/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at . */ "use strict"; // This test can be really slow on debug platforms and should be split. requestLongerTimeout(3); add_task(async function () { const dbg = await initDebugger("doc-sourcemapped.html"); dbg.actions.toggleMapScopes(); await evalInConsoleAtPoint( dbg, "webpack3-babel6", "eval-maps", { line: 14, column: 4 }, ["one === 1", "two === 4", "three === 5"] ); await evalInConsoleAtPoint( dbg, "webpack3-babel6", "esmodules-cjs", { line: 18, column: 2 }, [ `aDefault === "a-default"`, `anAliased === "an-original"`, `aNamed === "a-named"`, `aDefault2 === "a-default2"`, `anAliased2 === "an-original2"`, `aNamed2 === "a-named2"`, `aDefault3 === "a-default3"`, `anAliased3 === "an-original3"`, `aNamed3 === "a-named3"`, ] ); await evalInConsoleAtPoint( dbg, "webpack3-babel6", "shadowed-vars", { line: 18, column: 6 }, [`aVar === "var3"`, `aLet === "let3"`, `aConst === "const3"`] ); await evalInConsoleAtPoint( dbg, "webpack3-babel6", "babel-classes", { line: 8, column: 16 }, [`this.hasOwnProperty("bound")`] ); }); async function evalInConsoleAtPoint( dbg, target, fixture, { line, column }, statements ) { const url = `${target}://./${fixture}/input.js`; const fnName = `${target}-${fixture}`.replace(/-([a-z])/g, (s, c) => c.toUpperCase() ); await invokeWithBreakpoint(dbg, fnName, url, { line, column }, async () => { await assertConsoleEval(dbg, statements); }); ok(true, `Ran tests for ${fixture} at line ${line} column ${column}`); } async function assertConsoleEval(dbg, statements) { const { hud } = await dbg.toolbox.selectTool("webconsole"); for (const statement of statements.values()) { await dbg.client.evaluate(`window.TEST_RESULT = false;`); await evaluateExpressionInConsole(hud, `TEST_RESULT = ${statement};`); const result = await dbg.client.evaluate(`window.TEST_RESULT`); is(result.result, true, `'${statement}' evaluates to true`); } }