/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
 * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
 * Copyright 2016 Mozilla Foundation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include "wasm/WasmJS.h"

#include "mozilla/CheckedInt.h"
#include "mozilla/EndianUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/RangedPtr.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>

#include "jsapi.h"
#include "jsexn.h"

#include "ds/IdValuePair.h"            // js::IdValuePair
#include "frontend/FrontendContext.h"  // AutoReportFrontendContext
#include "gc/GCContext.h"
#include "jit/AtomicOperations.h"
#include "jit/FlushICache.h"
#include "jit/JitContext.h"
#include "jit/JitOptions.h"
#include "jit/Simulator.h"
#include "js/ForOfIterator.h"
#include "js/friend/ErrorMessages.h"  // js::GetErrorMessage, JSMSG_*
#include "js/Printf.h"
#include "js/PropertyAndElement.h"  // JS_DefineProperty, JS_GetProperty
#include "js/PropertySpec.h"        // JS_{PS,FN}{,_END}
#include "js/Stack.h"               // BuildStackString
#include "js/StreamConsumer.h"
#include "util/StringBuffer.h"
#include "util/Text.h"
#include "vm/ErrorObject.h"
#include "vm/FunctionFlags.h"      // js::FunctionFlags
#include "vm/GlobalObject.h"       // js::GlobalObject
#include "vm/HelperThreadState.h"  // js::PromiseHelperTask
#include "vm/Interpreter.h"
#include "vm/JSFunction.h"
#include "vm/PlainObject.h"    // js::PlainObject
#include "vm/PromiseObject.h"  // js::PromiseObject
#include "vm/SharedArrayObject.h"
#include "vm/StringType.h"
#include "vm/Warnings.h"       // js::WarnNumberASCII
#include "vm/WellKnownAtom.h"  // js_*_str
#include "wasm/WasmBaselineCompile.h"
#include "wasm/WasmBuiltins.h"
#include "wasm/WasmCompile.h"
#include "wasm/WasmDebug.h"
#include "wasm/WasmInstance.h"
#include "wasm/WasmIntrinsic.h"
#include "wasm/WasmIonCompile.h"
#include "wasm/WasmMemory.h"
#include "wasm/WasmModule.h"
#include "wasm/WasmProcess.h"
#include "wasm/WasmSignalHandlers.h"
#include "wasm/WasmStubs.h"
#include "wasm/WasmValidate.h"

#include "gc/GCContext-inl.h"
#include "gc/StableCellHasher-inl.h"
#include "vm/ArrayBufferObject-inl.h"
#include "vm/JSObject-inl.h"
#include "vm/NativeObject-inl.h"
#include "wasm/WasmInstance-inl.h"

 * [SMDOC] WebAssembly code rules (evolving)
 * TlsContext.get() is only to be invoked from functions that have been invoked
 *   _directly_ by generated code as cold(!) Builtin calls, from code that is
 *   only used by signal handlers, or from helper functions that have been
 *   called _directly_ from a simulator.  All other code shall pass in a
 *   JSContext* to functions that need it, or an Instance* or Instance* since
 * the context is available through them.
 *   Code that uses TlsContext.get() shall annotate each such call with the
 *   reason why the call is OK.

using namespace js;
using namespace js::jit;
using namespace js::wasm;

using mozilla::CheckedInt;
using mozilla::Nothing;
using mozilla::RangedPtr;
using mozilla::Span;

// About the fuzzer intercession points: If fuzzing has been selected and only a
// single compiler has been selected then we will disable features that are not
// supported by that single compiler.  This is strictly a concession to the
// fuzzer infrastructure.

static inline bool IsFuzzingIon(JSContext* cx) {
  return IsFuzzing() && !cx->options().wasmBaseline() &&

// These functions read flags and apply fuzzing intercession policies.  Never go
// directly to the flags in code below, always go via these accessors.

static inline bool WasmThreadsFlag(JSContext* cx) {
  return cx->realm() &&

                     ...)                                                      \
  static inline bool Wasm##NAME##Flag(JSContext* cx) {                         \
    return (COMPILE_PRED) && (FLAG_PRED) && cx->options().wasm##NAME();        \

static inline bool WasmDebuggerActive(JSContext* cx) {
  if (IsFuzzingIon(cx)) {
    return false;
  return cx->realm() && cx->realm()->debuggerObservesWasm();

 * [SMDOC] Compiler and feature selection; compiler and feature availability.
 * In order to make the computation of whether a wasm feature or wasm compiler
 * is available predictable, we have established some rules, and implemented
 * those rules.
 * Code elsewhere should use the predicates below to test for features and
 * compilers, it should never try to compute feature and compiler availability
 * in other ways.
 * At the outset, there is a set of selected compilers C containing at most one
 * baseline compiler [*] and at most one optimizing compiler [**], and a set of
 * selected features F.  These selections come from defaults and from overrides
 * by command line switches in the shell and javascript.option.wasm_X in the
 * browser.  Defaults for both features and compilers may be platform specific,
 * for example, some compilers may not be available on some platforms because
 * they do not support the architecture at all or they do not support features
 * that must be enabled by default on the platform.
 * [*] Currently we have only one, "baseline" aka "Rabaldr", but other
 *     implementations have additional baseline translators, eg from wasm
 *     bytecode to an internal code processed by an interpreter.
 * [**] Currently we have only one, "ion" aka "Baldr".
 * Compiler availability:
 * The set of features F induces a set of available compilers A: these are the
 * compilers that all support all the features in F.  (Some of these compilers
 * may not be in the set C.)
 * The sets C and A are intersected, yielding a set of enabled compilers E.
 * Notably, the set E may be empty, in which case wasm is effectively disabled
 * (though the WebAssembly object is still present in the global environment).
 * An important consequence is that selecting a feature that is not supported by
 * a particular compiler disables that compiler completely -- there is no notion
 * of a compiler being available but suddenly failing when an unsupported
 * feature is used by a program.  If a compiler is available, it supports all
 * the features that have been selected.
 * Equally important, a feature cannot be enabled by default on a platform if
 * the feature is not supported by all the compilers we wish to have enabled by
 * default on the platform.  We MUST by-default disable features on a platform
 * that are not supported by all the compilers on the platform.
 * In a shell build, the testing functions wasmCompilersPresent,
 * wasmCompileMode, and wasmIonDisabledByFeatures can be used to probe compiler
 * availability and the reasons for a compiler being unavailable.
 * Feature availability:
 * A feature is available if it is selected and there is at least one available
 * compiler that implements it.
 * For example, --wasm-gc selects the GC feature, and if Baseline is available
 * then the feature is available.
 * In a shell build, there are per-feature testing functions (of the form
 * wasmFeatureEnabled) to probe whether specific features are available.

// Compiler availability predicates.  These must be kept in sync with the
// feature predicates in the next section below.
// These can't call the feature predicates since the feature predicates call
// back to these predicates.  So there will be a small amount of duplicated
// logic here, but as compilers reach feature parity that duplication will go
// away.

bool wasm::BaselineAvailable(JSContext* cx) {
  if (!cx->options().wasmBaseline() || !BaselinePlatformSupport()) {
    return false;
  bool isDisabled = false;
  MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(BaselineDisabledByFeatures(cx, &isDisabled));
  return !isDisabled;

bool wasm::IonAvailable(JSContext* cx) {
  if (!cx->options().wasmIon() || !IonPlatformSupport()) {
    return false;
  bool isDisabled = false;
  MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(IonDisabledByFeatures(cx, &isDisabled));
  return !isDisabled;

bool wasm::WasmCompilerForAsmJSAvailable(JSContext* cx) {
  return IonAvailable(cx);

template <size_t ArrayLength>
static inline bool Append(JSStringBuilder* reason, const char (&s)[ArrayLength],
                          char* sep) {
  if ((*sep && !reason->append(*sep)) || !reason->append(s)) {
    return false;
  *sep = ',';
  return true;

bool wasm::BaselineDisabledByFeatures(JSContext* cx, bool* isDisabled,
                                      JSStringBuilder* reason) {
  // Baseline cannot be used if we are testing serialization.
  bool testSerialization = WasmTestSerializationFlag(cx);
  if (reason) {
    char sep = 0;
    if (testSerialization && !Append(reason, "testSerialization", &sep)) {
      return false;
  *isDisabled = testSerialization;
  return true;

bool wasm::IonDisabledByFeatures(JSContext* cx, bool* isDisabled,
                                 JSStringBuilder* reason) {
  // Ion has no debugging support.
  bool debug = WasmDebuggerActive(cx);
  if (reason) {
    char sep = 0;
    if (debug && !Append(reason, "debug", &sep)) {
      return false;
  *isDisabled = debug;
  return true;

bool wasm::AnyCompilerAvailable(JSContext* cx) {
  return wasm::BaselineAvailable(cx) || wasm::IonAvailable(cx);

// Feature predicates.  These must be kept in sync with the predicates in the
// section above.
// The meaning of these predicates is tricky: A predicate is true for a feature
// if the feature is enabled and/or compiled-in *and* we have *at least one*
// compiler that can support the feature.  Subsequent compiler selection must
// ensure that only compilers that actually support the feature are used.

                     ...)                                                      \
  bool wasm::NAME##Available(JSContext* cx) {                                  \
    return Wasm##NAME##Flag(cx) && (COMPILER_PRED);                            \

bool wasm::IsSimdPrivilegedContext(JSContext* cx) {
  // This may be slightly more lenient than we want in an ideal world, but it
  // remains safe.
  return cx->realm() && cx->realm()->principals() &&

bool wasm::SimdAvailable(JSContext* cx) {
  return js::jit::JitSupportsWasmSimd();

bool wasm::ThreadsAvailable(JSContext* cx) {
  return WasmThreadsFlag(cx) && AnyCompilerAvailable(cx);

bool wasm::HasPlatformSupport(JSContext* cx) {
  return false;

  if (!HasJitBackend()) {
    return false;

  if (gc::SystemPageSize() > wasm::PageSize) {
    return false;

  if (!JitOptions.supportsUnalignedAccesses) {
    return false;

#  ifndef __wasi__
  // WASI doesn't support signals so we don't have this function.
  if (!wasm::EnsureFullSignalHandlers(cx)) {
    return false;
#  endif

  if (!jit::JitSupportsAtomics()) {
    return false;

  // Wasm threads require 8-byte lock-free atomics.
  if (!jit::AtomicOperations::isLockfree8()) {
    return false;

  // Test only whether the compilers are supported on the hardware, not whether
  // they are enabled.
  return BaselinePlatformSupport() || IonPlatformSupport();

bool wasm::HasSupport(JSContext* cx) {
  // If the general wasm pref is on, it's on for everything.
  bool prefEnabled = cx->options().wasm();
  // If the general pref is off, check trusted principals.
  if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!prefEnabled)) {
    prefEnabled = cx->options().wasmForTrustedPrinciples() && cx->realm() &&
                  cx->realm()->principals() &&
  // Do not check for compiler availability, as that may be run-time variant.
  // For HasSupport() we want a stable answer depending only on prefs.
  return prefEnabled && HasPlatformSupport(cx);

bool wasm::StreamingCompilationAvailable(JSContext* cx) {
  // This should match EnsureStreamSupport().
  return HasSupport(cx) && AnyCompilerAvailable(cx) &&
         cx->runtime()->offThreadPromiseState.ref().initialized() &&
         CanUseExtraThreads() && cx->runtime()->consumeStreamCallback &&

bool wasm::CodeCachingAvailable(JSContext* cx) {
  // Fuzzilli breaks the out-of-process compilation mechanism,
  // so we disable it permanently in those builds.
  return false;

  // At the moment, we require Ion support for code caching.  The main reason
  // for this is that wasm::CompileAndSerialize() does not have access to
  // information about which optimizing compiler it should use.  See comments in
  // CompileAndSerialize(), below.
  return StreamingCompilationAvailable(cx) && IonAvailable(cx);

// ============================================================================
// Imports

static bool ThrowBadImportArg(JSContext* cx) {
  JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
  return false;

static bool ThrowBadImportType(JSContext* cx, const CacheableName& field,
                               const char* str) {
  UniqueChars fieldQuoted = field.toQuotedString(cx);
  JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
                           JSMSG_WASM_BAD_IMPORT_TYPE, fieldQuoted.get(), str);
  return false;

bool js::wasm::GetImports(JSContext* cx, const Module& module,
                          HandleObject importObj, ImportValues* imports) {
  if (!module.imports().empty() && !importObj) {
    return ThrowBadImportArg(cx);

  const Metadata& metadata = module.metadata();

  uint32_t tagIndex = 0;
  const TagDescVector& tags = metadata.tags;
  uint32_t globalIndex = 0;
  const GlobalDescVector& globals = metadata.globals;
  uint32_t tableIndex = 0;
  const TableDescVector& tables = metadata.tables;
  for (const Import& import : module.imports()) {
    RootedId moduleName(cx);
    if (!import.module.toPropertyKey(cx, &moduleName)) {
      return false;
    RootedId fieldName(cx);
    if (!import.field.toPropertyKey(cx, &fieldName)) {
      return false;

    RootedValue v(cx);
    if (!GetProperty(cx, importObj, importObj, moduleName, &v)) {
      return false;

    if (!v.isObject()) {
      UniqueChars moduleQuoted = import.module.toQuotedString(cx);
      JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
                               JSMSG_WASM_BAD_IMPORT_FIELD, moduleQuoted.get());
      return false;

    RootedObject obj(cx, &v.toObject());
    if (!GetProperty(cx, obj, obj, fieldName, &v)) {
      return false;

    switch (import.kind) {
      case DefinitionKind::Function: {
        // For now reject cross-compartment wrappers. These have more
        // complicated realm semantics (we use nonCCWRealm in a few places) and
        // may require unwrapping to test for specific function types.
        if (!IsCallable(v) || IsCrossCompartmentWrapper(&v.toObject())) {
          return ThrowBadImportType(cx, import.field, "Function");

        if (!imports->funcs.append(&v.toObject())) {
          return false;

      case DefinitionKind::Table: {
        const uint32_t index = tableIndex++;
        if (!v.isObject() || !v.toObject().is<WasmTableObject>()) {
          return ThrowBadImportType(cx, import.field, "Table");

        Rooted<WasmTableObject*> obj(cx, &v.toObject().as<WasmTableObject>());
        if (obj->table().elemType() != tables[index].elemType) {
          JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
          return false;

        if (!imports->tables.append(obj)) {
          return false;
      case DefinitionKind::Memory: {
        if (!v.isObject() || !v.toObject().is<WasmMemoryObject>()) {
          return ThrowBadImportType(cx, import.field, "Memory");

        imports->memory = &v.toObject().as<WasmMemoryObject>();
      case DefinitionKind::Tag: {
        const uint32_t index = tagIndex++;
        if (!v.isObject() || !v.toObject().is<WasmTagObject>()) {
          return ThrowBadImportType(cx, import.field, "Tag");

        Rooted<WasmTagObject*> obj(cx, &v.toObject().as<WasmTagObject>());

        // Checks whether the signature of the imported exception object matches
        // the signature declared in the exception import's TagDesc.
        if (obj->resultType() != tags[index].type->resultType()) {
          UniqueChars fieldQuoted = import.field.toQuotedString(cx);
          UniqueChars moduleQuoted = import.module.toQuotedString(cx);
          JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
                                   JSMSG_WASM_BAD_TAG_SIG, moduleQuoted.get(),
          return false;

        if (!imports->tagObjs.append(obj)) {
          return false;
      case DefinitionKind::Global: {
        const uint32_t index = globalIndex++;
        const GlobalDesc& global = globals[index];
        MOZ_ASSERT(global.importIndex() == index);

        RootedVal val(cx);
        if (v.isObject() && v.toObject().is<WasmGlobalObject>()) {
          Rooted<WasmGlobalObject*> obj(cx,

          if (obj->isMutable() != global.isMutable()) {
            JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
            return false;
          if (obj->type() != global.type()) {
            JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
            return false;

          if (imports->globalObjs.length() <= index &&
              !imports->globalObjs.resize(index + 1)) {
            return false;
          imports->globalObjs[index] = obj;
          val = obj->val();
        } else {
          if (!global.type().isRefType()) {
            if (global.type() == ValType::I64 && !v.isBigInt()) {
              return ThrowBadImportType(cx, import.field, "BigInt");
            if (global.type() != ValType::I64 && !v.isNumber()) {
              return ThrowBadImportType(cx, import.field, "Number");
          } else {
            if (!global.type().isExternRef() && !v.isObjectOrNull()) {
              return ThrowBadImportType(cx, import.field,
                                        "Object-or-null value required for "
                                        "non-externref reference type");

          if (global.isMutable()) {
            JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
            return false;

          if (!Val::fromJSValue(cx, global.type(), v, &val)) {
            return false;

        if (!imports->globalValues.append(val)) {
          return false;


  MOZ_ASSERT(globalIndex == globals.length() ||

  return true;

static bool DescribeScriptedCaller(JSContext* cx, ScriptedCaller* caller,
                                   const char* introducer) {
  // Note: JS::DescribeScriptedCaller returns whether a scripted caller was
  // found, not whether an error was thrown. This wrapper function converts
  // back to the more ordinary false-if-error form.

