/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Check display of custom formatters. const TEST_URI = "https://example.com/browser/devtools/client/webconsole/" + "test/browser/test-console-custom-formatters.html"; add_task(async function () { // ToDo: This preference can be removed once the custom formatters feature is stable enough await pushPref("devtools.custom-formatters", true); await pushPref("devtools.custom-formatters.enabled", true); const hud = await openNewTabAndConsole(TEST_URI); // Reload the browser to ensure the custom formatters are picked up await reloadBrowser(); await testString(hud); await testNumber(hud); await testObjectWithoutFormatting(hud); await testObjectWithFormattedHeader(hud); await testObjectWithFormattedHeaderAndBody(hud); await testCustomFormatterWithObjectTag(hud); }); async function testString(hud) { info("Test for string not being custom formatted"); await testCustomFormatting(hud, { hasCustomFormatter: false, messageText: "string", }); } async function testNumber(hud) { info("Test for number not being custom formatted"); await testCustomFormatting(hud, { hasCustomFormatter: false, messageText: 1337, }); } async function testObjectWithoutFormatting(hud) { info("Test for object not being custom formatted"); await testCustomFormatting(hud, { hasCustomFormatter: false, messageText: "Object { noFormat: true }", }); } async function testObjectWithFormattedHeader(hud) { info("Simple test for custom formatted header"); await testCustomFormatting(hud, { hasCustomFormatter: true, messageText: "custom formatted header", headerStyles: "font-size: 3rem;", }); } async function testObjectWithFormattedHeaderAndBody(hud) { info("Simple test for custom formatted header with body"); await testCustomFormatting(hud, { hasCustomFormatter: true, messageText: "custom formatted body", headerStyles: "font-style: italic;", bodyText: "body", bodyStyles: "font-size: 2rem; font-family: serif;", }); } async function testCustomFormatterWithObjectTag(hud) { info(`Test for custom formatted object with "object" tag in the jsonMl`); const node = await waitFor(() => { return findConsoleAPIMessage(hud, "object tag"); }); const headerJsonMlNode = node.querySelector(".objectBox-jsonml"); is( headerJsonMlNode.getAttribute("style"), "color: purple;", "The custom formatting of the header is correct" ); const [buttonEl, child1, child2, child3, child4] = headerJsonMlNode.childNodes; is(child1.textContent, "object tag", "Got expected first item"); is( child2.textContent, `~[1,"a"]~`, "Got expected second item, the replaced object, custom formatted" ); ok( child3.classList.contains("objectBox-null"), "Got expected third item, an actual NullRep" ); is(child3.textContent, `null`, "third item has expected content"); is( child4.textContent, ` | serialized: 42n undefined null Infinity [object Object]`, "Got expected fourth item, serialized values" ); buttonEl.click(); const bodyLevel1 = await waitFor(() => node.querySelector(".objectBox-jsonml-body-wrapper .objectBox-jsonml") ); const [bodyChild1, bodyChild2] = bodyLevel1.childNodes; is(bodyChild1.textContent, "body"); const bodyCustomFormattedChild = await waitFor(() => bodyChild2.querySelector(".objectBox-jsonml") ); const [subButtonEl, subChild1, subChild2, subChild3] = bodyCustomFormattedChild.childNodes; ok(!!subButtonEl, "The body child can also be expanded"); is(subChild1.textContent, "object tag", "Got expected first item"); is( subChild2.textContent, `~[2,"b"]~`, "Got expected body second item, the replaced object, custom formatted" ); ok( subChild3.classList.contains("object-inspector"), "Got expected body third item, an actual ObjectInspector" ); is( subChild3.textContent, `Array [ 2, "b" ]`, "body third item has expected content" ); } async function testCustomFormatting( hud, { hasCustomFormatter, messageText, headerStyles, bodyText, bodyStyles } ) { const node = await waitFor(() => { return findConsoleAPIMessage(hud, messageText); }); const headerJsonMlNode = node.querySelector(".objectBox-jsonml"); if (hasCustomFormatter) { ok(headerJsonMlNode, "The message is custom formatted"); if (!headerJsonMlNode) { return; } is( headerJsonMlNode.getAttribute("style"), headerStyles, "The custom formatting of the header is correct" ); if (bodyText) { const arrow = node.querySelector(".collapse-button"); ok(arrow, "There must be a toggle arrow for the header"); info("Expanding the Object"); const onBodyRendered = waitFor( () => !!node.querySelector( ".objectBox-jsonml-body-wrapper .objectBox-jsonml" ) ); arrow.click(); await onBodyRendered; ok( node.querySelector(".collapse-button").classList.contains("expanded"), "The arrow of the node has the expected class after clicking on it" ); const bodyJsonMlNode = node.querySelector( ".objectBox-jsonml-body-wrapper > .objectBox-jsonml" ); ok(bodyJsonMlNode, "The body is custom formatted"); is(bodyJsonMlNode?.textContent, bodyText, "The body text is correct"); is( bodyJsonMlNode.getAttribute("style"), bodyStyles, "The custom formatting of the body is correct" ); } } else { ok(!headerJsonMlNode, "The message is not custom formatted"); } }