/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at . */ import React, { Component } from "react"; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; import { connect } from "../../utils/connect"; import actions from "../../actions"; import { getEditor } from "../../utils/editor"; import { searchKeys } from "../../constants"; import { statusType } from "../../reducers/project-text-search"; import { getRelativePath } from "../../utils/sources-tree/utils"; import { getFormattedSourceId } from "../../utils/source"; import { getProjectSearchResults, getProjectSearchStatus, getProjectSearchQuery, getContext, } from "../../selectors"; import SearchInput from "../shared/SearchInput"; import AccessibleImage from "../shared/AccessibleImage"; const { PluralForm } = require("devtools/shared/plural-form"); const classnames = require("devtools/client/shared/classnames.js"); const Tree = require("devtools/client/shared/components/Tree"); import "./ProjectSearch.css"; function getFilePath(item, index) { return item.type === "RESULT" ? `${item.location.source.id}-${index || "$"}` : `${item.location.source.id}-${item.location.line}-${ item.location.column }-${index || "$"}`; } export class ProjectSearch extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { inputValue: this.props.query || "", inputFocused: false, focusedItem: null, expanded: new Set(), }; } static get propTypes() { return { clearSearch: PropTypes.func.isRequired, cx: PropTypes.object.isRequired, doSearchForHighlight: PropTypes.func.isRequired, query: PropTypes.string.isRequired, results: PropTypes.array.isRequired, searchSources: PropTypes.func.isRequired, selectSpecificLocation: PropTypes.func.isRequired, setActiveSearch: PropTypes.func.isRequired, status: PropTypes.oneOf([ "INITIAL", "FETCHING", "CANCELED", "DONE", "ERROR", ]).isRequired, modifiers: PropTypes.object, toggleProjectSearchModifier: PropTypes.func, }; } componentDidMount() { const { shortcuts } = this.context; shortcuts.on("Enter", this.onEnterPress); } componentWillUnmount() { const { shortcuts } = this.context; shortcuts.off("Enter", this.onEnterPress); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { // If the query changes in redux, also change it in the UI if (prevProps.query !== this.props.query) { this.setState({ inputValue: this.props.query }); } } doSearch(searchTerm) { if (searchTerm) { this.props.searchSources(this.props.cx, searchTerm); } } selectMatchItem = matchItem => { this.props.selectSpecificLocation(this.props.cx, matchItem.location); this.props.doSearchForHighlight( this.state.inputValue, getEditor(), matchItem.location.line, matchItem.location.column ); }; highlightMatches = lineMatch => { const { value, matchIndex, match } = lineMatch; const len = match.length; return ( {value.slice(0, matchIndex)} {value.substr(matchIndex, len)} {value.slice(matchIndex + len, value.length)} ); }; getResultCount = () => this.props.results.reduce((count, file) => count + file.matches.length, 0); onKeyDown = e => { if (e.key === "Escape") { return; } e.stopPropagation(); this.setState({ focusedItem: null }); this.doSearch(this.state.inputValue); }; onHistoryScroll = query => { this.setState({ inputValue: query }); }; onEnterPress = () => { // This is to select a match from the search result. if (!this.state.focusedItem || this.state.inputFocused) { return; } if (this.state.focusedItem.type === "MATCH") { this.selectMatchItem(this.state.focusedItem); } }; onFocus = item => { if (this.state.focusedItem !== item) { this.setState({ focusedItem: item }); } }; inputOnChange = e => { const inputValue = e.target.value; const { cx, clearSearch } = this.props; this.setState({ inputValue }); if (inputValue === "") { clearSearch(cx); } }; renderFile = (file, focused, expanded) => { const matchesLength = file.matches.length; const matches = ` (${matchesLength} match${matchesLength > 1 ? "es" : ""})`; return (
{file.location.source.url ? getRelativePath(file.location.source.url) : getFormattedSourceId(file.location.source.id)} {matches}
); }; renderMatch = (match, focused) => { return (
setTimeout(() => this.selectMatchItem(match), 50)} > {match.location.line} {this.highlightMatches(match)}
); }; renderItem = (item, depth, focused, _, expanded) => { if (item.type === "RESULT") { return this.renderFile(item, focused, expanded); } return this.renderMatch(item, focused); }; renderResults = () => { const { status, results } = this.props; if (!this.props.query) { return null; } if (results.length) { return ( results} getChildren={file => file.matches || []} itemHeight={24} autoExpandAll={true} autoExpandDepth={1} autoExpandNodeChildrenLimit={100} getParent={item => null} getPath={getFilePath} renderItem={this.renderItem} focused={this.state.focusedItem} onFocus={this.onFocus} isExpanded={item => { return this.state.expanded.has(item); }} onExpand={item => { const { expanded } = this.state; expanded.add(item); this.setState({ expanded }); }} onCollapse={item => { const { expanded } = this.state; expanded.delete(item); this.setState({ expanded }); }} getKey={getFilePath} /> ); } const msg = status === statusType.fetching ? L10N.getStr("loadingText") : L10N.getStr("projectTextSearch.noResults"); return
; }; renderSummary = () => { if (this.props.query !== "") { const resultsSummaryString = L10N.getStr("sourceSearch.resultsSummary2"); const count = this.getResultCount(); return PluralForm.get(count, resultsSummaryString).replace("#1", count); } return ""; }; shouldShowErrorEmoji() { return !this.getResultCount() && this.props.status === statusType.done; } renderInput() { const { status } = this.props; return ( this.setState({ inputFocused: true })} onBlur={() => this.setState({ inputFocused: false })} onKeyDown={this.onKeyDown} onHistoryScroll={this.onHistoryScroll} showClose={false} showExcludePatterns={true} excludePatternsLabel={L10N.getStr( "projectTextSearch.excludePatterns.label" )} excludePatternsPlaceholder={L10N.getStr( "projectTextSearch.excludePatterns.placeholder" )} ref="searchInput" showSearchModifiers={true} searchKey={searchKeys.PROJECT_SEARCH} onToggleSearchModifier={() => this.doSearch(this.state.inputValue)} /> ); } render() { return (
); } } ProjectSearch.contextTypes = { shortcuts: PropTypes.object, }; const mapStateToProps = state => ({ cx: getContext(state), results: getProjectSearchResults(state), query: getProjectSearchQuery(state), status: getProjectSearchStatus(state), }); export default connect(mapStateToProps, { searchSources: actions.searchSources, clearSearch: actions.clearSearch, selectSpecificLocation: actions.selectSpecificLocation, setActiveSearch: actions.setActiveSearch, doSearchForHighlight: actions.doSearchForHighlight, })(ProjectSearch);