  JS::AutoFilename af;
  if (JS::DescribeScriptedCaller(cx, &af, &caller->line)) {
    caller->filename =
        FormatIntroducedFilename(af.get(), caller->line, introducer);
    if (!caller->filename) {
      return false;

  return true;

static SharedCompileArgs InitCompileArgs(JSContext* cx,
                                         const char* introducer) {
  ScriptedCaller scriptedCaller;
  if (!DescribeScriptedCaller(cx, &scriptedCaller, introducer)) {
    return nullptr;

  FeatureOptions options;
  return CompileArgs::buildAndReport(cx, std::move(scriptedCaller), options);

// ============================================================================
// Testing / Fuzzing support

bool wasm::Eval(JSContext* cx, Handle<TypedArrayObject*> code,
                HandleObject importObj,
                MutableHandle<WasmInstanceObject*> instanceObj) {
  if (!GlobalObject::ensureConstructor(cx, cx->global(), JSProto_WebAssembly)) {
    return false;

  MutableBytes bytecode = cx->new_<ShareableBytes>();
  if (!bytecode) {
    return false;

  if (!bytecode->append((uint8_t*)code->dataPointerEither().unwrap(),
                        code->byteLength())) {
    return false;

  SharedCompileArgs compileArgs = InitCompileArgs(cx, "wasm_eval");
  if (!compileArgs) {
    return false;

  UniqueChars error;
  UniqueCharsVector warnings;
  SharedModule module =
      CompileBuffer(*compileArgs, *bytecode, &error, &warnings, nullptr);
  if (!module) {
    if (error) {
      JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
                               JSMSG_WASM_COMPILE_ERROR, error.get());
      return false;
    return false;

  Rooted<ImportValues> imports(cx);
  if (!GetImports(cx, *module, importObj, imports.address())) {
    return false;

  return module->instantiate(cx, imports.get(), nullptr, instanceObj);

struct MOZ_STACK_CLASS SerializeListener : JS::OptimizedEncodingListener {
  // MOZ_STACK_CLASS means these can be nops.
  MozExternalRefCountType MOZ_XPCOM_ABI AddRef() override { return 0; }
  MozExternalRefCountType MOZ_XPCOM_ABI Release() override { return 0; }

  DebugOnly<bool> called = false;
  Bytes* serialized;
  explicit SerializeListener(Bytes* serialized) : serialized(serialized) {}

  void storeOptimizedEncoding(const uint8_t* bytes, size_t length) override {
    called = true;
    if (serialized->resizeUninitialized(length)) {
      memcpy(serialized->begin(), bytes, length);

bool wasm::CompileAndSerialize(JSContext* cx, const ShareableBytes& bytecode,
                               Bytes* serialized) {
  // The caller must check that code caching is available

  // Create and manually fill in compile args for code caching
  MutableCompileArgs compileArgs = js_new<CompileArgs>(ScriptedCaller());
  if (!compileArgs) {
    return false;

  // The caller has ensured CodeCachingAvailable(). Moreover, we want to ensure
  // we go straight to tier-2 so that we synchronously call
  // JS::OptimizedEncodingListener::storeOptimizedEncoding().
  compileArgs->baselineEnabled = false;
  compileArgs->forceTiering = false;

  // We always pick Ion here, and we depend on CodeCachingAvailable() having
  // determined that Ion is available, see comments at CodeCachingAvailable().
  // To do better, we need to pass information about which compiler that should
  // be used into CompileAndSerialize().
  compileArgs->ionEnabled = true;

  // Select features that are enabled. This is guaranteed to be consistent with
  // our compiler selection, as code caching is only available if ion is
  // available, and ion is only available if it's not disabled by enabled
  // features.
  compileArgs->features = FeatureArgs::build(cx, FeatureOptions());

  SerializeListener listener(serialized);

  UniqueChars error;
  UniqueCharsVector warnings;
  SharedModule module =
      CompileBuffer(*compileArgs, bytecode, &error, &warnings, &listener);
  if (!module) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Compilation error: %s\n", error ? error.get() : "oom");
    return false;

  return !listener.serialized->empty();

bool wasm::DeserializeModule(JSContext* cx, const Bytes& serialized,
                             MutableHandleObject moduleObj) {
  MutableModule module =
      Module::deserialize(serialized.begin(), serialized.length());
  if (!module) {
    return false;

  return !!moduleObj;

// ============================================================================
// Common functions

// '[EnforceRange] unsigned long' types are coerced with
//    ConvertToInt(v, 32, 'unsigned')
// defined in Web IDL Section
// This just generalizes that to an arbitrary limit that is representable as an
// integer in double form.

static bool EnforceRange(JSContext* cx, HandleValue v, const char* kind,
                         const char* noun, uint64_t max, uint64_t* val) {
  // Step 4.
  double x;
  if (!ToNumber(cx, v, &x)) {
    return false;

  // Step 5.
  if (mozilla::IsNegativeZero(x)) {
    x = 0.0;

  // Step 6.1.
  if (!std::isfinite(x)) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
                             JSMSG_WASM_BAD_ENFORCE_RANGE, kind, noun);
    return false;

  // Step 6.2.
  x = JS::ToInteger(x);

  // Step 6.3.
  if (x < 0 || x > double(max)) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
                             JSMSG_WASM_BAD_ENFORCE_RANGE, kind, noun);
    return false;

  *val = uint64_t(x);
  MOZ_ASSERT(double(*val) == x);
  return true;

static bool EnforceRangeU32(JSContext* cx, HandleValue v, const char* kind,
                            const char* noun, uint32_t* u32) {
  uint64_t u64 = 0;
  if (!EnforceRange(cx, v, kind, noun, uint64_t(UINT32_MAX), &u64)) {
    return false;
  *u32 = uint32_t(u64);
  return true;

static bool EnforceRangeU64(JSContext* cx, HandleValue v, const char* kind,
                            const char* noun, uint64_t* u64) {
  // The max is Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
  return EnforceRange(cx, v, kind, noun, (1LL << 53) - 1, u64);

static bool GetLimit(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, const char* name,
                     const char* noun, const char* msg, uint32_t range,
                     bool* found, uint64_t* value) {
  JSAtom* atom = Atomize(cx, name, strlen(name));
  if (!atom) {
    return false;
  RootedId id(cx, AtomToId(atom));

  RootedValue val(cx);
  if (!GetProperty(cx, obj, obj, id, &val)) {
    return false;

  if (val.isUndefined()) {
    *found = false;
    return true;
  *found = true;
  // The range can be greater than 53, but then the logic in EnforceRange has to
  // change to avoid precision loss.
  MOZ_ASSERT(range < 54);
  return EnforceRange(cx, val, noun, msg, (uint64_t(1) << range) - 1, value);

static bool GetLimits(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, LimitsKind kind,
                      Limits* limits) {
  limits->indexType = IndexType::I32;

  // Memory limits may specify an alternate index type, and we need this to
  // check the ranges for initial and maximum, so look for the index type first.
  if (kind == LimitsKind::Memory) {
    // Get the index type field
    JSAtom* indexTypeAtom = Atomize(cx, "index", strlen("index"));
    if (!indexTypeAtom) {
      return false;
    RootedId indexTypeId(cx, AtomToId(indexTypeAtom));

    RootedValue indexTypeVal(cx);
    if (!GetProperty(cx, obj, obj, indexTypeId, &indexTypeVal)) {
      return false;

    // The index type has a default value
    if (!indexTypeVal.isUndefined()) {
      if (!ToIndexType(cx, indexTypeVal, &limits->indexType)) {
        return false;

      if (limits->indexType == IndexType::I64 && !Memory64Available(cx)) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
        return false;

  const char* noun = (kind == LimitsKind::Memory ? "Memory" : "Table");
  // 2^48 is a valid value, so the range goes to 49 bits.  Values above 2^48 are
  // filtered later, just as values above 2^16 are filtered for mem32.
  const uint32_t range = limits->indexType == IndexType::I32 ? 32 : 49;
  uint64_t limit = 0;

  bool haveInitial = false;
  if (!GetLimit(cx, obj, "initial", noun, "initial size", range, &haveInitial,
                &limit)) {
    return false;
  if (haveInitial) {
    limits->initial = limit;

  bool haveMinimum = false;
  if (!GetLimit(cx, obj, "minimum", noun, "initial size", range, &haveMinimum,
                &limit)) {
    return false;
  if (haveMinimum) {
    limits->initial = limit;

  if (!(haveInitial || haveMinimum)) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
                             JSMSG_WASM_MISSING_REQUIRED, "initial");
    return false;
  if (haveInitial && haveMinimum) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
                             JSMSG_WASM_SUPPLY_ONLY_ONE, "minimum", "initial");
    return false;

  bool haveMaximum = false;
  if (!GetLimit(cx, obj, "maximum", noun, "maximum size", range, &haveMaximum,
                &limit)) {
    return false;
  if (haveMaximum) {
    limits->maximum = Some(limit);

  limits->shared = Shareable::False;

  // Memory limits may be shared.
  if (kind == LimitsKind::Memory) {
    // Get the shared field
    JSAtom* sharedAtom = Atomize(cx, "shared", strlen("shared"));
    if (!sharedAtom) {
      return false;
    RootedId sharedId(cx, AtomToId(sharedAtom));

    RootedValue sharedVal(cx);
    if (!GetProperty(cx, obj, obj, sharedId, &sharedVal)) {
      return false;

    // shared's default value is false, which is already the value set above.
    if (!sharedVal.isUndefined()) {
      limits->shared =
          ToBoolean(sharedVal) ? Shareable::True : Shareable::False;

      if (limits->shared == Shareable::True) {
        if (!haveMaximum) {
          JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
                                    JSMSG_WASM_MISSING_MAXIMUM, noun);
          return false;

        if (!cx->realm()
                 .getSharedMemoryAndAtomicsEnabled()) {
          JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
          return false;

  return true;

static bool CheckLimits(JSContext* cx, uint64_t maximumField, LimitsKind kind,
                        Limits* limits) {
  const char* noun = (kind == LimitsKind::Memory ? "Memory" : "Table");

  if (limits->initial > maximumField) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_WASM_BAD_RANGE,
                             noun, "initial size");
    return false;

  if (limits->maximum.isSome() &&
      (*limits->maximum > maximumField || limits->initial > *limits->maximum)) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_WASM_BAD_RANGE,
                             noun, "maximum size");
    return false;
  return true;

template <class Class, const char* name>
static JSObject* CreateWasmConstructor(JSContext* cx, JSProtoKey key) {
  Rooted<JSAtom*> className(cx, Atomize(cx, name, strlen(name)));
  if (!className) {
    return nullptr;

  return NewNativeConstructor(cx, Class::construct, 1, className);

static JSObject* GetWasmConstructorPrototype(JSContext* cx,
                                             const CallArgs& callArgs,
                                             JSProtoKey key) {
  RootedObject proto(cx);
  if (!GetPrototypeFromBuiltinConstructor(cx, callArgs, key, &proto)) {
    return nullptr;
  if (!proto) {
    proto = GlobalObject::getOrCreatePrototype(cx, key);
  return proto;

[[nodiscard]] static bool ParseValTypes(JSContext* cx, HandleValue src,
                                        ValTypeVector& dest) {
  JS::ForOfIterator iterator(cx);

  if (!iterator.init(src, JS::ForOfIterator::ThrowOnNonIterable)) {
    return false;

  RootedValue nextParam(cx);
  while (true) {
    bool done;
    if (!iterator.next(&nextParam, &done)) {
      return false;
    if (done) {

    ValType valType;
    if (!ToValType(cx, nextParam, &valType) || !dest.append(valType)) {
      return false;
  return true;

static JSString* UTF8CharsToString(JSContext* cx, const char* chars) {
  return NewStringCopyUTF8Z(cx, JS::ConstUTF8CharsZ(chars, strlen(chars)));

[[nodiscard]] static JSObject* ValTypesToArray(JSContext* cx,
                                               const ValTypeVector& valTypes) {
  Rooted<ArrayObject*> arrayObj(cx, NewDenseEmptyArray(cx));
  if (!arrayObj) {
    return nullptr;
  for (ValType valType : valTypes) {
    RootedString type(cx,
                      UTF8CharsToString(cx, ToString(valType, nullptr).get()));
    if (!type) {
      return nullptr;
    if (!NewbornArrayPush(cx, arrayObj, StringValue(type))) {
      return nullptr;
  return arrayObj;

static JSObject* FuncTypeToObject(JSContext* cx, const FuncType& type) {
  Rooted<IdValueVector> props(cx, IdValueVector(cx));

  RootedObject parametersObj(cx, ValTypesToArray(cx, type.args()));
  if (!parametersObj ||
                                ObjectValue(*parametersObj)))) {
    return nullptr;

  RootedObject resultsObj(cx, ValTypesToArray(cx, type.results()));
  if (!resultsObj || !props.append(IdValuePair(NameToId(cx->names().results),
                                               ObjectValue(*resultsObj)))) {
    return nullptr;

  return NewPlainObjectWithUniqueNames(cx, props.begin(), props.length());

static JSObject* TableTypeToObject(JSContext* cx, RefType type,
                                   uint32_t initial, Maybe<uint32_t> maximum) {
  Rooted<IdValueVector> props(cx, IdValueVector(cx));

  RootedString elementType(
      cx, UTF8CharsToString(cx, ToString(type, nullptr).get()));
  if (!elementType || !props.append(IdValuePair(NameToId(cx->names().element),
                                                StringValue(elementType)))) {
    return nullptr;

  if (maximum.isSome()) {
    if (!props.append(IdValuePair(NameToId(cx->names().maximum),
                                  NumberValue(maximum.value())))) {
      return nullptr;

  if (!props.append(
          IdValuePair(NameToId(cx->names().minimum), NumberValue(initial)))) {
    return nullptr;

  return NewPlainObjectWithUniqueNames(cx, props.begin(), props.length());

static JSObject* MemoryTypeToObject(JSContext* cx, bool shared,
                                    wasm::IndexType indexType,
                                    wasm::Pages minPages,
                                    Maybe<wasm::Pages> maxPages) {
  Rooted<IdValueVector> props(cx, IdValueVector(cx));
  if (maxPages) {
    double maxPagesNum;
    if (indexType == IndexType::I32) {
      maxPagesNum = double(mozilla::AssertedCast<uint32_t>(maxPages->value()));
    } else {
      // The maximum number of pages is 2^48.
      maxPagesNum = double(maxPages->value());
    if (!props.append(IdValuePair(NameToId(cx->names().maximum),
                                  NumberValue(maxPagesNum)))) {
      return nullptr;

  double minPagesNum;
  if (indexType == IndexType::I32) {
    minPagesNum = double(mozilla::AssertedCast<uint32_t>(minPages.value()));
  } else {
    minPagesNum = double(minPages.value());
  if (!props.append(IdValuePair(NameToId(cx->names().minimum),
                                NumberValue(minPagesNum)))) {
    return nullptr;

