path: root/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/frontend/
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Diffstat (limited to 'python/mozbuild/mozbuild/frontend/')
1 files changed, 497 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/frontend/ b/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/frontend/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd69dfddce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/frontend/
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import gyp
+import gyp.msvs_emulation
+import mozpack.path as mozpath
+import six
+from mozpack.files import FileFinder
+from mozbuild import shellutil
+from mozbuild.util import expand_variables
+from .context import VARIABLES, ObjDirPath, SourcePath, TemplateContext
+from .sandbox import alphabetical_sorted
+# Define this module as gyp.generator.mozbuild so that gyp can use it
+# as a generator under the name "mozbuild".
+sys.modules["gyp.generator.mozbuild"] = sys.modules[__name__]
+# build/gyp_chromium does this:
+# script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+# chrome_src = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(script_dir, os.pardir))
+# sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(chrome_src, 'tools', 'gyp', 'pylib'))
+# We're not importing gyp_chromium, but we want both script_dir and
+# chrome_src for the default includes, so go backwards from the pylib
+# directory, which is the parent directory of gyp module.
+chrome_src = mozpath.abspath(
+ mozpath.join(mozpath.dirname(gyp.__file__), "../../../../..")
+script_dir = mozpath.join(chrome_src, "build")
+# Default variables gyp uses when evaluating gyp files.
+generator_default_variables = {}
+for dirname in [
+ "LIB_DIR",
+ # Some gyp steps fail if these are empty(!).
+ generator_default_variables[dirname] = "$" + dirname
+for unused in [
+ generator_default_variables[unused] = ""
+class GypContext(TemplateContext):
+ """Specialized Context for use with data extracted from Gyp.
+ config is the ConfigEnvironment for this context.
+ relobjdir is the object directory that will be used for this context,
+ relative to the topobjdir defined in the ConfigEnvironment.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, config, relobjdir):
+ self._relobjdir = relobjdir
+ TemplateContext.__init__(
+ self, template="Gyp", allowed_variables=VARIABLES, config=config
+ )
+def handle_actions(actions, context, action_overrides):
+ for action in actions:
+ name = action["action_name"]
+ if name not in action_overrides:
+ raise RuntimeError("GYP action %s not listed in action_overrides" % name)
+ outputs = action["outputs"]
+ if len(outputs) > 1:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "GYP actions with more than one output not supported: %s" % name
+ )
+ output = outputs[0]
+ if not output.startswith(idir):
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "GYP actions outputting to somewhere other than "
+ "<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR) not supported: %s" % output
+ )
+ output = output[len(idir) :]
+ context["GENERATED_FILES"] += [output]
+ g = context["GENERATED_FILES"][output]
+ g.script = action_overrides[name]
+ g.inputs = action["inputs"]
+def handle_copies(copies, context):
+ dist = "$PRODUCT_DIR/dist/"
+ for copy in copies:
+ dest = copy["destination"]
+ if not dest.startswith(dist):
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "GYP copies to somewhere other than <(PRODUCT_DIR)/dist not supported: %s"
+ % dest
+ )
+ dest_paths = dest[len(dist) :].split("/")
+ exports = context["EXPORTS"]
+ while dest_paths:
+ exports = getattr(exports, dest_paths.pop(0))
+ exports += sorted(copy["files"], key=lambda x: x.lower())
+def process_gyp_result(
+ gyp_result,
+ gyp_dir_attrs,
+ path,
+ config,
+ output,
+ non_unified_sources,
+ action_overrides,
+ flat_list, targets, data = gyp_result
+ no_chromium = gyp_dir_attrs.no_chromium
+ no_unified = gyp_dir_attrs.no_unified
+ # Process all targets from the given gyp files and its dependencies.
+ # The path given to AllTargets needs to use os.sep, while the frontend code
+ # gives us paths normalized with forward slash separator.
+ for target in sorted(
+ gyp.common.AllTargets(flat_list, targets, path.replace("/", os.sep))
+ ):
+ build_file, target_name, toolset = gyp.common.ParseQualifiedTarget(target)
+ # Each target is given its own objdir. The base of that objdir
+ # is derived from the relative path from the root gyp file path
+ # to the current build_file, placed under the given output
+ # directory. Since several targets can be in a given build_file,
+ # separate them in subdirectories using the build_file basename
+ # and the target_name.
