/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const l10n = require("resource://devtools/client/webconsole/utils/l10n.js"); const ResourceCommand = require("resource://devtools/shared/commands/resource/resource-command.js"); const { isSupportedByConsoleTable, } = require("resource://devtools/shared/webconsole/messages.js"); // URL Regex, common idioms: // // Lead-in (URL): // ( Capture because we need to know if there was a lead-in // character so we can include it as part of the text // preceding the match. We lack look-behind matching. // ^| The URL can start at the beginning of the string. // [\s(,;'"`“] Or whitespace or some punctuation that does not imply // a context which would preclude a URL. // ) // // We do not need a trailing look-ahead because our regex's will terminate // because they run out of characters they can eat. // What we do not attempt to have the regexp do: // - Avoid trailing '.' and ')' characters. We let our greedy match absorb // these, but have a separate regex for extra characters to leave off at the // end. // // The Regex (apart from lead-in/lead-out): // ( Begin capture of the URL // (?: (potential detect beginnings) // https?:\/\/| Start with "http" or "https" // www\d{0,3}[.][a-z0-9.\-]{2,249}| // Start with "www", up to 3 numbers, then "." then // something that looks domain-namey. We differ from the // next case in that we do not constrain the top-level // domain as tightly and do not require a trailing path // indicator of "/". This is IDN root compatible. // [a-z0-9.\-]{2,250}[.][a-z]{2,4}\/ // Detect a non-www domain, but requiring a trailing "/" // to indicate a path. This only detects IDN domains // with a non-IDN root. This is reasonable in cases where // there is no explicit http/https start us out, but // unreasonable where there is. Our real fix is the bug // to port the Thunderbird/gecko linkification logic. // // Domain names can be up to 253 characters long, and are // limited to a-zA-Z0-9 and '-'. The roots don't have // hyphens unless they are IDN roots. Root zones can be // found here: http://www.iana.org/domains/root/db // ) // [-\w.!~*'();,/?:@&=+$#%]* // path onwards. We allow the set of characters that // encodeURI does not escape plus the result of escaping // (so also '%') // ) // eslint-disable-next-line max-len const urlRegex = /(^|[\s(,;'"`“])((?:https?:\/\/|www\d{0,3}[.][a-z0-9.\-]{2,249}|[a-z0-9.\-]{2,250}[.][a-z]{2,4}\/)[-\w.!~*'();,/?:@&=+$#%]*)/im; // Set of terminators that are likely to have been part of the context rather // than part of the URL and so should be uneaten. This is '(', ',', ';', plus // quotes and question end-ing punctuation and the potential permutations with // parentheses (english-specific). const uneatLastUrlCharsRegex = /(?:[),;.!?`'"]|[.!?]\)|\)[.!?])$/; const { MESSAGE_SOURCE, MESSAGE_TYPE, MESSAGE_LEVEL, } = require("resource://devtools/client/webconsole/constants.js"); const { ConsoleMessage, NetworkEventMessage, } = require("resource://devtools/client/webconsole/types.js"); function prepareMessage(resource, idGenerator) { if (!resource.source) { resource = transformResource(resource); } resource.id = idGenerator.getNextId(resource); return resource; } /** * Transforms a resource given its type. * * @param {Object} resource: This can be either a simple RDP packet or an object emitted * by the Resource API. */ function transformResource(resource) { switch (resource.resourceType || resource.type) { case ResourceCommand.TYPES.CONSOLE_MESSAGE: { return transformConsoleAPICallResource(resource); } case ResourceCommand.TYPES.PLATFORM_MESSAGE: { return transformPlatformMessageResource(resource); } case ResourceCommand.TYPES.ERROR_MESSAGE: { return transformPageErrorResource(resource); } case ResourceCommand.TYPES.CSS_MESSAGE: { return transformCSSMessageResource(resource); } case ResourceCommand.TYPES.NETWORK_EVENT: { return transformNetworkEventResource(resource); } case "will-navigate": { return transformNavigationMessagePacket(resource); } case "evaluationResult": default: { return transformEvaluationResultPacket(resource); } } } // eslint-disable-next-line complexity function transformConsoleAPICallResource(consoleMessageResource) { const { message, targetFront } = consoleMessageResource; let parameters = message.arguments; let type = message.level; let level = getLevelFromType(type); let messageText = null; const { timer } = message; // Special per-type conversion. switch (type) { case "clear": // We show a message to users when calls console.clear() is called. parameters = [l10n.getStr("consoleCleared")]; break; case "count": case "countReset": // Chrome RDP doesn't have a special type for count. type = MESSAGE_TYPE.LOG; const { counter } = message; if (!counter) { // We don't show anything if we don't have counter data. type = MESSAGE_TYPE.NULL_MESSAGE; } else if (counter.error) { messageText = l10n.getFormatStr(counter.error, [counter.label]); level = MESSAGE_LEVEL.WARN; parameters = null; } else { const label = counter.label ? counter.label : l10n.getStr("noCounterLabel"); messageText = `${label}: ${counter.count}`; parameters = null; } break; case "timeStamp": type = MESSAGE_TYPE.NULL_MESSAGE; break; case "time": parameters = null; if (timer && timer.error) { messageText = l10n.getFormatStr(timer.error, [timer.name]); level = MESSAGE_LEVEL.WARN; } else { // We don't show anything for console.time calls to match Chrome's behaviour. type = MESSAGE_TYPE.NULL_MESSAGE; } break; case "timeLog": case "timeEnd": if (timer && timer.error) { parameters = null; messageText = l10n.getFormatStr(timer.error, [timer.name]); level = MESSAGE_LEVEL.WARN; } else if (timer) { // We show the duration to users when calls console.timeLog/timeEnd is called, // if corresponding console.time() was called before. const duration = Math.round(timer.duration * 100) / 100; if (type === "timeEnd") { messageText = l10n.getFormatStr("console.timeEnd", [ timer.name, duration, ]); parameters = null; } else if (type === "timeLog") { const [, ...rest] = parameters; parameters = [ l10n.getFormatStr("timeLog", [timer.name, duration]), ...rest, ]; } } else { // If the `timer` property does not exists, we don't output anything. type = MESSAGE_TYPE.NULL_MESSAGE; } break; case "table": if (!isSupportedByConsoleTable(parameters)) { // If the class of the first parameter is not supported, // we handle the call as a simple console.log type = "log"; } break; case "group": type = MESSAGE_TYPE.START_GROUP; if (parameters.length === 0) { parameters = [l10n.getStr("noGroupLabel")]; } break; case "groupCollapsed": type = MESSAGE_TYPE.START_GROUP_COLLAPSED; if (parameters.length === 0) { parameters = [l10n.getStr("noGroupLabel")]; } break; case "groupEnd": type = MESSAGE_TYPE.END_GROUP; parameters = null; break; case "dirxml": // Handle console.dirxml calls as simple console.log type = "log"; break; } const frame = message.filename ? { source: message.filename, sourceId: message.sourceId, line: message.lineNumber, column: message.columnNumber, } : null; if (frame && (type === "logPointError" || type === "logPoint")) { frame.options = { logPoint: true }; } return new ConsoleMessage({ targetFront, source: MESSAGE_SOURCE.CONSOLE_API, type, level, parameters, messageText, stacktrace: message.stacktrace ? message.stacktrace : null, frame, timeStamp: message.timeStamp, userProvidedStyles: message.styles, prefix: message.prefix, private: message.private, chromeContext: message.chromeContext, }); } function transformNavigationMessagePacket(packet) { const { url } = packet; return new ConsoleMessage({ source: MESSAGE_SOURCE.CONSOLE_FRONTEND, type: MESSAGE_TYPE.NAVIGATION_MARKER, level: MESSAGE_LEVEL.LOG, messageText: l10n.getFormatStr("webconsole.navigated", [url]), timeStamp: packet.timeStamp, allowRepeating: false, }); } function transformPlatformMessageResource(platformMessageResource) { const { message, timeStamp, targetFront } = platformMessageResource; return new ConsoleMessage({ targetFront, source: MESSAGE_SOURCE.CONSOLE_API, type: MESSAGE_TYPE.LOG, level: MESSAGE_LEVEL.LOG, messageText: message, timeStamp, chromeContext: true, }); } function transformPageErrorResource(pageErrorResource, override = {}) { const { pageError, targetFront } = pageErrorResource; let level = MESSAGE_LEVEL.ERROR; if (pageError.warning) { level = MESSAGE_LEVEL.WARN; } else if (pageError.info) { level = MESSAGE_LEVEL.INFO; } const frame = pageError.sourceName ? { source: pageError.sourceName, sourceId: pageError.sourceId, line: pageError.lineNumber, column: pageError.columnNumber, } : null; return new ConsoleMessage( Object.assign( { targetFront, innerWindowID: pageError.innerWindowID, source: MESSAGE_SOURCE.JAVASCRIPT, type: MESSAGE_TYPE.LOG, level, category: pageError.category, messageText: pageError.errorMessage, stacktrace: pageError.stacktrace ? pageError.stacktrace : null, frame, errorMessageName: pageError.errorMessageName, exceptionDocURL: pageError.exceptionDocURL, hasException: pageError.hasException, parameters: pageError.hasException ? [pageError.exception] : null, timeStamp: pageError.timeStamp, notes: pageError.notes, private: pageError.private, chromeContext: pageError.chromeContext, isPromiseRejection: pageError.isPromiseRejection, }, override ) ); } function transformCSSMessageResource(cssMessageResource) { return transformPageErrorResource(cssMessageResource, { cssSelectors: cssMessageResource.cssSelectors, source: MESSAGE_SOURCE.CSS, }); } function transformNetworkEventResource(networkEventResource) { return new NetworkEventMessage(networkEventResource); } function transformEvaluationResultPacket(packet) { let { exceptionMessage, errorMessageName, exceptionDocURL, exception, exceptionStack, hasException, frame, result, helperResult, timestamp: timeStamp, notes, } = packet; let parameter; if (hasException) { // If we have an exception, we prefix it, and we reset the exception message, as we're // not going to use it. parameter = exception; exceptionMessage = null; } else if (helperResult?.object) { parameter = helperResult.object; } else if (helperResult?.type === "error") { try { exceptionMessage = l10n.getFormatStr( helperResult.message, helperResult.messageArgs || [] ); } catch (ex) { exceptionMessage = helperResult.message; } } else { parameter = result; } const level = typeof exceptionMessage !== "undefined" && packet.exceptionMessage !== null ? MESSAGE_LEVEL.ERROR : MESSAGE_LEVEL.LOG; return new ConsoleMessage({ source: MESSAGE_SOURCE.JAVASCRIPT, type: MESSAGE_TYPE.RESULT, helperType: helperResult ? helperResult.type : null, level, messageText: exceptionMessage, hasException, parameters: [parameter], errorMessageName, exceptionDocURL, stacktrace: exceptionStack, frame, timeStamp, notes, private: packet.private, allowRepeating: false, }); } /** * Return if passed messages are similar and can thus be "repeated". * ⚠ This function is on a hot path, called for (almost) every message being sent by * the server. This should be kept as fast as possible. * * @param {Message} message1 * @param {Message} message2 * @returns {Boolean} */ // eslint-disable-next-line complexity function areMessagesSimilar(message1, message2) { if (!message1 || !message2) { return false; } if (!areMessagesParametersSimilar(message1, message2)) { return false; } if (!areMessagesStacktracesSimilar(message1, message2)) { return false; } if ( !message1.allowRepeating || !message2.allowRepeating || message1.type !== message2.type || message1.level !== message2.level || message1.source !== message2.source || message1.category !== message2.category || message1.frame?.source !== message2.frame?.source || message1.frame?.line !== message2.frame?.line || message1.frame?.column !== message2.frame?.column || message1.messageText !== message2.messageText || message1.private !== message2.private || message1.errorMessageName !