  RootedString it(
      cx, JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, indexType == IndexType::I32 ? "i32" : "i64"));
  if (!it) {
    return nullptr;
  if (!props.append(
          IdValuePair(NameToId(cx->names().index), StringValue(it)))) {
    return nullptr;
#  endif

  if (!props.append(
          IdValuePair(NameToId(cx->names().shared), BooleanValue(shared)))) {
    return nullptr;

  return NewPlainObjectWithUniqueNames(cx, props.begin(), props.length());

static JSObject* GlobalTypeToObject(JSContext* cx, ValType type,
                                    bool isMutable) {
  Rooted<IdValueVector> props(cx, IdValueVector(cx));

  if (!props.append(IdValuePair(NameToId(cx->names().mutable_),
                                BooleanValue(isMutable)))) {
    return nullptr;

  RootedString valueType(cx,
                         UTF8CharsToString(cx, ToString(type, nullptr).get()));
  if (!valueType || !props.append(IdValuePair(NameToId(cx->names().value),
                                              StringValue(valueType)))) {
    return nullptr;

  return NewPlainObjectWithUniqueNames(cx, props.begin(), props.length());

static JSObject* TagTypeToObject(JSContext* cx,
                                 const wasm::ValTypeVector& params) {
  Rooted<IdValueVector> props(cx, IdValueVector(cx));

  RootedObject parametersObj(cx, ValTypesToArray(cx, params));
  if (!parametersObj ||
                                ObjectValue(*parametersObj)))) {
    return nullptr;

  return NewPlainObjectWithUniqueNames(cx, props.begin(), props.length());

// ============================================================================
// WebAssembly.Module class and methods

const JSClassOps WasmModuleObject::classOps_ = {
    nullptr,                     // addProperty
    nullptr,                     // delProperty
    nullptr,                     // enumerate
    nullptr,                     // newEnumerate
    nullptr,                     // resolve
    nullptr,                     // mayResolve
    WasmModuleObject::finalize,  // finalize
    nullptr,                     // call
    nullptr,                     // construct
    nullptr,                     // trace

const JSClass WasmModuleObject::class_ = {

const JSClass& WasmModuleObject::protoClass_ = PlainObject::class_;

static constexpr char WasmModuleName[] = "Module";

const ClassSpec WasmModuleObject::classSpec_ = {
    CreateWasmConstructor<WasmModuleObject, WasmModuleName>,

const JSPropertySpec WasmModuleObject::properties[] = {
    JS_STRING_SYM_PS(toStringTag, "WebAssembly.Module", JSPROP_READONLY),

const JSFunctionSpec WasmModuleObject::methods[] = {JS_FS_END};

const JSFunctionSpec WasmModuleObject::static_methods[] = {
    JS_FN("imports", WasmModuleObject::imports, 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE),
    JS_FN("exports", WasmModuleObject::exports, 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE),
    JS_FN("customSections", WasmModuleObject::customSections, 2,

/* static */
void WasmModuleObject::finalize(JS::GCContext* gcx, JSObject* obj) {
  const Module& module = obj->as<WasmModuleObject>().module();
  gcx->release(obj, &module, module.gcMallocBytesExcludingCode(),

static bool IsModuleObject(JSObject* obj, const Module** module) {
  WasmModuleObject* mobj = obj->maybeUnwrapIf<WasmModuleObject>();
  if (!mobj) {
    return false;

  *module = &mobj->module();
  return true;

static bool GetModuleArg(JSContext* cx, CallArgs args, uint32_t numRequired,
                         const char* name, const Module** module) {
  if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, name, numRequired)) {
    return false;

  if (!args[0].isObject() || !IsModuleObject(&args[0].toObject(), module)) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
    return false;

  return true;

struct KindNames {
  Rooted<PropertyName*> kind;
  Rooted<PropertyName*> table;
  Rooted<PropertyName*> memory;
  Rooted<PropertyName*> tag;
  Rooted<PropertyName*> type;

  explicit KindNames(JSContext* cx)
      : kind(cx), table(cx), memory(cx), tag(cx), type(cx) {}

static bool InitKindNames(JSContext* cx, KindNames* names) {
  JSAtom* kind = Atomize(cx, "kind", strlen("kind"));
  if (!kind) {
    return false;
  names->kind = kind->asPropertyName();

  JSAtom* table = Atomize(cx, "table", strlen("table"));
  if (!table) {
    return false;
  names->table = table->asPropertyName();

  JSAtom* memory = Atomize(cx, "memory", strlen("memory"));
  if (!memory) {
    return false;
  names->memory = memory->asPropertyName();

  JSAtom* tag = Atomize(cx, "tag", strlen("tag"));
  if (!tag) {
    return false;
  names->tag = tag->asPropertyName();

  JSAtom* type = Atomize(cx, "type", strlen("type"));
  if (!type) {
    return false;
  names->type = type->asPropertyName();

  return true;

static JSString* KindToString(JSContext* cx, const KindNames& names,
                              DefinitionKind kind) {
  switch (kind) {
    case DefinitionKind::Function:
      return cx->names().function;
    case DefinitionKind::Table:
      return names.table;
    case DefinitionKind::Memory:
      return names.memory;
    case DefinitionKind::Global:
      return cx->names().global;
    case DefinitionKind::Tag:
      return names.tag;

  MOZ_CRASH("invalid kind");

/* static */
bool WasmModuleObject::imports(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

  const Module* module;
  if (!GetModuleArg(cx, args, 1, "WebAssembly.Module.imports", &module)) {
    return false;

  KindNames names(cx);
  if (!InitKindNames(cx, &names)) {
    return false;

  RootedValueVector elems(cx);
  if (!elems.reserve(module->imports().length())) {
    return false;

  const Metadata& metadata = module->metadata();
  const MetadataTier& metadataTier =

  size_t numFuncImport = 0;
  size_t numMemoryImport = 0;
  size_t numGlobalImport = 0;
  size_t numTableImport = 0;
  size_t numTagImport = 0;

  for (const Import& import : module->imports()) {
    Rooted<IdValueVector> props(cx, IdValueVector(cx));
    if (!props.reserve(3)) {
      return false;

    JSString* moduleStr = import.module.toAtom(cx);
    if (!moduleStr) {
      return false;
        IdValuePair(NameToId(cx->names().module), StringValue(moduleStr)));

    JSString* nameStr = import.field.toAtom(cx);
    if (!nameStr) {
      return false;
        IdValuePair(NameToId(cx->names().name), StringValue(nameStr)));

    JSString* kindStr = KindToString(cx, names, import.kind);
    if (!kindStr) {
      return false;
        IdValuePair(NameToId(names.kind), StringValue(kindStr)));

    RootedObject typeObj(cx);
    switch (import.kind) {
      case DefinitionKind::Function: {
        size_t funcIndex = numFuncImport++;
        const FuncType& funcType =
        typeObj = FuncTypeToObject(cx, funcType);
      case DefinitionKind::Table: {
        size_t tableIndex = numTableImport++;
        const TableDesc& table = metadata.tables[tableIndex];
        typeObj = TableTypeToObject(cx, table.elemType, table.initialLength,
      case DefinitionKind::Memory: {
        DebugOnly<size_t> memoryIndex = numMemoryImport++;
        MOZ_ASSERT(memoryIndex == 0);
        const MemoryDesc& memory = *metadata.memory;
        typeObj =
            MemoryTypeToObject(cx, memory.isShared(), memory.indexType(),
                               memory.initialPages(), memory.maximumPages());
      case DefinitionKind::Global: {
        size_t globalIndex = numGlobalImport++;
        const GlobalDesc& global = metadata.globals[globalIndex];
        typeObj = GlobalTypeToObject(cx, global.type(), global.isMutable());
      case DefinitionKind::Tag: {
        size_t tagIndex = numTagImport++;
        const TagDesc& tag = metadata.tags[tagIndex];
        typeObj = TagTypeToObject(cx, tag.type->argTypes_);

    if (!typeObj || !props.append(IdValuePair(NameToId(names.type),
                                              ObjectValue(*typeObj)))) {
      return false;

    JSObject* obj =
        NewPlainObjectWithUniqueNames(cx, props.begin(), props.length());
    if (!obj) {
      return false;


  JSObject* arr = NewDenseCopiedArray(cx, elems.length(), elems.begin());
  if (!arr) {
    return false;

  return true;

/* static */
bool WasmModuleObject::exports(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

  const Module* module;
  if (!GetModuleArg(cx, args, 1, "WebAssembly.Module.exports", &module)) {
    return false;

  KindNames names(cx);
  if (!InitKindNames(cx, &names)) {
    return false;

  RootedValueVector elems(cx);
  if (!elems.reserve(module->exports().length())) {
    return false;

  const Metadata& metadata = module->metadata();
  const MetadataTier& metadataTier =

  for (const Export& exp : module->exports()) {
    Rooted<IdValueVector> props(cx, IdValueVector(cx));
    if (!props.reserve(2)) {
      return false;

    JSString* nameStr = exp.fieldName().toAtom(cx);
    if (!nameStr) {
      return false;
        IdValuePair(NameToId(cx->names().name), StringValue(nameStr)));

    JSString* kindStr = KindToString(cx, names, exp.kind());
    if (!kindStr) {
      return false;
        IdValuePair(NameToId(names.kind), StringValue(kindStr)));

    RootedObject typeObj(cx);
    switch (exp.kind()) {
      case DefinitionKind::Function: {
        const FuncExport& fe = metadataTier.lookupFuncExport(exp.funcIndex());
        const FuncType& funcType = metadata.getFuncExportType(fe);
        typeObj = FuncTypeToObject(cx, funcType);
      case DefinitionKind::Table: {
        const TableDesc& table = metadata.tables[exp.tableIndex()];
        typeObj = TableTypeToObject(cx, table.elemType, table.initialLength,
      case DefinitionKind::Memory: {
        const MemoryDesc& memory = *metadata.memory;
        typeObj =
            MemoryTypeToObject(cx, memory.isShared(), memory.indexType(),
                               memory.initialPages(), memory.maximumPages());
      case DefinitionKind::Global: {
        const GlobalDesc& global = metadata.globals[exp.globalIndex()];
        typeObj = GlobalTypeToObject(cx, global.type(), global.isMutable());
      case DefinitionKind::Tag: {
        const TagDesc& tag = metadata.tags[exp.tagIndex()];
        typeObj = TagTypeToObject(cx, tag.type->argTypes_);

    if (!typeObj || !props.append(IdValuePair(NameToId(names.type),
                                              ObjectValue(*typeObj)))) {
      return false;

    JSObject* obj =
        NewPlainObjectWithUniqueNames(cx, props.begin(), props.length());
    if (!obj) {
      return false;


  JSObject* arr = NewDenseCopiedArray(cx, elems.length(), elems.begin());
  if (!arr) {
    return false;

  return true;

/* static */
bool WasmModuleObject::customSections(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

  const Module* module;
  if (!GetModuleArg(cx, args, 2, "WebAssembly.Module.customSections",
                    &module)) {
    return false;

  Vector<char, 8> name(cx);
    RootedString str(cx, ToString(cx, args.get(1)));
    if (!str) {
      return false;

    Rooted<JSLinearString*> linear(cx, str->ensureLinear(cx));
    if (!linear) {
      return false;

    if (!name.initLengthUninitialized(
            JS::GetDeflatedUTF8StringLength(linear))) {
      return false;

                                        Span(name.begin(), name.length()));

  RootedValueVector elems(cx);
  RootedArrayBufferObject buf(cx);
  for (const CustomSection& cs : module->customSections()) {
    if (name.length() != cs.name.length()) {
    if (memcmp(name.begin(), cs.name.begin(), name.length()) != 0) {

    buf = ArrayBufferObject::createZeroed(cx, cs.payload->length());
    if (!buf) {
      return false;

    memcpy(buf->dataPointer(), cs.payload->begin(), cs.payload->length());
    if (!elems.append(ObjectValue(*buf))) {
      return false;

  JSObject* arr = NewDenseCopiedArray(cx, elems.length(), elems.begin());
  if (!arr) {
    return false;

  return true;

/* static */
WasmModuleObject* WasmModuleObject::create(JSContext* cx, const Module& module,
                                           HandleObject proto) {
  AutoSetNewObjectMetadata metadata(cx);
  auto* obj = NewObjectWithGivenProto<WasmModuleObject>(cx, proto);
  if (!obj) {
    return nullptr;

  // The pipeline state on some architectures may retain stale instructions
  // even after we invalidate the instruction cache. There is no generally
  // available method to broadcast this pipeline flush to all threads after
  // we've compiled new code, so conservatively perform one here when we're
  // receiving a module that may have been compiled from another thread.
  // The cost of this flush is expected to minimal enough to not be worth
  // optimizing away in the case the module was compiled on this thread.

  // This accounts for module allocation size (excluding code which is handled
  // separately - see below). This assumes that the size of associated data
  // doesn't change for the life of the WasmModuleObject. The size is counted
  // once per WasmModuleObject referencing a Module.
  InitReservedSlot(obj, MODULE_SLOT, const_cast<Module*>(&module),
                   module.gcMallocBytesExcludingCode(), MemoryUse::WasmModule);

  // Bug 1569888: We account for the first tier here; the second tier, if
  // different, also needs to be accounted for.
  return obj;

static bool GetBufferSource(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, unsigned errorNumber,
                            MutableBytes* bytecode) {
  *bytecode = cx->new_<ShareableBytes>();
  if (!*bytecode) {
    return false;

  JSObject* unwrapped = CheckedUnwrapStatic(obj);

  SharedMem<uint8_t*> dataPointer;
  size_t byteLength;
  if (!unwrapped || !IsBufferSource(unwrapped, &dataPointer, &byteLength)) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, errorNumber);
    return false;

  if (!(*bytecode)->append(dataPointer.unwrap(), byteLength)) {
    return false;

  return true;

static bool ReportCompileWarnings(JSContext* cx,
                                  const UniqueCharsVector& warnings) {
  // Avoid spamming the console.
  size_t numWarnings = std::min<size_t>(warnings.length(), 3);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < numWarnings; i++) {
    if (!WarnNumberASCII(cx, JSMSG_WASM_COMPILE_WARNING, warnings[i].get())) {
      return false;

  if (warnings.length() > numWarnings) {
                         "other warnings suppressed")) {
      return false;

  return true;

/* static */
bool WasmModuleObject::construct(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs callArgs = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

  Log(cx, "sync new Module() started");

  if (!ThrowIfNotConstructing(cx, callArgs, "Module")) {
    return false;

  if (!cx->isRuntimeCodeGenEnabled(JS::RuntimeCode::WASM, nullptr)) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
                              JSMSG_CSP_BLOCKED_WASM, "WebAssembly.Module");
    return false;

  if (!callArgs.requireAtLeast(cx, "WebAssembly.Module", 1)) {
    return false;

  if (!callArgs[0].isObject()) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
    return false;

  MutableBytes bytecode;
  if (!GetBufferSource(cx, &callArgs[0].toObject(), JSMSG_WASM_BAD_BUF_ARG,
                       &bytecode)) {
    return false;

  SharedCompileArgs compileArgs = InitCompileArgs(cx, "WebAssembly.Module");
  if (!compileArgs) {
    return false;

  UniqueChars error;
  UniqueCharsVector warnings;
  SharedModule module =
      CompileBuffer(*compileArgs, *bytecode, &error, &warnings, nullptr);

  if (!ReportCompileWarnings(cx, warnings)) {
    return false;
  if (!module) {
    if (error) {
      JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
                               JSMSG_WASM_COMPILE_ERROR, error.get());
      return false;
    return false;

