/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef GFX_GDIFONT_H #define GFX_GDIFONT_H #include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h" #include "gfxFont.h" #include "gfxGDIFontList.h" #include "nsTHashMap.h" #include "nsHashKeys.h" #include "usp10.h" class gfxGDIFont final : public gfxFont { public: gfxGDIFont(GDIFontEntry* aFontEntry, const gfxFontStyle* aFontStyle, AntialiasOption anAAOption = kAntialiasDefault); HFONT GetHFONT() const { return mFont; } already_AddRefed<mozilla::gfx::ScaledFont> GetScaledFont( const TextRunDrawParams& aRunParams) override; /* override Measure to add padding for antialiasing */ RunMetrics Measure(const gfxTextRun* aTextRun, uint32_t aStart, uint32_t aEnd, BoundingBoxType aBoundingBoxType, DrawTarget* aDrawTargetForTightBoundingBox, Spacing* aSpacing, mozilla::gfx::ShapedTextFlags aOrientation) override; /* required for MathML to suppress effects of ClearType "padding" */ gfxFont* CopyWithAntialiasOption(AntialiasOption anAAOption) const override; // If the font has a cmap table, we handle it purely with harfbuzz; // but if not (e.g. .fon fonts), we'll use a GDI callback to get glyphs. bool ProvidesGetGlyph() const override { return !mFontEntry->HasCmapTable(); } uint32_t GetGlyph(uint32_t aUnicode, uint32_t aVarSelector) override; bool ProvidesGlyphWidths() const override { return true; } // get hinted glyph width in pixels as 16.16 fixed-point value int32_t GetGlyphWidth(uint16_t aGID) override; bool GetGlyphBounds(uint16_t aGID, gfxRect* aBounds, bool aTight) override; void AddSizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf, FontCacheSizes* aSizes) const; void AddSizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf, FontCacheSizes* aSizes) const; FontType GetType() const override { return FONT_TYPE_GDI; } protected: ~gfxGDIFont() override; const Metrics& GetHorizontalMetrics() const override { return *mMetrics; } bool ShapeText(DrawTarget* aDrawTarget, const char16_t* aText, uint32_t aOffset, uint32_t aLength, Script aScript, nsAtom* aLanguage, bool aVertical, RoundingFlags aRounding, gfxShapedText* aShapedText) override; void Initialize(); // creates metrics and Cairo fonts // Fill the given LOGFONT record according to our size. // (Synthetic italic is *not* handled here, because GDI may not reliably // use the face we expect if we tweak the lfItalic field, and because we // have generic support for this in gfxFont::Draw instead.) void FillLogFont(LOGFONTW& aLogFont, gfxFloat aSize); HFONT mFont; Metrics* mMetrics; bool mIsBitmap; bool mNeedsSyntheticBold; // cache of glyph IDs (used for non-sfnt fonts only) mozilla::UniquePtr<nsTHashMap<nsUint32HashKey, uint32_t> > mGlyphIDs; SCRIPT_CACHE mScriptCache; // cache of glyph widths in 16.16 fixed-point pixels mozilla::UniquePtr<nsTHashMap<nsUint32HashKey, int32_t> > mGlyphWidths; }; #endif /* GFX_GDIFONT_H */