/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
"use strict";
// Test that a new property editor supports the following flow:
// - type first character of property name
// - select an autocomplete suggestion !!with a mouse click!!
// - press RETURN to move to the property value
// - blur the input to commit
const TEST_URI =
"" + "
add_task(async function () {
await addTab("data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(TEST_URI));
const { inspector, view } = await openRuleView();
info("Selecting the test node");
await selectNode("h1", inspector);
info("Focusing the new property editable field");
const ruleEditor = getRuleViewRuleEditor(view, 1);
let editor = await focusNewRuleViewProperty(ruleEditor);
info('Sending "background" to the editable field.');
for (const key of "background") {
const onSuggest = editor.once("after-suggest");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey(key, {}, view.styleWindow);
await onSuggest;
const itemIndex = 4;
const bgcItem = editor.popup.getItemAtIndex(itemIndex);
"Check the expected completion element is background-color."
info("Select the background-color suggestion with a mouse click.");
const onSuggest = editor.once("after-suggest");
const node = editor.popup.elements.get(bgcItem);
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(node, {}, editor.popup._window);
await onSuggest;
is(editor.input.value, "background-color", "Correct value is autocompleted");
info("Press RETURN to move the focus to a property value editor.");
let onModifications = view.once("ruleview-changed");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {}, view.styleWindow);
await onModifications;
// Getting the new value editor after focus
editor = inplaceEditor(view.styleDocument.activeElement);
const textProp = ruleEditor.rule.textProps[1];
is(ruleEditor.rule.textProps.length, 2, "Created a new text property.");
is(ruleEditor.propertyList.children.length, 2, "Created a property editor.");
"Editing the value span now."
info("Entering a value and blurring the field to expect a rule change");
onModifications = view.once("ruleview-changed");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {}, view.styleWindow);
await onModifications;
is(textProp.value, "#F00", "Text prop should have been changed.");