#!/bin/sh # Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, you can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional # information regarding copyright ownership. set -e # test response policy zones (RPZ) # touch dnsrps-off to not test with DNSRPS # touch dnsrps-only to not test with classic RPZ . ../conf.sh ns=10.53.0 ns1=$ns.1 # root, defining the others ns2=$ns.2 # authoritative server whose records are rewritten ns3=$ns.3 # main rewriting resolver ns4=$ns.4 # another authoritative server that is rewritten ns5=$ns.5 # another rewriting resolver ns6=$ns.6 # a forwarding server ns7=$ns.7 # another rewriting resolver ns8=$ns.8 # another rewriting resolver ns9=$ns.9 # another rewriting resolver ns10=$ns.10 # authoritative server HAVE_CORE= status=0 t=0 DEBUG= SAVE_RESULTS= ARGS= USAGE="$0: [-xS]" while getopts "xS:" c; do case $c in x) set -x DEBUG=-x ARGS="$ARGS -x" ;; S) SAVE_RESULTS=-S ARGS="$ARGS -S" ;; *) echo "$USAGE" 1>&2 exit 1 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) if test "$#" -ne 0; then echo "$USAGE" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # really quit on control-C trap 'exit 1' 1 2 15 TS='%H:%M:%S ' TS= comment() { if test -n "$TS"; then date "+${TS}$*" | cat_i fi } DNSRPSCMD=./dnsrps RNDCCMD="$RNDC -c ../_common/rndc.conf -p ${CONTROLPORT} -s" if test -x "$DNSRPSCMD"; then # speed up the many delays for dnsrpzd by waiting only 0.1 seconds WAIT_CMD="$DNSRPSCMD -w 0.1" TEN_SECS=100 else WAIT_CMD="sleep 1" TEN_SECS=10 fi digcmd() { if test "$1" = TCP; then shift fi # Default to +noauth and @$ns3 # Also default to -bX where X is the @value so that OS X will choose # the right IP source address. digcmd_args=$(echo "+nocookie +noadd +time=2 +tries=1 -p ${PORT} $*" \ | sed -e "/@/!s/.*/& @$ns3/" \ -e '/-b/!s/@\([^ ]*\)/@\1 -b\1/' \ -e '/+n?o?auth/!s/.*/+noauth &/') #echo_i "dig $digcmd_args 1>&2 $DIG $digcmd_args || return } # set DIGNM=file name for dig output GROUP_NM= TEST_NUM=0 make_dignm() { TEST_NUM=$((TEST_NUM + 1)) DIGNM=dig.out$GROUP_NM-$TEST_NUM while test -f $DIGNM; do DIGNM="$DIGNM+" done } setret() { ret=1 status=$((status + 1)) echo_i "$*" } # set $SN to the SOA serial number of a zone # $1=domain # $2=DNS server and client IP address get_sn() { SOA=$($DIG -p ${PORT} +short +norecurse soa "$1" "@$2" "-b$2") SN=$(expr "$SOA" : '[^ ]* [^ ]* \([^ ]*\) .*' || true) test "$SN" != "" && return echo_i "no serial number from \`dig -p ${PORT} soa $1 @$2\` in \"$SOA\"" exit 1 } get_sn_fast() { RSN=$($DNSRPSCMD -n "$1") #echo "dnsrps serial for $1 is $RSN" if test -z "$RSN"; then echo_i "dnsrps failed to get SOA serial number for $1" exit 1 fi } # check that dnsrpzd has loaded its zones # $1=domain # $2=DNS server IP address FZONES=$(sed -n -e 's/^zone "\(.*\)".*\(10.53.0..\).*/Z=\1;M=\2/p' dnsrpzd.conf) dnsrps_loaded() { test "$mode" = dnsrps || return 0 n=0 for V in $FZONES; do eval "$V" get_sn $Z $M while true; do get_sn_fast "$Z" if test "$SN" -eq "0$RSN"; then #echo "$Z @$M serial=$SN" break fi n=$((n + 1)) if test "$n" -gt $TEN_SECS; then echo_i "dnsrps serial for $Z is $RSN instead of $SN" exit 1 fi $WAIT_CMD done done } # check the serial number in an SOA to ensure that a policy zone has # been (re)loaded # $1=serial number # $2=domain # $3=DNS server ck_soa() { n=0 while true; do if test "$mode" = dnsrps; then get_sn_fast "$2" test "$RSN" -eq "$1" && return else get_sn "$2" "$3" test "$SN" -eq "$1" && return fi n=$((n + 1)) if test "$n" -gt $TEN_SECS; then echo_i "got serial number \"$SN\" instead of \"$1\" from $2 @$3" return fi $WAIT_CMD done } # (re)load the response policy zones with the rules in the file $TEST_FILE load_db() { if test -n "$TEST_FILE"; then copy_setports $TEST_FILE tmp if $NSUPDATE -v tmp; then : $RNDCCMD $ns3 sync else echo_i "failed to update policy zone with $TEST_FILE" $RNDCCMD $ns3 sync exit 1 fi rm -f tmp fi } # restart name server # $1 ns number # $2 rebuild bl rpz zones if "rebuild-bl-rpz" restart() { # try to ensure that the server really has stopped # and won't mess with ns$1/name.pid if test -z "$HAVE_CORE" -a -f ns$1/named.pid; then $RNDCCMD $ns$1 halt >/dev/null 2>&1 if test -f ns$1/named.pid; then sleep 1 PID=$(cat ns$1/named.pid 2>/dev/null) if test -n "$PID"; then echo_i "killing ns$1 server $PID" kill -9 $PID fi fi fi rm -f ns$1/*.jnl if [ "$2" = "rebuild-bl-rpz" ]; then if test -f ns$1/base.db; then for NM in ns$1/bl*.db; do cp -f ns$1/base.db $NM done fi fi start_server --noclean --restart --port ${PORT} ns$1 load_db dnsrps_loaded sleep 1 } # $1=server and irrelevant args # $2=error message ckalive() { CKALIVE_NS=$(expr "$1" : '.*@ns\([1-9]\).*' || true) if test -z "$CKALIVE_NS"; then CKALIVE_NS=3 fi eval CKALIVE_IP=\$ns$CKALIVE_NS $RNDCCMD $CKALIVE_IP status >/dev/null 2>&1 && return 0 HAVE_CORE=yes setret "$2" # restart the server to avoid stalling waiting for it to stop restart $CKALIVE_NS "rebuild-bl-rpz" return 0 } resetstats() { NSDIR=$1 eval "${NSDIR}_CNT=''" } ckstats() { HOST=$1 LABEL="$2" NSDIR="$3" EXPECTED="$4" $RNDCCMD $HOST stats NEW_CNT=$(sed -n -e 's/[ ]*\([0-9]*\).response policy.*/\1/p' \ $NSDIR/named.stats | tail -1) eval "OLD_CNT=\$${NSDIR}_CNT" NEW_CNT=$((NEW_CNT)) OLD_CNT=$((OLD_CNT)) GOT=$((NEW_CNT - OLD_CNT)) if test "$GOT" -ne "$EXPECTED"; then setret "wrong $LABEL $NSDIR statistics of $GOT instead of $EXPECTED" fi eval "${NSDIR}_CNT=$NEW_CNT" } ckstatsrange() { HOST=$1 LABEL="$2" NSDIR="$3" MIN="$4" MAX="$5" $RNDCCMD $HOST stats NEW_CNT=$(sed -n -e 's/[ ]*\([0-9]*\).response policy.*/\1/p' \ $NSDIR/named.stats | tail -1) eval "OLD_CNT=\$${NSDIR}_CNT" NEW_CNT=$((NEW_CNT)) OLD_CNT=$((OLD_CNT)) GOT=$((NEW_CNT - OLD_CNT)) if test "$GOT" -lt "$MIN" -o "$GOT" -gt "$MAX"; then setret "wrong $LABEL $NSDIR statistics of $GOT instead of ${MIN}..${MAX}" fi eval "${NSDIR}_CNT=$NEW_CNT" } # $1=message # $2=optional test file name start_group() { ret=0 t=$((t + 1)) test -n "$1" && date "+${TS}checking $1 (${t})" | cat_i TEST_FILE=$2 if test -n "$TEST_FILE"; then GROUP_NM="-$TEST_FILE" load_db else GROUP_NM= fi dnsrps_loaded TEST_NUM=0 } end_group() { if test -n "$TEST_FILE"; then # remove the previous set of test rules copy_setports $TEST_FILE tmp sed -e 's/[ ]add[ ]/ delete /' tmp | $NSUPDATE rm -f tmp TEST_FILE= fi ckalive $ns3 "failed; ns3 server crashed and restarted" dnsrps_loaded GROUP_NM= } clean_result() { if test -z "$SAVE_RESULTS"; then rm -f $* fi } # $1=dig args # $2=other dig output file ckresult() { #ckalive "$1" "server crashed by 'dig $1'" || return 1 expr "$1" : 'TCP ' >/dev/null && tcp=1 || tcp=0 digarg=${1#TCP } if grep "flags:.* aa .*ad;" $DIGNM; then setret "'dig $digarg' AA and AD set;" elif grep "flags:.* aa .*ad;" $DIGNM; then setret "'dig $digarg' AD set;" fi if $PERL ../digcomp.pl $DIGNM $2 >/dev/null; then grep -q 'Truncated, retrying in TCP' $DIGNM && trunc=1 || trunc=0 if [ "$tcp" -ne "$trunc" ]; then setret "'dig $digarg' wrong; no or unexpected truncation in $DIGNM" else clean_result ${DIGNM}* fi return 0 fi setret "'dig $digarg' wrong; diff $DIGNM $2" return 0 } # check only that the server does not crash # $1=target domain # $2=optional query type nocrash() { digcmd $* >/dev/null ckalive "$*" "server crashed by 'dig $*'" } # check rewrite to NXDOMAIN # $1=target domain # $2=optional query type nxdomain() { make_dignm digcmd $* \ | sed -e 's/^[a-z].