/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "frontend/SwitchEmitter.h" #include "mozilla/Assertions.h" // MOZ_ASSERT #include "mozilla/Span.h" // mozilla::Span #include <algorithm> // std::min, std::max #include "jstypes.h" // JS_BIT #include "frontend/BytecodeEmitter.h" // BytecodeEmitter #include "frontend/SharedContext.h" // StatementKind #include "js/friend/ErrorMessages.h" // JSMSG_* #include "js/TypeDecls.h" // jsbytecode #include "util/BitArray.h" #include "vm/BytecodeUtil.h" // SET_JUMP_OFFSET, JUMP_OFFSET_LEN, SET_RESUMEINDEX #include "vm/Opcodes.h" // JSOp, JSOpLength_TableSwitch #include "vm/Runtime.h" // ReportOutOfMemory using namespace js; using namespace js::frontend; bool SwitchEmitter::TableGenerator::addNumber(int32_t caseValue) { if (isInvalid()) { return true; } if (unsigned(caseValue + int(Bit(15))) >= unsigned(Bit(16))) { setInvalid(); return true; } if (intmap_.isNothing()) { intmap_.emplace(); } low_ = std::min(low_, caseValue); high_ = std::max(high_, caseValue); // Check for duplicates, which are not supported in a table switch. // We bias caseValue by 65536 if it's negative, and hope that's a rare case // (because it requires a malloc'd bitmap). if (caseValue < 0) { caseValue += Bit(16); } if (caseValue >= intmapBitLength_) { size_t newLength = NumWordsForBitArrayOfLength(caseValue + 1); if (!intmap_->resize(newLength)) { ReportOutOfMemory(bce_->fc); return false; } intmapBitLength_ = newLength * BitArrayElementBits; } if (IsBitArrayElementSet(intmap_->begin(), intmap_->length(), caseValue)) { // Duplicate entry is not supported in table switch. setInvalid(); return true; } SetBitArrayElement(intmap_->begin(), intmap_->length(), caseValue); return true; } void SwitchEmitter::TableGenerator::finish(uint32_t caseCount) { intmap_.reset(); #ifdef DEBUG finished_ = true; #endif if (isInvalid()) { return; } if (caseCount == 0) { low_ = 0; high_ = -1; return; } // Compute table length. Don't use table switch if overlarge or more than // half-sparse. tableLength_ = uint32_t(high_ - low_ + 1); if (tableLength_ >= Bit(16) || tableLength_ > 2 * caseCount) { setInvalid(); } } uint32_t SwitchEmitter::TableGenerator::toCaseIndex(int32_t caseValue) const { MOZ_ASSERT(finished_); MOZ_ASSERT(isValid()); uint32_t caseIndex = uint32_t(caseValue - low_); MOZ_ASSERT(caseIndex < tableLength_); return caseIndex; } uint32_t SwitchEmitter::TableGenerator::tableLength() const { MOZ_ASSERT(finished_); MOZ_ASSERT(isValid()); return tableLength_; } SwitchEmitter::SwitchEmitter(BytecodeEmitter* bce) : bce_(bce) {} bool SwitchEmitter::emitDiscriminant(uint32_t switchPos) { MOZ_ASSERT(state_ == State::Start); switchPos_ = switchPos; // Ensure that the column of the switch statement is set properly. if (!bce_->updateSourceCoordNotes(switchPos_)) { return false; } state_ = State::Discriminant; return true; } bool SwitchEmitter::emitLexical(LexicalScope::ParserData* bindings) { MOZ_ASSERT(state_ == State::Discriminant); MOZ_ASSERT(bindings); tdzCacheLexical_.emplace(bce_); emitterScope_.emplace(bce_); if (!emitterScope_->enterLexical(bce_, ScopeKind::Lexical, bindings)) { return false; } state_ = State::Lexical; return true; } bool SwitchEmitter::validateCaseCount(uint32_t caseCount) { MOZ_ASSERT(state_ == State::Discriminant || state_ == State::Lexical); if (caseCount > Bit(16)) { bce_->reportError(switchPos_, JSMSG_TOO_MANY_CASES); return false; } caseCount_ = caseCount; state_ = State::CaseCount; return true; } bool SwitchEmitter::emitCond() { MOZ_ASSERT(state_ == State::CaseCount); kind_ = Kind::Cond; // After entering the scope if necessary, push the switch control. controlInfo_.emplace(bce_, StatementKind::Switch); top_ = bce_->bytecodeSection().offset(); if (!caseOffsets_.resize(caseCount_)) { ReportOutOfMemory(bce_->fc); return false; } MOZ_ASSERT(top_ == bce_->bytecodeSection().offset()); tdzCacheCaseAndBody_.emplace(bce_); state_ = State::Cond; return true; } bool SwitchEmitter::emitTable(const TableGenerator& tableGen) { MOZ_ASSERT(state_ == State::CaseCount); kind_ = Kind::Table; // After entering the scope if necessary, push the switch control. controlInfo_.emplace(bce_, StatementKind::Switch); top_ = bce_->bytecodeSection().offset(); if (!caseOffsets_.resize(tableGen.tableLength())) { ReportOutOfMemory(bce_->fc); return false; } MOZ_ASSERT(top_ == bce_->bytecodeSection().offset()); if (!bce_->emitN(JSOp::TableSwitch, JSOpLength_TableSwitch - sizeof(jsbytecode))) { return false; } // Skip default offset. jsbytecode* pc = bce_->bytecodeSection().code(top_ + BytecodeOffsetDiff(JUMP_OFFSET_LEN)); // Fill in switch bounds, which we know fit in 16-bit offsets. SET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc, tableGen.low()); SET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc + JUMP_OFFSET_LEN, tableGen.high()); state_ = State::Table; return true; } bool SwitchEmitter::emitCaseOrDefaultJump(uint32_t caseIndex, bool