const RuntimeError = WebAssembly.RuntimeError; function loadModuleSrc(type, ext, offset, align, drop = false) { let maybeResult = drop ? '' : `(result ${type})`; let maybeDrop = drop ? 'drop' : ''; return `(module (memory 1) (data (i32.const 0) "\\00\\01\\02\\03\\04\\05\\06\\07\\08\\09\\0a\\0b\\0c\\0d\\0e\\0f") (data (i32.const 16) "\\f0\\f1\\f2\\f3\\f4\\f5\\f6\\f7\\f8\\f9\\fa\\fb\\fc\\fd\\fe\\ff") (func $load (param i32) ${maybeResult} (${type}.load${ext} offset=${offset} ${align != 0 ? 'align=' + align : ''} (local.get 0) ) ${maybeDrop} ) (export "" (func 0)))`; } function loadModule(type, ext, offset, align, drop = false) { return wasmEvalText(loadModuleSrc(type, ext, offset, align, drop)).exports[""]; } function storeModuleSrc(type, ext, offset, align) { var load_ext = ext === '' ? '' : ext + '_s'; return `(module (memory 1) (data (i32.const 0) "\\00\\01\\02\\03\\04\\05\\06\\07\\08\\09\\0a\\0b\\0c\\0d\\0e\\0f") (data (i32.const 16) "\\f0\\f1\\f2\\f3\\f4\\f5\\f6\\f7\\f8\\f9\\fa\\fb\\fc\\fd\\fe\\ff") (func $store (param i32) (param ${type}) (${type}.store${ext} offset=${offset} ${align != 0 ? 'align=' + align : ''} (local.get 0) (local.get 1) ) ) (export "store" (func 0)) (func $load (param i32) (result ${type}) (${type}.load${load_ext} offset=${offset} ${align != 0 ? 'align=' + align : ''} (local.get 0) ) ) (export "load" (func 1)))`; } function storeModule(type, ext, offset, align) { return wasmEvalText(storeModuleSrc(type, ext, offset, align)).exports; } function storeModuleCstSrc(type, ext, offset, align, value) { var load_ext = ext === '' ? '' : ext + '_s'; return `(module (memory 1) (data (i32.const 0) "\\00\\01\\02\\03\\04\\05\\06\\07\\08\\09\\0a\\0b\\0c\\0d\\0e\\0f") (data (i32.const 16) "\\f0\\f1\\f2\\f3\\f4\\f5\\f6\\f7\\f8\\f9\\fa\\fb\\fc\\fd\\fe\\ff") (func $store (param i32) (${type}.store${ext} offset=${offset} ${align != 0 ? 'align=' + align : ''} (local.get 0) (${type}.const ${value}) ) ) (export "store" (func 0)) (func $load (param i32) (result ${type}) (${type}.load${load_ext} offset=${offset} ${align != 0 ? 'align=' + align : ''} (local.get 0) ) ) (export "load" (func 1)))`; } function storeModuleCst(type, ext, offset, align, value) { return wasmEvalText(storeModuleCstSrc(type, ext, offset, align, value)).exports; } function testLoad(type, ext, base, offset, align, expect) { if (type === 'i64') { wasmAssert(loadModuleSrc(type, ext, offset, align), [{ type, func: '$load', expected: expect, args: [`i32.const ${base}`] }]); } else { assertEq(loadModule(type, ext, offset, align)(base), expect); } } function testLoadOOB(type, ext, base, offset, align) { assertErrorMessage(() => loadModule(type, ext, offset, align, /*drop*/ true)(base), RuntimeError, /index out of bounds/); } function testStore(type, ext, base, offset, align, value) { if (type === 'i64') { wasmAssert(storeModuleSrc(type, ext, offset, align), [ {type, func: '$store', args: [`i32.const ${base}`, `i64.const ${value}`]}, {type, func: '$load', args: [`i32.const ${base}`], expected: value}, ]); wasmAssert(storeModuleCstSrc(type, ext, offset, align, value), [ {type, func: '$store', args: [`i32.const ${base}`]}, {type, func: '$load', args: [`i32.const ${base}`], expected: value}, ]); } else { let module = storeModule(type, ext, offset, align); let moduleCst = storeModuleCst(type, ext, offset, align, value);, value); assertEq(module.load(base), value);; assertEq(moduleCst.load(base), value); } } function testStoreOOB(type, ext, base, offset, align, value) { if (type === 'i64') { assertErrorMessage(() => wasmAssert( storeModuleSrc(type, ext, offset, align), [{type, func: '$store', args: [`i32.const ${base}`, `i64.const ${value}`]}] ), RuntimeError, /index out of bounds/); } else { assertErrorMessage(() => storeModule(type, ext, offset, align).store(base, value), RuntimeError, /index out of bounds/); } } function badLoadModule(type, ext) { wasmFailValidateText( `(module (func (param i32) (${type}.load${ext} (local.get 0))) (export "" (func 0)))`, /(can't touch memory)|(unknown memory 0)/); } function badStoreModule(type, ext) { wasmFailValidateText(`(module (func (param i32) (${type}.store${ext} (local.get 0) (${type}.const 0))) (export "" (func 0)))`, /(can't touch memory)|(unknown memory 0)/); } // Can't touch memory. for (let [type, ext] of [ ['i32', ''], ['i32', '8_s'], ['i32', '8_u'], ['i32', '16_s'], ['i32', '16_u'], ['i64', ''], ['i64', '8_s'], ['i64', '8_u'], ['i64', '16_s'], ['i64', '16_u'], ['i64', '32_s'], ['i64', '32_u'], ['f32', ''], ['f64', ''], ]) { badLoadModule(type, ext); } for (let [type, ext] of [ ['i32', ''], ['i32', '8'], ['i32', '16'], ['i64', ''], ['i64', '8'], ['i64', '16'], ['i64', '32'], ['f32', ''], ['f64', ''], ]) { badStoreModule(type, ext); } assertEq(getJitCompilerOptions()['wasm.fold-offsets'], 1); for (var foldOffsets = 0; foldOffsets <= 1; foldOffsets++) { setJitCompilerOption('wasm.fold-offsets', foldOffsets | 0); testLoad('i32', '', 0, 0, 0, 0x03020100); testLoad('i32', '', 1, 0, 1, 0x04030201); testLoad('i32', '', 0, 4, 0, 0x07060504); testLoad('i32', '', 1, 3, 4, 0x07060504); testLoad('f32', '', 0, 0, 0, 3.820471434542632e-37); testLoad('f32', '', 1, 0, 1, 1.539989614439558e-36); testLoad('f32', '', 0, 4, 0, 1.0082513512365273e-34); testLoad('f32', '', 1, 3, 4, 1.0082513512365273e-34); testLoad('f64', '', 0, 0, 0, 7.949928895127363e-275); testLoad('f64', '', 1, 0, 1, 5.447603722011605e-270); testLoad('f64', '', 0, 8, 0, 3.6919162048650923e-236); testLoad('f64', '', 1, 7, 8, 3.6919162048650923e-236); testLoad('i32', '8_s', 16, 0, 0, -0x10); testLoad('i32', '8_u', 16, 0, 0, 0xf0); testLoad('i32', '16_s', 16, 0, 0, -0xe10); testLoad('i32', '16_u', 16, 0, 0, 0xf1f0); testStore('i32', '', 0, 0, 0, -0x3f3e2c2c); testStore('i32', '', 1, 0, 1, -0x3f3e2c2c); testStore('i32', '', 0, 1, 1, -0x3f3e2c2c); testStore('i32', '', 1, 1, 4, -0x3f3e2c2c); testStore('f32', '', 0, 0, 0, 0.01234566979110241); testStore('f32', '', 1, 0, 1, 0.01234566979110241); testStore('f32', '', 0, 4, 0, 0.01234566979110241); testStore('f32', '', 1, 3, 4, 0.01234566979110241); testStore('f64', '', 0, 0, 0, 0.89012345); testStore('f64', '', 1, 0, 1, 0.89012345); testStore('f64', '', 0, 8, 0, 0.89012345); testStore('f64', '', 1, 7, 8, 0.89012345); testStore('i32', '8', 0, 0, 0, 0x23); testStore('i32', '16', 0, 0, 0, 0x2345); wasmFailValidateText('(module (memory 2 1))', /maximum length 1 is less than initial length 2/); // Test bounds checks and edge cases. for (let align of [0,1,2,4]) { for (let offset of [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16, 41, 0xfff8]) { // Accesses of 1 byte. let lastValidIndex = 0x10000 - 1 - offset; if (align < 2) { testLoad('i32', '8_s', lastValidIndex, offset, align, 0); testLoadOOB('i32', '8_s', lastValidIndex + 1, offset, align); testLoad('i32', '8_u', lastValidIndex, offset, align, 0); testLoadOOB('i32', '8_u', lastValidIndex + 1, offset, align); testStore('i32', '8', lastValidIndex, offset, align, -42); testStoreOOB('i32', '8', lastValidIndex + 1, offset, align, -42); } // Accesses of 2 bytes. lastValidIndex = 0x10000 - 2 - offset; if (align < 4) { testLoad('i32', '16_s', lastValidIndex, offset, align, 0); testLoadOOB('i32', '16_s', lastValidIndex + 1, offset, align); testLoad('i32', '16_u', lastValidIndex, offset, align, 0); testLoadOOB('i32', '16_u', lastValidIndex + 1, offset, align); testStore('i32', '16', lastValidIndex, offset, align, -32768); testStoreOOB('i32', '16', lastValidIndex + 1, offset, align, -32768); } // Accesses of 4 bytes. lastValidIndex = 0x10000 - 4 - offset; testLoad('i32', '', lastValidIndex, offset, align, 0); testLoadOOB('i32', '', lastValidIndex + 1, offset, align); testLoad('f32', '', lastValidIndex, offset, align, 0); testLoadOOB('f32', '', lastValidIndex + 1, offset, align); testStore('i32', '', lastValidIndex, offset, align, 1337); testStoreOOB('i32', '', lastValidIndex + 1, offset, align, 1337); testStore('f32', '', lastValidIndex, offset, align, Math.fround(13.37)); testStoreOOB('f32', '', lastValidIndex + 1, offset, align, Math.fround(13.37)); // Accesses of 8 bytes. lastValidIndex = 0x10000 - 8 - offset; testLoad('f64', '', lastValidIndex, offset, align, 0); testLoadOOB('f64', '', lastValidIndex + 1, offset, align); testStore('f64', '', lastValidIndex, offset, align, 1.23456789); testStoreOOB('f64', '', lastValidIndex + 1, offset, align, 1.23456789); } // Ensure wrapping doesn't apply. offset = 0x7fffffff; for (let index of [0, 1, 2, 3, 0x7fffffff, 0x80000000, 0x80000001]) { if (align < 2) { testLoadOOB('i32', '8_s', index, offset, align); } if (align < 4) { testLoadOOB('i32', '16_s', index, offset, align); } testLoadOOB('i32', '', index, offset, align); testLoadOOB('f32', '', index, offset, align); testLoadOOB('f64', '', index, offset, align); } // Ensure out of bounds when the offset is greater than the immediate range. index = 0; for (let offset of [0x80000000, 0xfffffffe, 0xffffffff]) { testLoadOOB('i32', '8_s', index, offset, 1); testLoadOOB('i32', '16_s', index, offset, 1); testLoadOOB('i32', '16_s', index, offset, 2); testLoadOOB('i32', '', index, offset, 1); testLoadOOB('i32', '', index, offset, 4); testLoadOOB('f32', '', index, offset, 1); testLoadOOB('f32', '', index, offset, 4); testLoadOOB('f64', '', index, offset, 1); testLoadOOB('f64', '', index, offset, 8); } wasmFailValidateText('(module (memory 1) (func ( offset=0 (i32.const 0) (i32.const 0))))', mismatchError("i32", "f64")); wasmFailValidateText('(module (memory 1) (func ( offset=0 (i32.const 0) (f32.const 0))))', mismatchError("f32", "f64")); wasmFailValidateText('(module (memory 1) (func ( offset=0 (i32.const 0) (i32.const 0))))', mismatchError("i32", "f32")); wasmFailValidateText('(module (memory 1) (func ( offset=0 (i32.const 0) (f64.const 0))))', mismatchError("f64", "f32")); wasmFailValidateText('(module (memory 1) (func ( offset=0 (i32.const 0) (f32.const 0))))', mismatchError("f32", "i32")); wasmFailValidateText('(module (memory 1) (func ( offset=0 (i32.const 0) (f64.const 0))))', mismatchError("f64", "i32")); // Test high number of registers. function testRegisters() { assertEq(wasmEvalText( `(module (memory 1) (data (i32.const 0) "\\00\\01\\02\\03\\04\\05\\06\\07\\08\\09\\0a\\0b\\0c\\0d\\0e\\0f") (data (i32.const 16) "\\f0\\f1\\f2\\f3\\f4\\f5\\f6\\f7\\f8\\f9\\fa\\fb\\fc\\fd\\fe\\ff") (func (param i32) (result i32) (local i32 i32 i32 i32 f32 f64) (local.set 1 (i32.load8_s offset=4 (local.get 0))) (local.set 2 (i32.load16_s (local.get 1))) (i32.store8 offset=4 (local.get 0) (local.get 1)) (local.set 3 (i32.load16_u (local.get 2))) (i32.store16 (local.get 1) (local.get 2)) (local.set 4 (i32.load (local.get 2))) ( (local.get 1) (local.get 2)) (local.set 5 (f32.load (local.get 4))) ( (local.get 4) (local.get 5)) (local.set 6 (f64.load (local.get 4))) ( (local.get 4) (local.get 6)) (i32.add (i32.add (local.get 0) (local.get 1) ) (i32.add (i32.add (local.get 2) (local.get 3) ) (i32.add (local.get 4) (i32.reinterpret/f32 (local.get 5)) ) ) ) ) (export "" (func 0)))` ).exports[""](1), 50464523); } testRegisters(); testLoad('i64', '', 0, 0, 0, '0x0706050403020100'); testLoad('i64', '', 1, 0, 0, '0x0807060504030201'); testLoad('i64', '', 0, 1, 0, '0x0807060504030201'); testLoad('i64', '', 1, 1, 4, '0x0908070605040302'); testLoad('i64', '8_s', 16, 0, 0, -0x10); testLoad('i64', '8_u', 16, 0, 0, 0xf0); testLoad('i64', '16_s', 16, 0, 0, -0xe10); testLoad('i64', '16_u', 16, 0, 0, 0xf1f0); testLoad('i64', '32_s', 16, 0, 0, 0xf3f2f1f0 | 0); testLoad('i64', '32_u', 16, 0, 0, '0xf3f2f1f0'); testStore('i64', '', 0, 0, 0, '0xc0c1d3d4e6e7090a'); testStore('i64', '', 1, 0, 0, '0xc0c1d3d4e6e7090a'); testStore('i64', '', 0, 1, 0, '0xc0c1d3d4e6e7090a'); testStore('i64', '', 1, 1, 4, '0xc0c1d3d4e6e7090a'); testStore('i64', '8', 0, 0, 0, 0x23); testStore('i64', '16', 0, 0, 0, 0x23); testStore('i64', '32', 0, 0, 0, 0x23); for (let offset of [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16, 41, 0xfff8]) { // Accesses of 1 byte. let lastValidIndex = 0x10000 - 1 - offset; if (align < 2) { testLoad('i64', '8_s', lastValidIndex, offset, align, 0); testLoadOOB('i64', '8_s', lastValidIndex + 1, offset, align); testLoad('i64', '8_u', lastValidIndex, offset, align, 0); testLoadOOB('i64', '8_u', lastValidIndex + 1, offset, align); testStore('i64', '8', lastValidIndex, offset, align, -42); testStoreOOB('i64', '8', lastValidIndex + 1, offset, align, -42); } // Accesses of 2 bytes. lastValidIndex = 0x10000 - 2 - offset; if (align < 4) { testLoad('i64', '16_s', lastValidIndex, offset, align, 0); testLoadOOB('i64', '16_s', lastValidIndex + 1, offset, align); testLoad('i64', '16_u', lastValidIndex, offset, align, 0); testLoadOOB('i64', '16_u', lastValidIndex + 1, offset, align); testStore('i64', '16', lastValidIndex, offset, align, -32768); testStoreOOB('i64', '16', lastValidIndex + 1, offset, align, -32768); } // Accesses of 4 bytes. lastValidIndex = 0x10000 - 4 - offset; testLoad('i64', '32_s', lastValidIndex, offset, align, 0); testLoadOOB('i64', '32_s', lastValidIndex + 1, offset, align); testLoad('i64', '32_u', lastValidIndex, offset, align, 0); testLoadOOB('i64', '32_u', lastValidIndex + 1, offset, align); testStore('i64', '32', lastValidIndex, offset, align, 