"use strict"; const { CustomizableUITestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/CustomizableUITestUtils.sys.mjs" ); let gCUITestUtils = new CustomizableUITestUtils(window); var gTestTab; var gContentAPI; requestLongerTimeout(2); add_task(setup_UITourTest); add_UITour_task(async function test_info_icon() { let popup = document.getElementById("UITourTooltip"); let title = document.getElementById("UITourTooltipTitle"); let desc = document.getElementById("UITourTooltipDescription"); let icon = document.getElementById("UITourTooltipIcon"); let buttons = document.getElementById("UITourTooltipButtons"); // Disable the animation to prevent the mouse clicks from hitting the main // window during the transition instead of the buttons in the popup. popup.setAttribute("animate", "false"); await showInfoPromise("urlbar", "a title", "some text", "image.png"); is(title.textContent, "a title", "Popup should have correct title"); is( desc.textContent, "some text", "Popup should have correct description text" ); let imageURL = getRootDirectory(gTestPath) + "image.png"; imageURL = imageURL.replace( "chrome://mochitests/content/", "https://example.org/" ); is(icon.src, imageURL, "Popup should have correct icon shown"); is(buttons.hasChildNodes(), false, "Popup should have no buttons"); }); add_UITour_task(async function test_info_buttons_1() { let popup = document.getElementById("UITourTooltip"); let title = document.getElementById("UITourTooltipTitle"); let desc = document.getElementById("UITourTooltipDescription"); let icon = document.getElementById("UITourTooltipIcon"); await showInfoPromise( "urlbar", "another title", "moar text", "./image.png", "makeButtons" ); is(title.textContent, "another title", "Popup should have correct title"); is( desc.textContent, "moar text", "Popup should have correct description text" ); let imageURL = getRootDirectory(gTestPath) + "image.png"; imageURL = imageURL.replace( "chrome://mochitests/content/", "https://example.org/" ); is(icon.src, imageURL, "Popup should have correct icon shown"); let buttons = document.getElementById("UITourTooltipButtons"); is(buttons.childElementCount, 4, "Popup should have four buttons"); is(buttons.children[0].nodeName, "label", "Text label should be a <label>"); is( buttons.children[0].getAttribute("value"), "Regular text", "Text label should have correct value" ); is( buttons.children[0].getAttribute("image"), "", "Text should have no image" ); is(buttons.children[0].className, "", "Text should have no class"); is(buttons.children[1].nodeName, "button", "Link should be a <button>"); is( buttons.children[1].getAttribute("label"), "Link", "Link should have correct label" ); is( buttons.children[1].getAttribute("image"), "", "Link should have no image" ); is(buttons.children[1].className, "button-link", "Check link class"); is(buttons.children[2].nodeName, "button", "Button 1 should be a <button>"); is( buttons.children[2].getAttribute("label"), "Button 1", "First button should have correct label" ); is( buttons.children[2].getAttribute("image"), "", "First button should have no image" ); is(buttons.children[2].className, "", "Button 1 should have no class"); is(buttons.children[3].nodeName, "button", "Button 2 should be a <button>"); is( buttons.children[3].getAttribute("label"), "Button 2", "Second button should have correct label" ); is( buttons.children[3].getAttribute("image"), imageURL, "Second button should have correct image" ); is(buttons.children[3].className, "button-primary", "Check button 2 class"); let promiseHidden = promisePanelElementHidden(window, popup); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(buttons.children[2], {}, window); await promiseHidden; ok(true, "Popup should close automatically"); let returnValue = await waitForCallbackResultPromise(); is(returnValue.result, "button1", "Correct callback should have been called"); }); add_UITour_task(async function test_info_buttons_2() { let popup = document.getElementById("UITourTooltip"); let title = document.getElementById("UITourTooltipTitle"); let desc = document.getElementById("UITourTooltipDescription"); let icon = document.getElementById("UITourTooltipIcon"); await showInfoPromise( "urlbar", "another title", "moar text", "./image.png", "makeButtons" ); is(title.textContent, "another title", "Popup should have correct title"); is( desc.textContent, "moar text", "Popup should have correct description text" ); let imageURL = getRootDirectory(gTestPath) + "image.png"; imageURL = imageURL.replace( "chrome://mochitests/content/", "https://example.org/" ); is(icon.src, imageURL, "Popup should have correct icon shown"); let buttons = document.getElementById("UITourTooltipButtons"); is(buttons.childElementCount, 4, "Popup should have four buttons"); is( buttons.children[1].getAttribute("label"), "Link", "Link should have correct label" ); is( buttons.children[1].getAttribute("image"), "", "Link should have no image" ); ok( buttons.children[1].classList.contains("button-link"), "Link should have button-link class" ); is( buttons.children[2].getAttribute("label"), "Button 1", "First button should have correct label" ); is( buttons.children[2].getAttribute("image"), "", "First button should have no image" ); is( buttons.children[3].getAttribute("label"), "Button 2", "Second button should have correct label" ); is( buttons.children[3].getAttribute("image"), imageURL, "Second button should have correct image" ); let promiseHidden = promisePanelElementHidden(window, popup); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(buttons.children[3], {}, window); await promiseHidden; ok(true, "Popup should close automatically"); let returnValue = await waitForCallbackResultPromise(); is(returnValue.result, "button2", "Correct callback should have been called"); }); add_UITour_task(async function test_info_close_button() { let closeButton = document.getElementById("UITourTooltipClose"); await showInfoPromise( "urlbar", "Close me", "X marks the spot", null, null, "makeInfoOptions" ); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(closeButton, {}, window); let returnValue = await waitForCallbackResultPromise(); is(returnValue.result, "closeButton", "Close button callback called"); }); add_UITour_task(async function test_info_target_callback() { let popup = document.getElementById("UITourTooltip"); await showInfoPromise( "appMenu", "I want to know when the target is clicked", "*click*", null, null, "makeInfoOptions" ); await gCUITestUtils.openMainMenu(); let returnValue = await waitForCallbackResultPromise(); is(returnValue.result, "target", "target callback called"); is( returnValue.data.target, "appMenu", "target callback was from the appMenu" ); is( returnValue.data.type, "popupshown", "target callback was from the mousedown" ); // Cleanup. await hideInfoPromise(); popup.removeAttribute("animate"); }); add_UITour_task(async function test_getConfiguration_selectedSearchEngine() { let engine = await Services.search.getDefault(); let data = await getConfigurationPromise("selectedSearchEngine"); is( data.searchEngineIdentifier, engine.identifier, "Correct engine identifier" ); }); add_UITour_task(async function test_setSearchTerm() { // Place the search bar in the navigation toolbar temporarily. await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["browser.search.widget.inNavBar", true]], }); const TERM = "UITour Search Term"; await gContentAPI.setSearchTerm(TERM); let searchbar = document.getElementById("searchbar"); // The UITour gets to the searchbar element through a promise, so the value setting // only happens after a tick. await waitForConditionPromise( () => searchbar.value == TERM, "Correct term set" ); await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv(); }); add_UITour_task(async function test_clearSearchTerm() { // Place the search bar in the navigation toolbar temporarily. await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["browser.search.widget.inNavBar", true]], }); await gContentAPI.setSearchTerm(""); let searchbar = document.getElementById("searchbar"); // The UITour gets to the searchbar element through a promise, so the value setting // only happens after a tick. await waitForConditionPromise( () => searchbar.value == "", "Search term cleared" ); await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv(); });