  RootedObject proto(
      cx, GetWasmConstructorPrototype(cx, callArgs, JSProto_WasmModule));
  if (!proto) {
    return false;

  RootedObject moduleObj(cx, WasmModuleObject::create(cx, *module, proto));
  if (!moduleObj) {
    return false;

  Log(cx, "sync new Module() succeded");

  return true;

const Module& WasmModuleObject::module() const {
  return *(const Module*)getReservedSlot(MODULE_SLOT).toPrivate();

// ============================================================================
// WebAssembly.Instance class and methods

const JSClassOps WasmInstanceObject::classOps_ = {
    nullptr,                       // addProperty
    nullptr,                       // delProperty
    nullptr,                       // enumerate
    nullptr,                       // newEnumerate
    nullptr,                       // resolve
    nullptr,                       // mayResolve
    WasmInstanceObject::finalize,  // finalize
    nullptr,                       // call
    nullptr,                       // construct
    WasmInstanceObject::trace,     // trace

const JSClass WasmInstanceObject::class_ = {

const JSClass& WasmInstanceObject::protoClass_ = PlainObject::class_;

static constexpr char WasmInstanceName[] = "Instance";

const ClassSpec WasmInstanceObject::classSpec_ = {
    CreateWasmConstructor<WasmInstanceObject, WasmInstanceName>,

static bool IsInstance(HandleValue v) {
  return v.isObject() && v.toObject().is<WasmInstanceObject>();

/* static */
bool WasmInstanceObject::exportsGetterImpl(JSContext* cx,
                                           const CallArgs& args) {
  return true;

/* static */
bool WasmInstanceObject::exportsGetter(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc,
                                       Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
  return CallNonGenericMethod<IsInstance, exportsGetterImpl>(cx, args);

const JSPropertySpec WasmInstanceObject::properties[] = {
    JS_PSG("exports", WasmInstanceObject::exportsGetter, JSPROP_ENUMERATE),
    JS_STRING_SYM_PS(toStringTag, "WebAssembly.Instance", JSPROP_READONLY),

const JSFunctionSpec WasmInstanceObject::methods[] = {JS_FS_END};

const JSFunctionSpec WasmInstanceObject::static_methods[] = {JS_FS_END};

bool WasmInstanceObject::isNewborn() const {
  return getReservedSlot(INSTANCE_SLOT).isUndefined();

// WeakScopeMap maps from function index to js::Scope. This maps is weak
// to avoid holding scope objects alive. The scopes are normally created
// during debugging.
// This is defined here in order to avoid recursive dependency between
// WasmJS.h and Scope.h.
using WasmFunctionScopeMap =
    JS::WeakCache<GCHashMap<uint32_t, WeakHeapPtr<WasmFunctionScope*>,
                            DefaultHasher<uint32_t>, CellAllocPolicy>>;
class WasmInstanceObject::UnspecifiedScopeMap {
  WasmFunctionScopeMap& asWasmFunctionScopeMap() {
    return *(WasmFunctionScopeMap*)this;

/* static */
void WasmInstanceObject::finalize(JS::GCContext* gcx, JSObject* obj) {
  WasmInstanceObject& instance = obj->as<WasmInstanceObject>();
  gcx->delete_(obj, &instance.exports(), MemoryUse::WasmInstanceExports);
  gcx->delete_(obj, &instance.scopes().asWasmFunctionScopeMap(),
  gcx->delete_(obj, &instance.indirectGlobals(),
  if (!instance.isNewborn()) {
    if (instance.instance().debugEnabled()) {
    gcx->removeCellMemory(obj, sizeof(Instance),

/* static */
void WasmInstanceObject::trace(JSTracer* trc, JSObject* obj) {
  WasmInstanceObject& instanceObj = obj->as<WasmInstanceObject>();
  if (!instanceObj.isNewborn()) {

/* static */
WasmInstanceObject* WasmInstanceObject::create(
    JSContext* cx, const SharedCode& code,
    const DataSegmentVector& dataSegments,
    const ElemSegmentVector& elemSegments, uint32_t instanceDataLength,
    Handle<WasmMemoryObject*> memory, SharedTableVector&& tables,
    const JSObjectVector& funcImports, const GlobalDescVector& globals,
    const ValVector& globalImportValues,
    const WasmGlobalObjectVector& globalObjs,
    const WasmTagObjectVector& tagObjs, HandleObject proto,
    UniqueDebugState maybeDebug) {
  Rooted<UniquePtr<ExportMap>> exports(cx,
  if (!exports) {
    return nullptr;

  UniquePtr<WasmFunctionScopeMap> scopes =
      js::MakeUnique<WasmFunctionScopeMap>(cx->zone(), cx->zone());
  if (!scopes) {
    return nullptr;
  // Note that `scopes` is a WeakCache, auto-linked into a sweep list on the
  // Zone, and so does not require rooting.

  uint32_t indirectGlobals = 0;

  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < globalObjs.length(); i++) {
    if (globalObjs[i] && globals[i].isIndirect()) {

  Rooted<UniquePtr<GlobalObjectVector>> indirectGlobalObjs(
      cx, js::MakeUnique<GlobalObjectVector>(cx->zone()));
  if (!indirectGlobalObjs || !indirectGlobalObjs->resize(indirectGlobals)) {
    return nullptr;

    uint32_t next = 0;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < globalObjs.length(); i++) {
      if (globalObjs[i] && globals[i].isIndirect()) {
        (*indirectGlobalObjs)[next++] = globalObjs[i];

  Instance* instance = nullptr;
  Rooted<WasmInstanceObject*> obj(cx);

    // We must delay creating metadata for this object until after all its
    // slots have been initialized. We must also create the metadata before
    // calling Instance::init as that may allocate new objects.
    AutoSetNewObjectMetadata metadata(cx);
    obj = NewObjectWithGivenProto<WasmInstanceObject>(cx, proto);
    if (!obj) {
      return nullptr;

    MOZ_ASSERT(obj->isTenured(), "assumed by WasmTableObject write barriers");

    // Finalization assumes these slots are always initialized:
    InitReservedSlot(obj, EXPORTS_SLOT, exports.release(),

    InitReservedSlot(obj, SCOPES_SLOT, scopes.release(),

    InitReservedSlot(obj, GLOBALS_SLOT, indirectGlobalObjs.release(),

    obj->initReservedSlot(INSTANCE_SCOPE_SLOT, UndefinedValue());

    // The INSTANCE_SLOT may not be initialized if Instance allocation fails,
    // leading to an observable "newborn" state in tracing/finalization.

    // Create this just before constructing Instance to avoid rooting hazards.
    instance = Instance::create(cx, obj, code, instanceDataLength, memory,
                                std::move(tables), std::move(maybeDebug));
    if (!instance) {
      return nullptr;

    InitReservedSlot(obj, INSTANCE_SLOT, instance,

  if (!instance->init(cx, funcImports, globalImportValues, globalObjs, tagObjs,
                      dataSegments, elemSegments)) {
    return nullptr;

  return obj;

void WasmInstanceObject::initExportsObj(JSObject& exportsObj) {
  setReservedSlot(EXPORTS_OBJ_SLOT, ObjectValue(exportsObj));

static bool GetImportArg(JSContext* cx, CallArgs callArgs,
                         MutableHandleObject importObj) {
  if (!callArgs.get(1).isUndefined()) {
    if (!callArgs[1].isObject()) {
      return ThrowBadImportArg(cx);
  return true;

/* static */
bool WasmInstanceObject::construct(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

  Log(cx, "sync new Instance() started");

  if (!ThrowIfNotConstructing(cx, args, "Instance")) {
    return false;

  if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "WebAssembly.Instance", 1)) {
    return false;

  const Module* module;
  if (!args[0].isObject() || !IsModuleObject(&args[0].toObject(), &module)) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
    return false;

  RootedObject importObj(cx);
  if (!GetImportArg(cx, args, &importObj)) {
    return false;

  RootedObject proto(
      cx, GetWasmConstructorPrototype(cx, args, JSProto_WasmInstance));
  if (!proto) {
    return false;

  Rooted<ImportValues> imports(cx);
  if (!GetImports(cx, *module, importObj, imports.address())) {
    return false;

  Rooted<WasmInstanceObject*> instanceObj(cx);
  if (!module->instantiate(cx, imports.get(), proto, &instanceObj)) {
    return false;

  Log(cx, "sync new Instance() succeeded");

  return true;

Instance& WasmInstanceObject::instance() const {
  return *(Instance*)getReservedSlot(INSTANCE_SLOT).toPrivate();

JSObject& WasmInstanceObject::exportsObj() const {
  return getReservedSlot(EXPORTS_OBJ_SLOT).toObject();

WasmInstanceObject::ExportMap& WasmInstanceObject::exports() const {
  return *(ExportMap*)getReservedSlot(EXPORTS_SLOT).toPrivate();

WasmInstanceObject::UnspecifiedScopeMap& WasmInstanceObject::scopes() const {
  return *(UnspecifiedScopeMap*)(getReservedSlot(SCOPES_SLOT).toPrivate());

WasmInstanceObject::GlobalObjectVector& WasmInstanceObject::indirectGlobals()
    const {
  return *(GlobalObjectVector*)getReservedSlot(GLOBALS_SLOT).toPrivate();

static bool WasmCall(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
  RootedFunction callee(cx, &args.callee().as<JSFunction>());

  Instance& instance = ExportedFunctionToInstance(callee);
  uint32_t funcIndex = ExportedFunctionToFuncIndex(callee);
  return instance.callExport(cx, funcIndex, args);

 * [SMDOC] Exported wasm functions and the jit-entry stubs
 * ## The kinds of exported functions
 * There are several kinds of exported wasm functions.  /Explicitly/ exported
 * functions are:
 *  - any wasm function exported via the export section
 *  - any asm.js export
 *  - the module start function
 * There are also /implicitly/ exported functions, these are the functions whose
 * indices in the module are referenced outside the code segment, eg, in element
 * segments and in global initializers.
 * ## Wasm functions as JSFunctions
 * Any exported function can be manipulated by JS and wasm code, and to both the
 * exported function is represented as a JSFunction.  To JS, that means that the
 * function can be called in the same way as any other JSFunction.  To Wasm, it
 * means that the function is a reference with the same representation as
 * externref.
 * However, the JSFunction object is created only when the function value is
 * actually exposed to JS the first time.  The creation is performed by
 * getExportedFunction(), below, as follows:
 *  - a function exported via the export section (or from asm.js) is created
 *    when the export object is created, which happens at instantiation time.
 *  - a function implicitly exported via a table is created when the table
 *    element is read (by JS or wasm) and a function value is needed to
 *    represent that value.  Functions stored in tables by initializers have a
 *    special representation that does not require the function object to be
 *    created.
 *  - a function implicitly exported via a global initializer is created when
 *    the global is initialized.
 *  - a function referenced from a ref.func instruction in code is created when
 *    that instruction is executed the first time.
 * The JSFunction representing a wasm function never changes: every reference to
 * the wasm function that exposes the JSFunction gets the same JSFunction.  In
 * particular, imported functions already have a JSFunction representation (from
 * JS or from their home module), and will be exposed using that representation.
 * The mapping from a wasm function to its JSFunction is instance-specific, and
 * held in a hashmap in the instance.  If a module is shared across multiple
 * instances, possibly in multiple threads, each instance will have its own
 * JSFunction representing the wasm function.
 * ## Stubs -- interpreter, eager, lazy, provisional, and absent
 * While a Wasm exported function is just a JSFunction, the internal wasm ABI is
 * neither the C++ ABI nor the JS JIT ABI, so there needs to be an extra step
 * when C++ or JS JIT code calls wasm code.  For this, execution passes through
 * a stub that is adapted to both the JS caller and the wasm callee.
 * ### Interpreter stubs and jit-entry stubs
 * When JS interpreted code calls a wasm function, we end up in
 * Instance::callExport() to execute the call.  This function must enter wasm,
 * and to do this it uses a stub that is specific to the wasm function (see
 * GenerateInterpEntry) that is callable with the C++ interpreter ABI and which
 * will convert arguments as necessary and enter compiled wasm code.
 * The interpreter stub is created eagerly, when the module is compiled.
 * However, the interpreter call path is slow, and when JS jitted code calls
 * wasm we want to do better.  In this case, there is a different, optimized
 * stub that is to be invoked, and it uses the JIT ABI.  This is the jit-entry
 * stub for the function.  Jitted code will call a wasm function's jit-entry
 * stub to invoke the function with the JIT ABI.  The stub will adapt the call
 * to the wasm ABI.
 * Some jit-entry stubs are created eagerly and some are created lazily.
 * ### Eager jit-entry stubs
 * The explicitly exported functions have stubs created for them eagerly.  Eager
 * stubs are created with their tier when the module is compiled, see
 * ModuleGenerator::finishCodeTier(), which calls wasm::GenerateStubs(), which
 * generates stubs for functions with eager stubs.
 * An eager stub for tier-1 is upgraded to tier-2 if the module tiers up, see
 * below.
 * ### Lazy jit-entry stubs
 * Stubs are created lazily for all implicitly exported functions.  These
 * functions may flow out to JS, but will only need a stub if they are ever
 * called from jitted code.  (That's true for explicitly exported functions too,
 * but for them the presumption is that they will be called.)
 * Lazy stubs are created only when they are needed, and they are /doubly/ lazy,
 * see getExportedFunction(), below: A function implicitly exported via a table
 * or global may be manipulated eagerly by host code without actually being
 * called (maybe ever), so we do not generate a lazy stub when the function
 * object escapes to JS, but instead delay stub generation until the function is
 * actually called.
 * ### The provisional lazy jit-entry stub
 * However, JS baseline compilation needs to have a stub to start with in order
 * to allow it to attach CacheIR data to the call (or it deoptimizes the call as
 * a C++ call).  Thus when the JSFunction for the wasm export is retrieved by JS
 * code, a /provisional/ lazy jit-entry stub is associated with the function.
 * The stub will invoke the wasm function on the slow interpreter path via
 * callExport - if the function is ever called - and will cause a fast jit-entry
 * stub to be created at the time of the call.  The provisional lazy stub is
 * shared globally, it contains no function-specific or context-specific data.
 * Thus, the final lazy jit-entry stubs are eventually created by
 * Instance::callExport, when a call is routed through it on the slow path for
 * any of the reasons given above.
 * ### Absent jit-entry stubs
 * Some functions never get jit-entry stubs.  The predicate canHaveJitEntry()
 * determines if a wasm function gets a stub, and it will deny this if the
 * function's signature exposes non-JS-compatible types (such as v128) or if
 * stub optimization has been disabled by a jit option.  Calls to these
 * functions will continue to go via callExport and use the slow interpreter
 * stub.
 * ## The jit-entry jump table
 * The mapping from the exported function to its jit-entry stub is implemented
 * by the jit-entry jump table in the JumpTables object (see WasmCode.h).  The
 * jit-entry jump table entry for a function holds a stub that the jit can call
 * to perform fast calls.
 * While there is a single contiguous jump table, it has two logical sections:
 * one for eager stubs, and one for lazy stubs.  These sections are initialized
 * and updated separately, using logic that is specific to each section.
 * The value of the table element for an eager stub is a pointer to the stub
 * code in the current tier.  The pointer is installed just after the creation
 * of the stub, before any code in the module is executed.  If the module later
 * tiers up, the eager jit-entry stub for tier-1 code is replaced by one for
 * tier-2 code, see the next section.
 * Initially the value of the jump table element for a lazy stub is null.
 * If the function is retrieved by JS (by getExportedFunction()) and is not
 * barred from having a jit-entry, then the stub is upgraded to the shared
 * provisional lazy jit-entry stub.  This upgrade happens to be racy if the
 * module is shared, and so the update is atomic and only happens if the entry
 * is already null.  Since the provisional lazy stub is shared, this is fine; if
 * several threads try to upgrade at the same time, it is to the same shared
 * value.
 * If the retrieved function is later invoked (via callExport()), the stub is
 * upgraded to an actual jit-entry stub for the current code tier, again if the
 * function is allowed to have a jit-entry.  This is not racy -- though multiple
 * threads can be trying to create a jit-entry stub at the same time, they do so
 * under a lock and only the first to take the lock will be allowed to create a
 * stub, the others will reuse the first-installed stub.
 * If the module later tiers up, the lazy jit-entry stub for tier-1 code (if it
 * exists) is replaced by one for tier-2 code, see the next section.
 * (Note, the InterpEntry stub is never stored in the jit-entry table, as it
 * uses the C++ ABI, not the JIT ABI.  It is accessible through the
 * FunctionEntry.)
 * ### Interaction of the jit-entry jump table and tiering
 * (For general info about tiering, see the comment in WasmCompile.cpp.)
 * The jit-entry stub, whether eager or lazy, is specific to a code tier - a
 * stub will invoke the code for its function for the tier.  When we tier up,
 * new jit-entry stubs must be created that reference tier-2 code, and must then
 * be patched into the jit-entry table.  The complication here is that, since
 * the jump table is shared with its code between instances on multiple threads,
 * tier-1 code is running on other threads and new tier-1 specific jit-entry
 * stubs may be created concurrently with trying to create the tier-2 stubs on
 * the thread that performs the tiering-up.  Indeed, there may also be
 * concurrent attempts to upgrade null jit-entries to the provisional lazy stub.
 * Eager stubs:
 *  - Eager stubs for tier-2 code are patched in racily by Module::finishTier2()
 *    along with code pointers for tiering; nothing conflicts with these writes.
 * Lazy stubs:
 *  - An upgrade from a null entry to a lazy provisional stub is atomic and can
 *    only happen if the entry is null, and it only happens in
 *    getExportedFunction().  No lazy provisional stub will be installed if
 *    there's another stub present.
 *  - The lazy tier-appropriate stub is installed by callExport() (really by
 *    EnsureEntryStubs()) during the first invocation of the exported function
 *    that reaches callExport().  That invocation must be from within JS, and so
 *    the jit-entry element can't be null, because a prior getExportedFunction()
 *    will have ensured that it is not: the lazy provisional stub will have been
 *    installed.  Hence the installing of the lazy tier-appropriate stub does
 *    not race with the installing of the lazy provisional stub.
 *  - A lazy tier-1 stub is upgraded to a lazy tier-2 stub by
 *    Module::finishTier2().  The upgrade needs to ensure that all tier-1 stubs
 *    are upgraded, and that once the upgrade is finished, callExport() will
 *    only create tier-2 lazy stubs.  (This upgrading does not upgrade lazy
 *    provisional stubs or absent stubs.)
 *    The locking protocol ensuring that all stubs are upgraded properly and
 *    that the system switches to creating tier-2 stubs is implemented in
 *    Module::finishTier2() and EnsureEntryStubs():
 *    There are two locks, one per code tier.
 *    EnsureEntryStubs() is attempting to create a tier-appropriate lazy stub,
 *    so it takes the lock for the current best tier, checks to see if there is
 *    a stub, and exits if there is.  If the tier changed racily it takes the
 *    other lock too, since that is now the lock for the best tier.  Then it
 *    creates the stub, installs it, and releases the locks.  Thus at most one
 *    stub per tier can be created at a time.
 *    Module::finishTier2() takes both locks (tier-1 before tier-2), thus
 *    preventing EnsureEntryStubs() from creating stubs while stub upgrading is
 *    going on, and itself waiting until EnsureEntryStubs() is not active.  Once
 *    it has both locks, it upgrades all lazy stubs and makes tier-2 the new
 *    best tier.  Should EnsureEntryStubs subsequently enter, it will find that
 *    a stub already exists at tier-2 and will exit early.
 * (It would seem that the locking protocol could be simplified a little by
 * having only one lock, hanging off the Code object, or by unconditionally
 * taking both locks in EnsureEntryStubs().  However, in some cases where we
 * acquire a lock the Code object is not readily available, so plumbing would
 * have to be added, and in EnsureEntryStubs(), there are sometimes not two code
 * tiers.)
 * ## Stub lifetimes and serialization
 * Eager jit-entry stub code, along with stub code for import functions, is
 * serialized along with the tier-2 code for the module.
 * Lazy stub code and thunks for builtin functions (including the provisional
 * lazy jit-entry stub) are never serialized.