+ reldir = mozpath.relpath(mozpath.dirname(build_file), mozpath.dirname(path))
+ subdir = "%s_%s" % (
+ mozpath.splitext(mozpath.basename(build_file))[0],
+ target_name,
+ )
+ # Emit a context for each target.
+ context = GypContext(
+ config,
+ mozpath.relpath(mozpath.join(output, reldir, subdir), config.topobjdir),
+ )
+ context.add_source(mozpath.abspath(build_file))
+ # The list of included files returned by gyp are relative to build_file
+ for f in data[build_file]["included_files"]:
+ context.add_source(
+ mozpath.abspath(mozpath.join(mozpath.dirname(build_file), f))
+ )
+ spec = targets[target]
+ # Derive which gyp configuration to use based on MOZ_DEBUG.
+ c = "Debug" if config.substs.get("MOZ_DEBUG") else "Release"
+ if c not in spec["configurations"]:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Missing %s gyp configuration for target %s "
+ "in %s" % (c, target_name, build_file)
+ )
+ target_conf = spec["configurations"][c]
+ if "actions" in spec:
+ handle_actions(spec["actions"], context, action_overrides)
+ if "copies" in spec:
+ handle_copies(spec["copies"], context)
+ use_libs = []
+ libs = []
+ def add_deps(s):
+ for t in s.get("dependencies", []) + s.get("dependencies_original", []):
+ ty = targets[t]["type"]
+ if ty in ("static_library", "shared_library"):
+ l = targets[t]["target_name"]
+ if l not in use_libs:
+ use_libs.append(l)
+ # Manually expand out transitive dependencies--
+ # gyp won't do this for static libs or none targets.
+ if ty in ("static_library", "none"):
+ add_deps(targets[t])
+ libs.extend(spec.get("libraries", []))
+ # XXX: this sucks, but webrtc breaks with this right now because
+ # it builds a library called 'gtest' and we just get lucky
+ # that it isn't in USE_LIBS by that name anywhere.
+ if no_chromium:
+ add_deps(spec)
+ os_libs = []
+ for l in libs:
+ if l.startswith("-"):
+ if l.startswith("-l"):
+ # Remove "-l" for consumption in OS_LIBS. Other flags
+ # are passed through unchanged.
+ l = l[2:]
+ if l not in os_libs:
+ os_libs.append(l)
+ elif l.endswith(".lib"):
+ l = l[:-4]
+ if l not in os_libs:
+ os_libs.append(l)
+ elif l:
+ # For library names passed in from
+ l = os.path.basename(l)
+ if l not in use_libs:
+ use_libs.append(l)
+ if spec["type"] == "none":
+ if not ("actions" in spec or "copies" in spec):
+ continue
+ elif spec["type"] in ("static_library", "shared_library", "executable"):
+ # Remove leading 'lib' from the target_name if any, and use as
+ # library name.
+ name = six.ensure_text(spec["target_name"])
+ if spec["type"] in ("static_library", "shared_library"):
+ if name.startswith("lib"):
+ name = name[3:]
+ context["LIBRARY_NAME"] = name
+ else:
+ context["PROGRAM"] = name
+ if spec["type"] == "shared_library":
+ context["FORCE_SHARED_LIB"] = True
+ elif (
+ spec["type"] == "static_library"
+ and spec.get("variables", {}).get("no_expand_libs", "0") == "1"
+ ):
+ # PSM links a NSS static library, but our folded libnss
+ # doesn't actually export everything that all of the
+ # objects within would need, so that one library
+ # should be built as a real static library.
+ context["NO_EXPAND_LIBS"] = True
+ if use_libs:
+ context["USE_LIBS"] = sorted(use_libs, key=lambda s: s.lower())
+ if os_libs:
+ context["OS_LIBS"] = os_libs
+ # gyp files contain headers and asm sources in sources lists.
+ sources = []
+ unified_sources = []
+ extensions = set()
+ use_defines_in_asflags = False
+ for f in spec.get("sources", []):
+ ext = mozpath.splitext(f)[-1]
+ extensions.add(ext)
+ if f.startswith("$INTERMEDIATE_DIR/"):
+ s = ObjDirPath(context, f.replace("$INTERMEDIATE_DIR/", "!"))