== message2.errorMessageName || message1.hasException !== message2.hasException || message1.isPromiseRejection !== message2.isPromiseRejection || message1.userProvidedStyles?.length !== message2.userProvidedStyles?.length || `${message1.userProvidedStyles}` !== `${message2.userProvidedStyles}` ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Return if passed messages parameters are similar * ⚠ This function is on a hot path, called for (almost) every message being sent by * the server. This should be kept as fast as possible. * * @param {Message} message1 * @param {Message} message2 * @returns {Boolean} */ function areMessagesParametersSimilar(message1, message2) { const message1ParamsLength = message1.parameters?.length; if (message1ParamsLength !== message2.parameters?.length) { return false; } if (!message1ParamsLength) { return true; } for (let i = 0; i < message1ParamsLength; i++) { const message1Parameter = message1.parameters[i]; const message2Parameter = message2.parameters[i]; // exceptions have a grip, but we want to consider 2 messages similar as long as // they refer to the same error. if ( message1.hasException && message2.hasException && message1Parameter._grip?.class == message2Parameter._grip?.class && message1Parameter._grip?.preview?.message == message2Parameter._grip?.preview?.message && message1Parameter._grip?.preview?.stack == message2Parameter._grip?.preview?.stack ) { continue; } // For object references (grips), that are not exceptions, we don't want to consider // messages to be the same as we only have a preview of what they look like, and not // some kind of property that would give us the state of a given instance at a given // time. if (message1Parameter._grip || message2Parameter._grip) { return false; } if (message1Parameter.type !== message2Parameter.type) { return false; } if (message1Parameter.type) { if (message1Parameter.text !== message2Parameter.text) { return false; } } else if (message1Parameter !== message2Parameter) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Return if passed messages stacktraces are similar * * @param {Message} message1 * @param {Message} message2 * @returns {Boolean} */ function areMessagesStacktracesSimilar(message1, message2) { const message1StackLength = message1.stacktrace?.length; if (message1StackLength !== message2.stacktrace?.length) { return false; } if (!message1StackLength) { return true; } for (let i = 0; i < message1StackLength; i++) { const message1Frame = message1.stacktrace[i]; const message2Frame = message2.stacktrace[i]; if (message1Frame.filename !== message2Frame.filename) { return false; } if (message1Frame.columnNumber !== message2Frame.columnNumber) { return false; } if (message1Frame.lineNumber !== message2Frame.lineNumber) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Maps a Firefox RDP type to its corresponding level. */ function getLevelFromType(type) { const levels = { LEVEL_ERROR: "error", LEVEL_WARNING: "warn", LEVEL_INFO: "info", LEVEL_LOG: "log", LEVEL_DEBUG: "debug", }; // A mapping from the console API log event levels to the Web Console levels. const levelMap = { error: levels.LEVEL_ERROR, exception: levels.LEVEL_ERROR, assert: levels.LEVEL_ERROR, logPointError: levels.LEVEL_ERROR, warn: levels.LEVEL_WARNING, info: levels.LEVEL_INFO, log: levels.LEVEL_LOG, clear: levels.LEVEL_LOG, trace: levels.LEVEL_LOG, table: levels.LEVEL_LOG, debug: levels.LEVEL_DEBUG, dir: levels.LEVEL_LOG, dirxml: levels.LEVEL_LOG, group: levels.LEVEL_LOG, groupCollapsed: levels.LEVEL_LOG, groupEnd: levels.LEVEL_LOG, time: levels.LEVEL_LOG, timeEnd: levels.LEVEL_LOG, count: levels.LEVEL_LOG, }; return levelMap[type] || MESSAGE_TYPE.LOG; } function isGroupType(type) { return [ MESSAGE_TYPE.START_GROUP, MESSAGE_TYPE.START_GROUP_COLLAPSED, ].includes(type); } function isPacketPrivate(packet) { return ( packet.private === true || (packet.message && packet.message.private === true) || (packet.pageError && packet.pageError.private === true) || (packet.networkEvent && packet.networkEvent.private === true) ); } function createWarningGroupMessage(id, type, firstMessage) { return new ConsoleMessage({ id, allowRepeating: false, level: MESSAGE_LEVEL.WARN, source: MESSAGE_SOURCE.CONSOLE_FRONTEND, type, messageText: getWarningGroupLabel(firstMessage), timeStamp: firstMessage.timeStamp, innerWindowID: firstMessage.innerWindowID, }); } function createSimpleTableMessage(columns, items, timeStamp) { return new ConsoleMessage({ allowRepeating: false, level: MESSAGE_LEVEL.LOG, source: MESSAGE_SOURCE.CONSOLE_FRONTEND, type: MESSAGE_TYPE.SIMPLE_TABLE, columns, items, timeStamp, }); } /** * Given the a regular warning message, compute the label of the warning group the message * could be in. * For example, if the message text is: * The resource at “http://evil.com” was blocked because content blocking is enabled * * it may be turned into * * The resource at “” was blocked because content blocking is enabled * * @param {ConsoleMessage} firstMessage * @returns {String} The computed label */ function getWarningGroupLabel(firstMessage) { if ( isContentBlockingMessage(firstMessage) || isStorageIsolationMessage(firstMessage) || isTrackingProtectionMessage(firstMessage) ) { return replaceURL(firstMessage.messageText, ""); } if (isCookieSameSiteMessage(firstMessage)) { if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("network.cookie.sameSite.laxByDefault")) { return l10n.getStr("webconsole.group.cookieSameSiteLaxByDefaultEnabled2"); } return l10n.getStr("webconsole.group.cookieSameSiteLaxByDefaultDisabled2"); } if (isCSPMessage(firstMessage)) { return l10n.getStr("webconsole.group.csp"); } return ""; } /** * Replace any URL in the provided text by the provided replacement text, or an empty * string. * * @param {String} text * @param {String} replacementText * @returns {String} */ function replaceURL(text, replacementText = "") { let result = ""; let currentIndex = 0; let contentStart; while (true) { const url = urlRegex.exec(text); // Pick the regexp with the earlier content; index will always be zero. if (!url) { break; } contentStart = url.index + url[1].length; if (contentStart > 0) { const nonUrlText = text.substring(0, contentStart); result += nonUrlText; } // There are some final characters for a URL that are much more likely // to have been part of the enclosing text rather than the end of the // URL. let useUrl = url[2]; const uneat = uneatLastUrlCharsRegex.exec(useUrl); if (uneat) { useUrl = useUrl.substring(0, uneat.index); } if (useUrl) { result += replacementText; } currentIndex = currentIndex + contentStart; currentIndex = currentIndex + useUrl.length; text = text.substring(url.index + url[1].length + useUrl.length); } return result + text; } /** * Get the warningGroup type in which the message could be in. * @param {ConsoleMessage} message * @returns {String|null} null if the message can't be part of a warningGroup. */ function getWarningGroupType(message) { // We got report that this can be called with `undefined` (See Bug 1801462 and Bug 1810109). // Until we manage to reproduce and find why this happens, guard on message so at least // we don't crash the console. if (!message) { return null; } if ( message.level !== MESSAGE_LEVEL.WARN && // CookieSameSite messages are not warnings but infos message.level !