/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef MOZILLA_GFX_PATHD2D_H_ #define MOZILLA_GFX_PATHD2D_H_ #include <d2d1.h> #include "2D.h" namespace mozilla { namespace gfx { class PathD2D; class PathBuilderD2D : public PathBuilder { public: MOZ_DECLARE_REFCOUNTED_VIRTUAL_TYPENAME(PathBuilderD2D, override) PathBuilderD2D(ID2D1GeometrySink* aSink, ID2D1PathGeometry* aGeom, FillRule aFillRule, BackendType aBackendType) : mSink(aSink), mGeometry(aGeom), mFigureActive(false), mFillRule(aFillRule), mBackendType(aBackendType) {} virtual ~PathBuilderD2D(); virtual void MoveTo(const Point& aPoint); virtual void LineTo(const Point& aPoint); virtual void BezierTo(const Point& aCP1, const Point& aCP2, const Point& aCP3); virtual void QuadraticBezierTo(const Point& aCP1, const Point& aCP2); virtual void Close(); virtual void Arc(const Point& aOrigin, Float aRadius, Float aStartAngle, Float aEndAngle, bool aAntiClockwise = false); virtual already_AddRefed<Path> Finish(); virtual BackendType GetBackendType() const { return mBackendType; } ID2D1GeometrySink* GetSink() { return mSink; } bool IsFigureActive() const { return mFigureActive; } static already_AddRefed<PathBuilder> Create(FillRule aFillRule); private: friend class PathD2D; void EnsureActive(const Point& aPoint); RefPtr<ID2D1GeometrySink> mSink; RefPtr<ID2D1PathGeometry> mGeometry; bool mFigureActive; FillRule mFillRule; BackendType mBackendType; }; class PathD2D : public Path { public: MOZ_DECLARE_REFCOUNTED_VIRTUAL_TYPENAME(PathD2D, override) PathD2D(ID2D1PathGeometry* aGeometry, bool aEndedActive, const Point& aEndPoint, FillRule aFillRule, BackendType aBackendType) : mGeometry(aGeometry), mEndedActive(aEndedActive), mEndPoint(aEndPoint), mFillRule(aFillRule), mBackendType(aBackendType) {} virtual BackendType GetBackendType() const { return mBackendType; } virtual already_AddRefed<PathBuilder> CopyToBuilder(FillRule aFillRule) const; virtual already_AddRefed<PathBuilder> TransformedCopyToBuilder( const Matrix& aTransform, FillRule aFillRule) const; virtual bool ContainsPoint(const Point& aPoint, const Matrix& aTransform) const; virtual bool StrokeContainsPoint(const StrokeOptions& aStrokeOptions, const Point& aPoint, const Matrix& aTransform) const; virtual Rect GetBounds(const Matrix& aTransform = Matrix()) const; virtual Rect GetStrokedBounds(const StrokeOptions& aStrokeOptions, const Matrix& aTransform = Matrix()) const; virtual void StreamToSink(PathSink* aSink) const; virtual FillRule GetFillRule() const { return mFillRule; } ID2D1Geometry* GetGeometry() { return mGeometry; } private: friend class DrawTargetD2D; friend class DrawTargetD2D1; mutable RefPtr<ID2D1PathGeometry> mGeometry; bool mEndedActive; Point mEndPoint; FillRule mFillRule; BackendType mBackendType; }; } // namespace gfx } // namespace mozilla #endif /* MOZILLA_GFX_PATHD2D_H_ */