path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/domparsing/XMLSerializer-serializeToString.html
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+<meta charset=utf-8>
+ <head>
+ <title>domparsing Test: XMLSerializer.serializeToString</title>
+ <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
+ <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1>domparsing_XMLSerializer_serializeToString</h1>
+ <script>
+const XMLNS_URI = '';
+function createXmlDoc(){
+ var input = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><root><child1>value1</child1></root>';
+ var parser = new DOMParser();
+ return parser.parseFromString(input, 'text/xml');
+// Returns the root element.
+function parse(xmlString) {
+ return (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(xmlString, 'text/xml').documentElement;
+function serialize(node) {
+ return (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(node);
+test(function() {
+ var root = createXmlDoc().documentElement;
+ assert_equals(serialize(root), '<root><child1>value1</child1></root>');
+}, 'check XMLSerializer.serializeToString method could parsing xmldoc to string');
+test(function() {
+ var root = parse('<html><head></head><body><div></div><span></span></body></html>');
+ assert_equals(serialize(root.ownerDocument), '<html><head/><body><div/><span/></body></html>');
+}, 'check XMLSerializer.serializeToString method could parsing document to string');
+test(function() {
+ var root = createXmlDoc().documentElement;
+ var element = root.ownerDocument.createElementNS('urn:foo', 'another');
+ var child1 = root.firstChild;
+ root.replaceChild(element, child1);
+ element.appendChild(child1);
+ assert_equals(serialize(root), '<root><another xmlns="urn:foo"><child1 xmlns="">value1</child1></another></root>');
+}, 'Check if the default namespace is correctly reset.');
+test(function() {
+ var root = parse('<root xmlns="urn:bar"><outer xmlns=""><inner>value1</inner></outer></root>');
+ assert_equals(serialize(root), '<root xmlns="urn:bar"><outer xmlns=""><inner>value1</inner></outer></root>');
+}, 'Check if there is no redundant empty namespace declaration.');
+test(function() {
+ assert_equals(serialize(parse('<root><child xmlns=""/></root>')),
+ '<root><child/></root>');
+ assert_equals(serialize(parse('<root xmlns=""><child xmlns=""/></root>')),
+ '<root><child/></root>');
+ assert_equals(serialize(parse('<root xmlns="u1"><child xmlns="u1"/></root>')),
+ '<root xmlns="u1"><child/></root>');
+}, 'Check if redundant xmlns="..." is dropped.');
+test(function() {
+ const root = parse('<root xmlns="uri1"/>');
+ const child = root.ownerDocument.createElement('child');
+ child.setAttributeNS(XMLNS_URI, 'xmlns', 'FAIL1');
+ root.appendChild(child);
+ const child2 = root.ownerDocument.createElementNS('uri2', 'child2');
+ child2.setAttributeNS(XMLNS_URI, 'xmlns', 'FAIL2');
+ root.appendChild(child2);
+ const child3 = root.ownerDocument.createElementNS('uri1', 'child3');
+ child3.setAttributeNS(XMLNS_URI, 'xmlns', 'FAIL3');
+ root.appendChild(child3);
+ const child4 = root.ownerDocument.createElementNS('uri4', 'child4');
+ child4.setAttributeNS(XMLNS_URI, 'xmlns', 'uri4');
+ root.appendChild(child4);
+ const child5 = root.ownerDocument.createElement('child5');
+ child5.setAttributeNS(XMLNS_URI, 'xmlns', '');
+ root.appendChild(child5);
+ assert_equals(serialize(root), '<root xmlns="uri1"><child xmlns=""/><child2 xmlns="uri2"/><child3/><child4 xmlns="uri4"/><child5 xmlns=""/></root>');
+}, 'Check if inconsistent xmlns="..." is dropped.');
+test(function() {
