<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- This XML file is used to create sequence of accessible name tests. It consist of two sections. The first section 'ruledfn' declares name computation rules. The second section 'rulesample' defines markup samples we need to check name computation rules for. <ruledfn> <ruleset> <rule> Section 'ruledfn' contains 'ruleset' elements. Every 'ruleset' element is presented by 'rule' elements so that sequence of 'rule' elements gives the sequence of name computations rules. Every 'rule' element can be one of four types. * <rule attr='' type='string'/> used when name is equal to the value of attribute presented on the element. Example, 'aria-label' attribute. In this case 'rule' element has 'attr' attribute pointing to attribute name and 'type' attribute with 'string' value. For example, <rule attr="aria-label" type="string"/>. * <rule attr='' type='ref'/> used when name is calculated from elements that are pointed to by attribute value on the element. Example is 'aria-labelledby'. In this case 'rule' element has 'attr' attribute holding the sequence of IDs of elements used to compute the name, in addition the 'rule' element has 'type' attribute with 'ref' value. For example, <rule attr="aria-labelledby" type="ref"/>. * <rule elm='' elmattr=''/> used when name is calculated from another element. These attributes are used to find an element by tagname and attribute with value equaled to ID of the element. If 'elmattr' is missed then element from subtree with the given tagname is used. Example, html:label@for element, <rule elm="label" elmattr="for"/>. Example, html:caption element, <rule elm="caption"/> * <rule fromsubtree='true'/> used when name is computed from subtree. Example, html:button. In this case 'rule' element has 'fromsubtree' attribute with 'true' value. <rulesample> <markup ruleset=''> Section 'rulesample' provides set of markup samples ('markup' elements). Every 'markup' element contains an element that accessible name will be computed for (let's call it test element). In addition the 'markup' element contains some other elements from native markup used in name calculation process for test element. Test element is pointed to by 'ref' attribute on 'markup' element. Also 'markup' element has 'ruleset' attribute to indicate ruleset for the test element. How does it work? Let's consider simple example: <ruledfn> <ruleset id="aria"> <rule attr="aria-label" type="string"/> <rule attr="aria-labelledby" type="ref"/> </ruleset> </ruledfn> <rulesample> <markup ref="html:div" ruleset="aria"> <html:span id="label" textequiv="test2">test2</html:span> <html:div aria-label="test1" aria-labelledby="label">it's a div</html:div> </markup> </rulesample> Initially 'markup' element holds markup for all rules specified by 'ruleset' attribute. This allows us to check if the sequence of name computation rules is correct. Here 'ruleset' element defines two rules. We get the first rule which means accessible name is computed from value of 'aria-label' attribute. Then we check accessible name for the test element and remove 'aria-label' attribute. After we get the second rule which means we should get IDs from 'aria-labelledby' attribute and compose accessible name from values of 'textequiv' attributes (that are supposed to give the desired name for each element that is being pointed to by aria-labelledby). Check accessible name and finish test. --> <rules xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:xul="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"> <ruledfn> <!-- bricks --> <ruleset id="ARIA"> <rule attr="aria-labelledby" type="ref"/> <rule attr="aria-label" type="string"/> </ruleset> <ruleset id="HTMLControl:Head"> <ruleset ref="ARIA"/> <rule elm="label" elmattr="for"/> </ruleset> <!