path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/bidi/script/call_function/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/bidi/script/call_function/')
1 files changed, 678 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/bidi/script/call_function/ b/testing/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/bidi/script/call_function/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0cb571038b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/bidi/script/call_function/
@@ -0,0 +1,678 @@
+import pytest
+from import AsyncPoll
+import webdriver.bidi.error as error
+from webdriver.bidi.modules.script import ContextTarget, SerializationOptions
+from ... import any_string, recursive_compare
+async def test_default_arguments(bidi_session, top_context):
+ result = await bidi_session.script.call_function(
+ function_declaration="(...args) => args",
+ await_promise=False,
+ target=ContextTarget(top_context["context"]))
+ recursive_compare({
+ "type": "array",
+ "value": []
+ }, result)
+ "argument, expected",
+ [
+ ({"type": "undefined"}, "undefined"),
+ ({"type": "null"}, "null"),
+ ({"type": "string", "value": "foobar"}, "'foobar'"),
+ ({"type": "string", "value": "2"}, "'2'"),
+ ({"type": "number", "value": "-0"}, "-0"),
+ ({"type": "number", "value": "Infinity"}, "Infinity"),
+ ({"type": "number", "value": "-Infinity"}, "-Infinity"),
+ ({"type": "number", "value": 3}, "3"),
+ ({"type": "number", "value": 1.4}, "1.4"),
+ ({"type": "boolean", "value": True}, "true"),
+ ({"type": "boolean", "value": False}, "false"),
+ ({"type": "bigint", "value": "42"}, "42n"),
+ ],
+async def test_primitive_value(bidi_session, top_context, argument, expected):
+ result = await bidi_session.script.call_function(
+ function_declaration=f"""(arg) => {{
+ if (arg !== {expected}) {{
+ throw new Error(`Argument should be {expected}, but was ` + arg);
+ }}
+ return arg;
+ }}""",
+ arguments=[argument],
+ await_promise=False,
+ target=ContextTarget(top_context["context"]),
+ )
+ recursive_compare(argument, result)
+async def test_primitive_value_NaN(bidi_session, top_context):
+ nan_remote_value = {"type": "number", "value": "NaN"}
+ result = await bidi_session.script.call_function(
+ function_declaration="""(arg) => {
+ if (!isNaN(arg)) {
+ throw new Error("Argument should be 'NaN', but was " + arg);
+ }
+ return arg;
+ }""",
+ arguments=[nan_remote_value],
+ await_promise=False,
+ target=ContextTarget(top_context["context"]),
+ )
+ recursive_compare(nan_remote_value, result)
+ "argument, expected_type",
+ [
+ ({
+ "type": "array",
+ "value": [
+ {"type": "string", "value": "foobar"},
+ ],
+ },
+ "Array"
+ ),
+ ({"type": "date", "value": "2022-05-31T13:47:29.000Z"},
+ "Date"
+ ),
+ ({
+ "type": "map",
+ "value": [
+ ["foobar", {"type": "string", "value": "foobar"}],
+ ],
+ },
+ "Map"
+ ),
+ ({
+ "type": "object",
+ "value": [
+ ["foobar", {"type": "string", "value": "foobar"}],
+ ],
+ },
+ "Object"
+ ),
+ ({"type": "regexp", "value": {"pattern": "foo", "flags": "g"}},
+ "RegExp"
+ ),
+ ({
+ "type": "set",
+ "value": [
+ {"type": "string", "value": "foobar"},
+ ],
+ },
+ "Set"
+ )
+ ],
+async def test_local_value(bidi_session, top_context, argument, expected_type):
+ result = await bidi_session.script.call_function(
+ function_declaration=f"""(arg) => {{
+ if (!(arg instanceof {expected_type})) {{
+ const type =;
+ throw new Error(
+ "Argument type should be {expected_type}, but was " + type
+ );
+ }}
+ return arg;
+ }}""",
+ arguments=[argument],
+ await_promise=False,
+ target=ContextTarget(top_context["context"]),
+ )
+ recursive_compare(argument, result)
+ "setup_expression, function_declaration, expected",
+ [
+ (
