/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at . */ "use strict"; const testServer = createVersionizedHttpTestServer( "examples/sourcemaps-reload-uncompressed" ); const TEST_URL = testServer.urlFor("index.html"); // getTokenFromPosition pauses 0.5s for each line, // so this test is quite slow to complete requestLongerTimeout(4); /** * Cover the breakpoints positions/columns: * - assert that the UI displayed markers in CodeMirror next to each breakable columns, * - assert the data in the reducers about the breakable columns. * * Note that it doesn't assert that the breakpoint can be hit. * It only verify data integrity and the UI. */ add_task(async function testBreakableLinesOverReloads() { const dbg = await initDebuggerWithAbsoluteURL( TEST_URL, "index.html", "script.js", "original.js" ); info("Assert breakable lines of the first html page load"); await assertBreakablePositions(dbg, "index.html", 78, [ { line: 16, columns: [6, 14] }, { line: 17, columns: [] }, { line: 21, columns: [12, 20, 48] }, { line: 24, columns: [12, 20] }, { line: 25, columns: [] }, { line: 30, columns: [] }, { line: 36, columns: [] }, ]); info("Pretty print first html page load and assert breakable lines"); await prettyPrint(dbg); await assertBreakablePositions(dbg, "index.html:formatted", 87, [ { line: 16, columns: [0, 8] }, { line: 22, columns: [0, 8, 35] }, { line: 27, columns: [0, 8] }, { line: 28, columns: [] }, { line: 36, columns: [] }, ]); await closeTab(dbg, "index.html:formatted"); info("Assert breakable lines of the first original source file, original.js"); // The length of original.js is longer than the test file // because the sourcemap replaces the content of the original file // and appends a few lines with a "WEBPACK FOOTER" comment // All the appended lines are empty lines or comments, so none of them are breakable. await assertBreakablePositions(dbg, "original.js", 15, [ { line: 1, columns: [] }, { line: 2, columns: [2, 9, 32] }, { line: 3, columns: [] }, { line: 5, columns: [] }, { line: 8, columns: [2, 8] }, { line: 9, columns: [2, 10] }, { line: 10, columns: [] }, ]); info("Assert breakable lines of the simple first load of script.js"); await assertBreakablePositions(dbg, "script.js", 9, [ { line: 1, columns: [0, 8] }, { line: 5, columns: [2, 10] }, { line: 7, columns: [2, 9] }, { line: 8, columns: [] }, { line: 9, columns: [] }, ]); info("Pretty print first load of script.js and assert breakable lines"); await prettyPrint(dbg); await assertBreakablePositions(dbg, "script.js:formatted", 8, [ { line: 1, columns: [0, 8] }, { line: 4, columns: [2, 10] }, { line: 6, columns: [2, 9] }, { line: 7, columns: [] }, ]); await closeTab(dbg, "script.js:formatted"); info( "Reload the page, wait for sources and assert that breakable lines get updated" ); testServer.switchToNextVersion(); await reload(dbg, "index.html", "script.js", "original.js"); info("Assert breakable lines of the more complex second load of script.js"); await assertBreakablePositions(dbg, "script.js", 23, [ { line: 2, columns: [0, 8] }, { line: 13, columns: [4, 12] }, { line: 14, columns: [] }, { line: 15, columns: [] }, { line: 16, columns: [] }, { line: 17, columns: [] }, { line: 18, columns: [2, 10] }, { line: 19, columns: [] }, { line: 20, columns: [] }, { line: 21, columns: [] }, { line: 22, columns: [] }, { line: 23, columns: [] }, ]); info("Pretty print first load of script.js and assert breakable lines"); await prettyPrint(dbg); await assertBreakablePositions(dbg, "script.js:formatted", 23, [ { line: 2, columns: [0, 8] }, { line: 13, columns: [4, 12] }, { line: 14, columns: [] }, { line: 15, columns: [] }, { line: 16, columns: [] }, { line: 17, columns: [] }, { line: 18, columns: [2, 10] }, { line: 19, columns: [] }, { line: 20, columns: [] }, { line: 21, columns: [] }, { line: 22, columns: [] }, ]); await closeTab(dbg, "script.js:formatted"); info("Assert breakable lines of the second html page load"); await assertBreakablePositions(dbg, "index.html", 33, [ { line: 25, columns: [6, 14] }, { line: 27, columns: [] }, ]); info("Pretty print second html page load and assert breakable lines"); await prettyPrint(dbg); await assertBreakablePositions(dbg, "index.html:formatted", 33, [ { line: 25, columns: [0, 8] }, ]); await closeTab(dbg, "index.html:formatted"); info("Assert breakable lines of the second orignal file"); // See first assertion about original.js, // the size of original.js doesn't match the size of the test file await assertBreakablePositions(dbg, "original.js", 18, [ { line: 1, columns: [] }, { line: 2, columns: [2, 9, 32] }, { line: 3, columns: [] }, { line: 8, columns: [] }, { line: 9, columns: [2, 8] }, { line: 10, columns: [2, 10] }, { line: 11, columns: [] }, { line: 13, columns: [] }, ]); }); async function assertBreakablePositions( dbg, file, numberOfLines, breakablePositions ) { await selectSource(dbg, file); is( getCM(dbg).lineCount(), numberOfLines, `We show the expected number of lines in CodeMirror for ${file}` ); for (let line = 1; line <= numberOfLines; line++) { info(`Asserting line #${line}`); const positions = breakablePositions.find( position => position.line == line ); // If we don't have any position, only assert that the line isn't breakable if (!positions) { assertLineIsBreakable(dbg, file, line, false); continue; } const { columns } = positions; // Otherwise, set a breakpoint on the line to ensure we force fetching the breakable columns per line // (this is only fetch on-demand) await addBreakpointViaGutter(dbg, line); await assertBreakpoint(dbg, line); const source = findSource(dbg, file); // If there is no column breakpoint, skip all further assertions // Last lines of inline script are reported as breakable lines and selectors reports // one breakable column, but, we don't report any available column breakpoint for them. if (!columns.length) { // So, only ensure that the really is no marker on this line const lineElement = await getTokenFromPosition(dbg, { line, ch: -1 }); const columnMarkers = lineElement.querySelectorAll(".column-breakpoint"); is( columnMarkers.length, 0, `There is no breakable columns on line ${line}` ); await removeBreakpoint(dbg, source.id, line); continue; } const selectorPositions = dbg.selectors.getBreakpointPositionsForSource( source.id ); ok(selectorPositions, "Selector returned positions"); const selectorPositionsForLine = selectorPositions[line]; ok(selectorPositionsForLine, "Selector returned positions for the line"); is( selectorPositionsForLine.length, columns.length, "Selector has the expected number of breakable columns" ); for (const selPos of selectorPositionsForLine) { is( selPos.location.line, line, "Selector breakable column has the right line" ); ok( columns.includes(selPos.location.column), `Selector breakable column has an expected column (${ selPos.location.column } in ${JSON.stringify(columns)}) for line ${line}` ); is( selPos.location.sourceId, source.id, "Selector breakable column has the right sourceId" ); is( selPos.location.sourceUrl, source.url, "Selector breakable column has the right sourceUrl" ); } const tokenElement = await getTokenFromPosition(dbg, { line, ch: -1 }); const lineElement = tokenElement.closest(".CodeMirror-line"); // Those are the breakpoint chevron we click on to set a breakpoint on a given column const columnMarkers = [ ...lineElement.querySelectorAll(".column-breakpoint"), ]; is( columnMarkers.length, columns.length, "Got the expeced number of column markers" ); // The first breakable column received the line breakpoint when calling addBreakpoint() const firstColumn = columns.shift(); ok( findColumnBreakpoint(dbg, file, line, firstColumn), `The first column ${firstColumn} has a breakpoint automatically` ); columnMarkers.shift(); for (const column of columns) { ok( !findColumnBreakpoint(dbg, file, line, column), `Before clicking on the marker, the column ${column} was not having a breakpoint` ); const marker = columnMarkers.shift(); const onSetBreakpoint = waitForDispatch(dbg.store, "SET_BREAKPOINT"); marker.click(); await onSetBreakpoint; ok( findColumnBreakpoint(dbg, file, line, column), `Was able to set column breakpoint for ${file} @ ${line}:${column}` ); const onRemoveBreakpoint = waitForDispatch( dbg.store, "REMOVE_BREAKPOINT" ); marker.click(); await onRemoveBreakpoint; ok( !findColumnBreakpoint(dbg, file, line, column), `Removed the just-added column breakpoint` ); } await removeBreakpoint(dbg, source.id, line); } }