path: root/l10n-gd/security/manager/chrome/pipnss/
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1 files changed, 136 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-gd/security/manager/chrome/pipnss/ b/l10n-gd/security/manager/chrome/pipnss/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c44cf9808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/security/manager/chrome/pipnss/
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+CertPasswordPrompt=Cuir a-steach am facal-faire airson tòcan PKCS#11 %S.
+CertPasswordPromptDefault=Cuir a-steach am prìomh fhacal-faire agad.
+# The following strings have special requirements: they must fit in a 32 or 64
+# bytes buffer after being encoded to UTF-8.
+# It's possible to verify the length of a translation using the Browser Console
+# in Firefox and evaluating the following code:
+# (new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode('YOURSTRING')).length
+# Simply replace YOURSTRING with your translation.
+# If it's not possible to produce an understandable translation within these
+# limits, keeping the English text is an acceptable workaround.
+# The following strings have special requirements: they must fit in a 32 or 64
+# bytes buffer after being encoded to UTF-8.
+# It's possible to verify the length of a translation using the Browser Console
+# in Firefox and evaluating the following code:
+# (new TextEncoder().encode('YOURSTRING')).length
+# Simply replace YOURSTRING with your translation.
+# If it's not possible to produce an understandable translation within these
+# limits, keeping the English text is an acceptable workaround.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (RootCertModuleName): string limit is 64 bytes after
+# conversion to UTF-8.
+# length_limit = 64 bytes
+RootCertModuleName=Mòideal Builtin Roots
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ManufacturerID): string limit is 32 bytes after conversion
+# to UTF-8.
+# length_limit = 32 bytes
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (LibraryDescription): string limit is 32 bytes after
+# conversion to UTF-8.
+# length_limit = 32 bytes
+LibraryDescription=PSM Internal Crypto Services
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (TokenDescription): string limit is 32 bytes after
+# conversion to UTF-8.
+# length_limit = 32 bytes
+TokenDescription=Generic Crypto Services
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (PrivateTokenDescription): string limit is 32 bytes after
+# conversion to UTF-8.
+# length_limit = 32 bytes
+PrivateTokenDescription=Software Security Device
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (SlotDescription): string limit is 64 bytes after conversion
+# to UTF-8.
+# length_limit = 64 bytes
+SlotDescription=Seirbheisean inntearnail crioptachadh PSM
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (PrivateSlotDescription): string limit is 64 bytes after
+# conversion to UTF-8.
+# length_limit = 64 bytes
+PrivateSlotDescription=Iuchraichean prìobhaideach PSM
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (Fips140TokenDescription): string limit is 32 bytes after
+# conversion to UTF-8.
+# length_limit = 32 bytes
+Fips140TokenDescription=Software Security Device (FIPS)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (Fips140SlotDescription): string limit is 64 bytes after
+# conversion to UTF-8.
+# length_limit = 64 bytes
+Fips140SlotDescription=Seirbheisean crioptachaidh, iuchrach is teisteanais FIPS 140
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (nick_template): $1s is the common name from a cert (e.g. "Mozilla"), $2s is the CA name (e.g. VeriSign)
+nick_template=ID %2$s %1$s
+CertDumpKUSign=A' cur ainm ris
+CertDumpKUEnc=Crioptachadh nan iuchraichean
+CertDumpKUDEnc=Crioptachadh an dàta
+CertDumpKUKA=Aonta na h-iuchrach
+CertDumpKUCertSign=Soidhniche an teisteanais
+CertDumpKUCRLSigner=Soidhniche liosta nan teisteanasan a chaidh a chùl-ghairm
+PSMERR_SSL_Disabled=Cha ghabh ceangal tèarainte a dhèanamh a chionn 's gun deach am pròtacal SSL a chur à comas.
+PSMERR_SSL2_Disabled=Cha ghabh ceangal tèarainte a dhèanamh a chionn 's gu bheil an làrach a' cleachdadh seann tionndadh dhen phròtacal SSL nach eil tèarainte.
+PSMERR_HostReusedIssuerSerial=Fhuair thu teisteanas neo-dhligheach. Leig fios gu rianaire an fhrithealaiche no seòladair a’ phuist-dhealain ’s thoir dhaibh am fiosrachadh a leanas:\n\nYour certificate contains the same serial number as another certificate issued by the certificate authority. Please get a new certificate containing a unique serial number.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (SSLConnectionErrorPrefix2): %1$S is the host string, %2$S is more detailed information (localized as well).
+SSLConnectionErrorPrefix2=Thachair mearachd fhad 's a bha ceangal ann ri %1$S. %2$S\n
+certErrorIntro=Tha %S a' cleachdadh teisteanas tèarainteachd mì-dhligheach.
+certErrorTrust_SelfSigned=Chan eil earbsa san teisteanas seo a chionn 's gun deach a fhèin-shoidhneadh.
