# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # package Apache::TestConfig; #not TestConfigC on purpose use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Config; use Apache::TestConfig (); use Apache::TestConfigPerl (); use Apache::TestTrace; use File::Find qw(finddepth); sub cmodule_find { my($self, $mod) = @_; return unless $mod =~ /^mod_(\w+)\.c$/; my $sym = $1; my $dir = $File::Find::dir; my $file = catfile $dir, $mod; unless ($self->{APXS}) { $self->{cmodules_disabled}->{$mod} = "no apxs configured"; return; } my $fh = Symbol::gensym(); open $fh, $file or die "open $file: $!"; my $v = <$fh>; if ($v =~ /^\#define\s+HTTPD_TEST_REQUIRE_APACHE\s+(\d+)\s*$/) { #define HTTPD_TEST_REQUIRE_APACHE 1 unless ($self->{server}->{rev} == $1) { my $reason = "requires Apache version $1"; $self->{cmodules_disabled}->{$mod} = $reason; notice "$mod $reason, skipping."; return; } } elsif ($v =~ /^\#define\s+HTTPD_TEST_REQUIRE_APACHE\s+(\d\.\d+(\.\d+)?)/) { #define HTTPD_TEST_REQUIRE_APACHE 2.1 my $wanted = $1; (my $current) = $self->{server}->{version} =~ m:^Apache/(\d\.\d+\.\d+):; if (Apache::Test::normalize_vstring($current) < Apache::Test::normalize_vstring($wanted)) { my $reason = "requires Apache version $wanted"; $self->{cmodules_disabled}->{$mod} = $reason; notice "$mod $reason, skipping."; return; } } close $fh; push @{ $self->{cmodules} }, { name => "mod_$sym", sym => "${sym}_module", dir => $dir, subdir => basename $dir, }; } sub cmodules_configure { my($self, $dir) = @_; $self->{cmodules_disabled} = {}; #for have_module to check $dir ||= catfile $self->{vars}->{top_dir}, 'c-modules'; unless (-d $dir) { return; } $self->{cmodules_dir} = $dir; finddepth(sub { cmodule_find($self, $_) }, $dir); unless ($self->{APXS}) { warning "cannot build c-modules without apxs"; return; } $self->cmodules_generate_include; $self->cmodules_write_makefiles; $self->cmodules_compile; $self->cmodules_httpd_conf; } sub cmodules_makefile_vars { return <<EOF; MAKE = $Config{make} EOF } my %lib_dir = Apache::TestConfig::WIN32 ? (1 => "", 2 => "") : (1 => "", 2 => ".libs/"); sub cmodules_build_so { my($self, $name) = @_; $name = "mod_$name" unless $name =~ /^mod_/; my $libdir = $self->server->version_of(\%lib_dir); my $lib = "$libdir$name.so"; } sub cmodules_write_makefiles { my $self = shift; my $modules = $self->{cmodules}; for (@$modules) { $self->cmodules_write_makefile($_); } my $file = catfile $self->{cmodules_dir}, 'Makefile'; my $fh = $self->genfile($file); print $fh $self->cmodules_makefile_vars; my @dirs = map { $_->{subdir} } @$modules; my @targets = qw(clean); my @libs; for my $dir (@dirs) { for my $targ (@targets) { print $fh "$dir-$targ:\n\tcd $dir && \$(MAKE) $targ\n\n"; } my $lib = $self->cmodules_build_so($dir); my $cfile = "$dir/mod_$dir.c"; push @libs, "$dir/$lib"; print $fh "$libs[-1]: $cfile\n\tcd $dir && \$(MAKE) $lib\n\n"; } for my $targ (@targets) { print $fh "$targ: ", (map { "$_-$targ " } @dirs), "\n\n"; } print $fh "all: @libs\n\n"; close $fh or die "close $file: $!"; } sub cmodules_write_makefile { my ($self, $mod) = @_; my $write = \&{"cmodules_write_makefile_$^O"}; $write = \&cmodules_write_makefile_default unless defined &$write; $write->($self, $mod); } sub cmodules_write_makefile_default { my($self, $mod) = @_; my $dversion = $self->server->dversion; my $name = $mod->{name}; my $makefile = catfile $mod->{dir}, 'Makefile'; my $extra = $ENV{EXTRA_CFLAGS} || ''; debug "writing $makefile"; my $lib = $self->cmodules_build_so($name); my $fh = $self->genfile($makefile); print $fh <<EOF; APXS=$self->{APXS} all: $lib $lib: $name.c \$(APXS) $dversion $extra -I$self->{cmodules_dir} -c $name.c clean: -rm -rf $name.o $name.lo $name.slo $name.la $name.i $name.s $name.gcno .libs EOF close $fh or die "close $makefile: $!"; } sub cmodules_write_makefile_aix { my($self, $mod) = @_; my $dversion = $self->server->dversion; my $name = $mod->{name}; my $makefile = catfile $mod->{dir}, 'Makefile'; my $apxsflags = ''; # # Only do this for Apache 1.* # if ($self->server->{rev} == 1) { $apxsflags = "-Wl,-bE:$name.exp"; my $expfile = catfile $mod->{dir}, "$name.exp"; if (! -f $expfile) { my $fh = Symbol::gensym(); $name =~ /^mod_(\w+)(?:\.c)?$/; my $sym = $1 . '_module'; open $fh, ">$expfile" or die "open $expfile: $!"; print $fh "$sym\n"; close $fh; } } my $extra = $ENV{EXTRA_CFLAGS} || ''; debug "writing $makefile"; my $lib = $self->cmodules_build_so($name); my $fh = Symbol::gensym(); open $fh, ">$makefile" or die "open $makefile: $!"; print $fh <<EOF; APXS=$self->{APXS} APXSFLAGS=$apxsflags all: $lib $lib: $name.c \$(APXS) $dversion $extra -I$self->{cmodules_dir} \$(APXSFLAGS) -c $name.c clean: -rm -rf $name.o $name.lo $name.slo $name.la .libs EOF close $fh or die "close $makefile: $!"; } sub cmodules_write_makefile_MSWin32 { my($self, $mod) = @_; my $dversion = $self->server->dversion; my $name = $mod->{name}; my $makefile = "$mod->{dir}/Makefile"; debug "writing $makefile"; my $extras = ''; my $lib = $self->cmodules_build_so($name); $extras = ' -llibhttpd -p ' if ($self->server->{rev} != 1); my $goners = join ' ', (map {$name . '.' . $_} qw(exp lib so lo)); my $fh = Symbol::gensym(); open $fh, ">$makefile" or die "open $makefile: $!"; my $extra = $ENV{EXTRA_CFLAGS} || ''; debug "writing $makefile"; print $fh <<EOF; APXS=$self->{APXS} all: $lib $lib: $name.c \$(APXS) $dversion $extra -I$self->{cmodules_dir} $extras -c $name.c clean: -erase $goners EOF close $fh or die "close $makefile: $!"; } sub cmodules_make { my $self = shift; my $targ = shift || 'all'; my $cmd = "cd $self->{cmodules_dir} && $Config{make} $targ"; debug $cmd; system $cmd; if ($?) { die "Failed to build c-modules"; } } sub cmodules_compile { shift->cmodules_make('all'); } sub cmodules_httpd_conf { my $self = shift; my @args; for my $mod (@{ $self->{cmodules} }) { my $dir = $mod->{dir}; my $lib = $self->cmodules_build_so($mod->{name}); my $so = "$dir/$lib"; next unless -e $so; $self->preamble(LoadModule => "$mod->{sym} $so"); my $cname = "$mod->{name}.c"; my $cfile = "$dir/$cname"; $self->{modules}->{$cname} = 1; $self->add_module_config($cfile, \@args); } $self->postamble(\@args) if @args; } sub cmodules_clean { my $self = shift; my $dir = $self->{cmodules_dir}; return unless $dir and -e "$dir/Makefile"; unless ($self->{clean_level} > 1) { #skip t/TEST -conf warning "skipping rebuild of c-modules; run t/TEST -clean to force"; return; } $self->cmodules_make('clean'); for my $mod (@{ $self->{cmodules} }) { my $makefile = "$mod->{dir}/Makefile"; debug "unlink $makefile"; unlink $makefile; } unlink "$dir/Makefile"; } #try making it easier for test modules to compile with both 1.x and 2.x sub