path: root/third_party/python/ecdsa/ecdsa/
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/python/ecdsa/ecdsa/')
1 files changed, 384 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/python/ecdsa/ecdsa/ b/third_party/python/ecdsa/ecdsa/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad75b37b56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/ecdsa/ecdsa/
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+from __future__ import division
+import binascii
+import base64
+import warnings
+from itertools import chain
+from six import int2byte, b, text_type
+from ._compat import str_idx_as_int
+class UnexpectedDER(Exception):
+ pass
+def encode_constructed(tag, value):
+ return int2byte(0xa0+tag) + encode_length(len(value)) + value
+def encode_integer(r):
+ assert r >= 0 # can't support negative numbers yet
+ h = ("%x" % r).encode()
+ if len(h) % 2:
+ h = b("0") + h
+ s = binascii.unhexlify(h)
+ num = str_idx_as_int(s, 0)
+ if num <= 0x7f:
+ return b("\x02") + encode_length(len(s)) + s
+ else:
+ # DER integers are two's complement, so if the first byte is
+ # 0x80-0xff then we need an extra 0x00 byte to prevent it from
+ # looking negative.
+ return b("\x02") + encode_length(len(s)+1) + b("\x00") + s
+# sentry object to check if an argument was specified (used to detect
+# deprecated calling convention)
+_sentry = object()
+def encode_bitstring(s, unused=_sentry):
+ """
+ Encode a binary string as a BIT STRING using :term:`DER` encoding.
+ Note, because there is no native Python object that can encode an actual
+ bit string, this function only accepts byte strings as the `s` argument.
+ The byte string is the actual bit string that will be encoded, padded
+ on the right (least significant bits, looking from big endian perspective)
+ to the first full byte. If the bit string has a bit length that is multiple
+ of 8, then the padding should not be included. For correct DER encoding
+ the padding bits MUST be set to 0.
+ Number of bits of padding need to be provided as the `unused` parameter.
+ In case they are specified as None, it means the number of unused bits
+ is already encoded in the string as the first byte.
+ The deprecated call convention specifies just the `s` parameters and
+ encodes the number of unused bits as first parameter (same convention
+ as with None).
+ Empty string must be encoded with `unused` specified as 0.
+ Future version of python-ecdsa will make specifying the `unused` argument
+ mandatory.
+ :param s: bytes to encode
+ :type s: bytes like object
+ :param unused: number of bits at the end of `s` that are unused, must be
+ between 0 and 7 (inclusive)
+ :type unused: int or None
+ :raises ValueError: when `unused` is too large or too small
+ :return: `s` encoded using DER
+ :rtype: bytes
+ """
+ encoded_unused = b''
+ len_extra = 0
+ if unused is _sentry:
+ warnings.warn("Legacy call convention used, unused= needs to be "
+ "specified",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ elif unused is not None:
+ if not 0 <= unused <= 7:
+ raise ValueError("unused must be integer between 0 and 7")
+ if unused:
+ if not s:
+ raise ValueError("unused is non-zero but s is empty")
+ last = str_idx_as_int(s, -1)
+ if last & (2 ** unused - 1):
+ raise ValueError("unused bits must be zeros in DER")
+ encoded_unused = int2byte(unused)
+ len_extra = 1
+ return b("\x03") + encode_length(len(s) + len_extra) + encoded_unused + s
+def encode_octet_string(s):
+ return b("\x04") + encode_length(len(s)) + s
+def encode_oid(first, second, *pieces):
+ assert 0 <= first < 2 and 0 <= second <= 39 or first == 2 and 0 <= second
+ body = b''.join(chain([encode_number(40*first+second)],
+ (encode_number(p) for p in pieces)))
+ return b'\x06' + encode_length(len(body)) + body
+def encode_sequence(*encoded_pieces):
+ total_len = sum([len(p) for p in encoded_pieces])
+ return b('\x30') + encode_length(total_len) + b('').join(encoded_pieces)
+def encode_number(n):
+ b128_digits = []
+ while n:
+ b128_digits.insert(0, (n & 0x7f) | 0x80)
+ n = n >> 7
+ if not b128_digits:
+ b128_digits.append(0)
+ b128_digits[-1] &= 0x7f
+ return b('').join([int2byte(d) for d in b128_digits])
+def remove_constructed(string):
+ s0 = str_idx_as_int(string, 0)
+ if (s0 & 0xe0) != 0xa0:
+ raise UnexpectedDER("wanted type 'constructed tag' (0xa0-0xbf), "
+ "got 0x%02x" % s0)
+ tag = s0 & 0x1f
+ length, llen = read_length(string[1:])
