import { actionCreators as ac, actionTypes as at, actionUtils as au, BACKGROUND_PROCESS, CONTENT_MESSAGE_TYPE, globalImportContext, MAIN_MESSAGE_TYPE, PRELOAD_MESSAGE_TYPE, UI_CODE, } from "common/Actions.sys.mjs"; describe("Actions", () => { it("should set globalImportContext to UI_CODE", () => { assert.equal(globalImportContext, UI_CODE); }); }); describe("ActionTypes", () => { it("should be in alpha order", () => { assert.equal(Object.keys(at).join(", "), Object.keys(at).sort().join(", ")); }); }); describe("ActionCreators", () => { describe("_RouteMessage", () => { it("should throw if options are not passed as the second param", () => { assert.throws(() => { au._RouteMessage({ type: "FOO" }); }); }); it("should set all defined options on the .meta property of the new action", () => { assert.deepEqual( au._RouteMessage( { type: "FOO", meta: { hello: "world" } }, { from: "foo", to: "bar" } ), { type: "FOO", meta: { hello: "world", from: "foo", to: "bar" } } ); }); it("should remove any undefined options related to message routing", () => { const action = au._RouteMessage( { type: "FOO", meta: { fromTarget: "bar" } }, { from: "foo", to: "bar" } ); assert.isUndefined(action.meta.fromTarget); }); }); describe("AlsoToMain", () => { it("should create the right action", () => { const action = { type: "FOO", data: "BAR" }; const newAction = ac.AlsoToMain(action); assert.deepEqual(newAction, { type: "FOO", data: "BAR", meta: { from: CONTENT_MESSAGE_TYPE, to: MAIN_MESSAGE_TYPE }, }); }); it("should add the fromTarget if it was supplied", () => { const action = { type: "FOO", data: "BAR" }; const newAction = ac.AlsoToMain(action, "port123"); assert.equal(newAction.meta.fromTarget, "port123"); }); describe("isSendToMain", () => { it("should return true if action is AlsoToMain", () => { const newAction = ac.AlsoToMain({ type: "FOO" }); assert.isTrue(au.isSendToMain(newAction)); }); it("should return false if action is not AlsoToMain", () => { assert.isFalse(au.isSendToMain({ type: "FOO" })); }); }); }); describe("AlsoToOneContent", () => { it("should create the right action", () => { const action = { type: "FOO", data: "BAR" }; const targetId = "abc123"; const newAction = ac.AlsoToOneContent(action, targetId); assert.deepEqual(newAction, { type: "FOO", data: "BAR", meta: { from: MAIN_MESSAGE_TYPE, to: CONTENT_MESSAGE_TYPE, toTarget: targetId, }, }); }); it("should throw if no targetId is provided", () => { assert.throws(() => { ac.AlsoToOneContent({ type: "FOO" }); }); }); describe("isSendToOneContent", () => { it("should return true if action is AlsoToOneContent", () => { const newAction = ac.AlsoToOneContent({ type: "FOO" }, "foo123"); assert.isTrue(au.isSendToOneContent(newAction)); }); it("should return false if action is not AlsoToMain", () => { assert.isFalse(au.isSendToOneContent({ type: "FOO" })); assert.isFalse( au.isSendToOneContent(ac.BroadcastToContent({ type: "FOO" })) ); }); }); describe("isFromMain", () => { it("should return true if action is AlsoToOneContent", () => { const newAction = ac.AlsoToOneContent({ type: "FOO" }, "foo123"); assert.isTrue(au.isFromMain(newAction)); }); it("should return true if action is BroadcastToContent", () => { const newAction = ac.BroadcastToContent({ type: "FOO" }); assert.isTrue(au.isFromMain(newAction)); }); it("should return false if action is AlsoToMain", () => { const newAction = ac.AlsoToMain({ type: "FOO" }); assert.isFalse(au.isFromMain(newAction)); }); }); }); describe("BroadcastToContent", () => { it("should create the right action", () => { const action = { type: "FOO", data: "BAR" }; const newAction = ac.BroadcastToContent(action); assert.deepEqual(newAction, { type: "FOO", data: "BAR", meta: { from: MAIN_MESSAGE_TYPE, to: CONTENT_MESSAGE_TYPE }, }); }); describe("isBroadcastToContent", () => { it("should return true if action is BroadcastToContent", () => { assert.isTrue( au.isBroadcastToContent(ac.BroadcastToContent({ type: "FOO" })) ); }); it("should return false if action is not BroadcastToContent", () => { assert.isFalse(au.isBroadcastToContent({ type: "FOO" })); assert.isFalse( au.isBroadcastToContent( ac.AlsoToOneContent({ type: "FOO" }, "foo123") ) ); }); }); }); describe("AlsoToPreloaded", () => { it("should create the right action", () => { const action = { type: "FOO", data: "BAR" }; const newAction = ac.AlsoToPreloaded(action); assert.deepEqual(newAction, { type: "FOO", data: "BAR", meta: { from: MAIN_MESSAGE_TYPE, to: PRELOAD_MESSAGE_TYPE }, }); }); }); describe("isSendToPreloaded", () => { it("should return true if action is AlsoToPreloaded", () => { assert.isTrue(au.isSendToPreloaded(ac.AlsoToPreloaded({ type: "FOO" }))); }); it("should return false if action is not AlsoToPreloaded", () => { assert.isFalse(au.isSendToPreloaded({ type: "FOO" })); assert.isFalse( au.isSendToPreloaded(ac.BroadcastToContent({ type: "FOO" })) ); }); }); describe("UserEvent", () => { it("should include the given data", () => { const data = { action: "foo" }; assert.equal(ac.UserEvent(data).data, data); }); it("should wrap with AlsoToMain", () => { const action = ac.UserEvent({ action: "foo" }); assert.isTrue(au.isSendToMain(action), "isSendToMain"); }); }); describe("ASRouterUserEvent", () => { it("should include the given data", () => { const data = { action: "foo" }; assert.equal(ac.ASRouterUserEvent(data).data, data); }); it("should wrap with AlsoToMain", () => { const action = ac.ASRouterUserEvent({ action: "foo" }); assert.isTrue(au.isSendToMain(action), "isSendToMain"); }); }); describe("ImpressionStats", () => { it("should include the right data", () => { const data = { action: "foo" }; assert.equal(ac.ImpressionStats(data).data, data); }); it("should wrap with AlsoToMain if in UI code", () => { assert.isTrue( au.isSendToMain(ac.ImpressionStats({ action: "foo" })), "isSendToMain" ); }); it("should not wrap with AlsoToMain if not in UI code", () => { const action = ac.ImpressionStats({ action: "foo" }, BACKGROUND_PROCESS); assert.isFalse(au.isSendToMain(action), "isSendToMain"); }); }); describe("WebExtEvent", () => { it("should set the provided type", () => { const action = ac.WebExtEvent(at.WEBEXT_CLICK, { source: "MyExtension", url: "", }); assert.equal(action.type, at.WEBEXT_CLICK); }); it("should set the provided data", () => { const data = { source: "MyExtension", url: "" }; const action = ac.WebExtEvent(at.WEBEXT_CLICK, data); assert.equal(, data); }); it("should throw if the 'source' property is missing", () => { assert.throws(() => { ac.WebExtEvent(at.WEBEXT_CLICK, {}); }); }); }); }); describe("ActionUtils", () => { describe("getPortIdOfSender", () => { it("should return the PortID from a AlsoToMain action", () => { const portID = "foo123"; const result = au.getPortIdOfSender( ac.AlsoToMain({ type: "FOO" }, portID) ); assert.equal(result, portID); }); }); });