keys is '/etc/ssl/private'.
+SSL workaround for MSIE
+The SSL workaround for MS Internet Explorer needs to be added to your SSL
+VirtualHost section (it was previously in ssl.conf but caused keepalive to be
+disabled even for non-SSL connections):
+ BrowserMatch "MSIE [2-6]" \
+ nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \
+ downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
+ BrowserMatch "MSIE [17-9]" ssl-unclean-shutdown
+The default SSL virtual host in '/etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf'
+already contains this workaround.
+Debian ships two version of the suexec helper program required by
+mod_suexec. It is not installed by default, to avoid possible security
+issues. The package apache2-suexec-pristine contains the standard version
+that works only with document root /var/www, userdir suffix public_html,
+and Apache run user www-data. The package apache2-suexec-custom contains a
+customizable version that can be configured with a config file to use
+different settings (like /srv/www as document root). For more information
+see the suexec(8) man page in the apache2-suexec-custom package.
+Since apache2-suexec-custom has received less testing and might be slightly
+slower, apache2-suexec is the recommended version unless you need the features
+from apache2-suexec-custom.
+Starting with Apache 2.4 both alternatives can be installed at the same
+time and the default suexec mechanism can be picked by using the
+update-alternatives(8) system.
+Unicode File Name Normalization
+Using Apache with the document root on a file system that does unicode
+normalization on the filenames can cause security issues. In Debian,
+this affects ZFS with the non-default option to enable filename normalization,
+and HFS+. It is strongly recommended not to use Apache with such file systems.
+More information about this issue can be found by searching the web for
+The full Apache 2 documentation can be found on the web at
+or, if you have installed the apache2-doc package, in
+or at
+There is also a wiki that contains useful information:
+Some hints about securing Apache 2 on Debian are available at
+Changes in the Apache packages that require manual configuration adjustments
+are announced in NEWS.Debian. Installing the apt-listchanges package is
+recommended. It will display the relevant NEWS.Debian sections before
+Multiple instances
+There is some support for running multiple instances of Apache2 on the same
+machine. See '/usr/share/doc/apache2/README.multiple-instances' for more
+Common Problems
+1) Error message "Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified
+domain name, using for ServerName" during start
+This can usually be ignored but it means that Apache httpd was unable to obtain
+a fully-qualified hostname by doing a reverse lookup on your server's IP
+address. You may want to add the fully-qualified hostname to '/etc/hosts'.
+An alternative is to specify "ServerName" in the global server
+context of the configuration, e.g. in
+2) Error message "mod_rewrite: could not create rewrite_log_lock"
+This probably means that there are some stale SYSV semaphores around. This
+usually happens after apache2 has been killed with kill -9 (SIGKILL). You can
+clean up the semaphores with:
+ ipcs -s | grep www-data | awk ' { print $2 } ' | xargs ipcrm sem
+3) Message "File does not exist: /etc/apache2/htdocs" in error log
+In most cases this means that no matching VirtualHost definition could be
+found for an incoming request. Check that the target IP address/port and the
+name in the Host: header of the request actually match one of the virtual
+4) Message "Couldn't create pollset in child; check user or system limits" in
+error log
+On Linux kernels since, the value in
+ /proc/sys/fs/epoll/max_user_instances
+needs to be larger than
+ for prefork/itk MPM: 2 * MaxClients
+ for worker/event MPM: MaxClients + MaxClients/ThreadsPerChild
+It can be set on boot by adding a line like
+ fs.epoll.max_user_instances=1024
+to '/etc/sysctl.conf'.
+There are several other error messages related to creating a pollset that can
+appear for the same reason.
+On the other hand, errors about adding to a pollset are related to the setting
+fs.epoll.max_user_watches. On most systems, max_user_watches should be high
+enough by default.
+5) Message "Server should be SSL-aware but has no certificate configured" in
+error log
+Since 2.2.12, Apache is stricter about certain misconfigurations concerning
+name based SSL virtual hosts. See NEWS.Debian.gz for more details.
+6) Apache does not pass Authorization header to CGI scripts
+This is intentional to avoid security holes. If you really want to change it,
+you can use mod_rewrite:
+ RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} (.*)
+ RewriteRule . - [env=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]
+7) mod_dav is behaving strangely
+In general, if you use mod_dav_fs, you need to disable multiviews and script
+execution for that directory. For example:
+ <Directory /var/www/dav>
+ Dav on
+ Options -MultiViews -ExecCGI
+ SetHandler none
+ <IfModule mod_php5.c>
+ php_admin_value engine Off
+ </IfModule>
+ </Directory>
+8) Message "apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}" when starting apache2
+Use apache2ctl (it accepts all the same options as apache2).
+9) A PUT with mod_dav_fs fails with "Unable to PUT new contents for /...
+[403, #0]" even if Apache has permission to write the file.
+Apache also needs write permission to the directory containing the file, in
+order to replace it atomically.
+10) When starting/reloading Apache, there is the error message
+"ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted"
+If you are running Apache in a vserver environment, the start script may not
+be allowed to set the maximum number of open files. You should adjust
+APACHE_ULIMIT_MAX_FILES in /etc/apache2/envvars to your setup. You can
+disable changing the limits by setting APACHE_ULIMIT_MAX_FILES=true .
+For Developers
+The Apache 2 web server package provides several helpers to assist
+packagers to interact with the web server for both, build and installation
+time. Please refer to the PACKAGING file in the apache2 package for
+detailed information.