/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
 * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#ifndef dbg_DebugScript_h
#define dbg_DebugScript_h

#include <stddef.h>  // for offsetof
#include <stddef.h>  // for size_t
#include <stdint.h>  // for uint32_t

#include "jstypes.h"

#include "gc/WeakMap.h"
#include "vm/NativeObject.h"

namespace JS {
class JS_PUBLIC_API Realm;

namespace js {

class JSBreakpointSite;
class Debugger;
class DebugScriptObject;

// DebugScript manages the internal debugger state for a JSScript, which may be
// associated with multiple Debuggers.
class DebugScript {
  friend class DebugAPI;
  friend class DebugScriptObject;

   * If this is a generator script, this is the number of Debugger.Frames
   * referring to calls to this generator, whether live or suspended. Closed
   * generators do not contribute a count.
   * When greater than zero, this script should be compiled with debug
   * instrumentation to call Debugger::onResumeFrame at each resumption site, so
   * that Debugger can reconnect any extant Debugger.Frames with the new
   * concrete frame.
  uint32_t generatorObserverCount;

   * The number of Debugger.Frame objects that refer to frames running this
   * script and that have onStep handlers. When nonzero, the interpreter and JIT
   * must arrange to call Debugger::onSingleStep before each bytecode, or at
   * least at some useful granularity.
  uint32_t stepperCount;

   * The size of the script as reported by BaseScript::length. This is the
   * length of the DebugScript::breakpoints array, below.
  size_t codeLength;

   * Number of breakpoint sites at opcodes in the script. This is the number
   * of populated entries in DebugScript::breakpoints.
  uint32_t numSites;

   * Breakpoints set in our script. For speed and simplicity, this array is
   * parallel to script->code(): the JSBreakpointSite for the opcode at
   * script->code()[offset] is debugScript->breakpoints[offset].
  JSBreakpointSite* breakpoints[1];

   * True if this DebugScript carries any useful information. If false, it
   * should be removed from its JSScript.
  bool needed() const {
    return generatorObserverCount > 0 || stepperCount > 0 || numSites > 0;

  static size_t allocSize(size_t codeLength) {
    return offsetof(DebugScript, breakpoints) +
           codeLength * sizeof(JSBreakpointSite*);

  void trace(JSTracer* trc);
  void delete_(JS::GCContext* gcx, DebugScriptObject* owner);

  static DebugScript* get(JSScript* script);
  static DebugScript* getOrCreate(JSContext* cx, HandleScript script);

  static JSBreakpointSite* getBreakpointSite(JSScript* script, jsbytecode* pc);
  static JSBreakpointSite* getOrCreateBreakpointSite(JSContext* cx,
                                                     HandleScript script,
                                                     jsbytecode* pc);
  static void destroyBreakpointSite(JS::GCContext* gcx, JSScript* script,
                                    jsbytecode* pc);

  static void clearBreakpointsIn(JS::GCContext* gcx, JSScript* script,
                                 Debugger* dbg, JSObject* handler);

#ifdef DEBUG
  static uint32_t getStepperCount(JSScript* script);

   * Increment or decrement the single-step count. If the count is non-zero
   * then the script is in single-step mode.
   * Only incrementing is fallible, as it could allocate a DebugScript.
  [[nodiscard]] static bool incrementStepperCount(JSContext* cx,
                                                  HandleScript script);
  static void decrementStepperCount(JS::GCContext* gcx, JSScript* script);

   * Increment or decrement the generator observer count. If the count is
   * non-zero then the script reports resumptions to the debugger.
   * Only incrementing is fallible, as it could allocate a DebugScript.
  [[nodiscard]] static bool incrementGeneratorObserverCount(
      JSContext* cx, HandleScript script);
  static void decrementGeneratorObserverCount(JS::GCContext* gcx,
                                              JSScript* script);

using UniqueDebugScript = js::UniquePtr<DebugScript, JS::FreePolicy>;

// A JSObject that wraps a DebugScript, so we can use it as the value in a
// WeakMap. This object owns the DebugScript and is responsible for deleting it.
class DebugScriptObject : public NativeObject {
  static const JSClass class_;

  enum { ScriptSlot, SlotCount };

  static DebugScriptObject* create(JSContext* cx, UniqueDebugScript debugScript,
                                   size_t nbytes);

  DebugScript* debugScript() const;

  static const JSClassOps classOps_;

  static void trace(JSTracer* trc, JSObject* obj);
  static void finalize(JS::GCContext* gcx, JSObject* obj);

// A weak map from JSScripts to DebugScriptObjects.
class DebugScriptMap
    : public WeakMap<HeapPtr<JSScript*>, HeapPtr<DebugScriptObject*>> {
  explicit DebugScriptMap(JSContext* cx) : WeakMap(cx) {}

} /* namespace js */

#endif /* dbg_DebugScript_h */