/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* eslint no-unused-vars: [2, {"vars": "local"}] */ "use strict"; // Import the inspector's head.js first (which itself imports shared-head.js). Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript( "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/devtools/client/inspector/test/head.js", this ); var { getInplaceEditorForSpan: inplaceEditor, } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/inplace-editor.js"); var clipboard = require("resource://devtools/shared/platform/clipboard.js"); // If a test times out we want to see the complete log and not just the last few // lines. SimpleTest.requestCompleteLog(); // Toggle this pref on to see all DevTools event communication. This is hugely // useful for fixing race conditions. // Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.dump.emit", true); // Clear preferences that may be set during the course of tests. registerCleanupFunction(() => { Services.prefs.clearUserPref("devtools.dump.emit"); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("devtools.inspector.htmlPanelOpen"); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("devtools.inspector.sidebarOpen"); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("devtools.markup.pagesize"); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("devtools.inspector.showAllAnonymousContent"); }); /** * Some tests may need to import one or more of the test helper scripts. * A test helper script is simply a js file that contains common test code that * is either not common-enough to be in head.js, or that is located in a * separate directory. * The script will be loaded synchronously and in the test's scope. * @param {String} filePath The file path, relative to the current directory. * Examples: * - "helper_attributes_test_runner.js" */ function loadHelperScript(filePath) { const testDir = gTestPath.substr(0, gTestPath.lastIndexOf("/")); Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(testDir + "/" + filePath, this); } /** * Get the MarkupContainer object instance that corresponds to the given * NodeFront * @param {NodeFront} nodeFront * @param {InspectorPanel} inspector The instance of InspectorPanel currently * loaded in the toolbox * @return {MarkupContainer} */ function getContainerForNodeFront(nodeFront, { markup }) { return markup.getContainer(nodeFront); } /** * Get the MarkupContainer object instance that corresponds to the given * selector * @param {String|NodeFront} selector * @param {InspectorPanel} inspector The instance of InspectorPanel currently * loaded in the toolbox * @param {Boolean} Set to true in the event that the node shouldn't be found. * @return {MarkupContainer} */ var getContainerForSelector = async function ( selector, inspector, expectFailure = false ) { info("Getting the markup-container for node " + selector); const nodeFront = await getNodeFront(selector, inspector); const container = getContainerForNodeFront(nodeFront, inspector); if (expectFailure) { ok(!container, "Shouldn't find markup-container for selector: " + selector); } else { ok(container, "Found markup-container for selector: " + selector); } return container; }; /** * Retrieve the nodeValue for the firstChild of a provided selector on the content page. * * @param {String} selector * @return {String} the nodeValue of the first */ function getFirstChildNodeValue(selector) { return SpecialPowers.spawn( gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [selector], _selector => { return content.document.querySelector(_selector).firstChild.nodeValue; } ); } /** * Using the markupview's _waitForChildren function, wait for all queued * children updates to be handled. * @param {InspectorPanel} inspector The instance of InspectorPanel currently * loaded in the toolbox * @return a promise that resolves when all queued children updates have been * handled */ function waitForChildrenUpdated({ markup }) { info("Waiting for queued children updates to be handled"); return new Promise(resolve => { markup._waitForChildren().then(() => { executeSoon(resolve); }); }); } /** * Simulate a click on the markup-container (a line in the markup-view) * that corresponds to the selector passed. * @param {String|NodeFront} selector * @param {InspectorPanel} inspector The instance of InspectorPanel currently * loaded in the toolbox * @return {Promise} Resolves when the node has been selected. */ var clickContainer = async function (selector, inspector) { info("Clicking on the markup-container for node " + selector); const nodeFront = await getNodeFront(selector, inspector); const container = getContainerForNodeFront(nodeFront, inspector); const updated = container.selected ? Promise.resolve() : inspector.once("inspector-updated"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter( container.tagLine, { type: "mousedown" }, inspector.markup.doc.defaultView ); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter( container.tagLine, { type: "mouseup" }, inspector.markup.doc.defaultView ); return updated; }; /** * Focus a given editable element, enter edit mode, set value, and commit * @param {DOMNode} field The element that gets editable after receiving focus * and keypress * @param {String} value The string value to be set into the edited field * @param {InspectorPanel} inspector The instance of InspectorPanel currently * loaded in the toolbox */ function setEditableFieldValue(field, value, inspector) { field.focus(); EventUtils.sendKey("return", inspector.panelWin); const input = inplaceEditor(field).input; ok(input, "Found editable field for setting value: " + value); input.value = value; EventUtils.sendKey("return", inspector.panelWin); } /** * Focus the new-attribute inplace-editor field of a node's markup container * and enters the given text, then wait for it to be applied and the for the * node to mutates (when new attribute(s) is(are) created) * @param {String} selector The selector for the node to edit. * @param {String} text The new attribute text to be entered (e.g. "id='test'") * @param {InspectorPanel} inspector The instance of InspectorPanel currently * loaded in the toolbox * @return a promise that resolves when the node has mutated */ var addNewAttributes = async function (selector, text, inspector) { info(`Entering text "${text}" in new attribute field for node ${selector}`); const container = await focusNode(selector, inspector); ok(container, "The container for '" + selector + "' was found"); info("Listening for the markupmutation event"); const nodeMutated = inspector.once("markupmutation"); setEditableFieldValue(container.editor.newAttr, text, inspector); await nodeMutated; }; /** * Checks that a node has the given attributes. * * @param {String} selector The selector for the node to check. * @param {Object} expected An object containing the attributes to check. * e.g. {id: "id1", class: "someclass"} * * Note that node.getAttribute() returns attribute values provided by the HTML * parser. The parser only provides unescaped entities so & will return &. */ var assertAttributes = async function (selector, expected) { const actualAttributes = await getContentPageElementAttributes(selector); is( actualAttributes.length, Object.keys(expected).length, "The node " + selector + " has the expected number of attributes." ); for (const attr in expected) { const foundAttr = actualAttributes.find(({ name }) => name === attr); const foundValue = foundAttr ? foundAttr.value : undefined; ok(foundAttr, "The node " + selector + " has the attribute " + attr); is( foundValue, expected[attr], "The node " + selector + " has the correct " + attr + " attribute value" ); } }; /** * Undo the last markup-view action and wait for the corresponding mutation to * occur * @param {InspectorPanel} inspector The instance of InspectorPanel currently * loaded in the toolbox * @return a promise that resolves when the markup-mutation has been treated or * rejects if no undo action is possible */ function undoChange(inspector) { const canUndo = inspector.markup.undo.canUndo(); ok(canUndo, "The last change in the markup-view can be undone"); if (!canUndo) { return Promise.reject(); } const mutated = inspector.once("markupmutation"); inspector.markup.undo.undo(); return mutated; } /** * Redo the last markup-view action and wait for the corresponding mutation to * occur * @param {InspectorPanel} inspector The instance of InspectorPanel currently * loaded in the toolbox * @return a promise that resolves when the markup-mutation has been treated or * rejects if no redo action is possible */ function redoChange(inspector) { const canRedo = inspector.markup.undo.canRedo(); ok(canRedo, "The last change in the