+certErrorTrust_UnknownIssuer=Chan eil earbsa san teisteanas seo a chionn 's nach eil foillsichear an teisteanais aithnichte.
+certErrorTrust_UnknownIssuer2=Dh’fhaoidte nach eil am frithealaiche a’ cur nan teisteasan eadar-mheadhanach iomchaidh.
+certErrorTrust_UnknownIssuer3=Dh’fhaoidte gum bi agad ri teisteanas root eile ion-phortadh.
+certErrorTrust_CaInvalid=Chan eil earbsa san teisteanas seo a chionn 's gun deach fhoillseachadh le teisteanas mì-dhligheach de dh'ùghdarras teisteanachaidh.
+certErrorTrust_Issuer=Chan eil earbsa san teisteanas seo a chionn 's nach eil earbsa ann am foillsichear an teisteanais.
+certErrorTrust_SignatureAlgorithmDisabled=Chan eil earbsa san teisteanas a chionn 's gun deach a shoidhneadh le algairim soidhnidh a chaidh a chur à comas a chionn 's nach eil an algairim tèarainte.
+certErrorTrust_ExpiredIssuer=Chan eil earbsa san teisteanas seo a chionn 's gun do dh'fhalbh an ùine air teisteanas an fhoillsicheir.
+certErrorTrust_Untrusted=Chan eil earbsa san tùs on dàinig an teisteanas seo.
+certErrorTrust_MitM=Tha an ceangal agad ’ga eadar-cheapadh le progsaidh TLS. Dì-stàlaich e mas urrainn dhut no cuir air gleus an t-uidheam agad gus nach cuir e earbsa san teisteanas root aige.
+certErrorMismatch=Chan e teisteanas dligheach airson an ainm %S a tha seo.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (certErrorMismatchSinglePrefix): %S is replaced by the domain for which the certificate is valid
+certErrorMismatchSinglePrefix=Chan e teisteanas dligheach a tha seo ach airson %S.
+certErrorMismatchMultiple=Chan e teisteanas dligheach a tha seo ach airson nan ainmean a leanas:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (certErrorExpiredNow): Do not translate %1$S (date+time of expired certificate) or %2$S (current date+time)
+certErrorExpiredNow=Dh'fhalbh an ùine air an teisteanas %1$S. Tha e %2$S an-dràsta.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (certErrorNotYetValidNow): Do not translate %1$S (date+time certificate will become valid) or %2$S (current date+time)
+certErrorNotYetValidNow=Cha bhi an teisteanas ann an èifeachd ro %1$S. Tha e %2$S an-dràsta.
+certErrorMitM=Tha làraichean-lìn a’ dearbhadh cò iad le teisteanasan agus tha iad sin ’gam foillseachadh le ùghdarrasan theisteanasan.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (certErrorMitM2): %S is brandShortName
+certErrorMitM2=Tha taic a’ bhuidhinn neo-phrothaidich Mozilla aig %S agus tha iad a’ rianachd ùghdarras theisteanasan (CA) fosgailte. Tha stòras an CA a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil ùghdarrasan nan teisteanasan a’ leantainn nan riaghailtean a mholar airson tèarainteachd chleachdaichean.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (certErrorMitM3): %S is brandShortName
+certErrorMitM3=Tha %S a’ cleachdadh stòras CA Mozilla airson dearbhadh gu bheil ceangal tèarainte, seach teisteanasan a sholair siostam-obrachaidh a’ chleachdaiche. Ma tha prògram an aghaidh bhìorasan no lìonra ag eadar-cheapadh ceangal le teisteanas tèarainteachd a chaidh fhoillseachadh le CA nach eil ann an stòras CA Mozilla, tuigear dheth nach eil an ceangal sàbhailte.
+certErrorSymantecDistrustAdministrator=’S urrainn dhut fios a leigeil gu rianaire na làraich-lìn seo mun duilgheadas seo.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (certErrorCodePrefix3): %S is replaced by the error code.
+certErrorCodePrefix3=Còd na mearachd: %S
+P12DefaultNickname=Teisteanas a chaidh ion-phortadh
+CertNoEmailAddress=(gun seòladh puist-dhealain)
+CaCertExists=Tha an teisteanas seo air a stàladh mar ùghdarras teisteanachaidh mu thràth.
+NotACACert=Chan e teisteanas le ùghdarras teisteanachaidh a tha seo agus air sgàth sin, cha ghabh ion-phortadh do liosta nan ùghdarrasan teisteanachaidh.
+UserCertIgnoredNoPrivateKey=Cha ghabh an teisteanas pearsanta a stàladh a chionn 's nach ann leat-sa a tha an iuchair phrìobhaideach a bhuineas ris 's a chaidh a chruthachadh nuair a dh'iarradh an teisteanas.
+UserCertImported=Chaidh an teisteanas pearsanta agad a stàladh. Bu chòir dhut lethbhreac glèidhidh an teisteanas seo a chumail.
+CertNotStored=(Gun stòradh)