/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"

%{ C++
namespace mozilla {
class EditTransactionBase;
template <typename T>
struct already_AddRefed;

[ptr] native EditTransactionBasePtr(mozilla::EditTransactionBase);

 * The nsITransaction interface.
 * <P>
 * This interface is implemented by an object that needs to
 * execute some behavior that must be tracked by the transaction manager.
[scriptable, uuid(58e330c1-7b48-11d2-98b9-00805f297d89)]
interface nsITransaction : nsISupports
   * Executes the transaction.
  void doTransaction();

   * Restores the state to what it was before the transaction was executed.
  void undoTransaction();

   * Executes the transaction again. Can only be called on a transaction that
   * was previously undone.
   * <P>
   * In most cases, the redoTransaction() method will actually call the
   * doTransaction() method to execute the transaction again.
  void redoTransaction();

   * The transaction's transient state. This attribute is checked by
   * the transaction manager after the transaction's Execute() method is called.
   * If the transient state is false, a reference to the transaction is
   * held by the transaction manager so that the transactions' undoTransaction()
   * and redoTransaction() methods can be called. If the transient state is
   * true, the transaction manager returns immediately after the transaction's
   * doTransaction() method is called, no references to the transaction are
   * maintained. Transient transactions cannot be undone or redone by the
   * transaction manager.
  readonly attribute boolean isTransient;

   * Attempts to merge a transaction into "this" transaction. Both transactions
   * must be in their undo state, doTransaction() methods already called. The
   * transaction manager calls this method to coalesce a new transaction with
   * the transaction on the top of the undo stack.
   * This method returns a boolean value that indicates the merge result.
   * A true value indicates that the transactions were merged successfully,
   * a false value if the merge was not possible or failed. If true,
   * the transaction manager will Release() the new transacton instead of
   * pushing it on the undo stack.
   * @param aTransaction the previously executed transaction to merge.
  boolean merge(in nsITransaction aTransaction);

  [noscript] EditTransactionBasePtr getAsEditTransactionBase();

%{ C++
  inline already_AddRefed<mozilla::EditTransactionBase>