-- general --> <ruleset id="HTMLControl"> <ruleset ref="HTMLControl:Head"/> <rule fromsubtree="true"/> <rule attr="title" type="string"/> </ruleset> <ruleset id="HTMLElm"> <ruleset ref="ARIA"/> <rule attr="title" type="string"/> </ruleset> <!-- specific --> <ruleset id="HTMLARIAGridCell"> <ruleset ref="ARIA"/> <rule fromsubtree="true"/> <rule attr="title" type="string"/> </ruleset> <ruleset id="HTMLInputButton"> <ruleset ref="HTMLControl:Head"/> <rule attr="value" type="string" explict-name="false" reordered="true"/> <rule attr="title" type="string"/> </ruleset> <ruleset id="HTMLInputSubmit" defaultName="Submit Query"> <ruleset ref="HTMLControl:Head"/> <rule attr="value" type="string" explict-name="false"/> </ruleset> <ruleset id="HTMLInputReset" defaultName="Reset"> <ruleset ref="HTMLControl:Head"/> <rule attr="value" type="string" explict-name="false"/> </ruleset> <ruleset id="HTMLInputImage"> <ruleset ref="HTMLControl:Head"/> <rule attr="alt" type="string"/> <rule attr="value" type="string"/> <rule attr="title" type="string"/> </ruleset> <ruleset id="HTMLInputImageNoValidSrc" defaultName="Submit Query"> <ruleset ref="HTMLControl:Head"/> <rule attr="alt" type="string" explict-name="false"/> <rule attr="value" type="string" explict-name="false"/> </ruleset> <ruleset id="HTMLOption"> <ruleset ref="ARIA"/> <rule attr="label" type="string"/> <rule fromsubtree="true"/> <rule attr="title" type="string"/> </ruleset> <ruleset id="HTMLImg"> <ruleset ref="ARIA"/> <rule attr="alt" type="string"/> <rule attr="title" type="string"/> </ruleset> <ruleset id="HTMLTable"> <ruleset ref="ARIA"/> <rule elm="caption"/> <rule attr="summary" type="string"/> <rule attr="title" type="string"/> </ruleset> </ruledfn> <rulesample> <markup id="HTMLButtonTest" ref="html:button" ruleset="HTMLControl"> <html:span id="l1" textequiv="test2">test2</html:span> <html:span id="l2" textequiv="test3">test3</html:span> <html:label for="btn" textequiv="test4">test4</html:label> <html:button id="btn" aria-label="test1" aria-labelledby="l1 l2" title="test5" textequiv="press me">press me</html:button> </markup> <markup id="HTMLInputButtonTest" ref="html:input" ruleset="HTMLInputButton"> <html:span id="l1" textequiv="test2">test2</html:span> <html:span id="l2" textequiv="test3">test3</html:span> <html:label for="btn" textequiv="test4">test4</html:label> <html:input id="btn" type="button" aria-label="test1" aria-labelledby="l1 l2" value="name from value" alt="no name from al" src="no name from src" data="no name from data" title="name from title"/> </markup> <markup id="HTMLInputSubmitTest" ref="html:input" ruleset="HTMLInputSubmit"> <html:span id="l1" textequiv="test2">test2</html:span> <html:span id="l2" textequiv="test3">test3</html:span> <html:label for="btn-submit" textequiv="test4">test4</html:label> <html:input id="btn-submit" type="submit" aria-label="test1" aria-labelledby="l1 l2" value="name from value" alt="no name from atl" src="no name from src" data="no name from data" title="no name from title"/> </markup> <markup id="HTMLInputResetTest" ref="html:input" ruleset="HTMLInputReset"> <html:span id="l1" textequiv="test2">test2</html:span> <html:span id="l2" textequiv="test3">test3</html:span> <html:label for="btn-reset" textequiv="test4">test4</html:label> <html:input id="btn-reset" type="reset" aria-label="test1" aria-labelledby="l1 l2" value="name from value" alt="no name from alt" src="no name from src" data="no name from data" title="no name from title"/> </markup> <!-- Disabled due to intermittent failures (bug 1436323) which became more frequent due to the landing of bug 1383682. The latter bug made loading of images from cache much more consistent, which appears to have impacted the timing for this test case. If the image is switched to a unique image (e.g. always decoding since there is no cache), the failure rate increases, presumably because the test is dependent on a specific ordering of events, and implicitly assumes the image is loaded immediately. --> <!