+ let root = parse('<r xmlns:xx="uri"></r>');
+ root.setAttributeNS('uri', 'name', 'v');
+ assert_equals(serialize(root), '<r xmlns:xx="uri" xx:name="v"/>');
+ let root2 = parse('<r xmlns:xx="uri"><b/></r>');
+ let child = root2.firstChild;
+ child.setAttributeNS('uri', 'name', 'v');
+ assert_equals(serialize(root2), '<r xmlns:xx="uri"><b xx:name="v"/></r>');
+ let root3 = parse('<r xmlns:x0="uri" xmlns:x2="uri"><b xmlns:x1="uri"/></r>');
+ let child3 = root3.firstChild;
+ child3.setAttributeNS('uri', 'name', 'v');
+ assert_equals(serialize(root3),
+ '<r xmlns:x0="uri" xmlns:x2="uri"><b xmlns:x1="uri" x1:name="v"/></r>',
+ 'Should choose the nearest prefix');
+}, 'Check if an attribute with namespace and no prefix is serialized with the nearest-declared prefix');
+test(function() {
+ let root = parse('<el1 xmlns:p="u1" xmlns:q="u1"><el2 xmlns:q="u2"/></el1>');
+ root.firstChild.setAttributeNS('u1', 'name', 'v');
+ assert_equals(serialize(root),
+ '<el1 xmlns:p="u1" xmlns:q="u1"><el2 xmlns:q="u2" q:name="v"/></el1>');
+}, 'Check if an attribute with namespace and no prefix is serialized with the nearest-declared prefix even if the prefix is assigned to another namespace.');
+test(function() {
+ let root = parse('<r xmlns:xx="uri"></r>');
+ root.setAttributeNS('uri', 'p:name', 'v');
+ assert_equals(serialize(root), '<r xmlns:xx="uri" xx:name="v"/>');
+ let root2 = parse('<r xmlns:xx="uri"><b/></r>');
+ let child = root2.firstChild;
+ child.setAttributeNS('uri', 'p:name', 'value');
+ assert_equals(serialize(root2),
+ '<r xmlns:xx="uri"><b xx:name="value"/></r>');
+}, 'Check if the prefix of an attribute is replaced with another existing prefix mapped to the same namespace URI.');
+test(function() {
+ let root = parse('<r xmlns:xx="uri"></r>');
+ root.setAttributeNS('uri2', 'p:name', 'value');
+ assert_equals(serialize(root),
+ '<r xmlns:xx="uri" xmlns:ns1="uri2" ns1:name="value"/>');
+}, 'Check if the prefix of an attribute is NOT preserved in a case where neither its prefix nor its namespace URI is not already used.');
+test(function() {
+ let root = parse('<r xmlns:xx="uri"></r>');
+ root.setAttributeNS('uri2', 'xx:name', 'value');
+ assert_equals(serialize(root),
+ '<r xmlns:xx="uri" xmlns:ns1="uri2" ns1:name="value"/>');
+}, 'Check if the prefix of an attribute is replaced with a generated one in a case where the prefix is already mapped to a different namespace URI.');
+test(function() {
+ var root = parse('<root />');
+ root.setAttribute('attr', '\t');
+ assert_in_array(serialize(root), [
+ '<root attr="&#9;"/>', '<root attr="&#x9;"/>']);
+ root.setAttribute('attr', '\n');
+ assert_in_array(serialize(root), [
+ '<root attr="&#xA;"/>', '<root attr="&#10;"/>']);
+ root.setAttribute('attr', '\r');
+ assert_in_array(serialize(root), [
+ '<root attr="&#xD;"/>', '<root attr="&#13;"/>']);
+}, 'check XMLSerializer.serializeToString escapes attribute values for roundtripping');
+test(function() {
+ const root = (new Document()).createElement('root');
+ root.setAttributeNS('uri1', 'p:foobar', 'value1');
+ root.setAttributeNS(XMLNS_URI, 'xmlns:p', 'uri2');
+ assert_equals(serialize(root), '<root xmlns:ns1="uri1" ns1:foobar="value1" xmlns:p="uri2"/>');
+}, 'Check if attribute serialization takes into account of following xmlns:* attributes');
+test(function() {
+ const root = parse('<root xmlns:p="uri1"><child/></root>');
+ root.firstChild.setAttributeNS('uri2', 'p:foobar', 'v');
+ assert_equals(serialize(root), '<root xmlns:p="uri1"><child xmlns:ns1="uri2" ns1:foobar="v"/></root>');
