/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Test the basic features of the Browser Console. "use strict"; requestLongerTimeout(2); const TEST_URI = "http://example.com/browser/devtools/client/webconsole/" + "test/browser/test-console.html?" + Date.now(); const TEST_XHR_ERROR_URI = `http://example.com/404.html?${Date.now()}`; const TEST_IMAGE = "http://example.com/browser/devtools/client/webconsole/" + "test/test-image.png"; add_task(async function () { // Needed for the execute() call in `testMessages`. await pushPref("security.allow_parent_unrestricted_js_loads", true); await pushPref("devtools.browserconsole.enableNetworkMonitoring", true); await pushPref("devtools.browsertoolbox.scope", "everything"); // Open a parent process tab to check it doesn't have impact const aboutRobotsTab = await addTab("about:robots"); // And open the "actual" test tab const tab = await addTab(TEST_URI); await testMessages(); info("Close tab"); await removeTab(tab); await removeTab(aboutRobotsTab); }); async function testMessages() { const opened = waitForBrowserConsole(); let hud = BrowserConsoleManager.getBrowserConsole(); ok(!hud, "browser console is not open"); // The test harness does override the global's console property to replace it with // a Console.sys.mjs instance (https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/c5c002f81f08a73e04868e0c2bf0eb113f200b03/testing/mochitest/api.js#75-78) // So here we reset the console property with the native console (which is luckily // stored in `nativeConsole`). const overriddenConsole = globalThis.console; globalThis.console = globalThis.nativeConsole; info("wait for the browser console to open with ctrl-shift-j"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("j", { accelKey: true, shiftKey: true }, window); hud = await opened; ok(hud, "browser console opened"); info("Check that we don't display the non-native console API warning"); // Wait a bit to let room for the message to be displayed await wait(1000); is( await findMessageVirtualizedByType({ hud, text: "The Web Console logging API", typeSelector: ".warn", }), undefined, "The message about disabled console API is not displayed" ); // Set the overidden console back. globalThis.console = overriddenConsole; await clearOutput(hud); await setFilterState(hud, { netxhr: true, css: true, }); executeSoon(() => { expectUncaughtException(); // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef foobarException(); }); // Add a message from a chrome window. hud.iframeWindow.console.log("message from chrome window"); // Spawn worker from a chrome window and log a message and an error const workerCode = `console.log("message in parent worker"); throw new Error("error in parent worker");`; const blob = new hud.iframeWindow.Blob([workerCode], { type: "application/javascript", }); const chromeSpawnedWorker = new hud.iframeWindow.Worker( URL.createObjectURL(blob) ); // Spawn Chrome worker from a chrome window and log a message // It's important to use the browser console global so the message gets assigned // a non-numeric innerID in Console.cpp const browserConsoleGlobal = Cu.getGlobalForObject(hud); const chromeWorker = new browserConsoleGlobal.ChromeWorker( URL.createObjectURL( new browserConsoleGlobal.Blob( [`console.log("message in chrome worker")`], { type: "application/javascript", } ) ) ); const sandbox = new Cu.Sandbox(null, { wantComponents: false, wantGlobalProperties: ["URL", "URLSearchParams"], }); const error = Cu.evalInSandbox( `new Error("error from nuked globals");`, sandbox ); console.error(error); Cu.nukeSandbox(sandbox); const componentsException = new Components.Exception("Components.Exception"); console.error(componentsException); // Check privileged error message from a content process await SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [], () => { (async function () { throw new Error("privileged content process error message"); })(); }); // Add a message from a content window. await SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [], () => { content.wrappedJSObject.console.log("message from content window"); content.wrappedJSObject.throwError("error from content window"); content.testWorker = new content.Worker("./test-worker.js"); content.testWorker.postMessage({ type: "log", message: "message in content worker", }); content.testWorker.postMessage({ type: "error", message: "error in content worker", }); }); // Test eval. execute(hud, "`Parent Process Location: ${document.location.href}`"); // Test eval frame script