== MESSAGE_LEVEL.INFO ) { return null; } if (isContentBlockingMessage(message)) { return MESSAGE_TYPE.CONTENT_BLOCKING_GROUP; } if (isStorageIsolationMessage(message)) { return MESSAGE_TYPE.STORAGE_ISOLATION_GROUP; } if (isTrackingProtectionMessage(message)) { return MESSAGE_TYPE.TRACKING_PROTECTION_GROUP; } if (isCookieSameSiteMessage(message)) { return MESSAGE_TYPE.COOKIE_SAMESITE_GROUP; } if (isCSPMessage(message)) { return MESSAGE_TYPE.CSP_GROUP; } return null; } /** * Returns a computed id given a message * * @param {ConsoleMessage} type: the message type, from MESSAGE_TYPE. * @param {Integer} innerWindowID: the message innerWindowID. * @returns {String} */ function getParentWarningGroupMessageId(message) { const warningGroupType = getWarningGroupType(message); if (!warningGroupType) { return null; } return `${warningGroupType}-${message.innerWindowID}`; } /** * Returns true if the message is a warningGroup message (i.e. the "Header"). * @param {ConsoleMessage} message * @returns {Boolean} */ function isWarningGroup(message) { return ( message.type === MESSAGE_TYPE.CONTENT_BLOCKING_GROUP || message.type === MESSAGE_TYPE.STORAGE_ISOLATION_GROUP || message.type === MESSAGE_TYPE.TRACKING_PROTECTION_GROUP || message.type === MESSAGE_TYPE.COOKIE_SAMESITE_GROUP || message.type === MESSAGE_TYPE.CORS_GROUP || message.type === MESSAGE_TYPE.CSP_GROUP ); } /** * Returns true if the message is a content blocking message. * @param {ConsoleMessage} message * @returns {Boolean} */ function isContentBlockingMessage(message) { const { category } = message; return ( category == "cookieBlockedPermission" || category == "cookieBlockedTracker" || category == "cookieBlockedAll" || category == "cookieBlockedForeign" ); } /** * Returns true if the message is a storage isolation message. * @param {ConsoleMessage} message * @returns {Boolean} */ function isStorageIsolationMessage(message) { const { category } = message; return category == "cookiePartitionedForeign"; } /** * Returns true if the message is a tracking protection message. * @param {ConsoleMessage} message * @returns {Boolean} */ function isTrackingProtectionMessage(message) { const { category } = message; return category == "Tracking Protection"; } /** * Returns true if the message is a cookie message. * @param {ConsoleMessage} message * @returns {Boolean} */ function isCookieSameSiteMessage(message) { const { category } = message; return category == "cookieSameSite"; } /** * Returns true if the message is a Content Security Policy (CSP) message. * @param {ConsoleMessage} message * @returns {Boolean} */ function isCSPMessage(message) { const { category } = message; return typeof category == "string" && category.startsWith("CSP_"); } function getDescriptorValue(descriptor) { if (!descriptor) { return descriptor; } if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(descriptor, "safeGetterValues")) { return descriptor.safeGetterValues; } if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(descriptor, "getterValue")) { return descriptor.getterValue; } if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(descriptor, "value")) { return descriptor.value; } return descriptor; } function getNaturalOrder(messageA, messageB) { const aFirst = -1; const bFirst = 1; // It can happen that messages are emitted in the same microsecond, making their // timestamp similar. In such case, we rely on which message came first through // the console API service, checking their id, except for expression result, which we'll // always insert after because console API messages emitted from the expression need to // be rendered before. if (messageA.timeStamp === messageB.timeStamp) { if (messageA.type === "result") { return bFirst; } if (messageB.type === "result") { return aFirst; } if ( !Number.isNaN(parseInt(messageA.id, 10)) && !Number.isNaN(parseInt(messageB.id, 10)) ) { return parseInt(messageA.id, 10) < parseInt(messageB.id, 10) ? aFirst : bFirst; } } return messageA.timeStamp < messageB.timeStamp ? aFirst : bFirst; } function isMessageNetworkError(message) { return ( message.source === MESSAGE_SOURCE.NETWORK && message?.status && message?.status.toString().match(/^[4,5]\d\d$/) ); } module.exports = { areMessagesSimilar, createWarningGroupMessage, createSimpleTableMessage, getDescriptorValue, getNaturalOrder, getParentWarningGroupMessageId, getWarningGroupType, isContentBlockingMessage, isGroupType, isMessageNetworkError, isPacketPrivate, isWarningGroup, l10n, prepareMessage, };