+ body = string[1+llen:1+llen+length]
+ rest = string[1+llen+length:]
+ return tag, body, rest
+def remove_sequence(string):
+ if not string:
+ raise UnexpectedDER("Empty string does not encode a sequence")
+ if string[:1] != b"\x30":
+ n = str_idx_as_int(string, 0)
+ raise UnexpectedDER("wanted type 'sequence' (0x30), got 0x%02x" % n)
+ length, lengthlength = read_length(string[1:])
+ if length > len(string) - 1 - lengthlength:
+ raise UnexpectedDER("Length longer than the provided buffer")
+ endseq = 1+lengthlength+length
+ return string[1+lengthlength:endseq], string[endseq:]
+def remove_octet_string(string):
+ if string[:1] != b"\x04":
+ n = str_idx_as_int(string, 0)
+ raise UnexpectedDER("wanted type 'octetstring' (0x04), got 0x%02x" % n)
+ length, llen = read_length(string[1:])
+ body = string[1+llen:1+llen+length]
+ rest = string[1+llen+length:]
+ return body, rest
+def remove_object(string):
+ if not string:
+ raise UnexpectedDER(
+ "Empty string does not encode an object identifier")
+ if string[:1] != b"\x06":
+ n = str_idx_as_int(string, 0)
+ raise UnexpectedDER("wanted type 'object' (0x06), got 0x%02x" % n)
+ length, lengthlength = read_length(string[1:])
+ body = string[1+lengthlength:1+lengthlength+length]
+ rest = string[1+lengthlength+length:]
+ if not body:
+ raise UnexpectedDER("Empty object identifier")
+ if len(body) != length:
+ raise UnexpectedDER(
+ "Length of object identifier longer than the provided buffer")
+ numbers = []
+ while body:
+ n, ll = read_number(body)
+ numbers.append(n)
+ body = body[ll:]
+ n0 = numbers.pop(0)
+ if n0 < 80:
+ first = n0 // 40
+ else:
+ first = 2
+ second = n0 - (40 * first)
+ numbers.insert(0, first)
+ numbers.insert(1, second)
+ return tuple(numbers), rest
+def remove_integer(string):
+ if not string:
+ raise UnexpectedDER("Empty string is an invalid encoding of an "
+ "integer")
+ if string[:1] != b"\x02":
+ n = str_idx_as_int(string, 0)
+ raise UnexpectedDER("wanted type 'integer' (0x02), got 0x%02x" % n)
+ length, llen = read_length(string[1:])
+ if length > len(string) - 1 - llen:
+ raise UnexpectedDER("Length longer than provided buffer")
+ if length == 0:
+ raise UnexpectedDER("0-byte long encoding of integer")
+ numberbytes = string[1+llen:1+llen+length]
+ rest = string[1+llen+length:]
+ msb = str_idx_as_int(numberbytes, 0)
+ if not msb < 0x80:
+ raise UnexpectedDER("Negative integers are not supported")
+ # check if the encoding is the minimal one (DER requirement)
+ if length > 1 and not msb:
+ # leading zero byte is allowed if the integer would have been
+ # considered a negative number otherwise
+ smsb = str_idx_as_int(numberbytes, 1)
+ if smsb < 0x80:
+ raise UnexpectedDER("Invalid encoding of integer, unnecessary "
+ "zero padding bytes")
+ return int(binascii.hexlify(numberbytes), 16), rest
+def read_number(string):
+ number = 0
+ llen = 0
+ if str_idx_as_int(string, 0) == 0x80:
+ raise UnexpectedDER("Non minimal encoding of OID subidentifier")
+ # base-128 big endian, with most significant bit set in all but the last
+ # byte
+ while True:
+ if llen >= len(string):
+ raise UnexpectedDER("ran out of length bytes")
+ number = number << 7
+ d = str_idx_as_int(string, llen)
+ number += (d & 0x7f)
+ llen += 1
+ if not d & 0x80:
+ break
+ return number, llen
+def encode_length(l):
+ assert l >= 0
+ if l < 0x80:
+ return int2byte(l)
+ s = ("%x" % l).encode()
+ if len(s) % 2:
+ s = b("0") + s
+ s = binascii.unhexlify(s)
+ llen = len(s)
+ return int2byte(0x80 | llen) + s
+def read_length(string):
+ if not string:
+ raise UnexpectedDER("Empty string can't encode valid length value")
+ num = str_idx_as_int(string, 0)
+ if not (num & 0x80):
+ # short form
+ return (num & 0x7f), 1
+ # else long-form: b0&0x7f is number of additional base256 length bytes,
+ # big-endian
+ llen = num & 0x7f
+ if not llen:
+ raise UnexpectedDER("Invalid length encoding, length of length is 0")
+ if llen > len(string)-1:
+ raise UnexpectedDER("Length of length longer than provided buffer")
+ # verify that the encoding is minimal possible (DER requirement)
+ msb = str_idx_as_int(string, 1)
+ if not msb or llen == 1 and msb < 0x80:
+ raise UnexpectedDER("Not minimal encoding of length")
+ return int(binascii.hexlify(string[1:1+llen]), 16), 1+llen
+def remove_bitstring(string, expect_unused=_sentry):
+ """
+ Remove a BIT STRING object from `string` following :term:`DER`.
