/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at . */ "use strict"; const TEST_COM_URI = `${URL_ROOT_COM_SSL}examples/doc_dbg-fission-frame-sources.html`; // Testing project search for remote frames. add_task(async function () { // Load page and wait for sources. simple.js is loaded from // the top-level document in the dot com domain, while simple2.js // is loaded from the remote frame in the dot org domain const dbg = await initDebuggerWithAbsoluteURL( TEST_COM_URI, "simple1.js", "simple2.js" ); pressKey(dbg, "projectSearch"); type(dbg, "foo"); pressKey(dbg, "Enter"); await waitForState(dbg, state => state.projectTextSearch.status === "DONE"); const fileResults = findAllElements(dbg, "projectSearchFileResults"); const matches = findAllElements(dbg, "projectSearchExpandedResults"); is(fileResults.length, 2, "Two results found"); is(matches.length, 6, "Total no of matches found"); // Asserts that we find a matches in the js file included in the top-level document assertFileResult("simple1.js", 5); // Asserts that we find the match in the js file included assertFileResult("simple2.js", 1); function assertFileResult(fileMatched, noOfMatches) { // The results can be out of order so let find it from the collection const match = [...fileResults].find(result => result.querySelector(".file-path").innerText.includes(fileMatched) ); ok(match, `Matches were found in ${fileMatched} file.`); const matchText = noOfMatches > 1 ? "matches" : "match"; is( match.querySelector(".matches-summary").innerText.trim(), `(${noOfMatches} ${matchText})`, `${noOfMatches} ${matchText} were found in ${fileMatched} file.` ); } });