/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ function getPrincipalFromDomain(aDomain) { let ssm = Services.scriptSecurityManager; let uri = NetUtil.newURI("http://" + aDomain); return ssm.createContentPrincipal(uri, {}); } function run_test() { let pm = Services.perms; let perm = "test-idn"; // We create three principal linked to IDN. // One with just a domain, one with a subdomain and one with the TLD // containing a UTF-8 character. let mainDomainPrincipal = getPrincipalFromDomain("fôû.com"); let subDomainPrincipal = getPrincipalFromDomain("fôô.bàr.com"); let tldPrincipal = getPrincipalFromDomain("fôû.bàr.côm"); // We add those to the permission manager. pm.addFromPrincipal(mainDomainPrincipal, perm, pm.ALLOW_ACTION, 0, 0); pm.addFromPrincipal(subDomainPrincipal, perm, pm.ALLOW_ACTION, 0, 0); pm.addFromPrincipal(tldPrincipal, perm, pm.ALLOW_ACTION, 0, 0); // They should obviously be there now.. Assert.equal( pm.testPermissionFromPrincipal(mainDomainPrincipal, perm), pm.ALLOW_ACTION ); Assert.equal( pm.testPermissionFromPrincipal(subDomainPrincipal, perm), pm.ALLOW_ACTION ); Assert.equal( pm.testPermissionFromPrincipal(tldPrincipal, perm), pm.ALLOW_ACTION ); // We do the same thing with the puny-encoded versions of the IDN. let punyMainDomainPrincipal = getPrincipalFromDomain("xn--f-xgav.com"); let punySubDomainPrincipal = getPrincipalFromDomain( "xn--f-xgaa.xn--br-jia.com" ); let punyTldPrincipal = getPrincipalFromDomain( "xn--f-xgav.xn--br-jia.xn--cm-8ja" ); // Those principals should have the permission granted too. Assert.equal( pm.testPermissionFromPrincipal(punyMainDomainPrincipal, perm), pm.ALLOW_ACTION ); Assert.equal( pm.testPermissionFromPrincipal(punySubDomainPrincipal, perm), pm.ALLOW_ACTION ); Assert.equal( pm.testPermissionFromPrincipal(punyTldPrincipal, perm), pm.ALLOW_ACTION ); // However, those two principals shouldn't be allowed because they are like // the IDN but without the UT8-8 characters. let witnessPrincipal = getPrincipalFromDomain("foo.com"); Assert.equal( pm.testPermissionFromPrincipal(witnessPrincipal, perm), pm.UNKNOWN_ACTION ); witnessPrincipal = getPrincipalFromDomain("foo.bar.com"); Assert.equal( pm.testPermissionFromPrincipal(witnessPrincipal, perm), pm.UNKNOWN_ACTION ); }