PR_Sleep ======== Causes the current thread to yield for a specified amount of time. Syntax ------ .. code:: #include <prthread.h> PRStatus PR_Sleep(PRIntervalTime ticks); Parameter ~~~~~~~~~ :ref:`PR_Sleep` has the following parameter: ``ticks`` The number of ticks you want the thread to sleep for (see :ref:`PRIntervalTime`). Returns ~~~~~~~ Calling :ref:`PR_Sleep` with a parameter equivalent to ``PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT`` is an error and results in a ``PR_FAILURE`` error. Description ----------- :ref:`PR_Sleep` simply waits on a condition for the amount of time specified. If you set ticks to ``PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT``, the thread yields. If ticks is not ``PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT``, :ref:`PR_Sleep` uses an existing lock, but has to create a new condition for this purpose. If you have already created such structures, it is more efficient to use them directly. Calling :ref:`PR_Sleep` with the value of ticks set to ``PR_INTERVAL_NO_WAIT`` simply surrenders the processor to ready threads of the same priority. All other values of ticks cause :ref:`PR_Sleep` to block the calling thread for the specified interval. Threads blocked in :ref:`PR_Sleep` are interruptible.