/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test that the Changes panel works with nested at-rules. // Declare rule individually so we can use them for the assertions as well // In the end, we should have nested rule looking like: // - @media screen and (height > 5px) { // -- @layer myLayer { // --- @container myContainer (width > 10px) { // ----- div { const divRule = `div { color: tomato; }`; const containerRule = `@container myContainer (width > 10px) { /* in container */ ${divRule} }`; const layerRule = `@layer myLayer { /* in layer */ ${containerRule} }`; const mediaRule = `@media screen and (height > 5px) { /* in media */ ${layerRule} }`; const TEST_URI = `
`; const EXPECTED = [ { text: "@media screen and (height > 5px) {", copyRuleClipboard: mediaRule.replace("tomato", "cyan"), }, { text: "@layer myLayer {", copyRuleClipboard: layerRule.replace("tomato", "cyan"), }, { text: "@container myContainer (width > 10px) {", copyRuleClipboard: containerRule.replace("tomato", "cyan"), }, { text: "div {", copyRuleClipboard: divRule.replace("tomato", "cyan") }, ]; add_task(async function () { await addTab("data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(TEST_URI)); const { inspector, view: ruleView } = await openRuleView(); const changesView = selectChangesView(inspector); const { document: panelDoc, store } = changesView; const panel = panelDoc.querySelector("#sidebar-panel-changes"); await selectNode("div", inspector); const onTrackChange = waitForDispatch(store, "TRACK_CHANGE"); await updateDeclaration(ruleView, 1, { color: "tomato" }, { color: "cyan" }); await onTrackChange; const selectorsEl = getSelectors(panel); is( selectorsEl.length, EXPECTED.length, "Got the expected number of selectors item" ); for (let i = 0; i < EXPECTED.length; i++) { const selectorEl = selectorsEl[i]; const expectedItem = EXPECTED[i]; is( selectorEl.text, expectedItem.innerText, `Got expected selector text at index ${i}` ); info(`Click the Copy Rule button for the "${expectedItem.text}" rule`); const button = selectorEl .closest(".changes__rule") .querySelector(".changes__copy-rule-button"); await waitForClipboardPromise( () => button.click(), () => checkClipboardData(expectedItem.copyRuleClipboard) ); } }); function checkClipboardData(expected) { const actual = SpecialPowers.getClipboardData("text/plain"); return actual.trim() === expected.trim(); }