+ else:
+ s = SourcePath(context, f)
+ if ext == ".h":
+ continue
+ if ext == ".def":
+ context["SYMBOLS_FILE"] = s
+ elif ext != ".S" and not no_unified and s not in non_unified_sources:
+ unified_sources.append(s)
+ else:
+ sources.append(s)
+ # The Mozilla build system doesn't use DEFINES for building
+ if ext == ".s":
+ use_defines_in_asflags = True
+ # The context expects alphabetical order when adding sources
+ context["SOURCES"] = alphabetical_sorted(sources)
+ context["UNIFIED_SOURCES"] = alphabetical_sorted(unified_sources)
+ defines = target_conf.get("defines", [])
+ if config.substs["CC_TYPE"] == "clang-cl" and no_chromium:
+ msvs_settings = gyp.msvs_emulation.MsvsSettings(spec, {})
+ # Hack: MsvsSettings._TargetConfig tries to compare a str to an int,
+ # so convert manually.
+ msvs_settings.vs_version.short_name = int(
+ msvs_settings.vs_version.short_name
+ )
+ defines.extend(msvs_settings.GetComputedDefines(c))
+ for define in defines:
+ if "=" in define:
+ name, value = define.split("=", 1)
+ context["DEFINES"][name] = value
+ else:
+ context["DEFINES"][define] = True
+ product_dir_dist = "$PRODUCT_DIR/dist/"
+ for include in target_conf.get("include_dirs", []):
+ if include.startswith(product_dir_dist):
+ # special-case includes of <(PRODUCT_DIR)/dist/ to match
+ # handle_copies above. This is used for NSS' exports.
+ include = "!/dist/include/" + include[len(product_dir_dist) :]
+ elif include.startswith(config.topobjdir):
+ # NSPR_INCLUDE_DIR gets passed into the NSS build this way.
+ include = "!/" + mozpath.relpath(include, config.topobjdir)
+ else:
+ # expects all LOCAL_INCLUDES to exist, so ensure they do.
+ #
+ # NB: gyp files sometimes have actual absolute paths (e.g.
+ # /usr/include32) and sometimes paths that considers
+ # absolute, i.e. starting from topsrcdir. There's no good way
+ # to tell them apart here, and the actual absolute paths are
+ # likely bogus. In any event, actual absolute paths will be
+ # filtered out by trying to find them in topsrcdir.
+ #
+ # We do allow !- and %-prefixed paths, assuming they come
+ # from and will be handled the same way as if they
+ # were given to LOCAL_INCLUDES in
+ if include.startswith("/"):
+ resolved = mozpath.abspath(
+ mozpath.join(config.topsrcdir, include[1:])
+ )
+ elif not include.startswith(("!", "%")):
+ resolved = mozpath.abspath(
+ mozpath.join(mozpath.dirname(build_file), include)
+ )
+ if not include.startswith(("!", "%")) and not os.path.exists(
+ resolved
+ ):
+ continue
+ context["LOCAL_INCLUDES"] += [include]
+ context["ASFLAGS"] = target_conf.get("asflags_mozilla", [])
+ if use_defines_in_asflags and defines:
+ context["ASFLAGS"] += ["-D" + d for d in defines]
+ if config.substs["OS_TARGET"] == "SunOS":
+ context["LDFLAGS"] = target_conf.get("ldflags", [])
+ flags = target_conf.get("cflags_mozilla", [])
+ if flags:
+ suffix_map = {
+ ".c": "CFLAGS",
+ ".cpp": "CXXFLAGS",
+ ".cc": "CXXFLAGS",
+ ".m": "CMFLAGS",
+ ".mm": "CMMFLAGS",
+ }
+ variables = (suffix_map[e] for e in extensions if e in suffix_map)
+ for var in variables:
+ for f in flags:
+ # We may be getting make variable references out of the
+ # gyp data, and we don't want those in emitted data, so
+ # substitute them with their actual value.
+ f = expand_variables(f, config.substs).split()
+ if not f:
+ continue
+ # the result may be a string or a list.
+ if isinstance(f, six.string_types):
+ context[var].append(f)
+ else:
+ context[var].extend(f)
+ else:
+ # Ignore other types because we don't have
+ # anything using them, and we're not testing them. They can be
+ # added when that becomes necessary.
+ raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported gyp target type: %s" % spec["type"])
+ if not no_chromium:
+ # Add some features to all contexts. Put here in case LOCAL_INCLUDES
+ # order matters.