isDefault) { MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == Kind::Cond); if (isDefault) { if (!bce_->emitJump(JSOp::Default, &condSwitchDefaultOffset_)) { return false; } return true; } JumpList caseJump; if (!bce_->emitJump(JSOp::Case, &caseJump)) { return false; } caseOffsets_[caseIndex] = caseJump.offset; lastCaseOffset_ = caseJump.offset; return true; } bool SwitchEmitter::prepareForCaseValue() { MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == Kind::Cond); MOZ_ASSERT(state_ == State::Cond || state_ == State::Case); if (!bce_->emit1(JSOp::Dup)) { return false; } state_ = State::CaseValue; return true; } bool SwitchEmitter::emitCaseJump() { MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == Kind::Cond); MOZ_ASSERT(state_ == State::CaseValue); if (!bce_->emit1(JSOp::StrictEq)) { return false; } if (!emitCaseOrDefaultJump(caseIndex_, false)) { return false; } caseIndex_++; state_ = State::Case; return true; } bool SwitchEmitter::emitImplicitDefault() { MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == Kind::Cond); MOZ_ASSERT(state_ == State::Cond || state_ == State::Case); if (!emitCaseOrDefaultJump(0, true)) { return false; } caseIndex_ = 0; // No internal state after emitting default jump. return true; } bool SwitchEmitter::emitCaseBody() { MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == Kind::Cond); MOZ_ASSERT(state_ == State::Cond || state_ == State::Case || state_ == State::CaseBody || state_ == State::DefaultBody); tdzCacheCaseAndBody_.reset(); if (state_ == State::Cond || state_ == State::Case) { // For cond switch, JSOp::Default is always emitted. if (!emitImplicitDefault()) { return false; } } JumpList caseJump; caseJump.offset = caseOffsets_[caseIndex_]; if (!bce_->emitJumpTargetAndPatch(caseJump)) { return false; } JumpTarget here; if (!bce_->emitJumpTarget(&here)) { return false; } caseIndex_++; tdzCacheCaseAndBody_.emplace(bce_); state_ = State::CaseBody; return true; } bool SwitchEmitter::emitCaseBody(int32_t caseValue, const TableGenerator& tableGen) { MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == Kind::Table); MOZ_ASSERT(state_ == State::Table || state_ == State::CaseBody || state_ == State::DefaultBody); tdzCacheCaseAndBody_.reset(); JumpTarget here; if (!bce_->emitJumpTarget(&here)) { return false; } caseOffsets_[tableGen.toCaseIndex(caseValue)] = here.offset; tdzCacheCaseAndBody_.emplace(bce_); state_ = State::CaseBody; return true; } bool SwitchEmitter::emitDefaultBody() { MOZ_ASSERT(state_ == State::Cond || state_ == State::Table || state_ == State::Case || state_ == State::CaseBody); MOZ_ASSERT(!hasDefault_); tdzCacheCaseAndBody_.reset(); if (state_ == State::Cond || state_ == State::Case) { // For cond switch, JSOp::Default is always emitted. if (!emitImplicitDefault()) { return false; } } JumpTarget here; if (!bce_->emitJumpTarget(&here)) { return false; } defaultJumpTargetOffset_ = here; tdzCacheCaseAndBody_.emplace(bce_); hasDefault_ = true; state_ = State::DefaultBody; return true; } bool SwitchEmitter::emitEnd() { MOZ_ASSERT(state_ == State::Cond || state_ == State::Table || state_ == State::CaseBody || state_ == State::DefaultBody); tdzCacheCaseAndBody_.reset(); if (!hasDefault_) { // If no default case, offset for default is to end of switch. if (!bce_->emitJumpTarget(&defaultJumpTargetOffset_)) { return false; } } MOZ_ASSERT(defaultJumpTargetOffset_.offset.valid()); // Set the default offset (to end of switch if no default). jsbytecode* pc; if (kind_ == Kind::Cond) { pc = nullptr; bce_->patchJumpsToTarget(condSwitchDefaultOffset_, defaultJumpTargetOffset_); } else { // Fill in the default jump target. pc = bce_->bytecodeSection().code(top_); SET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc, (defaultJumpTargetOffset_.offset - top_).value()); pc += JUMP_OFFSET_LEN; } if (kind_ == Kind::Table) { // Skip over the already-initialized switch bounds. pc += 2 * JUMP_OFFSET_LEN; // Use the 'default' offset for missing cases. for (uint32_t i = 0, length = caseOffsets_.length(); i < length; i++) { if (caseOffsets_[i].value() == 0) { caseOffsets_[i] = defaultJumpTargetOffset_.offset; } } // Allocate resume index range. uint32_t firstResumeIndex = 0; mozilla::Span<BytecodeOffset> offsets = mozilla::Span(caseOffsets_.begin(), caseOffsets_.end()); if (!bce_->allocateResumeIndexRange(offsets, &firstResumeIndex)) { return false; } SET_RESUMEINDEX(pc, firstResumeIndex); } // Patch breaks before leaving the scope, as all breaks are under the // lexical scope if it exists. if (!controlInfo_->patchBreaks(bce_)) { return false; } if (emitterScope_ && !emitterScope_->leave(bce_)) { return false; } emitterScope_.reset(); tdzCacheLexical_.reset(); controlInfo_.reset(); state_ = State::End; return true; } InternalSwitchEmitter::InternalSwitchEmitter(BytecodeEmitter* bce) : SwitchEmitter(bce) { #ifdef DEBUG // Skip emitDiscriminant (see the comment above InternalSwitchEmitter) state_ = State::Discriminant; #endif }