cmodule_define_name { my $name = shift; $name eq 'NULL' ? $name : "APACHE_HTTPD_TEST_\U$name"; } sub cmodule_define { my $hook = cmodule_define_name(@_); "#ifndef $hook\n#define $hook NULL\n#endif\n"; } my @cmodule_config_names = qw(per_dir_create per_dir_merge per_srv_create per_srv_merge commands); my @cmodule_config_defines = map { cmodule_define($_); } @cmodule_config_names; my $cmodule_config_extra = "#ifndef APACHE_HTTPD_TEST_EXTRA_HOOKS\n". "#define APACHE_HTTPD_TEST_EXTRA_HOOKS(p) do { } while (0)\n". "#endif\n"; my $cmodule_config_hooks = join ",\n ", map { cmodule_define_name($_); } @cmodule_config_names; my @cmodule_phases = qw(post_read_request translate_name header_parser access_checker check_user_id auth_checker type_checker fixups handler log_transaction child_init); my $cmodule_hooks_1 = join ",\n ", map { cmodule_define_name($_); } qw(translate_name check_user_id auth_checker access_checker type_checker fixups log_transaction header_parser child_init NULL post_read_request); my $cmodule_template_1 = <<"EOF", static const handler_rec name ## _handlers[] = { {#name, APACHE_HTTPD_TEST_HANDLER}, /* ok if handler is NULL */ {NULL} }; module MODULE_VAR_EXPORT name ## _module = { STANDARD_MODULE_STUFF, NULL, /* initializer */ $cmodule_config_hooks, name ## _handlers, /* handlers */ $cmodule_hooks_1 } EOF my @cmodule_hooks = map { my $hook = cmodule_define_name($_); <<EOF; if ($hook != NULL) ap_hook_$_($hook, NULL, NULL, APACHE_HTTPD_TEST_HOOK_ORDER); EOF } @cmodule_phases; my @cmodule_hook_defines = map { cmodule_define($_); } @cmodule_phases; my $cmodule_template_2 = <<"EOF"; static void name ## _register_hooks(apr_pool_t *p) { @cmodule_hooks APACHE_HTTPD_TEST_EXTRA_HOOKS(p); } module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA name ## _module = { STANDARD20_MODULE_STUFF, $cmodule_config_hooks, name ## _register_hooks, /* register hooks */ } EOF my %cmodule_templates = (1 => $cmodule_template_1, 2 => $cmodule_template_2); sub cmodules_module_template { my $self = shift; my $template = $self->server->version_of(\%cmodule_templates); chomp $template; $template =~ s,$, \\,mg; $template =~ s, \\$,,s; local $" = ', '; return <<EOF; #define APACHE_HTTPD_TEST_MODULE(name) \\ $template EOF } sub cmodules_generate_include { my $self = shift; my $file = "$self->{cmodules_dir}/apache_httpd_test.h"; my $fh = $self->genfile($file); while (read Apache::TestConfigC::DATA, my $buf, 1024) { print $fh $buf; } print $fh @cmodule_hook_defines, @cmodule_config_defines; print $fh $cmodule_config_extra; print $fh $self->cmodules_module_template; close $fh; } package Apache::TestConfigC; #Apache/TestConfig.pm also has __DATA__ 1; __DATA__ #ifndef APACHE_HTTPD_TEST_H #define APACHE_HTTPD_TEST_H /* headers present in both 1.x and 2.x */ #include "httpd.h" #include "http_config.h" #include "http_protocol.h" #include "http_request.h" #include "http_log.h" #include "http_main.h" #include "http_core.h" #include "ap_config.h" #ifdef APACHE1 #define AP_METHOD_BIT 1 typedef size_t apr_size_t; typedef array_header apr_array_header_t; #define APR_OFF_T_FMT "ld" #define APR_SIZE_T_FMT "lu" #endif /* APACHE1 */ #ifdef APACHE2 #ifndef APACHE_HTTPD_TEST_HOOK_ORDER #define APACHE_HTTPD_TEST_HOOK_ORDER APR_HOOK_MIDDLE #endif #include "ap_compat.h" #endif /* APACHE2 */ #endif /* APACHE_HTTPD_TEST_H */