/* static */
bool WasmInstanceObject::getExportedFunction(
    JSContext* cx, Handle<WasmInstanceObject*> instanceObj, uint32_t funcIndex,
    MutableHandleFunction fun) {
  if (ExportMap::Ptr p = instanceObj->exports().lookup(funcIndex)) {
    return true;

  const Instance& instance = instanceObj->instance();
  const FuncExport& funcExport =
  const FuncType& funcType = instance.metadata().getFuncExportType(funcExport);
  unsigned numArgs = funcType.args().length();

  if (instance.isAsmJS()) {
    // asm.js needs to act like a normal JS function which means having the
    // name from the original source and being callable as a constructor.
    Rooted<JSAtom*> name(cx, instance.getFuncDisplayAtom(cx, funcIndex));
    if (!name) {
      return false;
    fun.set(NewNativeConstructor(cx, WasmCall, numArgs, name,
                                 TenuredObject, FunctionFlags::ASMJS_CTOR));
    if (!fun) {
      return false;

    // asm.js does not support jit entries.
  } else {
    Rooted<JSAtom*> name(cx, NumberToAtom(cx, funcIndex));
    if (!name) {
      return false;
    RootedObject proto(cx);
    proto = GlobalObject::getOrCreatePrototype(cx, JSProto_WasmFunction);
    if (!proto) {
      return false;
        cx, WasmCall, numArgs, FunctionFlags::WASM, nullptr, name, proto,
        gc::AllocKind::FUNCTION_EXTENDED, TenuredObject));
    if (!fun) {
      return false;

    // Some applications eagerly access all table elements which currently
    // triggers worst-case behavior for lazy stubs, since each will allocate a
    // separate 4kb code page. Most eagerly-accessed functions are not called,
    // so use a shared, provisional (and slow) lazy stub as JitEntry and wait
    // until Instance::callExport() to create the fast entry stubs.
    if (funcType.canHaveJitEntry()) {
      if (!funcExport.hasEagerStubs()) {
        if (!EnsureBuiltinThunksInitialized()) {
          return false;
        void* provisionalLazyJitEntryStub = ProvisionalLazyJitEntryStub();
    } else {


  const CodeTier& codeTier =
  const CodeRange& codeRange = codeTier.metadata().codeRange(funcExport);

                       PrivateValue(codeTier.segment().base() +

  if (!instanceObj->exports().putNew(funcIndex, fun)) {
    return false;

  return true;

const CodeRange& WasmInstanceObject::getExportedFunctionCodeRange(
    JSFunction* fun, Tier tier) {
  uint32_t funcIndex = ExportedFunctionToFuncIndex(fun);
  MOZ_ASSERT(exports().lookup(funcIndex)->value() == fun);
  const MetadataTier& metadata = instance().metadata(tier);
  return metadata.codeRange(metadata.lookupFuncExport(funcIndex));

/* static */
WasmInstanceScope* WasmInstanceObject::getScope(
    JSContext* cx, Handle<WasmInstanceObject*> instanceObj) {
  if (!instanceObj->getReservedSlot(INSTANCE_SCOPE_SLOT).isUndefined()) {
    return (WasmInstanceScope*)instanceObj->getReservedSlot(INSTANCE_SCOPE_SLOT)

  Rooted<WasmInstanceScope*> instanceScope(
      cx, WasmInstanceScope::create(cx, instanceObj));
  if (!instanceScope) {
    return nullptr;


  return instanceScope;

/* static */
WasmFunctionScope* WasmInstanceObject::getFunctionScope(
    JSContext* cx, Handle<WasmInstanceObject*> instanceObj,
    uint32_t funcIndex) {
  if (auto p =
          instanceObj->scopes().asWasmFunctionScopeMap().lookup(funcIndex)) {
    return p->value();

  Rooted<WasmInstanceScope*> instanceScope(
      cx, WasmInstanceObject::getScope(cx, instanceObj));
  if (!instanceScope) {
    return nullptr;

  Rooted<WasmFunctionScope*> funcScope(
      cx, WasmFunctionScope::create(cx, instanceScope, funcIndex));
  if (!funcScope) {
    return nullptr;

  if (!instanceObj->scopes().asWasmFunctionScopeMap().putNew(funcIndex,
                                                             funcScope)) {
    return nullptr;

  return funcScope;

bool wasm::IsWasmExportedFunction(JSFunction* fun) {
  return fun->kind() == FunctionFlags::Wasm;

Instance& wasm::ExportedFunctionToInstance(JSFunction* fun) {
  return fun->wasmInstance();

WasmInstanceObject* wasm::ExportedFunctionToInstanceObject(JSFunction* fun) {
  return fun->wasmInstance().object();

uint32_t wasm::ExportedFunctionToFuncIndex(JSFunction* fun) {
  return fun->wasmInstance().code().getFuncIndex(fun);

// ============================================================================
// WebAssembly.Memory class and methods

const JSClassOps WasmMemoryObject::classOps_ = {
    nullptr,                     // addProperty
    nullptr,                     // delProperty
    nullptr,                     // enumerate
    nullptr,                     // newEnumerate
    nullptr,                     // resolve
    nullptr,                     // mayResolve
    WasmMemoryObject::finalize,  // finalize
    nullptr,                     // call
    nullptr,                     // construct
    nullptr,                     // trace

const JSClass WasmMemoryObject::class_ = {
    &WasmMemoryObject::classOps_, &WasmMemoryObject::classSpec_};

const JSClass& WasmMemoryObject::protoClass_ = PlainObject::class_;

static constexpr char WasmMemoryName[] = "Memory";

static JSObject* CreateWasmMemoryPrototype(JSContext* cx, JSProtoKey key) {
  RootedObject proto(cx, GlobalObject::createBlankPrototype(
                             cx, cx->global(), &WasmMemoryObject::protoClass_));
  if (!proto) {
    return nullptr;
  if (MemoryControlAvailable(cx)) {
    if (!JS_DefineFunctions(cx, proto,
                            WasmMemoryObject::memoryControlMethods)) {
      return nullptr;
  return proto;

const ClassSpec WasmMemoryObject::classSpec_ = {
    CreateWasmConstructor<WasmMemoryObject, WasmMemoryName>,

/* static */
void WasmMemoryObject::finalize(JS::GCContext* gcx, JSObject* obj) {
  WasmMemoryObject& memory = obj->as<WasmMemoryObject>();
  if (memory.hasObservers()) {
    gcx->delete_(obj, &memory.observers(), MemoryUse::WasmMemoryObservers);

/* static */
WasmMemoryObject* WasmMemoryObject::create(
    JSContext* cx, HandleArrayBufferObjectMaybeShared buffer, bool isHuge,
    HandleObject proto) {
  AutoSetNewObjectMetadata metadata(cx);
  auto* obj = NewObjectWithGivenProto<WasmMemoryObject>(cx, proto);
  if (!obj) {
    return nullptr;

  obj->initReservedSlot(BUFFER_SLOT, ObjectValue(*buffer));
  obj->initReservedSlot(ISHUGE_SLOT, BooleanValue(isHuge));

  return obj;

/* static */
bool WasmMemoryObject::construct(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

  if (!ThrowIfNotConstructing(cx, args, "Memory")) {
    return false;

  if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "WebAssembly.Memory", 1)) {
    return false;

  if (!args.get(0).isObject()) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
                             JSMSG_WASM_BAD_DESC_ARG, "memory");
    return false;

  RootedObject obj(cx, &args[0].toObject());
  Limits limits;
  if (!GetLimits(cx, obj, LimitsKind::Memory, &limits) ||
      !CheckLimits(cx, MaxMemoryLimitField(limits.indexType),
                   LimitsKind::Memory, &limits)) {
    return false;

  if (Pages(limits.initial) > MaxMemoryPages(limits.indexType)) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
    return false;
  MemoryDesc memory(limits);

  RootedArrayBufferObjectMaybeShared buffer(cx);
  if (!CreateWasmBuffer(cx, memory, &buffer)) {
    return false;

  RootedObject proto(cx,
                     GetWasmConstructorPrototype(cx, args, JSProto_WasmMemory));
  if (!proto) {
    return false;

  Rooted<WasmMemoryObject*> memoryObj(
      cx, WasmMemoryObject::create(
              cx, buffer, IsHugeMemoryEnabled(limits.indexType), proto));
  if (!memoryObj) {
    return false;

  return true;

static bool IsMemory(HandleValue v) {
  return v.isObject() && v.toObject().is<WasmMemoryObject>();

/* static */
bool WasmMemoryObject::bufferGetterImpl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) {
  Rooted<WasmMemoryObject*> memoryObj(
      cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as<WasmMemoryObject>());
  RootedArrayBufferObjectMaybeShared buffer(cx, &memoryObj->buffer());

  if (memoryObj->isShared()) {
    size_t memoryLength = memoryObj->volatileMemoryLength();
    MOZ_ASSERT(memoryLength >= buffer->byteLength());

    if (memoryLength > buffer->byteLength()) {
      RootedSharedArrayBufferObject newBuffer(
          cx, SharedArrayBufferObject::New(
                  cx, memoryObj->sharedArrayRawBuffer(), memoryLength));
      if (!newBuffer) {
        return false;
      // OK to addReference after we try to allocate because the memoryObj
      // keeps the rawBuffer alive.
      if (!memoryObj->sharedArrayRawBuffer()->addReference()) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
        return false;
      buffer = newBuffer;
      memoryObj->setReservedSlot(BUFFER_SLOT, ObjectValue(*newBuffer));

  return true;

/* static */
bool WasmMemoryObject::bufferGetter(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
  return CallNonGenericMethod<IsMemory, bufferGetterImpl>(cx, args);

const JSPropertySpec WasmMemoryObject::properties[] = {
    JS_PSG("buffer", WasmMemoryObject::bufferGetter, JSPROP_ENUMERATE),
    JS_STRING_SYM_PS(toStringTag, "WebAssembly.Memory", JSPROP_READONLY),

/* static */
bool WasmMemoryObject::growImpl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) {
  Rooted<WasmMemoryObject*> memory(
      cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as<WasmMemoryObject>());

  if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "WebAssembly.Memory.grow", 1)) {
    return false;

  uint32_t delta;
  if (!EnforceRangeU32(cx, args.get(0), "Memory", "grow delta", &delta)) {
    return false;

  uint32_t ret = grow(memory, delta, cx);

  if (ret == uint32_t(-1)) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_WASM_BAD_GROW,
    return false;

  return true;

/* static */
bool WasmMemoryObject::grow(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
  return CallNonGenericMethod<IsMemory, growImpl>(cx, args);

/* static */
bool WasmMemoryObject::discardImpl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) {
  Rooted<WasmMemoryObject*> memory(
      cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as<WasmMemoryObject>());

  if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "WebAssembly.Memory.discard", 2)) {
    return false;

  uint64_t byteOffset;
  if (!EnforceRangeU64(cx, args.get(0), "Memory", "byte offset", &byteOffset)) {
    return false;

  uint64_t byteLen;
  if (!EnforceRangeU64(cx, args.get(1), "Memory", "length", &byteLen)) {
    return false;

  if (byteOffset % wasm::PageSize != 0 || byteLen % wasm::PageSize != 0) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
    return false;

  if (!wasm::MemoryBoundsCheck(byteOffset, byteLen,
                               memory->volatileMemoryLength())) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
    return false;

  discard(memory, byteOffset, byteLen, cx);

  return true;