0xf1231337 | 0); testStoreOOB('i64', '32', lastValidIndex + 1, offset, align, 0xf1231337 | 0); // Accesses of 8 bytes. lastValidIndex = 0x10000 - 8 - offset; testLoad('i64', '', lastValidIndex, offset, align, 0); testLoadOOB('i64', '', lastValidIndex + 1, offset, align); testStore('i64', '', lastValidIndex, offset, align, '0x1234567887654321'); testStoreOOB('i64', '', lastValidIndex + 1, offset, align, '0x1234567887654321'); } } } setJitCompilerOption('wasm.fold-offsets', 1); // Test active segments with a memory index. { function makeIt(flag, memindex) { return new Uint8Array([0x00, 0x61, 0x73, 0x6d, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, // Memory section 0x03, // Section size 0x01, // One memory 0x00, // Unshared, min only 0x01, // Min 0x0b, // Data section 0x0a, // Section size 0x01, // One data segment flag, // Flag should be 2, or > 2 if invalid memindex, // Memory index should be 0, or > 0 if invalid 0x41, // Init expr: i32.const 0x00, // Init expr: zero (payload) 0x0b, // Init expr: end 0x03, // Three bytes, because why not? 0x01, 0x02, 0x03]); } // Should succeed because this is what an active segment with index looks like new WebAssembly.Module(makeIt(0x02, 0x00)); // Should fail because the kind is unknown assertErrorMessage(() => new WebAssembly.Module(makeIt(0x03, 0x00)), WebAssembly.CompileError, /invalid data initializer-kind/); // Should fail because the memory index is bad assertErrorMessage(() => new WebAssembly.Module(makeIt(0x02, 0x01)), WebAssembly.CompileError, /memory index must be zero/); } // Misc syntax for data. // When memory index is present it must be zero, and the offset must be present too; // but it's OK for there to be neither new WebAssembly.Module(wasmTextToBinary(`(module (memory 1) (data 0 (i32.const 0) ""))`)); new WebAssembly.Module(wasmTextToBinary(`(module (memory 1) (data 0 (offset (i32.const 0)) ""))`)); new WebAssembly.Module(wasmTextToBinary(`(module (memory 1) (data ""))`)); assertErrorMessage(() => new WebAssembly.Module(wasmTextToBinary(`(module (memory 1) (data 0 ""))`)), SyntaxError, /wasm text error/); assertErrorMessage(() => new WebAssembly.Module(wasmTextToBinary(`(module (memory 1) (data 1 (i32.const 0) ""))`)), WebAssembly.CompileError, /memory index must be zero/); // Make sure we handle memory instructions without memory var nomem = /(can't touch memory without memory)|(unknown memory)/; assertErrorMessage(() => new WebAssembly.Module(wasmTextToBinary(`(module (func (result i32) memory.size))`)), WebAssembly.CompileError, nomem); assertErrorMessage(() => new WebAssembly.Module(wasmTextToBinary(`(module (func (result i32) (memory.grow (i32.const 1))))`)), WebAssembly.CompileError, nomem); assertErrorMessage(() => new WebAssembly.Module(wasmTextToBinary(` (module (func (param i32 i32 i32) (memory.copy (local.get 0) (local.get 1) (local.get 2))))`)), WebAssembly.CompileError, nomem); assertErrorMessage(() => new WebAssembly.Module(wasmTextToBinary(` (module (func (param i32 i32 i32) (memory.fill (local.get 0) (local.get 1) (local.get 2))))`)), WebAssembly.CompileError, nomem); assertErrorMessage(() => new WebAssembly.Module(wasmTextToBinary(` (module (data $d "01234") (func (param i32 i32) (memory.init $d (local.get 0) (local.get 1))))`)), WebAssembly.CompileError, nomem);