+ context["LOCAL_INCLUDES"] += [
+ "!/ipc/ipdl/_ipdlheaders",
+ "/ipc/chromium/src",
+ ]
+ # These get set via VC project file settings for normal GYP builds.
+ if config.substs["OS_TARGET"] == "WINNT":
+ context["DEFINES"]["UNICODE"] = True
+ context["DEFINES"]["_UNICODE"] = True
+ context["COMPILE_FLAGS"]["OS_INCLUDES"] = []
+ for key, value in gyp_dir_attrs.sandbox_vars.items():
+ if context.get(key) and isinstance(context[key], list):
+ # If we have a key from sanbox_vars that's also been
+ # populated here we use the value from sandbox_vars as our
+ # basis rather than overriding outright.
+ context[key] = value + context[key]
+ elif context.get(key) and isinstance(context[key], dict):
+ context[key].update(value)
+ else:
+ context[key] = value
+ yield context
+# A version of gyp.Load that doesn't return the generator (because module objects
+# aren't Pickle-able, and we don't use it anyway).
+def load_gyp(*args):
+ _, flat_list, targets, data = gyp.Load(*args)
+ return flat_list, targets, data
+class GypProcessor(object):
+ """Reads a gyp configuration in the background using the given executor and
+ emits GypContexts for the backend to process.
+ config is a ConfigEnvironment, path is the path to a root gyp configuration
+ file, and output is the base path under which the objdir for the various
+ gyp dependencies will be. gyp_dir_attrs are attributes set for the dir
+ from
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ config,
+ gyp_dir_attrs,
+ path,
+ output,
+ executor,
+ action_overrides,
+ non_unified_sources,
+ ):
+ self._path = path
+ self._config = config
+ self._output = output
+ self._non_unified_sources = non_unified_sources
+ self._gyp_dir_attrs = gyp_dir_attrs
+ self._action_overrides = action_overrides
+ self.execution_time = 0.0
+ self._results = []
+ # gyp expects plain str instead of unicode. The frontend code gives us
+ # unicode strings, so convert them.
+ if config.substs["CC_TYPE"] == "clang-cl":
+ # This isn't actually used anywhere in this generator, but it's needed
+ # to override the registry detection of VC++ in gyp.
+ os.environ.update(
+ {
+ "GYP_MSVS_OVERRIDE_PATH": "fake_path",
+ "GYP_MSVS_VERSION": config.substs["MSVS_VERSION"],
+ }
+ )
+ params = {
+ "parallel": False,
+ "generator_flags": {},
+ "build_files": [path],
+ "root_targets": None,
+ }
+ # The NSS gyp configuration uses CC and CFLAGS to determine the
+ # floating-point ABI on arm.
+ os.environ.update(
+ CC=config.substs["CC"],
+ CFLAGS=shellutil.quote(*config.substs["CC_BASE_FLAGS"]),
+ )
+ if gyp_dir_attrs.no_chromium:
+ includes = []
+ depth = mozpath.dirname(path)
+ else:
+ depth = chrome_src
+ # Files that gyp_chromium always includes
+ includes = [mozpath.join(script_dir, "gyp_includes", "common.gypi")]
+ finder = FileFinder(chrome_src)
+ includes.extend(
+ mozpath.join(chrome_src, name)
+ for name, _ in finder.find("*/supplement.gypi")
+ )
+ str_vars = dict(gyp_dir_attrs.variables)
+ str_vars["python"] = sys.executable
+ self._gyp_loader_future = executor.submit(
+ load_gyp, [path], "mozbuild", str_vars, includes, depth, params
+ )
+ @property
+ def results(self):
+ if self._results:
+ for res in self._results:
+ yield res
+ else:
+ # We report our execution time as the time spent blocked in a call
+ # to `result`, which is the only case a gyp processor will
+ # contribute significantly to total wall time.
+ t0 = time.monotonic()
+ flat_list, targets, data = self._gyp_loader_future.result()
+ self.execution_time += time.monotonic() - t0
+ results = []
+ for res in process_gyp_result(
+ (flat_list, targets, data),
+ self._gyp_dir_attrs,
+ self._path,
+ self._config,
+ self._output,
+ self._non_unified_sources,
+ self._action_overrides,
+ ):
+ results.append(res)
+ yield res
+ self._results = results