+ "Symbol('foo')",
+ "(symbol) => symbol.toString()",
+ {"type": "string", "value": "Symbol(foo)"},
+ ),
+ ("[1,2]", "(array) => array[0]", {"type": "number", "value": 1}),
+ (
+ "new RegExp('foo')",
+ "(regexp) => regexp.source",
+ {"type": "string", "value": "foo"},
+ ),
+ (
+ "new Date(1654004849000)",
+ "(date) => date.toISOString()",
+ {"type": "string", "value": "2022-05-31T13:47:29.000Z"},
+ ),
+ (
+ "new Map([['foo', 'bar']])",
+ "(map) => map.get('foo')",
+ {"type": "string", "value": "bar"},
+ ),
+ (
+ "new Set(['foo'])",
+ "(set) => set.has('foo')",
+ {"type": "boolean", "value": True},
+ ),
+ (
+ "{const weakMap = new WeakMap(); weakMap.set(weakMap, 'foo')}",
+ "(weakMap)=> weakMap.get(weakMap)",
+ {"type": "string", "value": "foo"},
+ ),
+ (
+ "{const weakSet = new WeakSet(); weakSet.add(weakSet)}",
+ "(weakSet)=> weakSet.has(weakSet)",
+ {"type": "boolean", "value": True},
+ ),
+ (
+ "new Error('error message')",
+ "(error) => error.message",
+ {"type": "string", "value": "error message"},
+ ),
+ (
+ "new SyntaxError('syntax error message')",
+ "(error) => error.message",
+ {"type": "string", "value": "syntax error message"},
+ ),
+ (
+ "new Promise((resolve) => resolve(3))",
+ "(promise) => promise",
+ {"type": "number", "value": 3},
+ ),
+ (
+ "new Int8Array(2)",
+ "(int8Array) => int8Array.length",
+ {"type": "number", "value": 2},
+ ),
+ (
+ "new ArrayBuffer(8)",
+ "(arrayBuffer) => arrayBuffer.byteLength",
+ {"type": "number", "value": 8},
+ ),
+ ("() => true", "(func) => func()", {"type": "boolean", "value": True}),
+ (
+ "(function() {return false;})",
+ "(func) => func()",
+ {"type": "boolean", "value": False},
+ ),
+ (
+ " = 3; window",
+ "(window) =>",
+ {"type": "number", "value": 3},
+ ),
+ (
+ "window.url = new URL(''); window.url",
+ "(url) => url.hostname",
+ {"type": "string", "value": ""},
+ ),
+ (
+ "(obj) => obj.SOME_PROPERTY",
+ {"type": "string", "value": "SOME_VALUE"},
+ ),
+ ],
+async def test_remote_reference_argument(
+ bidi_session, top_context, setup_expression, function_declaration, expected
+ remote_value_result = await bidi_session.script.evaluate(
+ expression=setup_expression,
+ await_promise=False,
+ result_ownership="root",
+ target=ContextTarget(top_context["context"]),
+ )
+ remote_value_handle = remote_value_result.get("handle")
+ assert isinstance(remote_value_handle, str)
+ result = await bidi_session.script.call_function(
+ function_declaration=function_declaration,
+ arguments=[{"handle": remote_value_handle}],
+ await_promise=True if remote_value_result["type"] == "promise" else False,
+ target=ContextTarget(top_context["context"]),
+ )
+ assert result == expected
+ "value_fn, function_declaration",
+ [
+ (
+ lambda value: value,
+ "function(arg) { return arg === window.SOME_OBJECT; }",
+ ),
+ (
+ lambda value: ({"type": "object", "value": [["nested", value]]}),
+ "function(arg) { return arg.nested === window.SOME_OBJECT; }",
+ ),
+ (
+ lambda value: ({"type": "array", "value": [value]}),
+ "function(arg) { return arg[0] === window.SOME_OBJECT; }",
+ ),
+ (
+ lambda value: ({"type": "map", "value": [["foobar", value]]}),
+ "function(arg) { return arg.get('foobar') === window.SOME_OBJECT; }",
+ ),
+ (
+ lambda value: ({"type": "set", "value": [value]}),
+ "function(arg) { return arg.has(window.SOME_OBJECT); }",
+ ),
+ ],
+async def test_remote_reference_deserialization(
+ bidi_session, top_context, call_function, evaluate, value_fn, function_declaration
+ remote_value = await evaluate(
+ result_ownership="root",
+ )
+ # Check that a remote value can be successfully deserialized as an "argument"
+ # parameter and compared against the original object in the page.