/* static */
bool WasmMemoryObject::discard(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
  return CallNonGenericMethod<IsMemory, discardImpl>(cx, args);

const JSFunctionSpec WasmMemoryObject::methods[] = {
    JS_FN("type", WasmMemoryObject::type, 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE),
    JS_FN("grow", WasmMemoryObject::grow, 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE), JS_FS_END};

const JSFunctionSpec WasmMemoryObject::memoryControlMethods[] = {
    JS_FN("discard", WasmMemoryObject::discard, 2, JSPROP_ENUMERATE),

const JSFunctionSpec WasmMemoryObject::static_methods[] = {JS_FS_END};

ArrayBufferObjectMaybeShared& WasmMemoryObject::buffer() const {
  return getReservedSlot(BUFFER_SLOT)

WasmSharedArrayRawBuffer* WasmMemoryObject::sharedArrayRawBuffer() const {
  return buffer().as<SharedArrayBufferObject>().rawWasmBufferObject();

bool WasmMemoryObject::typeImpl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) {
  Rooted<WasmMemoryObject*> memoryObj(
      cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as<WasmMemoryObject>());
  RootedObject typeObj(
      cx, MemoryTypeToObject(cx, memoryObj->isShared(), memoryObj->indexType(),
  if (!typeObj) {
    return false;
  return true;

bool WasmMemoryObject::type(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
  return CallNonGenericMethod<IsMemory, typeImpl>(cx, args);

size_t WasmMemoryObject::volatileMemoryLength() const {
  if (isShared()) {
    return sharedArrayRawBuffer()->volatileByteLength();
  return buffer().byteLength();

wasm::Pages WasmMemoryObject::volatilePages() const {
  if (isShared()) {
    return sharedArrayRawBuffer()->volatileWasmPages();
  return buffer().wasmPages();

wasm::Pages WasmMemoryObject::clampedMaxPages() const {
  if (isShared()) {
    return sharedArrayRawBuffer()->wasmClampedMaxPages();
  return buffer().wasmClampedMaxPages();

Maybe<wasm::Pages> WasmMemoryObject::sourceMaxPages() const {
  if (isShared()) {
    return Some(sharedArrayRawBuffer()->wasmSourceMaxPages());
  return buffer().wasmSourceMaxPages();

wasm::IndexType WasmMemoryObject::indexType() const {
  if (isShared()) {
    return sharedArrayRawBuffer()->wasmIndexType();
  return buffer().wasmIndexType();

bool WasmMemoryObject::isShared() const {
  return buffer().is<SharedArrayBufferObject>();

bool WasmMemoryObject::hasObservers() const {
  return !getReservedSlot(OBSERVERS_SLOT).isUndefined();

WasmMemoryObject::InstanceSet& WasmMemoryObject::observers() const {
  return *reinterpret_cast<InstanceSet*>(

WasmMemoryObject::InstanceSet* WasmMemoryObject::getOrCreateObservers(
    JSContext* cx) {
  if (!hasObservers()) {
    auto observers = MakeUnique<InstanceSet>(cx->zone(), cx->zone());
    if (!observers) {
      return nullptr;

    InitReservedSlot(this, OBSERVERS_SLOT, observers.release(),

  return &observers();

bool WasmMemoryObject::isHuge() const {
  return getReservedSlot(ISHUGE_SLOT).toBoolean();

bool WasmMemoryObject::movingGrowable() const {
  return !isHuge() && !buffer().wasmSourceMaxPages();

size_t WasmMemoryObject::boundsCheckLimit() const {
  if (!buffer().isWasm() || isHuge()) {
    return buffer().byteLength();
  size_t mappedSize = buffer().wasmMappedSize();
#if !defined(JS_64BIT)
  // See clamping performed in CreateSpecificWasmBuffer().  On 32-bit systems
  // we do not want to overflow a uint32_t.  For the other 64-bit compilers,
  // all constraints are implied by the largest accepted value for a memory's
  // max field.
  MOZ_ASSERT(mappedSize < UINT32_MAX);
  MOZ_ASSERT(mappedSize % wasm::PageSize == 0);
  MOZ_ASSERT(mappedSize >= wasm::GuardSize);
  MOZ_ASSERT(wasm::IsValidBoundsCheckImmediate(mappedSize - wasm::GuardSize));
  size_t limit = mappedSize - wasm::GuardSize;
  MOZ_ASSERT(limit <= MaxMemoryBoundsCheckLimit(indexType()));
  return limit;

bool WasmMemoryObject::addMovingGrowObserver(JSContext* cx,
                                             WasmInstanceObject* instance) {

  InstanceSet* observers = getOrCreateObservers(cx);
  if (!observers) {
    return false;

  if (!observers->putNew(instance)) {
    return false;

  return true;

/* static */
uint64_t WasmMemoryObject::growShared(Handle<WasmMemoryObject*> memory,
                                      uint64_t delta) {
  WasmSharedArrayRawBuffer* rawBuf = memory->sharedArrayRawBuffer();
  WasmSharedArrayRawBuffer::Lock lock(rawBuf);

  Pages oldNumPages = rawBuf->volatileWasmPages();
  Pages newPages = oldNumPages;
  if (!newPages.checkedIncrement(Pages(delta))) {
    return uint64_t(int64_t(-1));

  if (!rawBuf->wasmGrowToPagesInPlace(lock, memory->indexType(), newPages)) {
    return uint64_t(int64_t(-1));
  // New buffer objects will be created lazily in all agents (including in
  // this agent) by bufferGetterImpl, above, so no more work to do here.

  return oldNumPages.value();

/* static */
uint64_t WasmMemoryObject::grow(Handle<WasmMemoryObject*> memory,
                                uint64_t delta, JSContext* cx) {
  if (memory->isShared()) {
    return growShared(memory, delta);

  RootedArrayBufferObject oldBuf(cx, &memory->buffer().as<ArrayBufferObject>());

#if !defined(JS_64BIT)
  // TODO (large ArrayBuffer): See more information at the definition of
  // MaxMemoryBytes().
  MOZ_ASSERT(MaxMemoryBytes(memory->indexType()) <= UINT32_MAX,
             "Avoid 32-bit overflows");

  Pages oldNumPages = oldBuf->wasmPages();
  Pages newPages = oldNumPages;
  if (!newPages.checkedIncrement(Pages(delta))) {
    return uint64_t(int64_t(-1));

  RootedArrayBufferObject newBuf(cx);

  if (memory->movingGrowable()) {
    if (!ArrayBufferObject::wasmMovingGrowToPages(memory->indexType(), newPages,
                                                  oldBuf, &newBuf, cx)) {
      return uint64_t(int64_t(-1));
  } else if (!ArrayBufferObject::wasmGrowToPagesInPlace(
                 memory->indexType(), newPages, oldBuf, &newBuf, cx)) {
    return uint64_t(int64_t(-1));

  memory->setReservedSlot(BUFFER_SLOT, ObjectValue(*newBuf));

  // Only notify moving-grow-observers after the BUFFER_SLOT has been updated
  // since observers will call buffer().
  if (memory->hasObservers()) {
    for (InstanceSet::Range r = memory->observers().all(); !r.empty();
         r.popFront()) {

  return oldNumPages.value();

/* static */
void WasmMemoryObject::discard(Handle<WasmMemoryObject*> memory,
                               uint64_t byteOffset, uint64_t byteLen,
                               JSContext* cx) {
  if (memory->isShared()) {
    RootedSharedArrayBufferObject buf(
        cx, &memory->buffer().as<SharedArrayBufferObject>());
    SharedArrayBufferObject::wasmDiscard(buf, byteOffset, byteLen);
  } else {
    RootedArrayBufferObject buf(cx, &memory->buffer().as<ArrayBufferObject>());
    ArrayBufferObject::wasmDiscard(buf, byteOffset, byteLen);

bool js::wasm::IsSharedWasmMemoryObject(JSObject* obj) {
  WasmMemoryObject* mobj = obj->maybeUnwrapIf<WasmMemoryObject>();
  return mobj && mobj->isShared();

// ============================================================================
// WebAssembly.Table class and methods

const JSClassOps WasmTableObject::classOps_ = {
    nullptr,                    // addProperty
    nullptr,                    // delProperty
    nullptr,                    // enumerate
    nullptr,                    // newEnumerate
    nullptr,                    // resolve
    nullptr,                    // mayResolve
    WasmTableObject::finalize,  // finalize
    nullptr,                    // call
    nullptr,                    // construct
    WasmTableObject::trace,     // trace

const JSClass WasmTableObject::class_ = {
    &WasmTableObject::classOps_, &WasmTableObject::classSpec_};

const JSClass& WasmTableObject::protoClass_ = PlainObject::class_;

static constexpr char WasmTableName[] = "Table";

const ClassSpec WasmTableObject::classSpec_ = {
    CreateWasmConstructor<WasmTableObject, WasmTableName>,

bool WasmTableObject::isNewborn() const {
  return getReservedSlot(TABLE_SLOT).isUndefined();

/* static */
void WasmTableObject::finalize(JS::GCContext* gcx, JSObject* obj) {
  WasmTableObject& tableObj = obj->as<WasmTableObject>();
  if (!tableObj.isNewborn()) {
    auto& table = tableObj.table();
    gcx->release(obj, &table, table.gcMallocBytes(), MemoryUse::WasmTableTable);

/* static */
void WasmTableObject::trace(JSTracer* trc, JSObject* obj) {
  WasmTableObject& tableObj = obj->as<WasmTableObject>();
  if (!tableObj.isNewborn()) {

// Return the JS value to use when a parameter to a function requiring a table
// value is omitted. An implementation of [1].
// [1]
// https://webassembly.github.io/reference-types/js-api/index.html#defaultvalue
static Value RefTypeDefautValue(wasm::RefType tableType) {
  return tableType.isExtern() ? UndefinedValue() : NullValue();

static bool CheckRefTypeValue(JSContext* cx, wasm::RefType type,
                              HandleValue value) {
  RootedFunction fun(cx);
  RootedAnyRef any(cx, AnyRef::null());

  return CheckRefType(cx, type, value, &fun, &any);

/* static */
WasmTableObject* WasmTableObject::create(JSContext* cx, uint32_t initialLength,
                                         Maybe<uint32_t> maximumLength,
                                         wasm::RefType tableType,
                                         HandleObject proto) {
  AutoSetNewObjectMetadata metadata(cx);
  Rooted<WasmTableObject*> obj(
      cx, NewObjectWithGivenProto<WasmTableObject>(cx, proto));
  if (!obj) {
    return nullptr;


  TableDesc td(tableType, initialLength, maximumLength, Nothing(),
               /*isAsmJS*/ false,
               /*isImported=*/true, /*isExported=*/true);

  SharedTable table = Table::create(cx, td, obj);
  if (!table) {
    return nullptr;

  size_t size = table->gcMallocBytes();
  InitReservedSlot(obj, TABLE_SLOT, table.forget().take(), size,

  return obj;

/* static */
bool WasmTableObject::construct(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

  if (!ThrowIfNotConstructing(cx, args, "Table")) {
    return false;

  if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "WebAssembly.Table", 1)) {
    return false;

  if (!args.get(0).isObject()) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
                             JSMSG_WASM_BAD_DESC_ARG, "table");
    return false;

  RootedObject obj(cx, &args[0].toObject());

  JSAtom* elementAtom = Atomize(cx, "element", strlen("element"));
  if (!elementAtom) {
    return false;
  RootedId elementId(cx, AtomToId(elementAtom));

  RootedValue elementVal(cx);
  if (!GetProperty(cx, obj, obj, elementId, &elementVal)) {
    return false;

  RefType tableType;
  if (!ToRefType(cx, elementVal, &tableType)) {
    return false;

  Limits limits;
  if (!GetLimits(cx, obj, LimitsKind::Table, &limits) ||
      !CheckLimits(cx, MaxTableLimitField, LimitsKind::Table, &limits)) {
    return false;

  // Converting limits for a table only supports i32
  MOZ_ASSERT(limits.indexType == IndexType::I32);

  if (limits.initial > MaxTableLength) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
    return false;

  RootedObject proto(cx,
                     GetWasmConstructorPrototype(cx, args, JSProto_WasmTable));
  if (!proto) {
    return false;

  // The rest of the runtime expects table limits to be within a 32-bit range.
  static_assert(MaxTableLimitField <= UINT32_MAX, "invariant");
  uint32_t initialLength = uint32_t(limits.initial);
  Maybe<uint32_t> maximumLength;
  if (limits.maximum) {
    maximumLength = Some(uint32_t(*limits.maximum));

  Rooted<WasmTableObject*> table(
      cx, WasmTableObject::create(cx, initialLength, maximumLength, tableType,
  if (!table) {
    return false;

  // Initialize the table to a default value
  RootedValue initValue(
      cx, args.length() < 2 ? RefTypeDefautValue(tableType) : args[1]);
  if (!CheckRefTypeValue(cx, tableType, initValue)) {
    return false;

  // Skip initializing the table if the fill value is null, as that is the
  // default value.
  if (!initValue.isNull() &&
      !table->fillRange(cx, 0, initialLength, initValue)) {
    return false;
#ifdef DEBUG
  // Assert that null is the default value of a new table.
  if (initValue.isNull()) {
    table->table().assertRangeNull(0, initialLength);
  if (!tableType.isNullable()) {
    table->table().assertRangeNotNull(0, initialLength);

  return true;

static bool IsTable(HandleValue v) {
  return v.isObject() && v.toObject().is<WasmTableObject>();

/* static */
bool WasmTableObject::lengthGetterImpl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) {
  return true;

/* static */
bool WasmTableObject::lengthGetter(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
  return CallNonGenericMethod<IsTable, lengthGetterImpl>(cx, args);

const JSPropertySpec WasmTableObject::properties[] = {
    JS_PSG("length", WasmTableObject::lengthGetter, JSPROP_ENUMERATE),
    JS_STRING_SYM_PS(toStringTag, "WebAssembly.Table", JSPROP_READONLY),

static bool ToTableIndex(JSContext* cx, HandleValue v, const Table& table,
                         const char* noun, uint32_t* index) {
  if (!EnforceRangeU32(cx, v, "Table", noun, index)) {
    return false;

  if (*index >= table.length()) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
                              JSMSG_WASM_BAD_RANGE, "Table", noun);
    return false;

  return true;

/* static */
bool WasmTableObject::typeImpl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) {
  Table& table = args.thisv().toObject().as<WasmTableObject>().table();
  RootedObject typeObj(cx, TableTypeToObject(cx, table.elemType(),
                                             table.length(), table.maximum()));
  if (!typeObj) {
    return false;
  return true;

/* static */
bool WasmTableObject::type(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
  return CallNonGenericMethod<IsTable, typeImpl>(cx, args);

/* static */
bool WasmTableObject::getImpl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) {
  Rooted<WasmTableObject*> tableObj(
      cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as<WasmTableObject>());
  const Table& table = tableObj->table();

  if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "WebAssembly.Table.get", 1)) {
    return false;

  uint32_t index;
  if (!ToTableIndex(cx, args.get(0), table, "get index", &index)) {
    return false;

  return table.getValue(cx, index, args.rval());

/* static */
bool WasmTableObject::get(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
  return CallNonGenericMethod<IsTable, getImpl>(cx, args);

/* static */
bool WasmTableObject::setImpl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) {
  Rooted<WasmTableObject*> tableObj(
      cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as<WasmTableObject>());
  Table& table = tableObj->table();

  if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "WebAssembly.Table.set", 1)) {
    return false;

  uint32_t index;
  if (!ToTableIndex(cx, args.get(0), table, "set index", &index)) {
    return false;

  RootedValue fillValue(
      cx, args.length() < 2 ? RefTypeDefautValue(table.elemType()) : args[1]);
  if (!tableObj->fillRange(cx, index, 1, fillValue)) {
    return false;

  return true;