markup-view can be redone"); if (!canRedo) { return Promise.reject(); } const mutated = inspector.once("markupmutation"); inspector.markup.undo.redo(); return mutated; } /** * Get the selector-search input box from the inspector panel * @return {DOMNode} */ function getSelectorSearchBox(inspector) { return inspector.panelWin.document.getElementById("inspector-searchbox"); } /** * Using the inspector panel's selector search box, search for a given selector. * The selector input string will be entered in the input field and the * keypress will be simulated. * This function won't wait for any events and is not async. It's up to callers * to subscribe to events and react accordingly. */ function searchUsingSelectorSearch(selector, inspector) { info('Entering "' + selector + '" into the selector-search input field'); const field = getSelectorSearchBox(inspector); field.focus(); field.value = selector; EventUtils.sendKey("return", inspector.panelWin); } /** * Check to see if the inspector menu items for editing are disabled. * Things like Edit As HTML, Delete Node, etc. * @param {NodeFront} nodeFront * @param {InspectorPanel} inspector * @param {Boolean} assert Should this function run assertions inline. * @return A promise that resolves with a boolean indicating whether * the menu items are disabled once the menu has been checked. */ var isEditingMenuDisabled = async function ( nodeFront, inspector, assert = true ) { // To ensure clipboard contains something to paste. clipboard.copyString("


"); await selectNode(nodeFront, inspector); const allMenuItems = openContextMenuAndGetAllItems(inspector); const deleteMenuItem = allMenuItems.find(i => i.id === "node-menu-delete"); const editHTMLMenuItem = allMenuItems.find( i => i.id === "node-menu-edithtml" ); const pasteHTMLMenuItem = allMenuItems.find( i => i.id === "node-menu-pasteouterhtml" ); if (assert) { ok(deleteMenuItem.disabled, "Delete menu item is disabled"); ok(editHTMLMenuItem.disabled, "Edit HTML menu item is disabled"); ok(pasteHTMLMenuItem.disabled, "Paste HTML menu item is disabled"); } return ( deleteMenuItem.disabled && editHTMLMenuItem.disabled && pasteHTMLMenuItem.disabled ); }; /** * Check to see if the inspector menu items for editing are enabled. * Things like Edit As HTML, Delete Node, etc. * @param {NodeFront} nodeFront * @param {InspectorPanel} inspector * @param {Boolean} assert Should this function run assertions inline. * @return A promise that resolves with a boolean indicating whether * the menu items are enabled once the menu has been checked. */ var isEditingMenuEnabled = async function ( nodeFront, inspector, assert = true ) { // To ensure clipboard contains something to paste. clipboard.copyString("


"); await selectNode(nodeFront, inspector); const allMenuItems = openContextMenuAndGetAllItems(inspector); const deleteMenuItem = allMenuItems.find(i => i.id === "node-menu-delete"); const editHTMLMenuItem = allMenuItems.find( i => i.id === "node-menu-edithtml" ); const pasteHTMLMenuItem = allMenuItems.find( i => i.id === "node-menu-pasteouterhtml" ); if (assert) { ok(!deleteMenuItem.disabled, "Delete menu item is enabled"); ok(!editHTMLMenuItem.disabled, "Edit HTML menu item is enabled"); ok(!pasteHTMLMenuItem.disabled, "Paste HTML menu item is enabled"); } return ( !deleteMenuItem.disabled && !editHTMLMenuItem.disabled && !pasteHTMLMenuItem.disabled ); }; /** * Wait for all current promises to be resolved. See this as executeSoon that * can be used with yield. */ function promiseNextTick() { return new Promise(resolve => { executeSoon(resolve); }); } /** * `await` with timeout. * * Usage: * const badgeEventAdded = inspector.markup.once("badge-added-event"); * ... * const result = await awaitWithTimeout(badgeEventAdded, 3000); * is(result, "timeout", "Ensure that no event badges were added"); * * @param {Promise} promise * Promise to resolve * @param {Number} ms * Milliseconds to wait. * @return "timeout" on timeout, otherwise the result of the fulfilled promise. */ async function awaitWithTimeout(promise, ms) { const timeout = new Promise(resolve => { // eslint-disable-next-line const wait = setTimeout(() => { clearTimeout(wait); resolve("timeout"); }, ms); }); return Promise.race([promise, timeout]); } /** * Collapses the current text selection in an input field and tabs to the next * field. */ function collapseSelectionAndTab(inspector) { // collapse selection and move caret to end EventUtils.sendKey("tab", inspector.panelWin); // next element EventUtils.sendKey("tab", inspector.panelWin); } /** * Collapses the current text selection in an input field and tabs to the * previous field. */ function collapseSelectionAndShiftTab(inspector) { // collapse selection and move caret to end EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_TAB", { shiftKey: true }, inspector.panelWin); // previous element EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_TAB", { shiftKey: true }, inspector.panelWin); } /** * Check that the current focused element is an attribute element in the markup * view. * @param {String} attrName The attribute name expected to be found * @param {Boolean} editMode Whether or not the attribute should be in edit mode */ function checkFocusedAttribute(attrName, editMode) { const focusedAttr = Services.focus.focusedElement; ok(focusedAttr, "Has a focused element"); const dataAttr = focusedAttr.parentNode.dataset.attr; is(dataAttr, attrName, attrName + " attribute editor is currently focused."); if (editMode) { // Using a multiline editor for attributes, the focused element should be a textarea. is(focusedAttr.tagName, "textarea", attrName + "is in edit mode"); } else { is(focusedAttr.tagName, "span", attrName + "is not in edit mode"); } } /** * Get attributes for node as how they are represented in editor. * * @param {String} selector * @param {InspectorPanel} inspector * @return {Promise} * A promise that resolves with an array of attribute names * (e.g. ["id", "class", "href"]) */ var getAttributesFromEditor = async function (selector, inspector) { const nodeList = ( await getContainerForSelector(selector, inspector) ).tagLine.querySelectorAll("[data-attr]"); return [...nodeList].map(node => node.getAttribute("data-attr")); }; /** * Simulate dragging a MarkupContainer by calling its mousedown and mousemove * handlers. * @param {InspectorPanel} inspector The current inspector-panel instance. * @param {String|MarkupContainer} selector The selector to identify the node or * the MarkupContainer for this node. * @param {Number} xOffset Optional x offset to drag by. * @param {Number} yOffset Optional y offset to drag by. */ async function simulateNodeDrag( inspector, selector, xOffset = 10, yOffset = 10 ) { const container = typeof selector === "string" ? await getContainerForSelector(selector, inspector) : selector; const rect = container.tagLine.getBoundingClientRect(); const scrollX = inspector.markup.doc.documentElement.scrollLeft; const scrollY = inspector.markup.doc.documentElement.scrollTop; info("Simulate mouseDown on element " + selector); container._onMouseDown({ target: container.tagLine, button: 0, pageX: scrollX + rect.x, pageY: scrollY + rect.y, stopPropagation: () => {}, preventDefault: () => {}, }); // _onMouseDown selects the node, so make sure to wait for the // inspector-updated event if the current selection was different. if (inspector.selection.nodeFront !== container.node) { await inspector.once("inspector-updated"); } info("Simulate mouseMove on element " + selector); container.onMouseMove({ pageX: scrollX + rect.x + xOffset, pageY: scrollY + rect.y + yOffset, }); } /** * Simulate dropping a MarkupContainer by calling its mouseup handler. This is * meant to be called after simulateNodeDrag has been called. * @param {InspectorPanel} inspector The current inspector-panel instance. * @param {String|MarkupContainer} selector The selector to identify the node or * the MarkupContainer for this node. */ async function simulateNodeDrop(inspector, selector) { info("Simulate mouseUp on element " + selector); const container = typeof selector === "string" ? await getContainerForSelector(selector, inspector) : selector; container.onMouseUp(); inspector.markup._onMouseUp(); } /** * Simulate drag'n'dropping a MarkupContainer by calling its mousedown, * mousemove and mouseup handlers. * @param {InspectorPanel} inspector The current inspector-panel instance. * @param {String|MarkupContainer} selector The selector to identify the node or * the MarkupContainer for this node. * @param {Number} xOffset Optional x offset to drag by. * @param {Number} yOffset Optional y offset to drag by. */ async function simulateNodeDragAndDrop(inspector, selector, xOffset, yOffset) { await