/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Check display of custom formatters in debugger. const TEST_FILENAME = `doc_dbg-custom-formatters.html`; const TEST_FUNCTION_NAME = "pauseWithCustomFormattedObject"; const CUSTOM_FORMATTED_BODY = "customFormattedBody"; const VARIABLE_NAME = "xyz"; add_task(async function () { // TODO: This preference can be removed once the custom formatters feature is stable enough await pushPref("devtools.custom-formatters", true); await pushPref("devtools.custom-formatters.enabled", true); const dbg = await initDebugger(TEST_FILENAME); await selectSource(dbg, TEST_FILENAME); info( "Test that custom formatted objects are displayed as expected in the Watch Expressions panel" ); await addExpression(dbg, `({customFormatHeaderAndBody: "body"})`); const expressionsElements = findAllElements(dbg, "expressionNodes"); is(expressionsElements.length, 1); const customFormattedElement = expressionsElements[0]; const headerJsonMlNode = customFormattedElement.querySelector(".objectBox-jsonml"); is( headerJsonMlNode.innerText, "CUSTOM", "The object is rendered with a custom formatter" ); is( customFormattedElement.querySelector(".arrow"), null, "The expression is not expandable…" ); const customFormattedElementArrow = customFormattedElement.querySelector(".collapse-button"); ok(customFormattedElementArrow, "… but the custom formatter is"); info("Expanding the Object"); const onBodyRendered = waitFor( () => !!customFormattedElement.querySelector( ".objectBox-jsonml-body-wrapper .objectBox-jsonml" ) ); customFormattedElementArrow.click(); await onBodyRendered; ok( customFormattedElement .querySelector(".collapse-button") .classList.contains("expanded"), "The arrow of the node has the expected class after clicking on it" ); const bodyJsonMlNode = customFormattedElement.querySelector( ".objectBox-jsonml-body-wrapper > .objectBox-jsonml" ); ok(bodyJsonMlNode, "The body is custom formatted"); is(bodyJsonMlNode?.textContent, "body", "The body text is correct"); info("Check that custom formatters are displayed in Scopes panel"); // The function has a debugger statement that will pause the debugger invokeInTab(TEST_FUNCTION_NAME); info("Wait for the debugger to be paused"); await waitForPaused(dbg); info( `Check that '${VARIABLE_NAME}' is in the scopes panel and custom formatted` ); const index = 4; is( getScopeLabel(dbg, index), VARIABLE_NAME, `Got '${VARIABLE_NAME}' at the expected position` ); const scopeXElement = findElement(dbg, "scopeValue", index); is( scopeXElement.innerText, "CUSTOM", `'${VARIABLE_NAME}' is custom formatted in the scopes panel` ); const xArrow = scopeXElement.querySelector(".collapse-button"); ok(xArrow, `'${VARIABLE_NAME}' is expandable`); info(`Expanding '${VARIABLE_NAME}'`); const onScopeBodyRendered = waitFor( () => !!scopeXElement.querySelector( ".objectBox-jsonml-body-wrapper .objectBox-jsonml" ) ); xArrow.click(); await onScopeBodyRendered; const scopeXBodyJsonMlNode = scopeXElement.querySelector( ".objectBox-jsonml-body-wrapper > .objectBox-jsonml" ); ok(scopeXBodyJsonMlNode, "The scope item body is custom formatted"); is( scopeXBodyJsonMlNode?.textContent, CUSTOM_FORMATTED_BODY, "The scope item body text is correct" ); await resume(dbg); info("Check that custom formatters are displayed in the Debugger tooltip"); // The function has a debugger statement that will pause the debugger invokeInTab(TEST_FUNCTION_NAME); await waitForPaused(dbg); await assertPreviewTextValue(dbg, 26, 16, { expression: VARIABLE_NAME, text: "CUSTOM", }); const tooltipPopup = findElement(dbg, "previewPopup"); const tooltipArrow = tooltipPopup.querySelector(".collapse-button"); ok(tooltipArrow, `'${VARIABLE_NAME}' is expandable`); info(`Expanding '${VARIABLE_NAME}'`); const onTooltipBodyRendered = waitFor( () => !!tooltipPopup.querySelector( ".objectBox-jsonml-body-wrapper .objectBox-jsonml" ) ); tooltipArrow.click(); await onTooltipBodyRendered; const tooltipBodyJsonMlNode = tooltipPopup.querySelector( ".objectBox-jsonml-body-wrapper > .objectBox-jsonml" ); ok(tooltipBodyJsonMlNode, "The tooltip variable body is custom formatted"); is( tooltipBodyJsonMlNode?.textContent, CUSTOM_FORMATTED_BODY, "The tooltip variable body text is correct" ); info("Close tooltip"); dbg.actions.clearPreview(getContext(dbg)); await resume(dbg); });