+ result = await call_function(
+ function_declaration=function_declaration,
+ arguments=[value_fn(remote_value)],
+ )
+ assert result == {"type": "boolean", "value": True}
+ # Reload the page to cleanup the state
+ await bidi_session.browsing_context.navigate(
+ context=top_context["context"], url=top_context["url"], wait="complete"
+ )
+ "setup_expression, expected_node_type",
+ [
+ ("document.querySelector('img')", 1),
+ ("document.querySelector('input#button').attributes[0]", 2),
+ ("document.querySelector('#with-text-node').childNodes[0]", 3),
+ ("""document.createProcessingInstruction("xml-stylesheet", "href='foo.css'")""", 7),
+ ("document.querySelector('#with-comment').childNodes[0]", 8),
+ ("document", 9),
+ ("document.doctype", 10),
+ ("document.createDocumentFragment()", 11),
+ ("document.querySelector('#custom-element').shadowRoot", 11),
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "element",
+ "attribute",
+ "text node",
+ "processing instruction",
+ "comment",
+ "document",
+ "doctype",
+ "document fragment",
+ "shadow root",
+ ]
+async def test_remote_reference_node_argument(
+ bidi_session, get_test_page, top_context, setup_expression, expected_node_type
+ await bidi_session.browsing_context.navigate(
+ context=top_context['context'], url=get_test_page(), wait="complete"
+ )
+ remote_reference = await bidi_session.script.evaluate(
+ expression=setup_expression,
+ await_promise=False,
+ target=ContextTarget(top_context["context"]),
+ )
+ result = await bidi_session.script.call_function(
+ function_declaration="(node) => node.nodeType",
+ arguments=[remote_reference],
+ await_promise=False,
+ target=ContextTarget(top_context["context"]),
+ )
+ assert result == {"type": "number", "value": expected_node_type}
+async def test_remote_reference_node_cdata(bidi_session, inline, top_context):
+ xml_page = inline("""<foo>CDATA section: <![CDATA[ < > & ]]>.</foo>""", doctype="xml")
+ await bidi_session.browsing_context.navigate(
+ context=top_context['context'], url=xml_page, wait="complete"
+ )
+ remote_reference = await bidi_session.script.evaluate(
+ expression="document.querySelector('foo').childNodes[1]",
+ await_promise=False,
+ target=ContextTarget(top_context["context"]),
+ )
+ result = await bidi_session.script.call_function(
+ function_declaration="(node) => node.nodeType",
+ arguments=[remote_reference],
+ await_promise=False,
+ target=ContextTarget(top_context["context"]),
+ )
+ assert result == {"type": "number", "value": 4}
+async def test_remote_reference_sharedId_precedence_over_handle(
+ bidi_session, get_test_page, top_context
+ await bidi_session.browsing_context.navigate(
+ context=top_context['context'], url=get_test_page(), wait="complete"
+ )
+ remote_reference = await bidi_session.script.evaluate(
+ expression="document.querySelector('img')",
+ await_promise=False,
+ result_ownership="root",
+ target=ContextTarget(top_context["context"]),
+ )
+ assert "handle" in remote_reference
+ # Invalidate shared reference to trigger a "no such node" error
+ remote_reference["sharedId"] = "foo"
+ with pytest.raises(error.NoSuchNodeException):
+ await bidi_session.script.call_function(
+ function_declaration="(node) => node.nodeType",
+ arguments=[remote_reference],
+ await_promise=False,
+ target=ContextTarget(top_context["context"]),
+ )
+ "expression, function_declaration, expected",
+ [
+ (
+ "document.getElementsByTagName('span')",
+ "(collection) => collection.item(0)",
+ {
+ "type": "node",
+ "sharedId": any_string,
+ "value": {
+ "attributes": {},
+ "childNodeCount": 0,
+ "children": [],
+ "localName": "span",
+ "namespaceURI": "",
+ "nodeType": 1
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ (
+ "document.querySelectorAll('span')",
+ "(nodeList) => nodeList.item(0)",
+ {
+ "type": "node",
+ "sharedId": any_string,
+ "value": {
+ "attributes": {},
+ "childNodeCount": 0,
+ "children": [],
+ "localName": "span",
+ "namespaceURI": "",
+ "nodeType": 1
+ }
+ }
+ ),
+ ], ids=[
+ "htmlcollection",
+ "nodelist"
+ ]
+async def test_remote_reference_dom_collection(
+ bidi_session,
+ inline,
+ top_context,
+ call_function,
+ expression,
+ function_declaration,
+ expected
+ page_url = inline("""<p><span>""")
+ await bidi_session.browsing_context.navigate(
+ context=top_context['context'], url=page_url, wait="complete"
+ )
+ remote_value = await bidi_session.script.evaluate(
+ expression=expression,
+ result_ownership="root",
+ target=ContextTarget(top_context["context"]),
+ await_promise=False,
+ )
+ # Check that a remote value can be successfully deserialized as an "argument"
+ # parameter and the first element be extracted.