* IN CNAME /;xxx &/' \ -e 's/^[a-z].* IN RRSIG /;xxx &/' \ >$DIGNM ckresult "$*" proto.nxdomain } # check rewrite to NODATA # $1=target domain # $2=optional query type nodata() { make_dignm digcmd $* \ | sed -e 's/^[a-z].* IN CNAME /;xxx &/' >$DIGNM ckresult "$*" proto.nodata } # check rewrite to an address # modify the output so that it is easily compared, but save the original line # $1=IPv4 address # $2=digcmd args # $3=optional TTL addr() { ADDR=$1 make_dignm digcmd $2 >$DIGNM #ckalive "$2" "server crashed by 'dig $2'" || return 1 ADDR_ESC=$(echo "$ADDR" | sed -e 's/\./\\./g') ADDR_TTL=$(sed -n -e "s/^[-.a-z0-9]\{1,\}[ ]*\([0-9]*\) IN AA* ${ADDR_ESC}\$/\1/p" $DIGNM) if test -z "$ADDR_TTL"; then setret "'dig $2' wrong; no address $ADDR record in $DIGNM" return 0 fi if test -n "$3" && test "$ADDR_TTL" -ne "$3"; then setret "'dig $2' wrong; TTL=$ADDR_TTL instead of $3 in $DIGNM" return 0 fi clean_result ${DIGNM}* } # Check that a response is not rewritten # Use $ns1 instead of the authority for most test domains, $ns2 to prevent # spurious differences for `dig +norecurse` # $1=optional "TCP" # remaining args for dig nochange() { make_dignm digcmd $* >$DIGNM digcmd $* @$ns1 >${DIGNM}_OK ckresult "$*" ${DIGNM}_OK && clean_result ${DIGNM}_OK } nochange_ns10() { make_dignm digcmd $* >$DIGNM digcmd $* @$ns10 >${DIGNM}_OK ckresult "$*" ${DIGNM}_OK && clean_result ${DIGNM}_OK } # check against a 'here document' here() { make_dignm sed -e 's/^[ ]*//' >${DIGNM}_OK digcmd $* >$DIGNM ckresult "$*" ${DIGNM}_OK } # check dropped response DROPPED='^;; no servers could be reached' drop() { make_dignm digcmd $* >$DIGNM || true if grep "$DROPPED" $DIGNM >/dev/null; then clean_result ${DIGNM}* return 0 fi setret "'dig $1' wrong; response in $DIGNM" return 0 } nsd() { $NSUPDATE -p ${PORT} <proto.nxdomain || return 1 grep "status: NXDOMAIN" proto.nxdomain >/dev/null || return 1 return 0 } # # generate prototype NODATA response to compare against. # make_proto_nodata() { digcmd txt-only.tld2 @$ns2 >proto.nodata || return 1 grep "status: NOERROR" proto.nodata >/dev/null || return 1 return 0 } # ensure that the fast-expire zone is populated before we begin testing $RNDCCMD $ns3 retransfer fast-expire native=0 dnsrps=0 for mode in native dnsrps; do status=0 case ${mode} in native) if [ -e dnsrps-only ]; then echo_i "'dnsrps-only' found: skipping native RPZ sub-test" continue else echo_i "running native RPZ sub-test" fi ;; dnsrps) if [ -e dnsrps-off ]; then echo_i "'dnsrps-off' found: skipping DNSRPS sub-test" continue fi echo_i "attempting to configure servers with DNSRPS..." stop_server --use-rndc --port ${CONTROLPORT} $SHELL ./setup.sh -N -D $DEBUG for server in ns*; do resetstats $server done sed -n 's/^## //p' dnsrps.conf | cat_i if grep '^#fail' dnsrps.conf >/dev/null; then echo_i "exit status: 1" exit 1 fi if grep '^#skip' dnsrps.conf >/dev/null; then echo_i "DNSRPS sub-test skipped" continue else echo_i "running DNSRPS sub-test" start_server --noclean --restart --port ${PORT} sleep 3 fi ;; esac # make prototype files to check against rewritten results retry_quiet 10 make_proto_nxdomain retry_quiet 10 make_proto_nodata start_group "QNAME rewrites" test1 nochange . # 1 do not crash or rewrite root nxdomain