/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#ifndef GFX_BLUR_H
#define GFX_BLUR_H

#include "gfxTypes.h"
#include "gfxRect.h"
#include "nsSize.h"
#include "gfxPoint.h"
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/gfx/Blur.h"

class gfxContext;

namespace mozilla {
namespace gfx {
struct sRGBColor;
struct RectCornerRadii;
class SourceSurface;
class DrawTarget;
}  // namespace gfx
}  // namespace mozilla

 * Implementation of a triple box blur approximation of a Gaussian blur.
 * A Gaussian blur is good for blurring because, when done independently
 * in the horizontal and vertical directions, it matches the result that
 * would be obtained using a different (rotated) set of axes.  A triple
 * box blur is a very close approximation of a Gaussian.
 * Creates an 8-bit alpha channel context for callers to draw in,
 * spreads the contents of that context, blurs the contents, and applies
 * it as an alpha mask on a different existing context.
 * A spread N makes each output pixel the maximum value of all source
 * pixels within a square of side length 2N+1 centered on the output pixel.
 * A temporary surface is created in the Init function. The caller then draws
 * any desired content onto the context acquired through GetContext, and lastly
 * calls Paint to apply the blurred content as an alpha mask.
class gfxAlphaBoxBlur final {
  typedef mozilla::gfx::sRGBColor sRGBColor;
  typedef mozilla::gfx::DrawTarget DrawTarget;
  typedef mozilla::gfx::RectCornerRadii RectCornerRadii;

  gfxAlphaBoxBlur() = default;


   * Constructs a box blur and initializes the temporary surface.
   * @param aDestinationCtx The destination to blur to.
   * @param aRect The coordinates of the surface to create in device units.
   * @param aBlurRadius The blur radius in pixels.  This is the radius of
   *   the entire (triple) kernel function.  Each individual box blur has
   *   radius approximately 1/3 this value, or diameter approximately 2/3
   *   this value.  This parameter should nearly always be computed using
   *   CalculateBlurRadius, below.
   * @param aDirtyRect A pointer to a dirty rect, measured in device units,
   *  if available. This will be used for optimizing the blur operation. It
   *  is safe to pass nullptr here.
   * @param aSkipRect A pointer to a rect, measured in device units, that
   *  represents an area where blurring is unnecessary and shouldn't be done
   *  for speed reasons. It is safe to pass nullptr here.
   * @param aUseHardwareAccel Flag to state whether or not we can use hardware
   *  acceleration to speed up this blur.
  mozilla::UniquePtr<gfxContext> Init(
      gfxContext* aDestinationCtx, const gfxRect& aRect,
      const mozilla::gfx::IntSize& aSpreadRadius,
      const mozilla::gfx::IntSize& aBlurRadius, const gfxRect* aDirtyRect,
      const gfxRect* aSkipRect, bool aUseHardwareAccel = true);

  already_AddRefed<DrawTarget> InitDrawTarget(
      const mozilla::gfx::DrawTarget* aReferenceDT,
      const mozilla::gfx::Rect& aRect,
      const mozilla::gfx::IntSize& aSpreadRadius,
      const mozilla::gfx::IntSize& aBlurRadius,
      const mozilla::gfx::Rect* aDirtyRect = nullptr,
      const mozilla::gfx::Rect* aSkipRect = nullptr,
      bool aUseHardwareAccel = true);

   * Performs the blur and optionally colors the result if aShadowColor is not
   * null.
  already_AddRefed<mozilla::gfx::SourceSurface> DoBlur(
      const mozilla::gfx::sRGBColor* aShadowColor = nullptr,
      mozilla::gfx::IntPoint* aOutTopLeft = nullptr);

   * Does the actual blurring/spreading and mask applying. Users of this
   * object must have drawn whatever they want to be blurred onto the internal
   * gfxContext returned by GetContext before calling this.
   * @param aDestinationCtx The graphics context on which to apply the
   *  blurred mask.
  void Paint(gfxContext* aDestinationCtx);

   * Calculates a blur radius that, when used with box blur, approximates
   * a Gaussian blur with the given standard deviation.  The result of
   * this function should be used as the aBlurRadius parameter to Init,
   * above.
  static mozilla::gfx::IntSize CalculateBlurRadius(
      const gfxPoint& aStandardDeviation);

   * Blurs a coloured rectangle onto aDestinationCtx. This is equivalent
   * to calling Init(), drawing a rectangle onto the returned surface
   * and then calling Paint, but may let us optimize better in the
   * backend.
   * @param aDestinationCtx      The destination to blur to.
   * @param aRect                The rectangle to blur in device pixels.
   * @param aCornerRadii         Corner radii for aRect, if it is a rounded
   *                             rectangle.
   * @param aBlurRadius          The standard deviation of the blur.
   * @param aShadowColor         The color to draw the blurred shadow.
   * @param aDirtyRect           An area in device pixels that is dirty and
   * needs to be redrawn.
   * @param aSkipRect            An area in device pixels to avoid blurring
   * over, to prevent unnecessary work.
  static void BlurRectangle(gfxContext* aDestinationCtx, const gfxRect& aRect,
                            const RectCornerRadii* aCornerRadii,
                            const gfxPoint& aBlurStdDev,
                            const sRGBColor& aShadowColor,
                            const gfxRect& aDirtyRect,
                            const gfxRect& aSkipRect);

  static void ShutdownBlurCache();

   * Blurs an inset box shadow according to a given path.
   * This is equivalent to calling Init(), drawing the inset path,
   * and calling paint. Do not call Init() if using this method.
   * @param aDestinationCtx     The destination to blur to.
   * @param aDestinationRect    The destination rect in device pixels
   * @param aShadowClipRect     The destiniation inner rect of the
   *                            inset path in device pixels.
   * @param aBlurRadius         The standard deviation of the blur.
   * @param aShadowColor        The color of the blur.
   * @param aInnerClipRadii     Corner radii for the inside rect if it is a
   *                            rounded rect.
   * @param aSkipRect           An area in device pixels we don't have to
   *                            paint in.
  void BlurInsetBox(gfxContext* aDestinationCtx,
                    const mozilla::gfx::Rect& aDestinationRect,
                    const mozilla::gfx::Rect& aShadowClipRect,
                    const mozilla::gfx::IntSize& aBlurRadius,
                    const mozilla::gfx::sRGBColor& aShadowColor,
                    const RectCornerRadii* aInnerClipRadii,
                    const mozilla::gfx::Rect& aSkipRect,
                    const mozilla::gfx::Point& aShadowOffset);

  already_AddRefed<mozilla::gfx::SourceSurface> GetInsetBlur(
      const mozilla::gfx::Rect& aOuterRect,
      const mozilla::gfx::Rect& aWhitespaceRect, bool aIsDestRect,
      const mozilla::gfx::sRGBColor& aShadowColor,
      const mozilla::gfx::IntSize& aBlurRadius,
      const RectCornerRadii* aInnerClipRadii, DrawTarget* aDestDrawTarget,
      bool aMirrorCorners);

   * The DrawTarget of the temporary alpha surface.
  RefPtr<DrawTarget> mDrawTarget;

   * The temporary alpha surface.
  uint8_t* mData = nullptr;

   * The object that actually does the blurring for us.
  mozilla::gfx::AlphaBoxBlur mBlur;

   * Indicates using DrawTarget-accelerated blurs.
  bool mAccelerated = false;

#endif /* GFX_BLUR_H */