/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "PathRecording.h" #include "DrawEventRecorder.h" #include "RecordedEventImpl.h" namespace mozilla { namespace gfx { #define NEXT_PARAMS(_type) \ const _type params = *reinterpret_cast<const _type*>(nextByte); \ nextByte += sizeof(_type); bool PathOps::StreamToSink(PathSink& aPathSink) const { if (mPathData.empty()) { return true; } const uint8_t* nextByte = mPathData.data(); const uint8_t* end = nextByte + mPathData.size(); while (nextByte < end) { const OpType opType = *reinterpret_cast<const OpType*>(nextByte); nextByte += sizeof(OpType); switch (opType) { case OpType::OP_MOVETO: { NEXT_PARAMS(Point) aPathSink.MoveTo(params); break; } case OpType::OP_LINETO: { NEXT_PARAMS(Point) aPathSink.LineTo(params); break; } case OpType::OP_BEZIERTO: { NEXT_PARAMS(ThreePoints) aPathSink.BezierTo(params.p1, params.p2, params.p3); break; } case OpType::OP_QUADRATICBEZIERTO: { NEXT_PARAMS(TwoPoints) aPathSink.QuadraticBezierTo(params.p1, params.p2); break; } case OpType::OP_ARC: { NEXT_PARAMS(ArcParams) aPathSink.Arc(params.origin, params.radius, params.startAngle, params.endAngle, params.antiClockwise); break; } case OpType::OP_CLOSE: aPathSink.Close(); break; default: return false; } } return true; } #define CHECKED_NEXT_PARAMS(_type) \ if (nextByte + sizeof(_type) > end) { \ return false; \ } \ NEXT_PARAMS(_type) bool PathOps::CheckedStreamToSink(PathSink& aPathSink) const { if (mPathData.empty()) { return true; } const uint8_t* nextByte = mPathData.data(); const uint8_t* end = nextByte + mPathData.size(); while (true) { if (nextByte == end) { break; } if (nextByte + sizeof(OpType) > end) { return false; } const OpType opType = *reinterpret_cast<const OpType*>(nextByte); nextByte += sizeof(OpType); switch (opType) { case OpType::OP_MOVETO: { CHECKED_NEXT_PARAMS(Point) aPathSink.MoveTo(params); break; } case OpType::OP_LINETO: { CHECKED_NEXT_PARAMS(Point) aPathSink.LineTo(params); break; } case OpType::OP_BEZIERTO: { CHECKED_NEXT_PARAMS(ThreePoints) aPathSink.BezierTo(params.p1, params.p2, params.p3); break; } case OpType::OP_QUADRATICBEZIERTO: { CHECKED_NEXT_PARAMS(TwoPoints) aPathSink.QuadraticBezierTo(params.p1, params.p2); break; } case OpType::OP_ARC: { CHECKED_NEXT_PARAMS(ArcParams) aPathSink.Arc(params.origin, params.radius, params.startAngle, params.endAngle, params.antiClockwise); break; } case OpType::OP_CLOSE: aPathSink.Close(); break; default: return false; } } return true; } #undef CHECKED_NEXT_PARAMS PathOps PathOps::TransformedCopy(const Matrix& aTransform) const { PathOps newPathOps; const uint8_t* nextByte = mPathData.data(); const uint8_t* end = nextByte + mPathData.size(); while (nextByte < end) { const OpType opType = *reinterpret_cast<const OpType*>(nextByte); nextByte += sizeof(OpType); switch (opType) { case OpType::OP_MOVETO: { NEXT_PARAMS(Point) newPathOps.MoveTo(aTransform.TransformPoint(params)); break; } case OpType::OP_LINETO: { NEXT_PARAMS(Point) newPathOps.LineTo(aTransform.TransformPoint(params)); break; } case OpType::OP_BEZIERTO: { NEXT_PARAMS(ThreePoints) newPathOps.BezierTo(aTransform.TransformPoint(params.p1), aTransform.TransformPoint(params.p2), aTransform.TransformPoint(params.p3)); break; } case OpType::OP_QUADRATICBEZIERTO: { NEXT_PARAMS(TwoPoints) newPathOps.QuadraticBezierTo(aTransform.TransformPoint(params.p1), aTransform.TransformPoint(params.p2)); break; } case OpType::OP_ARC: { NEXT_PARAMS(ArcParams) ArcToBezier(&newPathOps, params.origin, gfx::Size(params.radius, params.radius), params.startAngle, params.endAngle, params.antiClockwise, 0.0f, aTransform); break; } case OpType::OP_CLOSE: newPathOps.Close(); break; default: MOZ_CRASH("We