+ The `expect_unused` can be used to specify if the bit string should
+ have the amount of unused bits decoded or not. If it's an integer, any
+ read BIT STRING that has number of unused bits different from specified
+ value will cause UnexpectedDER exception to be raised (this is especially
+ useful when decoding BIT STRINGS that have DER encoded object in them;
+ DER encoding is byte oriented, so the unused bits will always equal 0).
+ If the `expect_unused` is specified as None, the first element returned
+ will be a tuple, with the first value being the extracted bit string
+ while the second value will be the decoded number of unused bits.
+ If the `expect_unused` is unspecified, the decoding of byte with
+ number of unused bits will not be attempted and the bit string will be
+ returned as-is, the callee will be required to decode it and verify its
+ correctness.
+ Future version of python will require the `expected_unused` parameter
+ to be specified.
+ :param string: string of bytes to extract the BIT STRING from
+ :type string: bytes like object
+ :param expect_unused: number of bits that should be unused in the BIT
+ STRING, or None, to return it to caller
+ :type expect_unused: int or None
+ :raises UnexpectedDER: when the encoding does not follow DER.
+ :return: a tuple with first element being the extracted bit string and
+ the second being the remaining bytes in the string (if any); if the
+ `expect_unused` is specified as None, the first element of the returned
+ tuple will be a tuple itself, with first element being the bit string
+ as bytes and the second element being the number of unused bits at the
+ end of the byte array as an integer
+ :rtype: tuple
+ """
+ if not string:
+ raise UnexpectedDER("Empty string does not encode a bitstring")
+ if expect_unused is _sentry:
+ warnings.warn("Legacy call convention used, expect_unused= needs to be"
+ " specified",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ num = str_idx_as_int(string, 0)
+ if string[:1] != b"\x03":
+ raise UnexpectedDER("wanted bitstring (0x03), got 0x%02x" % num)
+ length, llen = read_length(string[1:])
+ if not length:
+ raise UnexpectedDER("Invalid length of bit string, can't be 0")
+ body = string[1+llen:1+llen+length]
+ rest = string[1+llen+length:]
+ if expect_unused is not _sentry:
+ unused = str_idx_as_int(body, 0)
+ if not 0 <= unused <= 7:
+ raise UnexpectedDER("Invalid encoding of unused bits")
+ if expect_unused is not None and expect_unused != unused:
+ raise UnexpectedDER("Unexpected number of unused bits")
+ body = body[1:]
+ if unused:
+ if not body:
+ raise UnexpectedDER("Invalid encoding of empty bit string")
+ last = str_idx_as_int(body, -1)
+ # verify that all the unused bits are set to zero (DER requirement)
+ if last & (2 ** unused - 1):
+ raise UnexpectedDER("Non zero padding bits in bit string")
+ if expect_unused is None:
+ body = (body, unused)
+ return body, rest
+# SEQUENCE([1, STRING(secexp), cont[0], OBJECT(curvename), cont[1], BINTSTRING)
+# signatures: (from RFC3279)
+# ansi-X9-62 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
+# iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) 10045 }
+# id-ecSigType OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
+# ansi-X9-62 signatures(4) }
+# ecdsa-with-SHA1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
+# id-ecSigType 1 }
+## so 1,2,840,10045,4,1
+## so 0x42, .. ..
+# Ecdsa-Sig-Value ::= SEQUENCE {
+# s INTEGER }
+# id-public-key-type OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ansi-X9.62 2 }
+# id-ecPublicKey OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-publicKeyType 1 }
+# I think the secp224r1 identifier is (t=06,l=05,v=2b81040021)
+# secp224r1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
+# iso(1) identified-organization(3) certicom(132) curve(0) 33 }
+# and the secp384r1 is (t=06,l=05,v=2b81040022)
+# secp384r1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
+# iso(1) identified-organization(3) certicom(132) curve(0) 34 }
+def unpem(pem):
+ if isinstance(pem, text_type):
+ pem = pem.encode()
+ d = b("").join([l.strip() for l in pem.split(b("\n"))
+ if l and not l.startswith(b("-----"))])
+ return base64.b64decode(d)
+def topem(der, name):
+ b64 = base64.b64encode(der)
+ lines = [("-----BEGIN %s-----\n" % name).encode()]
+ lines.extend([b64[start:start+64]+b("\n")
+ for start in range(0, len(b64), 64)])
+ lines.append(("-----END %s-----\n" % name).encode())
+ return b("").join(lines)