/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at . */ // eslint-disable-next-line max-len // Decodes an anonymous naming scheme that // spider monkey implements based on "Naming Anonymous JavaScript Functions" // http://johnjbarton.github.io/nonymous/index.html const objectProperty = /([\w\d\$#]+)$/; const arrayProperty = /\[(.*?)\]$/; const functionProperty = /([\w\d]+)[\/\.<]*?$/; const annonymousProperty = /([\w\d]+)\(\^\)$/; export function simplifyDisplayName(displayName) { // if the display name has a space it has already been mapped if (!displayName || /\s/.exec(displayName)) { return displayName; } const scenarios = [ objectProperty, arrayProperty, functionProperty, annonymousProperty, ]; for (const reg of scenarios) { const match = reg.exec(displayName); if (match) { return match[1]; } } return displayName; } const displayNameMap = { Babel: { tryCatch: "Async", }, Backbone: { "extend/child": "Create Class", ".create": "Create Model", }, jQuery: { "jQuery.event.dispatch": "Dispatch Event", }, React: { // eslint-disable-next-line max-len "ReactCompositeComponent._renderValidatedComponentWithoutOwnerOrContext/renderedElement<": "Render", _renderValidatedComponentWithoutOwnerOrContext: "Render", }, VueJS: { "renderMixin/Vue.prototype._render": "Render", }, Webpack: { // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase __webpack_require__: "Bootstrap", }, }; function mapDisplayNames(frame, library) { const { displayName } = frame; return displayNameMap[library]?.[displayName] || displayName; } function getFrameDisplayName(frame) { const { displayName, originalDisplayName, userDisplayName, name } = frame; return originalDisplayName || userDisplayName || displayName || name; } export function formatDisplayName( frame, { shouldMapDisplayName = true } = {}, l10n ) { const { library } = frame; let displayName = getFrameDisplayName(frame); if (library && shouldMapDisplayName) { displayName = mapDisplayNames(frame, library); } return simplifyDisplayName(displayName) || l10n.getStr("anonymousFunction"); } export function formatCopyName(frame, l10n) { const displayName = formatDisplayName(frame, undefined, l10n); if (!frame.source) { throw new Error("no frame source"); } const fileName = frame.source.url || frame.source.id; const frameLocation = frame.location.line; return `${displayName} (${fileName}#${frameLocation})`; }