a0-1.tld2 # 2 nodata a3-1.tld2 # 3 nodata a3-2.tld2 # 4 nodata at DNAME itself nochange sub.a3-2.tld2 # 5 miss where DNAME might work nxdomain a4-2.tld2 # 6 rewrite based on CNAME target nxdomain a4-2-cname.tld2 # 7 nodata a4-3-cname.tld2 # 8 addr a4-1.sub1.tld2 # 9 A replacement addr a4-1.sub2.tld2 # 10 A replacement with wildcard addr nxc1.sub1.tld2 # 11 replace NXDOMAIN with CNAME addr nxc2.sub1.tld2 # 12 replace NXDOMAIN with CNAME chain addr a4-4.tld2 # 13 prefer 1st conflicting QNAME zone nochange a6-1.tld2 # 14 addr a6-2.tld2 # 15 addr a3-6.tld2 # 16 wildcard CNAME addr a3-7.sub1.tld2 # 17 wildcard CNAME addr a4-5-cname3.tld2 # 18 CNAME chain addr a4-6-cname3.tld2 # 19 stop short in CNAME chain nochange a5-2.tld2 +norecurse # 20 check that RD=1 is required nochange a5-3.tld2 +norecurse # 21 nochange a5-4.tld2 +norecurse # 22 nochange sub.a5-4.tld2 +norecurse # 23 nxdomain c1.crash2.tld3 # 24 assert in rbtdb.c nxdomain a0-1.tld2 +dnssec # 25 simple DO=1 without signatures nxdomain a0-1.tld2s +nodnssec # 26 simple DO=0 with signatures nochange a0-1.tld2s +dnssec # 27 simple DO=1 with signatures nxdomain a0-1s-cname.tld2s +dnssec # 28 DNSSEC too early in CNAME chain nochange a0-1-scname.tld2 +dnssec # 29 DNSSEC on target in CNAME chain nochange a0-1.tld2s srv +auth +dnssec # 30 no write for DNSSEC and no record nxdomain a0-1.tld2s srv +nodnssec # 31 drop a3-8.tld2 any # 32 drop nochange TCP a3-9.tld2 # 33 tcp-only here x.servfail <<'EOF' # 34 qname-wait-recurse yes ;; status: SERVFAIL, x EOF addr "x.servfail @$ns5" # 35 qname-wait-recurse no end_group ckstats $ns3 test1 ns3 22 ckstats $ns5 test1 ns5 1 ckstats $ns6 test1 ns6 0 start_group "NXDOMAIN/NODATA action on QNAME trigger" test1 nxdomain a0-1.tld2 @$ns6 # 1 nodata a3-1.tld2 @$ns6 # 2 nodata a3-2.tld2 @$ns6 # 3 nodata at DNAME itself nxdomain a4-2.tld2 @$ns6 # 4 rewrite based on CNAME target nxdomain a4-2-cname.tld2 @$ns6 # 5 nodata a4-3-cname.tld2 @$ns6 # 6 addr "a4-1.sub1.tld2 @$ns6" # 7 A replacement addr "a4-1.sub2.tld2 @$ns6" # 8 A replacement with wildcard addr "a4-4.tld2 @$ns6" # 9 prefer 1st conflicting QNAME zone addr "nxc1.sub1.tld2 @$ns6" # 10 replace NXDOMAIN w/ CNAME addr "nxc2.sub1.tld2 @$ns6" # 11 replace NXDOMAIN w/ CNAME chain addr "a6-2.tld2 @$ns6" # 12 addr "a3-6.tld2 @$ns6" # 13 wildcard CNAME addr "a3-7.sub1.tld2 @$ns6" # 14 wildcard CNAME addr "a4-5-cname3.tld2 @$ns6" # 15 CNAME chain addr "a4-6-cname3.tld2 @$ns6" # 16 stop short in CNAME chain nxdomain c1.crash2.tld3 @$ns6 # 17 assert in rbtdb.c nxdomain a0-1.tld2 +dnssec @$ns6 # 18 simple DO=1 without sigs nxdomain a0-1s-cname.tld2s +dnssec @$ns6 # 19 drop a3-8.tld2 any @$ns6 # 20 drop end_group ckstatsrange $ns3 test1 ns3 22 30 ckstats $ns5 test1 ns5 0 ckstats $ns6 test1 ns6 0 start_group "IP rewrites" test2 nodata a3-1.tld2 # 1 NODATA nochange a3-2.tld2 # 2 no policy record so no change nochange a4-1.tld2 # 3 obsolete PASSTHRU record style nxdomain a4-2.tld2 # 4 nochange a4-2.tld2 -taaaa # 5 no A => no policy rewrite nochange a4-2.tld2 -ttxt # 6 no A => no policy rewrite nxdomain a4-2.tld2 -tany # 7 no A => no policy rewrite nodata a4-3.tld2 # 8 nxdomain a3-1.tld2 -taaaa # 9 IPv6 policy nochange a4-1-aaaa.tld2 -taaaa # 10 addr a5-1-2.tld2 # 11 prefer smallest policy address addr a5-3.tld2 # 12 prefer first conflicting IP zone nochange a5-4.tld2 +norecurse # 13 check that RD=1 is required for #14 addr a5-4.tld2 # 14 prefer QNAME to IP nochange a4-4.tld2 # 15 PASSTHRU nxdomain c2.crash2.tld3 # 16 assert in rbtdb.c addr "a4-4.tld2 -b $ns1" # 17 client-IP address trigger nxdomain a7-1.tld2 # 18 secondary policy zone (RT34450) # updating an response zone policy cp ns2/blv2.tld2.db.in ns2/bl.tld2.db rndc_reload ns2 $ns2 bl.tld2 ck_soa 2 bl.tld2 $ns3 nochange a7-1.tld2 # 19 PASSTHRU # ensure that a clock tick has occurred so that named will do the reload sleep 1 cp ns2/blv3.tld2.db.in ns2/bl.tld2.db rndc_reload ns2 $ns2 bl.tld2 ck_soa 3 bl.tld2 $ns3 nxdomain a7-1.tld2 # 20 secondary policy zone (RT34450) end_group ckstats $ns3 test2 ns3 12 # check that IP addresses for previous group were deleted from the radix tree start_group "radix tree deletions" nochange a3-1.tld2 nochange a3-2.tld2 nochange a4-1.tld2 nochange a4-2.tld2 nochange a4-2.tld2 -taaaa nochange a4-2.tld2 -ttxt nochange a4-2.tld2 -tany nochange a4-3.tld2 nochange a3-1.tld2 -tAAAA nochange a4-1-aaaa.tld2 -tAAAA nochange a5-1-2.tld2 end_group ckstats $ns3 'radix tree deletions' ns3 0 # these tests assume "min-ns-dots 0" start_group "NSDNAME rewrites" test3 nextpart ns3/named.run >/dev/null nochange a3-1.tld2 # 1 nochange a3-1.tld2 +dnssec # 2 this once caused problems nxdomain a3-1.sub1.tld2 # 3 NXDOMAIN *.sub1.tld2 by NSDNAME nxdomain a3-1.subsub.sub1.tld2 # 4 nxdomain a3-1.subsub.sub1.tld2 -tany # 5 addr a4-2.subsub.sub2.tld2 # 6 walled garden for *.sub2.tld2 nochange a3-2.tld2. # 7 exempt rewrite by name nochange a0-1.tld2. # 8 exempt rewrite by address block addr a4-1.tld2 # 9 prefer QNAME policy to NSDNAME addr a3-1.sub3.tld2 # 10 prefer policy for largest NSDNAME addr a3-1.subsub.sub3.tld2 # 11 nxdomain xxx.crash1.tld2 # 12 dns_db_detachnode() crash nxdomain a3-1.stub # 13 nxdomain a3-1.static-stub # 14 nochange_ns10 a3-1.stub-nomatch # 15 nochange_ns10 a3-1.static-stub-nomatch # 16 if [ "$mode" = dnsrps ]; then addr as-ns.tld5. # 17 qname-as-ns fi nextpart ns3/named.run | grep -q "unrecognized NS rpz_rrset_find() failed: glue" \ && setret "seen: unrecognized NS rpz_rrset_find() failed: glue" end_group if [ "$mode" = dnsrps ]; then ckstats $ns3 test3 ns3 10 else ckstats $ns3 test3 ns3 9 fi # these tests assume "min-ns-dots 0" start_group "NSIP rewrites" test4 nextpart ns3/named.run >/dev/null nxdomain a3-1.tld2 # 1 NXDOMAIN for all of tld2 nochange a3-2.tld2. # 2 exempt rewrite by name nochange a0-1.tld2. # 3 exempt rewrite by address block nochange a3-1.tld4 # 4 different NS IP address nxdomain a4-1.stub # 5 nxdomain a4-1.static-stub # 6 nochange_ns10 a4-1.stub-nomatch # 7 nochange_ns10 a4-1.static-stub-nomatch # 8 if [ "$mode" = dnsrps ]; then addr as-ns.tld5. # 9 ip-as-ns fi nextpart ns3/named.run | grep -q "unrecognized NS rpz_rrset_find() failed: glue" \ && setret "seen: unrecognized NS rpz_rrset_find() failed: glue" end_group start_group "walled garden NSIP rewrites" test4a addr a3-1.tld2 # 1 walled garden for all of tld2 addr 2041::41 'a3-1.tld2 AAAA' # 2 walled garden for all of tld2 here a3-1.tld2 TXT <<'EOF' # 3 text message for all of tld2 ;; status: NOERROR, x a3-1.tld2. x IN TXT "NSIP walled garden" EOF end_group if [ "$mode" = dnsrps ]; then ckstats $ns3 test4 ns3 7 else ckstats $ns3 test4 ns3 6 fi # policies in ./test5 overridden by response-policy{} in ns3/named.conf # and in ns5/named.conf start_group "policy overrides" test5 addr a3-1.tld2 # 1 bl-given nochange a3-2.tld2 # 2 bl-passthru nochange a3-3.tld2 # 3 bl-no-op (obsolete for passthru) nochange a3-4.tld2 # 4 bl-disabled nodata a3-5.tld2 # 5 bl-nodata zone recursive-only no nodata a3-5.tld2 +norecurse # 6 bl-nodata zone recursive-only no nodata a3-5.tld2 # 7 bl-nodata not needed nxdomain a3-5.tld2 +norecurse @$ns5 # 8 bl-nodata global recursive-only no nxdomain a3-5.tld2s @$ns5 # 9 bl-nodata global break-dnssec nxdomain a3-5.tld2s +dnssec @$ns5 # 10 bl-nodata global break-dnssec nxdomain a3-6.tld2 # 11 bl-nxdomain here a3-7.tld2 -tany <<'EOF' # 12 ;; status: NOERROR, x a3-7.tld2. x IN CNAME txt-only.tld2. txt-only.tld2. x IN TXT "txt-only-tld2" EOF addr a3-8.tld2 # 13 bl_wildcname addr a3-9.sub9.tld2 # 14 bl_wildcname addr a3-15.tld2 # 15 bl-garden via CNAME to a12.tld2 addr a3-16.tld2 100 # 16 bl max-policy-ttl 100 addr "a3-17.tld2 @$ns5" 90 # 17 ns5 bl max-policy-ttl 90 drop a3-18.tld2 any # 18 bl-drop nxdomain TCP a3-19.tld2 # 19 bl-tcp-only end_group ckstats $ns3 test5 ns3 12 ckstats $ns5 test5 ns5 4 # check that miscellaneous bugs are still absent start_group "crashes" test6 for Q in RRSIG SIG ANY 'ANY +dnssec'; do nocrash a3-1.tld2 -t$Q nocrash a3-2.tld2 -t$Q nocrash a3-5.tld2 -t$Q nocrash www.redirect -t$Q nocrash www.credirect -t$Q done # This is not a bug, because any data leaked by writing # (or whatever) is available by publishing "foo A" and then # resolving foo. # nxdomain end_group ckstats $ns3 bugs ns3 8 # superficial test for major performance bugs QPERF=$(sh qperf.sh) if test -n "$QPERF"; then perf() { date "+${TS}checking performance $1" | cat_i # Dry run to prime everything comment "before dry run $1" $RNDCCMD $ns5 notrace $QPERF -c -1 -l30 -d ns5/requests -s $ns5 -p ${PORT} >/dev/null comment "before real test $1" PFILE="ns5/$2.perf" $QPERF -c -1 -l30 -d ns5/requests -s $ns5 -p ${PORT} >$PFILE comment "after test $1" X=$(sed -n -e 's/.*Returned *\([^ ]*:\) *\([0-9]*\) .*/\1\2/p' $PFILE \ | tr '\n' ' ') if test "$X" != "$3"; then setret "wrong results '$X' in $PFILE" fi ckalive $ns5 "failed; server #5 crashed" } trim() { sed -n -e 's/.*Queries per second: *\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p' ns5/$1.perf } # get qps with rpz perf 'with RPZ' rpz 'NOERROR:2900 NXDOMAIN:100 ' RPZ=$(trim rpz) # turn off rpz and measure qps again echo "# RPZ off" >ns5/rpz-switch RNDCCMD_OUT=$($RNDCCMD $ns5 reload) perf 'without RPZ' norpz 'NOERROR:3000 ' NORPZ=$(trim norpz) PERCENT=$(((RPZ * 100 + (NORPZ / 2)) / NORPZ)) echo_i "$RPZ qps with RPZ is $PERCENT% of $NORPZ qps without RPZ" MIN_PERCENT=30 if test "$PERCENT" -lt $MIN_PERCENT; then echo_i "$RPZ qps with rpz or $PERCENT% is below $MIN_PERCENT% of $NORPZ qps" fi if test "$PERCENT" -ge 100; then echo_i "$RPZ qps with RPZ or $PERCENT% of $NORPZ qps without RPZ is too high" fi ckstats $ns5 performance ns5 200 else echo_i "performance not checked; queryperf not available" fi if [ "$mode" = dnsrps ]; then echo_i "checking that dnsrpzd is automatically restarted" OLD_PID=$(cat dnsrpzd.pid) kill "$OLD_PID" n=0 while true; do NEW_PID=$(cat dnsrpzd.pid 2>/dev/null) if test -n "$NEW_PID" -a "0$OLD_PID" -ne "0$NEW_PID"; then #echo "OLD_PID=$OLD_PID NEW_PID=$NEW_PID" break fi $DIG -p ${PORT} +short +norecurse a0-1.tld2 @$ns3 >/dev/null n=$((n + 1)) if test "$n" -gt $TEN_SECS; then setret "dnsrpzd did not restart" break fi $WAIT_CMD done fi # Ensure ns3 manages to transfer the fast-expire zone before shutdown. nextpartreset ns3/named.run wait_for_log 20 "zone fast-expire/IN: transferred serial 1" ns3/named.run # reconfigure the ns5 primary server without the fast-expire zone, so # it can't be refreshed on ns3, and will expire in 5 seconds. cat /dev/null >ns5/expire.conf rndc_reconfig ns5 # restart the main test RPZ server to see if that creates a core file if test -z "$HAVE_CORE"; then stop_server --use-rndc --port ${CONTROLPORT} ns3 restart 3 "rebuild-bl-rpz" HAVE_CORE=$(find ns* -name '*core*' -print) test -z "$HAVE_CORE" || setret "found $HAVE_CORE; memory leak?" fi # look for complaints from lib/dns/rpz.c and bin/name/query.c for runfile in ns*/named.run; do EMSGS=$(nextpart $runfile | grep -E -l 'invalid rpz|rpz.