control mOpTypes, so this should never happen."); } } return newPathOps; } #undef NEXT_PARAMS size_t PathOps::NumberOfOps() const { size_t size = 0; const uint8_t* nextByte = mPathData.data(); const uint8_t* end = nextByte + mPathData.size(); while (nextByte < end) { size++; const OpType opType = *reinterpret_cast<const OpType*>(nextByte); nextByte += sizeof(OpType); switch (opType) { case OpType::OP_MOVETO: nextByte += sizeof(Point); break; case OpType::OP_LINETO: nextByte += sizeof(Point); break; case OpType::OP_BEZIERTO: nextByte += sizeof(ThreePoints); break; case OpType::OP_QUADRATICBEZIERTO: nextByte += sizeof(TwoPoints); break; case OpType::OP_ARC: nextByte += sizeof(ArcParams); break; case OpType::OP_CLOSE: break; default: MOZ_CRASH("We control mOpTypes, so this should never happen."); } } return size; } void PathBuilderRecording::MoveTo(const Point& aPoint) { mPathOps.MoveTo(aPoint); mBeginPoint = aPoint; mCurrentPoint = aPoint; } void PathBuilderRecording::LineTo(const Point& aPoint) { mPathOps.LineTo(aPoint); mCurrentPoint = aPoint; } void PathBuilderRecording::BezierTo(const Point& aCP1, const Point& aCP2, const Point& aCP3) { mPathOps.BezierTo(aCP1, aCP2, aCP3); mCurrentPoint = aCP3; } void PathBuilderRecording::QuadraticBezierTo(const Point& aCP1, const Point& aCP2) { mPathOps.QuadraticBezierTo(aCP1, aCP2); mCurrentPoint = aCP2; } void PathBuilderRecording::Close() { mPathOps.Close(); mCurrentPoint = mBeginPoint; } void PathBuilderRecording::Arc(const Point& aOrigin, float aRadius, float aStartAngle, float aEndAngle, bool aAntiClockwise) { mPathOps.Arc(aOrigin, aRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aAntiClockwise); mCurrentPoint = aOrigin + Point(cosf(aEndAngle), sinf(aEndAngle)) * aRadius; } already_AddRefed<Path> PathBuilderRecording::Finish() { return MakeAndAddRef<PathRecording>(mBackendType, std::move(mPathOps), mFillRule, mBeginPoint, mCurrentPoint); } PathRecording::PathRecording(BackendType aBackend, PathOps&& aOps, FillRule aFillRule, const Point& aCurrentPoint, const Point& aBeginPoint) : mBackendType(aBackend), mPathOps(std::move(aOps)), mFillRule(aFillRule), mCurrentPoint(aCurrentPoint), mBeginPoint(aBeginPoint) {} PathRecording::~PathRecording() { for (size_t i = 0; i < mStoredRecorders.size(); i++) { mStoredRecorders[i]->RemoveStoredObject(this); mStoredRecorders[i]->RecordEvent(RecordedPathDestruction(this)); } } void PathRecording::EnsurePath() const { if (mPath) { return; } if (RefPtr<PathBuilder> pathBuilder = Factory::CreatePathBuilder(mBackendType, mFillRule)) { if (!mPathOps.StreamToSink(*pathBuilder)) { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Failed to stream PathOps to PathBuilder"); } else { mPath = pathBuilder->Finish(); MOZ_ASSERT(!!mPath, "Failed finishing Path from PathBuilder"); } } else { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Failed to create PathBuilder for PathRecording"); } } already_AddRefed<PathBuilder> PathRecording::CopyToBuilder( FillRule aFillRule) const { RefPtr<PathBuilderRecording> recording = new PathBuilderRecording(mBackendType, PathOps(mPathOps), aFillRule); recording->SetCurrentPoint(mCurrentPoint); recording->SetBeginPoint(mBeginPoint); return recording.forget(); } already_AddRefed<PathBuilder> PathRecording::TransformedCopyToBuilder( const Matrix& aTransform, FillRule aFillRule) const { RefPtr<PathBuilderRecording> recording = new PathBuilderRecording( mBackendType, mPathOps.TransformedCopy(aTransform), aFillRule); recording->SetCurrentPoint(aTransform.TransformPoint(mCurrentPoint)); recording->SetBeginPoint(aTransform.TransformPoint(mBeginPoint)); return recording.forget(); } } // namespace gfx } // namespace mozilla