"use strict"; const { XPCShellContentUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/XPCShellContentUtils.sys.mjs" ); XPCShellContentUtils.init(this); const ACTOR = "AllowJavascript"; const HTML = String.raw`<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <script type="application/javascript"> "use strict"; var gFiredOnload = false; var gFiredOnclick = false; </script> </head> <body onload="gFiredOnload = true;" onclick="gFiredOnclick = true;"> </body> </html>`; const server = XPCShellContentUtils.createHttpServer({ hosts: ["example.com", "example.org"], }); server.registerPathHandler("/", (request, response) => { response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html"); response.write(HTML); }); const { AllowJavascriptParent } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://test/AllowJavascriptParent.sys.mjs" ); async function assertScriptsAllowed(bc, expectAllowed, desc) { let actor = bc.currentWindowGlobal.getActor(ACTOR); let allowed = await actor.sendQuery("CheckScriptsAllowed"); equal( allowed, expectAllowed, `Scripts should be ${expectAllowed ? "" : "dis"}allowed for ${desc}` ); } async function assertLoadFired(bc, expectFired, desc) { let actor = bc.currentWindowGlobal.getActor(ACTOR); let fired = await actor.sendQuery("CheckFiredLoadEvent"); equal( fired, expectFired, `Should ${expectFired ? "" : "not "}have fired load for ${desc}` ); } function createSubframe(bc, url) { let actor = bc.currentWindowGlobal.getActor(ACTOR); return actor.sendQuery("CreateIframe", { url }); } add_task(async function () { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("dom.security.https_first", false); ChromeUtils.registerWindowActor(ACTOR, { allFrames: true, child: { esModuleURI: "resource://test/AllowJavascriptChild.sys.mjs", events: { load: { capture: true } }, }, parent: { esModuleURI: "resource://test/AllowJavascriptParent.sys.mjs", }, }); let page = await XPCShellContentUtils.loadContentPage("http://example.com/", { remote: true, remoteSubframes: true, }); let bc = page.browsingContext; { let oopFrame1 = await createSubframe(bc, "http://example.org/"); let inprocFrame1 = await createSubframe(bc, "http://example.com/"); let oopFrame1OopSub = await createSubframe( oopFrame1, "http://example.com/" ); let inprocFrame1OopSub = await createSubframe( inprocFrame1, "http://example.org/" ); equal( oopFrame1.allowJavascript, true, "OOP BC should inherit allowJavascript from parent" ); equal( inprocFrame1.allowJavascript, true, "In-process BC should inherit allowJavascript from parent" ); equal( oopFrame1OopSub.allowJavascript, true, "OOP BC child should inherit allowJavascript from parent" ); equal( inprocFrame1OopSub.allowJavascript, true, "In-process child BC should inherit allowJavascript from parent" ); await assertLoadFired(bc, true, "top BC"); await assertScriptsAllowed(bc, true, "top BC"); await assertLoadFired(oopFrame1, true, "OOP frame 1"); await assertScriptsAllowed(oopFrame1, true, "OOP frame 1"); await assertLoadFired(inprocFrame1, true, "In-process frame 1"); await assertScriptsAllowed(inprocFrame1, true, "In-process frame 1"); await assertLoadFired(oopFrame1OopSub, true, "OOP frame 1 subframe"); await assertScriptsAllowed(oopFrame1OopSub, true, "OOP frame 1 subframe"); await assertLoadFired( inprocFrame1OopSub, true, "In-process frame 1 subframe" ); await assertScriptsAllowed( inprocFrame1OopSub, true, "In-process frame 1 subframe" ); bc.allowJavascript = false; await assertScriptsAllowed(bc, false, "top BC with scripts disallowed"); await assertScriptsAllowed( oopFrame1, false, "OOP frame 1 with top BC with scripts disallowed" ); await assertScriptsAllowed( inprocFrame1, false, "In-process frame 1 with top BC with scripts disallowed" ); await assertScriptsAllowed( oopFrame1OopSub, false, "OOP frame 1 subframe with top BC with scripts disallowed" ); await assertScriptsAllowed( inprocFrame1OopSub, false, "In-process frame 1 subframe with top BC with scripts disallowed" ); let oopFrame2 = await createSubframe(bc, "http://example.org/"); let inprocFrame2 = await createSubframe(bc, "http://example.com/"); equal( oopFrame2.allowJavascript, false, "OOP BC 2 should inherit allowJavascript from parent" ); equal( inprocFrame2.allowJavascript, false, "In-process BC 2 should inherit allowJavascript from parent" ); await assertLoadFired( oopFrame2, undefined, "OOP frame 2 with top BC with scripts disallowed" ); await assertScriptsAllowed( oopFrame2, false, "OOP frame 2 with top BC with scripts disallowed" ); await assertLoadFired( inprocFrame2, undefined, "In-process frame 2 with top BC with scripts disallowed" ); await assertScriptsAllowed( inprocFrame2, false, "In-process frame 2 with top BC with scripts disallowed" ); bc.allowJavascript = true; await assertScriptsAllowed(bc, true, "top BC"); await assertScriptsAllowed(oopFrame1, true, "OOP frame 1"); await assertScriptsAllowed(inprocFrame1, true, "In-process frame 1"); await assertScriptsAllowed(oopFrame1OopSub, true, "OOP frame 1 subframe"); await assertScriptsAllowed( inprocFrame1OopSub, true, "In-process frame 1 subframe" ); await assertScriptsAllowed(oopFrame2, false, "OOP frame 2"); await assertScriptsAllowed(inprocFrame2, false, "In-process frame 2"); oopFrame1.currentWindowGlobal.allowJavascript = false; inprocFrame1.currentWindowGlobal.allowJavascript = false; await assertScriptsAllowed( oopFrame1, false, "OOP frame 1 with second level WC scripts disallowed" ); await assertScriptsAllowed( inprocFrame1, false, "In-process frame 1 with second level WC scripts disallowed" ); await assertScriptsAllowed( oopFrame1OopSub, false, "OOP frame 1 subframe second level WC scripts disallowed" ); await assertScriptsAllowed( inprocFrame1OopSub, false, "In-process frame 1 subframe with second level WC scripts disallowed" ); oopFrame1.reload(0); inprocFrame1.reload(0); await Promise.all([ AllowJavascriptParent.promiseLoad(oopFrame1), AllowJavascriptParent.promiseLoad(inprocFrame1), ]); equal( oopFrame1.currentWindowGlobal.allowJavascript, true, "WindowContext.allowJavascript does not persist after navigation for OOP frame 1" ); equal( inprocFrame1.currentWindowGlobal.allowJavascript, true, "WindowContext.allowJavascript does not persist after navigation for in-process frame 1" ); await assertScriptsAllowed(oopFrame1, true, "OOP frame 1"); await assertScriptsAllowed(inprocFrame1, true, "In-process frame 1"); } bc.allowJavascript = false; bc.reload(0); await AllowJavascriptParent.promiseLoad(bc); await assertLoadFired( bc, undefined, "top BC with scripts disabled after reload" ); await assertScriptsAllowed( bc, false, "top BC with scripts disabled after reload" ); await page.loadURL("http://example.org/?other"); bc = page.browsingContext; await assertLoadFired( bc, undefined, "top BC with scripts disabled after navigation" ); await assertScriptsAllowed( bc, false, "top BC with scripts disabled after navigation" ); await page.close(); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("dom.security.https_first"); });