/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * This module implements the heuristics used to determine whether to enable * or disable DoH on different networks. DoHController is responsible for running * these at startup and upon network changes. */ import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( lazy, "gNetworkLinkService", "@mozilla.org/network/network-link-service;1", "nsINetworkLinkService" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( lazy, "gParentalControlsService", "@mozilla.org/parental-controls-service;1", "nsIParentalControlsService" ); ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { DoHConfigController: "resource:///modules/DoHConfig.sys.mjs", Preferences: "resource://gre/modules/Preferences.sys.mjs", }); const GLOBAL_CANARY = "use-application-dns.net."; const NXDOMAIN_ERR = "NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_HOST"; export const Heuristics = { // String constants used to indicate outcome of heuristics. ENABLE_DOH: "enable_doh", DISABLE_DOH: "disable_doh", async run() { // Run all the heuristics at the same time. let [safeSearchChecks, zscaler, canary] = await Promise.all([ safeSearch(), zscalerCanary(), globalCanary(), ]); let platformChecks = await platform(); let results = { google: safeSearchChecks.google, youtube: safeSearchChecks.youtube, zscalerCanary: zscaler, canary, modifiedRoots: await modifiedRoots(), browserParent: await parentalControls(), thirdPartyRoots: await thirdPartyRoots(), policy: await enterprisePolicy(), vpn: platformChecks.vpn, proxy: platformChecks.proxy, nrpt: platformChecks.nrpt, steeredProvider: "", }; // If any of those were triggered, return the results immediately. if (Object.values(results).includes("disable_doh")) { return results; } // Check for provider steering only after the other heuristics have passed. results.steeredProvider = (await providerSteering()) || ""; return results; }, async checkEnterprisePolicy() { return enterprisePolicy(); }, // Test only async _setMockLinkService(mockLinkService) { this.mockLinkService = mockLinkService; }, heuristicNameToSkipReason(heuristicName) { const namesToSkipReason = { google: Ci.nsITRRSkipReason.TRR_HEURISTIC_TRIPPED_GOOGLE_SAFESEARCH, youtube: Ci.nsITRRSkipReason.TRR_HEURISTIC_TRIPPED_YOUTUBE_SAFESEARCH, zscalerCanary: Ci.nsITRRSkipReason.TRR_HEURISTIC_TRIPPED_ZSCALER_CANARY, canary: Ci.nsITRRSkipReason.TRR_HEURISTIC_TRIPPED_CANARY, modifiedRoots: Ci.nsITRRSkipReason.TRR_HEURISTIC_TRIPPED_MODIFIED_ROOTS, browserParent: Ci.nsITRRSkipReason.TRR_HEURISTIC_TRIPPED_PARENTAL_CONTROLS, thirdPartyRoots: Ci.nsITRRSkipReason.TRR_HEURISTIC_TRIPPED_THIRD_PARTY_ROOTS, policy: Ci.nsITRRSkipReason.TRR_HEURISTIC_TRIPPED_ENTERPRISE_POLICY, vpn: Ci.nsITRRSkipReason.TRR_HEURISTIC_TRIPPED_VPN, proxy: Ci.nsITRRSkipReason.TRR_HEURISTIC_TRIPPED_PROXY, nrpt: Ci.nsITRRSkipReason.TRR_HEURISTIC_TRIPPED_NRPT, }; let value = namesToSkipReason[heuristicName]; if (value != undefined) { return value; } return Ci.nsITRRSkipReason.TRR_FAILED; }, }; async function dnsLookup(hostname, resolveCanonicalName = false) { let lookupPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let request; let response = { addresses: [], }; let listener = { onLookupComplete(inRequest, inRecord, inStatus) { if (inRequest === request) { if (!Components.isSuccessCode(inStatus)) { reject({ message: new Components.Exception("", inStatus).name }); return; } inRecord.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDNSAddrRecord); if (resolveCanonicalName) { try { response.canonicalName = inRecord.canonicalName; } catch (e) { // no canonicalName } } while (inRecord.hasMore()) { let addr = inRecord.getNextAddrAsString(); // Sometimes there are duplicate records with the same ip. if (!response.addresses.includes(addr)) { response.addresses.push(addr); } } resolve(response); } }, }; let dnsFlags = Ci.nsIDNSService.RESOLVE_TRR_DISABLED_MODE | Ci.nsIDNSService.RESOLVE_DISABLE_IPV6 | Ci.nsIDNSService.RESOLVE_BYPASS_CACHE | Ci.nsIDNSService.RESOLVE_CANONICAL_NAME; try { request = Services.dns.asyncResolve( hostname, Ci.nsIDNSService.RESOLVE_TYPE_DEFAULT, dnsFlags, null, listener, null, {} /* defaultOriginAttributes */ ); } catch (e) { // handle exceptions such as offline mode. reject({ message: e.name }); } }); let addresses, canonicalName, err; try { let response = await lookupPromise; addresses = response.addresses; canonicalName = response.canonicalName; } catch (e) { addresses = [null]; err = e.message; } return { addresses, canonicalName, err }; } async function dnsListLookup(domainList) { let results = []; let resolutions = await Promise.all( domainList.map(domain => dnsLookup(domain)) ); for (let { addresses } of resolutions) { results = results.concat(addresses); } return results; } // TODO: Confirm the expected behavior when filtering is on async function globalCanary() { let { addresses, err } = await dnsLookup(GLOBAL_CANARY); if ( err === NXDOMAIN_ERR || !addresses.length || addresses.every(addr => Services.io.hostnameIsLocalIPAddress(Services.io.newURI(`http://${addr}`)) ) ) { return "disable_doh"; } return "enable_doh"; } async function modifiedRoots() { // Check for presence of enterprise_roots cert pref. If enabled, disable DoH let rootsEnabled = lazy.Preferences.get( "security.enterprise_roots.enabled", false ); if (rootsEnabled) { return "disable_doh"; } return "enable_doh"; } export async function parentalControls() { if (lazy.gParentalControlsService.parentalControlsEnabled) { return "disable_doh"; } return "enable_doh"; } async function thirdPartyRoots() { if (Cu.isInAutomation) { return "enable_doh"; } let certdb = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/x509certdb;1"].getService( Ci.nsIX509CertDB ); let hasThirdPartyRoots = await new Promise(resolve => { certdb.asyncHasThirdPartyRoots(resolve); }); if (hasThirdPartyRoots) { return "disable_doh"; } return "enable_doh"; } async function enterprisePolicy() { if (Services.policies.status === Services.policies.ACTIVE) { let policies = Services.policies.getActivePolicies(); if (!policies.hasOwnProperty("DNSOverHTTPS")) { // If DoH isn't in the policy, return that there is a policy (but no DoH specifics) return "policy_without_doh"; } if (policies.DNSOverHTTPS.Enabled === true) { // If DoH is enabled in the policy, enable it return "enable_doh"; } // If DoH is disabled in the policy, disable it return "disable_doh"; } // Default return, meaning no policy related to DNSOverHTTPS return "no_policy_set"; } async function safeSearch() { const providerList = [ { name: "google", unfiltered: ["www.google.com.", "google.com."], safeSearch: ["forcesafesearch.google.com."], }, { name: "youtube", unfiltered: [ "www.youtube.com.", "m.youtube.com.", "youtubei.googleapis.com.", "youtube.googleapis.com.", "www.youtube-nocookie.com.", ], safeSearch: ["restrict.youtube.com.", "restrictmoderate.youtube.com."], }, ]; async function checkProvider(provider) { let [unfilteredAnswers, safeSearchAnswers] = await Promise.all([ dnsListLookup(provider.unfiltered), dnsListLookup(provider.safeSearch), ]); // Given a provider, check if the answer for any safe search domain // matches the answer for any default domain for (let answer of safeSearchAnswers) { if (answer && unfilteredAnswers.includes(answer)) { return { name: provider.name, result: "disable_doh" }; } } return { name: provider.name, result: "enable_doh" }; } // Compare strict domain lookups to non-strict domain lookups. // Resolutions has a type of [{ name, result }] let resolutions = await Promise.all( providerList.map(provider => checkProvider(provider)) ); // Reduce that array entries into a single map return resolutions.reduce( (accumulator, check) => { accumulator[check.name] = check.result; return accumulator; }, {} // accumulator ); } async function zscalerCanary() { const ZSCALER_CANARY = "sitereview.zscaler.com."; let { addresses } = await dnsLookup(ZSCALER_CANARY); for (let address of addresses) { if ( ["", "", ""].includes(address) ) { // if sitereview.zscaler.com resolves to either one of the 3 IPs above, // Zscaler Shift service is in use, don't enable DoH return "disable_doh"; } } return "enable_doh"; } async function platform() { let platformChecks = {}; let indications = Ci.nsINetworkLinkService.NONE_DETECTED; try { let linkService = lazy.gNetworkLinkService; if (Heuristics.mockLinkService) { linkService = Heuristics.mockLinkService; } indications = linkService.platformDNSIndications; } catch (e) { if (e.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) { console.error(e); } } platformChecks.vpn = indications & Ci.nsINetworkLinkService.VPN_DETECTED ? "disable_doh" : "enable_doh"; platformChecks.proxy = indications & Ci.nsINetworkLinkService.PROXY_DETECTED ? "disable_doh" : "enable_doh"; platformChecks.nrpt = indications & Ci.nsINetworkLinkService.NRPT_DETECTED ? "disable_doh" : "enable_doh"; return platformChecks; } // Check if the network provides a DoH endpoint to use. Returns the name of the // provider if the check is successful, else null. Currently we only support // this for Comcast networks. async function providerSteering() { if (!lazy.DoHConfigController.currentConfig.providerSteering.enabled) { return null; } const TEST_DOMAIN = "doh.test."; // Array of { name, canonicalName, uri } where name is an identifier for // telemetry, canonicalName is the expected CNAME when looking up doh.test, // and uri is the provider's DoH endpoint. let steeredProviders = lazy.DoHConfigController.currentConfig.providerSteering.providerList; if (!steeredProviders || !steeredProviders.length) { return null; } let { canonicalName, err } = await dnsLookup(TEST_DOMAIN, true); if (err || !canonicalName) { return null; } let provider = steeredProviders.find(p => { return p.canonicalName == canonicalName; }); if (!provider || !provider.uri || !provider.id) { return null; } return provider; }