*failed' || true) if test -n "$EMSGS"; then setret "error messages in $runfile starting with:" grep -E 'invalid rpz|rpz.*failed' ns*/named.run \ | sed -e '10,$d' -e 's/^//' | cat_i fi done if [ native = "$mode" ]; then # restart the main test RPZ server with a bad zone. t=$((t + 1)) echo_i "checking that ns3 with broken rpz does not crash (${t})" stop_server --use-rndc --port ${CONTROLPORT} ns3 cp ns3/broken.db.in ns3/bl.db restart 3 # do not rebuild rpz zones nocrash a3-1.tld2 -tA stop_server --use-rndc --port ${CONTROLPORT} ns3 restart 3 "rebuild-bl-rpz" t=$((t + 1)) echo_i "checking if rpz survives a certain class of failed reconfiguration attempts (${t})" sed -e "s/^#BAD//" ns3/named.conf.tmp copy_setports ns3/named.conf.tmp ns3/named.conf rm ns3/named.conf.tmp $RNDCCMD $ns3 reconfig >/dev/null 2>&1 && setret "failed" sleep 1 copy_setports ns3/named.conf.in ns3/named.conf $RNDCCMD $ns3 reconfig || setret "failed" # reload a RPZ zone that is now deliberately broken. t=$((t + 1)) echo_i "checking rpz failed update will keep previous rpz rules (${t})" $DIG -p ${PORT} @$ns3 walled.tld2 >dig.out.$t.before grep "walled\.tld2\..*IN.*A.*10\.0\.0\.1" dig.out.$t.before >/dev/null || setret "failed" cp ns3/broken.db.in ns3/manual-update-rpz.db rndc_reload ns3 $ns3 manual-update-rpz sleep 1 # ensure previous RPZ rules still apply. $DIG -p ${PORT} @$ns3 walled.tld2 >dig.out.$t.after grep "walled\.tld2\..*IN.*A.*10\.0\.0\.1" dig.out.$t.after >/dev/null || setret "failed" t=$((t + 1)) echo_i "checking reload of a mixed-case RPZ zone (${t})" # First, a sanity check: the A6-2.TLD2.mixed-case-rpz RPZ record should # cause a6-2.tld2 NOERROR answers to be rewritten to NXDOMAIN answers. $DIG -p ${PORT} @$ns3 a6-2.tld2. A >dig.out.$t.before grep "status: NXDOMAIN" dig.out.$t.before >/dev/null || setret "failed" # Add a sibling name (a6-1.tld2.mixed-case-rpz, with "tld2" in lowercase # rather than uppercase) before A6-2.TLD.mixed-case-rpz. nextpart ns3/named.run >/dev/null cp ns3/mixed-case-rpz-2.db.in ns3/mixed-case-rpz.db rndc_reload ns3 $ns3 mixed-case-rpz wait_for_log 20 "rpz: mixed-case-rpz: reload done" ns3/named.run # a6-2.tld2 NOERROR answers should still be rewritten to NXDOMAIN answers. # (The bug we try to trigger here caused a6-2.tld2.mixed-case-rpz to be # erroneously removed from the summary RPZ database after reload.) $DIG -p ${PORT} @$ns3 a6-2.tld2. A >dig.out.$t.after grep "status: NXDOMAIN" dig.out.$t.after >/dev/null || setret "failed" fi t=$((t + 1)) echo_i "checking that ttl values are not zeroed when qtype is '*' (${t})" $DIG +noall +answer -p ${PORT} @$ns3 any a3-2.tld2 >dig.out.$t ttl=$(awk '/a3-2 tld2 text/ {print $2}' dig.out.$t) if test ${ttl:=0} -eq 0; then setret "failed"; fi t=$((t + 1)) echo_i "checking rpz updates/transfers with parent nodes added after children (${t})" # regression test for RT #36272: the success condition # is the secondary server not crashing. for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do nsd $ns5 add example.com.policy1. '*.example.com.policy1.' nsd $ns5 delete example.com.policy1. '*.example.com.policy1.' done for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do nsd $ns5 add '*.example.com.policy1.' example.com.policy1. nsd $ns5 delete '*.example.com.policy1.' example.com.policy1. done t=$((t + 1)) echo_i "checking that going from an empty policy zone works (${t})" nsd $ns5 add '*.x.servfail.policy2.' x.servfail.policy2. sleep 1 rndc_reload ns7 $ns7 policy2 $DIG z.x.servfail -p ${PORT} @$ns7 >dig.out.