/* static */
bool WasmTableObject::set(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
  return CallNonGenericMethod<IsTable, setImpl>(cx, args);

/* static */
bool WasmTableObject::growImpl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) {
  Rooted<WasmTableObject*> tableObj(
      cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as<WasmTableObject>());
  Table& table = tableObj->table();

  if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "WebAssembly.Table.grow", 1)) {
    return false;

  uint32_t delta;
  if (!EnforceRangeU32(cx, args.get(0), "Table", "grow delta", &delta)) {
    return false;

  RootedValue fillValue(
      cx, args.length() < 2 ? RefTypeDefautValue(table.elemType()) : args[1]);
  if (!CheckRefTypeValue(cx, table.elemType(), fillValue)) {
    return false;

  uint32_t oldLength = table.grow(delta);

  if (oldLength == uint32_t(-1)) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_WASM_BAD_GROW,
    return false;

  // Skip filling the grown range of the table if the fill value is null, as
  // that is the default value.
  if (!fillValue.isNull() &&
      !tableObj->fillRange(cx, oldLength, delta, fillValue)) {
    return false;
#ifdef DEBUG
  // Assert that null is the default value of the grown range.
  if (fillValue.isNull()) {
    table.assertRangeNull(oldLength, delta);
  if (!table.elemType().isNullable()) {
    table.assertRangeNotNull(oldLength, delta);

  return true;

/* static */
bool WasmTableObject::grow(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
  return CallNonGenericMethod<IsTable, growImpl>(cx, args);

const JSFunctionSpec WasmTableObject::methods[] = {
    JS_FN("type", WasmTableObject::type, 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE),
    JS_FN("get", WasmTableObject::get, 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE),
    JS_FN("set", WasmTableObject::set, 2, JSPROP_ENUMERATE),
    JS_FN("grow", WasmTableObject::grow, 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE), JS_FS_END};

const JSFunctionSpec WasmTableObject::static_methods[] = {JS_FS_END};

Table& WasmTableObject::table() const {
  return *(Table*)getReservedSlot(TABLE_SLOT).toPrivate();

bool WasmTableObject::fillRange(JSContext* cx, uint32_t index, uint32_t length,
                                HandleValue value) const {
  Table& tab = table();

  // All consumers are required to either bounds check or statically be in
  // bounds
  MOZ_ASSERT(uint64_t(index) + uint64_t(length) <= tab.length());

  RootedFunction fun(cx);
  RootedAnyRef any(cx, AnyRef::null());
  if (!CheckRefType(cx, tab.elemType(), value, &fun, &any)) {
    return false;
  switch (tab.repr()) {
    case TableRepr::Func:
      tab.fillFuncRef(index, length, FuncRef::fromJSFunction(fun), cx);
    case TableRepr::Ref:
      tab.fillAnyRef(index, length, any);
  return true;

// ============================================================================
// WebAssembly.global class and methods

const JSClassOps WasmGlobalObject::classOps_ = {
    nullptr,                     // addProperty
    nullptr,                     // delProperty
    nullptr,                     // enumerate
    nullptr,                     // newEnumerate
    nullptr,                     // resolve
    nullptr,                     // mayResolve
    WasmGlobalObject::finalize,  // finalize
    nullptr,                     // call
    nullptr,                     // construct
    WasmGlobalObject::trace,     // trace

const JSClass WasmGlobalObject::class_ = {
    &WasmGlobalObject::classOps_, &WasmGlobalObject::classSpec_};

const JSClass& WasmGlobalObject::protoClass_ = PlainObject::class_;

static constexpr char WasmGlobalName[] = "Global";

const ClassSpec WasmGlobalObject::classSpec_ = {
    CreateWasmConstructor<WasmGlobalObject, WasmGlobalName>,

/* static */
void WasmGlobalObject::trace(JSTracer* trc, JSObject* obj) {
  WasmGlobalObject* global = reinterpret_cast<WasmGlobalObject*>(obj);
  if (global->isNewborn()) {
    // This can happen while we're allocating the object, in which case
    // every single slot of the object is not defined yet. In particular,
    // there's nothing to trace yet.

/* static */
void WasmGlobalObject::finalize(JS::GCContext* gcx, JSObject* obj) {
  WasmGlobalObject* global = reinterpret_cast<WasmGlobalObject*>(obj);
  if (!global->isNewborn()) {
    gcx->delete_(obj, &global->val(), MemoryUse::WasmGlobalCell);

/* static */
WasmGlobalObject* WasmGlobalObject::create(JSContext* cx, HandleVal value,
                                           bool isMutable, HandleObject proto) {
  Rooted<WasmGlobalObject*> obj(
      cx, NewObjectWithGivenProto<WasmGlobalObject>(cx, proto));
  if (!obj) {
    return nullptr;

  MOZ_ASSERT(obj->isTenured(), "assumed by global.set post barriers");

  GCPtrVal* val = js_new<GCPtrVal>(Val());
  if (!val) {
    return nullptr;
  obj->initReservedSlot(MUTABLE_SLOT, JS::BooleanValue(isMutable));
  InitReservedSlot(obj, VAL_SLOT, val, MemoryUse::WasmGlobalCell);

  // It's simpler to initialize the cell after the object has been created,
  // to avoid needing to root the cell before the object creation.
  obj->val() = value.get();


  return obj;

/* static */
bool WasmGlobalObject::construct(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

  if (!ThrowIfNotConstructing(cx, args, "Global")) {
    return false;

  if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "WebAssembly.Global", 1)) {
    return false;

  if (!args.get(0).isObject()) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
                             JSMSG_WASM_BAD_DESC_ARG, "global");
    return false;

  RootedObject obj(cx, &args[0].toObject());

  // Extract properties in lexicographic order per spec.

  RootedValue mutableVal(cx);
  if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, obj, "mutable", &mutableVal)) {
    return false;

  RootedValue typeVal(cx);
  if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, obj, "value", &typeVal)) {
    return false;

  ValType globalType;
  if (!ToValType(cx, typeVal, &globalType)) {
    return false;

  if (!globalType.isExposable()) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
    return false;

  bool isMutable = ToBoolean(mutableVal);

  // Extract the initial value, or provide a suitable default.
  RootedVal globalVal(cx, globalType);

  // Override with non-undefined value, if provided.
  RootedValue valueVal(cx);
  if (globalType.isRefType()) {
    valueVal.set(args.length() < 2 ? RefTypeDefautValue(globalType.refType())
                                   : args[1]);
    if (!Val::fromJSValue(cx, globalType, valueVal, &globalVal)) {
      return false;
  } else {
    if (!valueVal.isUndefined() &&
        !Val::fromJSValue(cx, globalType, valueVal, &globalVal)) {
      return false;

  RootedObject proto(cx,
                     GetWasmConstructorPrototype(cx, args, JSProto_WasmGlobal));
  if (!proto) {
    return false;

  WasmGlobalObject* global =
      WasmGlobalObject::create(cx, globalVal, isMutable, proto);
  if (!global) {
    return false;

  return true;

static bool IsGlobal(HandleValue v) {
  return v.isObject() && v.toObject().is<WasmGlobalObject>();

/* static */
bool WasmGlobalObject::valueGetterImpl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) {
  const WasmGlobalObject& globalObj =
  if (!globalObj.type().isExposable()) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
    return false;
  return globalObj.val().get().toJSValue(cx, args.rval());

/* static */
bool WasmGlobalObject::valueGetter(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
  return CallNonGenericMethod<IsGlobal, valueGetterImpl>(cx, args);

/* static */
bool WasmGlobalObject::valueSetterImpl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) {
  if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "WebAssembly.Global setter", 1)) {
    return false;

  Rooted<WasmGlobalObject*> global(
      cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as<WasmGlobalObject>());
  if (!global->isMutable()) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
    return false;

  RootedVal val(cx);
  if (!Val::fromJSValue(cx, global->type(), args.get(0), &val)) {
    return false;
  global->val() = val.get();

  return true;

/* static */
bool WasmGlobalObject::valueSetter(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
  return CallNonGenericMethod<IsGlobal, valueSetterImpl>(cx, args);

const JSPropertySpec WasmGlobalObject::properties[] = {
    JS_PSGS("value", WasmGlobalObject::valueGetter,
            WasmGlobalObject::valueSetter, JSPROP_ENUMERATE),
    JS_STRING_SYM_PS(toStringTag, "WebAssembly.Global", JSPROP_READONLY),

const JSFunctionSpec WasmGlobalObject::methods[] = {
    JS_FN("type", WasmGlobalObject::type, 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE),
    JS_FN(js_valueOf_str, WasmGlobalObject::valueGetter, 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE),

const JSFunctionSpec WasmGlobalObject::static_methods[] = {JS_FS_END};

bool WasmGlobalObject::isMutable() const {
  return getReservedSlot(MUTABLE_SLOT).toBoolean();

ValType WasmGlobalObject::type() const { return val().get().type(); }

GCPtrVal& WasmGlobalObject::val() const {
  return *reinterpret_cast<GCPtrVal*>(getReservedSlot(VAL_SLOT).toPrivate());

/* static */
bool WasmGlobalObject::typeImpl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) {
  Rooted<WasmGlobalObject*> global(
      cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as<WasmGlobalObject>());
  RootedObject typeObj(
      cx, GlobalTypeToObject(cx, global->type(), global->isMutable()));
  if (!typeObj) {
    return false;
  return true;

/* static */
bool WasmGlobalObject::type(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
  return CallNonGenericMethod<IsGlobal, typeImpl>(cx, args);

// ============================================================================
// WebAssembly.Tag class and methods

const JSClassOps WasmTagObject::classOps_ = {
    nullptr,                  // addProperty
    nullptr,                  // delProperty
    nullptr,                  // enumerate
    nullptr,                  // newEnumerate
    nullptr,                  // resolve
    nullptr,                  // mayResolve
    WasmTagObject::finalize,  // finalize
    nullptr,                  // call
    nullptr,                  // construct
    nullptr,                  // trace

const JSClass WasmTagObject::class_ = {
    &WasmTagObject::classOps_, &WasmTagObject::classSpec_};

const JSClass& WasmTagObject::protoClass_ = PlainObject::class_;

static constexpr char WasmTagName[] = "Tag";

const ClassSpec WasmTagObject::classSpec_ = {
    CreateWasmConstructor<WasmTagObject, WasmTagName>,

/* static */
void WasmTagObject::finalize(JS::GCContext* gcx, JSObject* obj) {
  WasmTagObject& tagObj = obj->as<WasmTagObject>();

static bool IsTag(HandleValue v) {
  return v.isObject() && v.toObject().is<WasmTagObject>();

bool WasmTagObject::construct(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

  if (!ThrowIfNotConstructing(cx, args, "Tag")) {
    return false;

  if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "WebAssembly.Tag", 1)) {
    return false;

  if (!args.get(0).isObject()) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
                             JSMSG_WASM_BAD_DESC_ARG, "tag");
    return false;

  RootedObject obj(cx, &args[0].toObject());
  RootedValue paramsVal(cx);
  if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, obj, "parameters", &paramsVal)) {
    return false;

  ValTypeVector params;
  if (!ParseValTypes(cx, paramsVal, params)) {
    return false;
  wasm::MutableTagType tagType = js_new<wasm::TagType>();
  if (!tagType || !tagType->initialize(std::move(params))) {
    return false;

  RootedObject proto(cx,
                     GetWasmConstructorPrototype(cx, args, JSProto_WasmTag));
  if (!proto) {
    return false;

  Rooted<WasmTagObject*> tagObj(cx, WasmTagObject::create(cx, tagType, proto));
  if (!tagObj) {
    return false;

  return true;

/* static */
WasmTagObject* WasmTagObject::create(JSContext* cx,
                                     const wasm::SharedTagType& tagType,
                                     HandleObject proto) {
  Rooted<WasmTagObject*> obj(cx,
                             NewObjectWithGivenProto<WasmTagObject>(cx, proto));
  if (!obj) {
    return nullptr;

  obj->initReservedSlot(TYPE_SLOT, PrivateValue((void*)tagType.get()));

  return obj;

const JSPropertySpec WasmTagObject::properties[] = {
    JS_STRING_SYM_PS(toStringTag, "WebAssembly.Tag", JSPROP_READONLY),

/* static */
bool WasmTagObject::typeImpl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) {
  Rooted<WasmTagObject*> tag(cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as<WasmTagObject>());
  RootedObject typeObj(cx, TagTypeToObject(cx, tag->valueTypes()));
  if (!typeObj) {
    return false;
  return true;

/* static  */
bool WasmTagObject::type(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
  return CallNonGenericMethod<IsTag, typeImpl>(cx, args);

const JSFunctionSpec WasmTagObject::methods[] = {
    JS_FN("type", WasmTagObject::type, 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE),

const JSFunctionSpec WasmTagObject::static_methods[] = {JS_FS_END};

const TagType* WasmTagObject::tagType() const {
  return (const TagType*)getFixedSlot(TYPE_SLOT).toPrivate();

const wasm::ValTypeVector& WasmTagObject::valueTypes() const {
  return tagType()->argTypes_;

wasm::ResultType WasmTagObject::resultType() const {
  return wasm::ResultType::Vector(valueTypes());

// ============================================================================
// WebAssembly.Exception class and methods

const JSClassOps WasmExceptionObject::classOps_ = {
    nullptr,                        // addProperty
    nullptr,                        // delProperty
    nullptr,                        // enumerate
    nullptr,                        // newEnumerate
    nullptr,                        // resolve
    nullptr,                        // mayResolve
    WasmExceptionObject::finalize,  // finalize
    nullptr,                        // call
    nullptr,                        // construct
    WasmExceptionObject::trace,     // trace

const JSClass WasmExceptionObject::class_ = {
    &WasmExceptionObject::classOps_, &WasmExceptionObject::classSpec_};

const JSClass& WasmExceptionObject::protoClass_ = PlainObject::class_;

static constexpr char WasmExceptionName[] = "Exception";

const ClassSpec WasmExceptionObject::classSpec_ = {
    CreateWasmConstructor<WasmExceptionObject, WasmExceptionName>,

/* static */
void WasmExceptionObject::finalize(JS::GCContext* gcx, JSObject* obj) {
  WasmExceptionObject& exnObj = obj->as<WasmExceptionObject>();
  if (exnObj.isNewborn()) {
  gcx->free_(obj, exnObj.typedMem(), exnObj.tagType()->size_,

/* static */
void WasmExceptionObject::trace(JSTracer* trc, JSObject* obj) {
  WasmExceptionObject& exnObj = obj->as<WasmExceptionObject>();
  if (exnObj.isNewborn()) {

  wasm::SharedTagType tag = exnObj.tagType();
  const wasm::ValTypeVector& params = tag->argTypes_;
  const wasm::TagOffsetVector& offsets = tag->argOffsets_;
  uint8_t* typedMem = exnObj.typedMem();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < params.length(); i++) {
    ValType paramType = params[i];
    if (paramType.isRefRepr()) {
      GCPtr<JSObject*>* objectPtr =
          reinterpret_cast<GCPtr<JSObject*>*>(typedMem + offsets[i]);
      TraceNullableEdge(trc, objectPtr, "reference-obj");

static bool IsException(HandleValue v) {
  return v.isObject() && v.toObject().is<WasmExceptionObject>();

struct ExceptionOptions {
  bool traceStack;

  ExceptionOptions() : traceStack(false) {}

  [[nodiscard]] bool init(JSContext* cx, HandleValue val);

bool ExceptionOptions::init(JSContext* cx, HandleValue val) {
  if (val.isNullOrUndefined()) {
    return true;

  if (!val.isObject()) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
    return false;
  RootedObject obj(cx, &val.toObject());