simulateNodeDrag(inspector, selector, xOffset, yOffset); await simulateNodeDrop(inspector, selector); } /** * Waits until the element has not scrolled for 30 consecutive frames. */ async function waitForScrollStop(doc) { const el = doc.documentElement; const win = doc.defaultView; let lastScrollTop = el.scrollTop; let stopFrameCount = 0; while (stopFrameCount < 30) { // Wait for a frame. await new Promise(resolve => win.requestAnimationFrame(resolve)); // Check if the element has scrolled. if (lastScrollTop == el.scrollTop) { // No scrolling since the last frame. stopFrameCount++; } else { // The element has scrolled. Reset the frame counter. stopFrameCount = 0; lastScrollTop = el.scrollTop; } } return lastScrollTop; } /** * Select a node in the inspector and try to delete it using the provided key. After that, * check that the expected element is focused. * * @param {InspectorPanel} inspector * The current inspector-panel instance. * @param {String} key * The key to simulate to delete the node * @param {Object} * - {String} selector: selector of the element to delete. * - {String} focusedSelector: selector of the element that should be selected * after deleting the node. * - {String} pseudo: optional, "before" or "after" if the element focused after * deleting the node is supposed to be a before/after pseudo-element. */ async function checkDeleteAndSelection( inspector, key, { selector, focusedSelector, pseudo } ) { info( "Test deleting node " + selector + " with " + key + ", " + "expecting " + focusedSelector + " to be focused" ); info("Select node " + selector + " and make sure it is focused"); await selectNode(selector, inspector); await clickContainer(selector, inspector); info("Delete the node with: " + key); const mutated = inspector.once("markupmutation"); EventUtils.sendKey(key, inspector.panelWin); await Promise.all([mutated, inspector.once("inspector-updated")]); let nodeFront = await getNodeFront(focusedSelector, inspector); if (pseudo) { // Update the selector for logging in case of failure. focusedSelector = focusedSelector + "::" + pseudo; // Retrieve the :before or :after pseudo element of the nodeFront. const { nodes } = await inspector.walker.children(nodeFront); nodeFront = pseudo === "before" ? nodes[0] : nodes[nodes.length - 1]; } is( inspector.selection.nodeFront, nodeFront, focusedSelector + " is selected after deletion" ); info("Check that the node was really removed"); let node = await getNodeFront(selector, inspector); ok(!node, "The node can't be found in the page anymore"); info("Undo the deletion to restore the original markup"); await undoChange(inspector); node = await getNodeFront(selector, inspector); ok(node, "The node is back"); } /** * Click on the reveal link the provided slotted container. * Will resolve when selection emits "new-node-front". */ async function clickOnRevealLink(inspector, container) { const onSelection = inspector.selection.once("new-node-front"); const revealLink = container.elt.querySelector(".reveal-link"); const tagline = revealLink.closest(".tag-line"); const win = inspector.markup.doc.defaultView; // First send a mouseover on the tagline to force the link to be displayed. EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(tagline, { type: "mouseover" }, win); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(revealLink, {}, win); await onSelection; } /** * Hit `key` on the reveal link in the provided slotted container. * Will resolve when selection emits "new-node-front". */ async function keydownOnRevealLink(key, inspector, container) { const revealLink = container.elt.querySelector(".reveal-link"); const win = inspector.markup.doc.defaultView; const root = inspector.markup.getContainer(inspector.markup._rootNode); root.elt.focus(); // we need to go through a ENTER + TAB key sequence to focus on // the .reveal-link element with the keyboard const revealFocused = once(revealLink, "focus"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Enter", {}, win); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab", {}, win); info("Waiting for .reveal-link to be focused"); await revealFocused; // hit `key` on the .reveal-link const onSelection = inspector.selection.once("new-node-front"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey(key, {}, win); await onSelection; }