${t} grep NXDOMAIN dig.out.${t} >/dev/null || setret "failed" t=$((t + 1)) echo_i "checking that "add-soa no" at rpz zone level works (${t})" $DIG z.x.servfail -p ${PORT} @$ns7 >dig.out.${t} grep SOA dig.out.${t} >/dev/null && setret "failed" if [ native = "$mode" ]; then t=$((t + 1)) echo_i "checking that "add-soa yes" at response-policy level works (${t})" $DIG walled.tld2 -p ${PORT} +noall +add @$ns3 >dig.out.${t} grep "^manual-update-rpz\..*SOA" dig.out.${t} >/dev/null || setret "failed" fi if [ native = "$mode" ]; then t=$((t + 1)) echo_i "reconfiguring server with 'add-soa no' (${t})" cp ns3/named.conf ns3/named.conf.tmp sed -e "s/add-soa yes/add-soa no/g" ns3/named.conf rndc_reconfig ns3 $ns3 echo_i "checking that 'add-soa no' at response-policy level works (${t})" $DIG walled.tld2 -p ${PORT} +noall +add @$ns3 >dig.out.${t} grep "^manual-update-rpz\..*SOA" dig.out.${t} >/dev/null && setret "failed" fi if [ native = "$mode" ]; then t=$((t + 1)) echo_i "checking that 'add-soa unset' works (${t})" $DIG walled.tld2 -p ${PORT} +noall +add @$ns8 >dig.out.${t} grep "^manual-update-rpz\..*SOA" dig.out.${t} >/dev/null || setret "failed" fi # dnsrps does not allow NS RRs in policy zones, so this check # with dnsrps results in no rewriting. if [ native = "$mode" ]; then t=$((t + 1)) echo_i "checking rpz with delegation fails correctly (${t})" $DIG -p ${PORT} @$ns3 ns example.com >dig.out.$t grep "status: SERVFAIL" dig.out.$t >/dev/null || setret "failed" t=$((t + 1)) echo_i "checking policies from expired zone are no longer in effect ($t)" $DIG -p ${PORT} @$ns3 a expired >dig.out.$t grep "expired.*" dig.out.$t >/dev/null && setret "failed" grep "fast-expire/IN: response-policy zone expired" ns3/named.run >/dev/null || setret "failed" fi # RPZ 'CNAME *.' (NODATA) trumps DNS64. Test against various DNS64 scenarios. for label in a-only no-a-no-aaaa a-plus-aaaa; do for type in AAAA A; do t=$((t + 1)) case $label in a-only) echo_i "checking rpz 'CNAME *.' (NODATA) with dns64, $type lookup with A-only (${t})" ;; no-a-no-aaaa) echo_i "checking rpz 'CNAME *.' (NODATA) with dns64, $type lookup with no A or AAAA (${t})" ;; a-plus-aaaa) echo_i "checking rpz 'CNAME *.' (NODATA) with dns64, $type lookup with A and AAAA (${t})" ;; esac ret=0 $DIG ${label}.example -p ${PORT} $type @ >dig.out.${t} grep "status: NOERROR" dig.out.$t >/dev/null || ret=1 grep "ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 2$" dig.out.$t >/dev/null || ret=1 grep "^rpz" dig.out.$t >/dev/null || ret=1 [ $ret -eq 0 ] || echo_i "failed" status=$((status + ret)) done done if [ native = "$mode" ]; then t=$((t + 1)) echo_i "checking that rewriting CD=1 queries handles pending data correctly (${t})" $RNDCCMD $ns3 flush $RNDCCMD $ns6 flush $DIG a7-2.tld2s -p ${PORT} @$ns6 +cd >dig.out.${t} grep -w "" dig.out.${t} >/dev/null || setret "failed" fi [ $status -ne 0 ] && pf=fail || pf=pass case $mode in native) native=$status echo_i "status (native RPZ sub-test): $status ($pf)" ;; dnsrps) dnsrps=$status echo_i "status (DNSRPS sub-test): $status ($pf)" ;; *) echo_i "invalid test mode" ;; esac done status=$((native + dnsrps)) [ $status -eq 0 ] || exit 1