+ result = await call_function(
+ function_declaration=function_declaration,
+ arguments=[remote_value],
+ serialization_options=SerializationOptions(max_dom_depth=1),
+ )
+ recursive_compare(expected, result)
+ "channel, expected_data",
+ [
+ (
+ {"type": "channel", "value": {"channel": "channel_name"}},
+ {
+ "type": "object",
+ "value": [
+ ["foo", {"type": "string", "value": "bar"}],
+ [
+ "baz",
+ {
+ "type": "object",
+ "value": [["1", {"type": "number", "value": 2}]],
+ },
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ {
+ "type": "channel",
+ "value": {
+ "channel": "channel_name",
+ "serializationOptions": {
+ "maxObjectDepth": 0
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {"type": "object"},
+ ),
+ (
+ {
+ "type": "channel",
+ "value": {"channel": "channel_name", "ownership": "root"},
+ },
+ {
+ "handle": any_string,
+ "type": "object",
+ "value": [
+ ["foo", {"type": "string", "value": "bar"}],
+ [
+ "baz",
+ {
+ "type": "object",
+ "value": [["1", {"type": "number", "value": 2}]],
+ },
+ ],
+ ],
+ },
+ ),
+ ],
+ ids=["default", "with serializationOptions", "with ownership"],
+async def test_channel(
+ bidi_session, top_context, subscribe_events, wait_for_event, channel, expected_data
+ await subscribe_events(["script.message"])
+ on_script_message = wait_for_event("script.message")
+ result = await bidi_session.script.call_function(
+ raw_result=True,
+ function_declaration="""(channel) => channel({'foo': 'bar', 'baz': {'1': 2}})""",
+ arguments=[channel],
+ await_promise=False,
+ target=ContextTarget(top_context["context"]),
+ )
+ event_data = await on_script_message
+ recursive_compare(
+ {
+ "channel": "channel_name",
+ "data": expected_data,
+ "source": {
+ "realm": result["realm"],
+ "context": top_context["context"],
+ },
+ },
+ event_data,
+ )
+async def test_channel_with_multiple_arguments(
+ bidi_session, top_context, subscribe_events, wait_for_event
+ await subscribe_events(["script.message"])
+ on_script_message = wait_for_event("script.message")
+ result = await bidi_session.script.call_function(
+ raw_result=True,
+ function_declaration="""(channel) => channel('will_be_send', 'will_be_ignored')""",
+ arguments=[{"type": "channel", "value": {"channel": "channel_name"}}],
+ await_promise=False,
+ target=ContextTarget(top_context["context"]),
+ )
+ event_data = await on_script_message
+ recursive_compare(
+ {
+ "channel": "channel_name",
+ "data": {"type": "string", "value": "will_be_send"},
+ "source": {
+ "realm": result["realm"],
+ "context": top_context["context"],
+ },
+ },
+ event_data,
+ )
+async def test_two_channels(
+ bidi_session,
+ top_context,
+ subscribe_events,
+ await subscribe_events(["script.message"])
+ # Track all received script.message events in the events array
+ events = []
+ async def on_event(method, data):
+ events.append(data)
+ remove_listener = bidi_session.add_event_listener("script.message", on_event)
+ result = await bidi_session.script.call_function(
+ raw_result=True,
+ function_declaration="""(channel_1, channel_2) => {
+ channel_1('message_from_channel_1');
+ channel_2('message_from_channel_2')
+ }""",
+ arguments=[
+ {"type": "channel", "value": {"channel": "channel_name_1"}},
+ {"type": "channel", "value": {"channel": "channel_name_2"}},
+ ],
+ await_promise=False,
+ target=ContextTarget(top_context["context"]),
+ )
+ # Wait for both events
+ wait = AsyncPoll(bidi_session, timeout=0.5)
+ await wait.until(lambda _: len(events) == 2)
+ recursive_compare(
+ {
+ "channel": "channel_name_1",
+ "data": {"type": "string", "value": "message_from_channel_1"},
+ "source": {
+ "realm": result["realm"],
+ "context": top_context["context"],
+ },
+ },
+ events[0],
+ )
+ recursive_compare(
+ {
+ "channel": "channel_name_2",
+ "data": {"type": "string", "value": "message_from_channel_2"},
+ "source": {
+ "realm": result["realm"],
+ "context": top_context["context"],
+ },
+ },
+ events[1],
+ )
+ remove_listener()
+async def test_channel_and_nonchannel_arguments(
+ bidi_session,
+ top_context,
+ wait_for_event,
+ subscribe_events,
+ await subscribe_events(["script.message"])
+ on_script_message = wait_for_event("script.message")
+ result = await bidi_session.script.call_function(
+ raw_result=True,
+ function_declaration="""(string, channel) => {
+ channel(string);
+ }""",
+ arguments=[
+ {"type": "string", "value": "foo"},
+ {"type": "channel", "value": {"channel": "channel_name"}},
+ ],
+ await_promise=False,
+ target=ContextTarget(top_context["context"]),
+ )
+ event_data = await on_script_message
+ recursive_compare(
+ {
+ "channel": "channel_name",
+ "data": {"type": "string", "value": "foo"},
+ "source": {
+ "realm": result["realm"],
+ "context": top_context["context"],
+ },
+ },
+ event_data,
+ )