/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
"use strict";
const TEST_URI = `data:text/html,`;
add_task(async function () {
const hud = await openNewTabAndConsole(TEST_URI);
await waitFor(() => findConsoleAPIMessage(hud, "trace"));
ok(true, "console.trace() message is displayed in the console");
const messages = findConsoleAPIMessages(hud, "console.trace()");
is(messages.length, 4, "There are 4 console.trace() messages");
info("Wait until the stacktraces are displayed");
await waitFor(() => getFrames(hud).length === messages.length);
const [traceBar1, traceBar2, traceRab1, traceRab2] = getFrames(hud);
const framesBar1 = getFramesTitleFromTrace(traceBar1);
framesBar1.join(" - "),
"myFunc - bar - ",
"First bar trace has the expected frames"
const framesBar2 = getFramesTitleFromTrace(traceBar2);
framesBar2.join(" - "),
"myFunc - bar - ",
"Second bar trace has the expected frames"
const framesRab1 = getFramesTitleFromTrace(traceRab1);
framesRab1.join(" - "),
"myFunc - rab - ",
"First rab trace has the expected frames"
const framesRab2 = getFramesTitleFromTrace(traceRab2);
framesRab2.join(" - "),
"myFunc - rab - ",
"Second rab trace has the expected frames"
* Get all the stacktrace `.frames` elements displayed in the console output.
* @returns {Array}
function getFrames(hud) {
return Array.from(hud.ui.outputNode.querySelectorAll(".stacktrace .frames"));
* Given a stacktrace element, return an array of the frame names displayed in it.
* @param {HTMLElement} traceEl
* @returns {Array}
function getFramesTitleFromTrace(traceEl) {
return Array.from(traceEl.querySelectorAll(".frame .title")).map(
t => t.textContent