-- <markup id="HTMLInputImageTest" ref="html:input" ruleset="HTMLInputImage"> <html:span id="l1" textequiv="test2">test2</html:span> <html:span id="l2" textequiv="test3">test3</html:span> <html:label for="btn-image" textequiv="test4">test4</html:label> <html:input id="btn-image" type="image" aria-label="test1" aria-labelledby="l1 l2" alt="name from alt" value="name from value" src="../moz.png" data="no name from data" title="name from title"/> </markup> --> <markup id="HTMLInputImageNoValidSrcTest" ref="html:input" ruleset="HTMLInputImageNoValidSrc"> <html:span id="l1" textequiv="test2">test2</html:span> <html:span id="l2" textequiv="test3">test3</html:span> <html:label for="btn-image" textequiv="test4">test4</html:label> <html:input id="btn-image" type="image" aria-label="test1" aria-labelledby="l1 l2" alt="name from alt" value="name from value" data="no name from data" title="no name from title"/> </markup> <markup id="HTMLOptionTest" ref="html:select/html:option[1]" ruleset="HTMLOption"> <html:span id="l1" textequiv="test2">test2</html:span> <html:span id="l2" textequiv="test3">test3</html:span> <html:select> <html:option id="opt" aria-label="test1" aria-labelledby="l1 l2" label="test4" title="test5" textequiv="option1">option1</html:option> <html:option>option2</html:option> </html:select> </markup> <markup id="HTMLImageTest" ref="html:img" ruleset="HTMLImg"> <html:span id="l1" textequiv="test2">test2</html:span> <html:span id="l2" textequiv="test3">test3</html:span> <html:img id="img" aria-label="Logo of Mozilla" aria-labelledby="l1 l2" alt="Mozilla logo" title="This is a logo" src="../moz.png"/> </markup> <markup id="HTMLTdTest" ref="html:table/html:tr/html:td" ruleset="HTMLElm"> <html:span id="l1" textequiv="test2">test2</html:span> <html:span id="l2" textequiv="test3">test3</html:span> <html:label for="tc" textequiv="test4">test4</html:label> <html:table> <html:tr> <html:td id="tc" aria-label="test1" aria-labelledby="l1 l2" title="test5"> <html:p>This is a paragraph</html:p> <html:a href="#">This is a link</html:a> <html:ul> <html:li>This is a list</html:li> </html:ul> </html:td> </html:tr> </html:table> </markup> <markup id="HTMLTdARIAGridCellTest" ref="html:table/html:tr/html:td" ruleset="HTMLARIAGridCell"> <html:span id="l1" textequiv="test2">test2</html:span> <html:span id="l2" textequiv="test3">test3</html:span> <html:label for="gc" textequiv="test4">test4</html:label> <html:table> <html:tr> <html:td id="gc" role="gridcell" aria-label="test1" aria-labelledby="l1 l2" textequiv="This is a paragraph This is a link • Listitem1 • Listitem2" title="This is a paragraph This is a link This is a list"> <html:p>This is a paragraph</html:p> <html:a href="#">This is a link</html:a> <html:ul> <html:li>Listitem1</html:li> <html:li>Listitem2</html:li> </html:ul> </html:td> </html:tr> </html:table> </markup> <markup id="HTMLTableTest" ref="html:table" ruleset="HTMLTable"> <html:span id="l1" textequiv="lby_tst6_1">lby_tst6_1</html:span> <html:span id="l2" textequiv="lby_tst6_2">lby_tst6_2</html:span> <html:label for="t" textequiv="label_tst6">label_tst6</html:label> <!-- layout frame are recreated due to varous reasons, here's text frame placed after caption frame triggres table frame recreation when caption element is removed from DOM; get rid text node after caption node to make the test working --> <html:table id="t" aria-label="arialabel_tst6" aria-labelledby="l1 l2" summary="summary_tst6" title="title_tst6"> <html:caption textequiv="caption_tst6">caption_tst6</html:caption><html:tr> <html:td>cell1</html:td> <html:td>cell2</html:td> </html:tr> </html:table> </markup> </rulesample> </rules>