gBrowser.selectedBrowser.messageManager.loadFrameScript( `data:application/javascript,console.log("framescript-message")`, false ); // Check for network requests. const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onload = () => console.log("xhr loaded, status is: " + xhr.status); xhr.open("get", TEST_URI, true); xhr.send(); // Check for xhr error. const xhrErr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhrErr.onload = () => { console.log("xhr error loaded, status is: " + xhrErr.status); }; xhrErr.open("get", TEST_XHR_ERROR_URI, true); xhrErr.send(); // Check that Fetch requests are categorized as "XHR". await fetch(TEST_IMAGE); console.log("fetch loaded"); // Check messages logged with Services.console.logMessage const scriptErrorMessage = Cc["@mozilla.org/scripterror;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIScriptError ); scriptErrorMessage.initWithWindowID( "Error from Services.console.logMessage", gBrowser.currentURI.prePath, null, 0, 0, Ci.nsIScriptError.warningFlag, // platform-specific category to test case for Bug 1770160 "chrome javascript", gBrowser.selectedBrowser.innerWindowID ); Services.console.logMessage(scriptErrorMessage); // Check messages logged in content with Log.sys.mjs await SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [], () => { const { Log } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/Log.sys.mjs" ); const logger = Log.repository.getLogger("TEST_LOGGER_" + Date.now()); logger.addAppender(new Log.ConsoleAppender(new Log.BasicFormatter())); logger.level = Log.Level.Info; logger.info("Log.sys.mjs content process messsage"); }); // Check CSS warnings in parent process await execute(hud, `document.body.style.backgroundColor = "rainbow"`); // Wait enough so any duplicated message would have the time to be rendered await wait(1000); await checkUniqueMessageExists( hud, "message from chrome window", ".console-api" ); await checkUniqueMessageExists(hud, "error from nuked globals", ".error"); await checkUniqueMessageExists( hud, "privileged content process error message", ".error" ); await checkUniqueMessageExists( hud, "message from content window", ".console-api" ); await checkUniqueMessageExists(hud, "error from content window", ".error"); await checkUniqueMessageExists( hud, `"Parent Process Location: chrome://browser/content/browser.xhtml"`, ".result" ); await checkUniqueMessageExists(hud, "framescript-message", ".console-api"); await checkUniqueMessageExists( hud, "Error from Services.console.logMessage", ".warn" ); await checkUniqueMessageExists(hud, "foobarException", ".error"); await checkUniqueMessageExists(hud, "test-console.html", ".network"); await checkUniqueMessageExists(hud, "404.html", ".network"); await checkUniqueMessageExists(hud, "test-image.png", ".network"); await checkUniqueMessageExists( hud, "Log.sys.mjs content process messsage", ".console-api" ); await checkUniqueMessageExists( hud, "message in content worker", ".console-api" ); await checkUniqueMessageExists(hud, "error in content worker", ".error"); await checkUniqueMessageExists( hud, "message in parent worker", ".console-api" ); await checkUniqueMessageExists(hud, "error in parent worker", ".error"); await checkUniqueMessageExists( hud, "message in chrome worker", ".console-api" ); await checkUniqueMessageExists( hud, "Expected color but found ‘rainbow’", ".warn" ); await checkUniqueMessageExists( hud, "Expected color but found ‘bled’", ".warn" ); await checkComponentExceptionMessage(hud, componentsException); await resetFilters(hud); await SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [], () => { content.testWorker.terminate(); delete content.testWorker; }); chromeSpawnedWorker.terminate(); chromeWorker.terminate(); info("Close the Browser Console"); await safeCloseBrowserConsole(); } async function checkComponentExceptionMessage(hud, exception) { const msgNode = await checkUniqueMessageExists( hud, "Components.Exception", ".error" ); const framesNode = await waitFor(() => msgNode.querySelector(".pane.frames")); ok(framesNode, "The Components.Exception stack is displayed right away"); const frameNodes = framesNode.querySelectorAll(".frame"); ok(frameNodes.length > 1, "Got at least one frame in the stack"); is( frameNodes[0].querySelector(".line").textContent, String(exception.lineNumber), "The stack displayed by default refers to Components.Exception passed as argument" ); const [, line] = msgNode .querySelector(".frame-link-line") .textContent.split(":"); is( line, String(exception.lineNumber + 1), "The link on the top right refers to the console.error callsite" ); }