/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
"use strict";
// Tests the behaviour of adding a new rule to the rule view, adding a new
// property and editing the selector.
const TEST_URI = `
Styled Node
This is a span
add_task(async function () {
await addTab("data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(TEST_URI));
const { inspector, view } = await openRuleView();
await selectNode("#testid", inspector);
await addNewRuleAndDismissEditor(inspector, view, "#testid", 1);
info("Adding a new property to the new rule");
await testAddingProperty(view, 1);
info("Editing existing selector field");
await testEditSelector(view, "span");
info("Selecting the modified element");
await selectNode("span", inspector);
info("Check new rule and property exist in the modified element");
await checkModifiedElement(view, "span", 1);
function testAddingProperty(view, index) {
const ruleEditor = getRuleViewRuleEditor(view, index);
ruleEditor.addProperty("font-weight", "bold", "", true);
const textProps = ruleEditor.rule.textProps;
const lastRule = textProps[textProps.length - 1];
is(lastRule.name, "font-weight", "Last rule name is font-weight");
is(lastRule.value, "bold", "Last rule value is bold");
async function testEditSelector(view, name) {
const idRuleEditor = getRuleViewRuleEditor(view, 1);
info("Focusing an existing selector name in the rule-view");
const editor = await focusEditableField(view, idRuleEditor.selectorText);
"The selector editor got focused"
info("Entering a new selector name: " + name);
editor.input.value = name;
info("Waiting for rule view to update");
const onRuleViewChanged = once(view, "ruleview-changed");
info("Entering the commit key");
await onRuleViewChanged;
is(view._elementStyle.rules.length, 3, "Should have 3 rules.");
function checkModifiedElement(view, name, index) {
is(view._elementStyle.rules.length, 2, "Should have 2 rules.");
ok(getRuleViewRule(view, name), "Rule with " + name + " selector exists.");
const idRuleEditor = getRuleViewRuleEditor(view, index);
const textProps = idRuleEditor.rule.textProps;
const lastRule = textProps[textProps.length - 1];
is(lastRule.name, "font-weight", "Last rule name is font-weight");
is(lastRule.value, "bold", "Last rule value is bold");