+}, 'Check if attribute serialization takes into account of the same prefix declared in an ancestor element');
+test(function() {
+ assert_equals(serialize(parse('<root><child/></root>')), '<root><child/></root>');
+ assert_equals(serialize(parse('<root xmlns="u1"><p:child xmlns:p="u1"/></root>')), '<root xmlns="u1"><child xmlns:p="u1"/></root>');
+}, 'Check if start tag serialization drops element prefix if the namespace is same as inherited default namespace.');
+test(function() {
+ const root = parse('<root xmlns:p1="u1"><child xmlns:p2="u1"/></root>');
+ const child2 = root.ownerDocument.createElementNS('u1', 'child2');
+ root.firstChild.appendChild(child2);
+ assert_equals(serialize(root), '<root xmlns:p1="u1"><child xmlns:p2="u1"><p2:child2/></child></root>');
+}, 'Check if start tag serialization finds an appropriate prefix.');
+test(function() {
+ const root = (new Document()).createElementNS('uri1', 'p:root');
+ root.setAttributeNS(XMLNS_URI, 'xmlns:p', 'uri2');
+ assert_equals(serialize(root), '<ns1:root xmlns:ns1="uri1" xmlns:p="uri2"/>');
+}, 'Check if start tag serialization takes into account of its xmlns:* attributes');
+test(function() {
+ const root = (new Document()).createElement('root');
+ root.setAttributeNS(XMLNS_URI, 'xmlns:p', 'uri2');
+ const child = root.ownerDocument.createElementNS('uri1', 'p:child');
+ root.appendChild(child);
+ assert_equals(serialize(root), '<root xmlns:p="uri2"><p:child xmlns:p="uri1"/></root>');
+}, 'Check if start tag serialization applied the original prefix even if it is declared in an ancestor element.');
+test(function() {
+ assert_equals(serialize(parse('<root xmlns:x="uri1"><table xmlns="uri1"></table></root>')),
+ '<root xmlns:x="uri1"><x:table xmlns="uri1"/></root>');
+}, 'Check if start tag serialization does NOT apply the default namespace if its namespace is declared in an ancestor.');
+test(function() {
+ const root = parse('<root><child1/><child2/></root>');
+ root.firstChild.setAttributeNS('uri1', 'attr1', 'value1');
+ root.firstChild.setAttributeNS('uri2', 'attr2', 'value2');
+ root.lastChild.setAttributeNS('uri3', 'attr3', 'value3');
+ assert_equals(serialize(root), '<root><child1 xmlns:ns1="uri1" ns1:attr1="value1" xmlns:ns2="uri2" ns2:attr2="value2"/><child2 xmlns:ns3="uri3" ns3:attr3="value3"/></root>');
+}, 'Check if generated prefixes match to "ns${index}".');
+// According to 'DOM Parsing and Serialization' draft as of 2018-12-11,
+// 'generate a prefix' result can conflict with an existing xmlns:ns* declaration.
+test(function() {
+ const root = parse('<root xmlns:ns2="uri2"><child xmlns:ns1="uri1"/></root>');
+ root.firstChild.setAttributeNS('uri3', 'attr1', 'value1');
+ assert_equals(serialize(root), '<root xmlns:ns2="uri2"><child xmlns:ns1="uri1" xmlns:ns1="uri3" ns1:attr1="value1"/></root>');
+}, 'Check if "ns1" is generated even if the element already has xmlns:ns1.');
+test(function() {
+ const root = (new Document()).createElement('root');
+ root.setAttributeNS('', 'href', 'v');
+ assert_equals(serialize(root), '<root xmlns:ns1="" ns1:href="v"/>');
+ const root2 = (new Document()).createElement('root');
+ root2.setAttributeNS('', 'xl:type', 'v');
+ assert_equals(serialize(root2), '<root xmlns:xl="" xl:type="v"/>');
+}, 'Check if no special handling for XLink namespace unlike HTML serializer.');
+test(function() {
+ var root = new DocumentFragment;
+ root.append(document.createElement('div'));
+ root.append(document.createElement('span'));
+ assert_equals(serialize(root), '<div xmlns=""></div><span xmlns=""></span>');
+}, 'Check if document fragment serializes.');
+ </body>