  // Get `traceStack` and coerce to boolean
  RootedValue traceStackVal(cx);
  if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, obj, "traceStack", &traceStackVal)) {
    return false;
  traceStack = ToBoolean(traceStackVal);

  return true;

bool WasmExceptionObject::construct(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

  if (!ThrowIfNotConstructing(cx, args, "Exception")) {
    return false;

  if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "WebAssembly.Exception", 2)) {
    return false;

  if (!IsTag(args[0])) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
    return false;
  Rooted<WasmTagObject*> exnTag(cx, &args[0].toObject().as<WasmTagObject>());

  if (!args.get(1).isObject()) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
    return false;

  JS::ForOfIterator iterator(cx);
  if (!iterator.init(args.get(1), JS::ForOfIterator::ThrowOnNonIterable)) {
    return false;

  // Get the optional 'options' parameter
  ExceptionOptions options;
  if (!options.init(cx, args.get(2))) {
    return false;

  // Trace the stack if requested
  RootedObject stack(cx);
  if (options.traceStack && !CaptureStack(cx, &stack)) {
    return false;

  RootedObject proto(
      cx, GetWasmConstructorPrototype(cx, args, JSProto_WasmException));
  if (!proto) {
    return false;

  Rooted<WasmExceptionObject*> exnObj(
      cx, WasmExceptionObject::create(cx, exnTag, stack, proto));
  if (!exnObj) {
    return false;

  wasm::SharedTagType tagType = exnObj->tagType();
  const wasm::ValTypeVector& params = tagType->argTypes_;
  const wasm::TagOffsetVector& offsets = tagType->argOffsets_;

  RootedValue nextArg(cx);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < params.length(); i++) {
    bool done;
    if (!iterator.next(&nextArg, &done)) {
      return false;
    if (done) {
      UniqueChars expected(JS_smprintf("%zu", params.length()));
      UniqueChars got(JS_smprintf("%zu", i));

      JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
                               JSMSG_WASM_BAD_EXN_PAYLOAD_LEN, expected.get(),
      return false;

    if (!exnObj->initValue(cx, offsets[i], params[i], nextArg)) {
      return false;

  return true;

/* static */
WasmExceptionObject* WasmExceptionObject::create(JSContext* cx,
                                                 Handle<WasmTagObject*> tag,
                                                 HandleObject stack,
                                                 HandleObject proto) {
  Rooted<WasmExceptionObject*> obj(
      cx, NewObjectWithGivenProto<WasmExceptionObject>(cx, proto));
  if (!obj) {
    return nullptr;
  const TagType* tagType = tag->tagType();

  // Allocate the data buffer before initializing the object so that an OOM
  // does not result in a partially constructed object.
  uint8_t* data = (uint8_t*)js_calloc(tagType->size_);
  if (!data) {
    return nullptr;

  obj->initFixedSlot(TAG_SLOT, ObjectValue(*tag));
  obj->initFixedSlot(TYPE_SLOT, PrivateValue((void*)tagType));
  InitReservedSlot(obj, DATA_SLOT, data, tagType->size_,
  obj->initFixedSlot(STACK_SLOT, ObjectOrNullValue(stack));


  return obj;

bool WasmExceptionObject::isNewborn() const {
  return getReservedSlot(DATA_SLOT).isUndefined();

const JSPropertySpec WasmExceptionObject::properties[] = {
    JS_PSG("stack", WasmExceptionObject::getStack, 0),
    JS_STRING_SYM_PS(toStringTag, "WebAssembly.Exception", JSPROP_READONLY),

/* static */
bool WasmExceptionObject::isImpl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) {
  Rooted<WasmExceptionObject*> exnObj(
      cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as<WasmExceptionObject>());

  if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "WebAssembly.Exception.is", 1)) {
    return false;

  if (!IsTag(args[0])) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
    return false;

  Rooted<WasmTagObject*> exnTag(cx,
  args.rval().setBoolean(exnTag.get() == &exnObj->tag());

  return true;

/* static  */
bool WasmExceptionObject::isMethod(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
  return CallNonGenericMethod<IsException, isImpl>(cx, args);

/* static */
bool WasmExceptionObject::getArgImpl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) {
  Rooted<WasmExceptionObject*> exnObj(
      cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as<WasmExceptionObject>());

  if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "WebAssembly.Exception.getArg", 2)) {
    return false;

  if (!IsTag(args[0])) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
    return false;

  Rooted<WasmTagObject*> exnTag(cx,
  if (exnTag.get() != &exnObj->tag()) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
    return false;

  uint32_t index;
  if (!EnforceRangeU32(cx, args.get(1), "Exception", "getArg index", &index)) {
    return false;

  const wasm::ValTypeVector& params = exnTag->valueTypes();
  if (index >= params.length()) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_WASM_BAD_RANGE,
                             "Exception", "getArg index");
    return false;

  uint32_t offset = exnTag->tagType()->argOffsets_[index];
  RootedValue result(cx);
  if (!exnObj->loadValue(cx, offset, params[index], &result)) {
    return false;
  return true;

/* static  */
bool WasmExceptionObject::getArg(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
  return CallNonGenericMethod<IsException, getArgImpl>(cx, args);

/* static */
bool WasmExceptionObject::getStack_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) {
  Rooted<WasmExceptionObject*> exnObj(
      cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as<WasmExceptionObject>());
  RootedObject savedFrameObj(cx, exnObj->stack());
  if (!savedFrameObj) {
    return true;
  JSPrincipals* principals = exnObj->realm()->principals();
  RootedString stackString(cx);
  if (!BuildStackString(cx, principals, savedFrameObj, &stackString)) {
    return false;
  return true;

/* static */
bool WasmExceptionObject::getStack(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
  return CallNonGenericMethod<IsException, getStack_impl>(cx, args);

JSObject* WasmExceptionObject::stack() const {
  return getReservedSlot(STACK_SLOT).toObjectOrNull();

uint8_t* WasmExceptionObject::typedMem() const {
  return (uint8_t*)getReservedSlot(DATA_SLOT).toPrivate();

bool WasmExceptionObject::loadValue(JSContext* cx, size_t offset,
                                    wasm::ValType type, MutableHandleValue vp) {
  if (!type.isExposable()) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
    return false;
  return ToJSValue(cx, typedMem() + offset, type, vp);

bool WasmExceptionObject::initValue(JSContext* cx, size_t offset,
                                    wasm::ValType type, HandleValue value) {
  if (!type.isExposable()) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
    return false;

  // Avoid rooting hazard of `this` being live across `fromJSValue`
  // which may GC.
  uint8_t* dest = typedMem() + offset;
  RootedVal val(cx);
  if (!Val::fromJSValue(cx, type, value, &val)) {
    return false;
  return true;

const JSFunctionSpec WasmExceptionObject::methods[] = {
    JS_FN("is", WasmExceptionObject::isMethod, 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE),
    JS_FN("getArg", WasmExceptionObject::getArg, 2, JSPROP_ENUMERATE),

const JSFunctionSpec WasmExceptionObject::static_methods[] = {JS_FS_END};

const TagType* WasmExceptionObject::tagType() const {
  return (const TagType*)getReservedSlot(TYPE_SLOT).toPrivate();

WasmTagObject& WasmExceptionObject::tag() const {
  return getReservedSlot(TAG_SLOT).toObject().as<WasmTagObject>();

// ============================================================================
// WebAssembly.Function and methods
static JSObject* CreateWasmFunctionPrototype(JSContext* cx, JSProtoKey key) {
  // WasmFunction's prototype should inherit from JSFunction's prototype.
  RootedObject jsProto(cx, &cx->global()->getFunctionPrototype());
  return GlobalObject::createBlankPrototypeInheriting(cx, &PlainObject::class_,

[[nodiscard]] static bool IsWasmFunction(HandleValue v) {
  if (!v.isObject()) {
    return false;
  if (!v.toObject().is<JSFunction>()) {
    return false;
  return v.toObject().as<JSFunction>().isWasm();

bool WasmFunctionTypeImpl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) {
  RootedFunction function(cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as<JSFunction>());
  Rooted<WasmInstanceObject*> instanceObj(
      cx, ExportedFunctionToInstanceObject(function));
  uint32_t funcIndex = ExportedFunctionToFuncIndex(function);
  Instance& instance = instanceObj->instance();
  const FuncExport& fe =
  const FuncType& funcType = instance.metadata().getFuncExportType(fe);
  RootedObject typeObj(cx, FuncTypeToObject(cx, funcType));
  if (!typeObj) {
    return false;
  return true;

bool WasmFunctionType(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
  return CallNonGenericMethod<IsWasmFunction, WasmFunctionTypeImpl>(cx, args);

JSFunction* WasmFunctionCreate(JSContext* cx, HandleFunction func,
                               wasm::ValTypeVector&& params,
                               wasm::ValTypeVector&& results,
                               HandleObject proto) {

  // We want to import the function to a wasm module and then export it again so
  // that it behaves exactly like a normal wasm function and can be used like
  // one in wasm tables. We synthesize such a module below, instantiate it, and
  // then return the exported function as the result.
  FeatureOptions options;
  ScriptedCaller scriptedCaller;
  SharedCompileArgs compileArgs =
      CompileArgs::buildAndReport(cx, std::move(scriptedCaller), options);
  if (!compileArgs) {
    return nullptr;

  ModuleEnvironment moduleEnv(compileArgs->features);
  CompilerEnvironment compilerEnv(CompileMode::Once, Tier::Optimized,

  if (!moduleEnv.init()) {
    return nullptr;

  FuncType funcType = FuncType(std::move(params), std::move(results));
  if (!moduleEnv.types->addType(std::move(funcType))) {
    return nullptr;

  // Add an (import (func ...))
  FuncDesc funcDesc = FuncDesc(&(*moduleEnv.types)[0].funcType(), 0);
  if (!moduleEnv.funcs.append(funcDesc)) {
    return nullptr;
  moduleEnv.numFuncImports = 1;

  // Add an (export (func 0))
  moduleEnv.declareFuncExported(0, /* eager */ true, /* canRefFunc */ true);

  // We will be looking up and using the function in the future by index so the
  // name doesn't matter.
  CacheableName fieldName;
  if (!moduleEnv.exports.emplaceBack(std::move(fieldName), 0,
                                     DefinitionKind::Function)) {
    return nullptr;

  ModuleGenerator mg(*compileArgs, &moduleEnv, &compilerEnv, nullptr, nullptr,
  if (!mg.init(nullptr)) {
    return nullptr;
  // We're not compiling any function definitions.
  if (!mg.finishFuncDefs()) {
    return nullptr;
  SharedBytes shareableBytes = js_new<ShareableBytes>();
  if (!shareableBytes) {
    return nullptr;
  SharedModule module = mg.finishModule(*shareableBytes);
  if (!module) {
    return nullptr;

  // Instantiate the module.
  Rooted<ImportValues> imports(cx);
  if (!imports.get().funcs.append(func)) {
    return nullptr;
  Rooted<WasmInstanceObject*> instance(cx);
  if (!module->instantiate(cx, imports.get(), nullptr, &instance)) {
    return nullptr;

  // Get the exported function which wraps the JS function to return.
  RootedFunction wasmFunc(cx);
  if (!instance->getExportedFunction(cx, instance, 0, &wasmFunc)) {
    return nullptr;
  return wasmFunc;

bool WasmFunctionConstruct(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

  if (!ThrowIfNotConstructing(cx, args, "WebAssembly.Function")) {
    return false;

  if (!args.requireAtLeast(cx, "WebAssembly.Function", 2)) {
    return false;

  if (!args[0].isObject()) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
                             JSMSG_WASM_BAD_DESC_ARG, "function");
    return false;
  RootedObject typeObj(cx, &args[0].toObject());

  // Extract properties in lexicographic order per spec.

  RootedValue parametersVal(cx);
  if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, typeObj, "parameters", &parametersVal)) {
    return false;

  ValTypeVector params;
  if (!ParseValTypes(cx, parametersVal, params)) {
    return false;

  RootedValue resultsVal(cx);
  if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, typeObj, "results", &resultsVal)) {
    return false;

  ValTypeVector results;
  if (!ParseValTypes(cx, resultsVal, results)) {
    return false;

  // Get the target function

  if (!args[1].isObject() || !args[1].toObject().is<JSFunction>() ||
      IsWasmFunction(args[1])) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
    return false;
  RootedFunction func(cx, &args[1].toObject().as<JSFunction>());

  RootedObject proto(
      cx, GetWasmConstructorPrototype(cx, args, JSProto_WasmFunction));
  if (!proto) {
    return false;

  RootedFunction wasmFunc(cx, WasmFunctionCreate(cx, func, std::move(params),
                                                 std::move(results), proto));
  if (!wasmFunc) {
    return false;

  return true;

static constexpr char WasmFunctionName[] = "Function";

static JSObject* CreateWasmFunctionConstructor(JSContext* cx, JSProtoKey key) {
  RootedObject proto(cx, &cx->global()->getFunctionConstructor());

  Rooted<JSAtom*> className(
      cx, Atomize(cx, WasmFunctionName, strlen(WasmFunctionName)));
  if (!className) {
    return nullptr;
  return NewFunctionWithProto(cx, WasmFunctionConstruct, 1,
                              FunctionFlags::NATIVE_CTOR, nullptr, className,
                              proto, gc::AllocKind::FUNCTION, TenuredObject);

const JSFunctionSpec WasmFunctionMethods[] = {
    JS_FN("type", WasmFunctionType, 0, 0), JS_FS_END};

const ClassSpec WasmFunctionClassSpec = {CreateWasmFunctionConstructor,

const JSClass js::WasmFunctionClass = {
    "WebAssembly.Function", 0, JS_NULL_CLASS_OPS, &WasmFunctionClassSpec};


// ============================================================================
// WebAssembly class and static methods

static bool WebAssembly_toSource(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
  return true;

static bool RejectWithPendingException(JSContext* cx,
                                       Handle<PromiseObject*> promise) {
  if (!cx->isExceptionPending()) {
    return false;

  RootedValue rejectionValue(cx);
  if (!GetAndClearException(cx, &rejectionValue)) {
    return false;

  return PromiseObject::reject(cx, promise, rejectionValue);

static bool Reject(JSContext* cx, const CompileArgs& args,
                   Handle<PromiseObject*> promise, const UniqueChars& error) {
  if (!error) {
    return RejectWithPendingException(cx, promise);

  RootedObject stack(cx, promise->allocationSite());
  RootedString fileName(cx);
  if (const char* filename = args.scriptedCaller.filename.get()) {
    fileName =
        JS_NewStringCopyUTF8N(cx, JS::UTF8Chars(filename, strlen(filename)));
  } else {
    fileName = JS_GetEmptyString(cx);
  if (!fileName) {
    return false;

  unsigned line = args.scriptedCaller.line;

  // Ideally we'd report a JSMSG_WASM_COMPILE_ERROR here, but there's no easy
  // way to create an ErrorObject for an arbitrary error code with multiple
  // replacements.
  UniqueChars str(JS_smprintf("wasm validation error: %s", error.get()));
  if (!str) {
    return false;

  size_t len = strlen(str.get());
  RootedString message(cx, NewStringCopyN<CanGC>(cx, str.get(), len));
  if (!message) {
    return false;

  // There's no error |cause| available here.
  auto cause = JS::NothingHandleValue;

  RootedObject errorObj(
      cx, ErrorObject::create(cx, JSEXN_WASMCOMPILEERROR, stack, fileName, 0,
                              line, 0, nullptr, message, cause));
  if (!errorObj) {
    return false;

  RootedValue rejectionValue(cx, ObjectValue(*errorObj));
  return PromiseObject::reject(cx, promise, rejectionValue);

static void LogAsync(JSContext* cx, const char* funcName,
                     const Module& module) {
  Log(cx, "async %s succeeded%s", funcName,
      module.loggingDeserialized() ? " (loaded from cache)" : "");

enum class Ret { Pair, Instance };

class AsyncInstantiateTask : public OffThreadPromiseTask {
  SharedModule module_;
  PersistentRooted<ImportValues> imports_;
  Ret ret_;

  AsyncInstantiateTask(JSContext* cx, const Module& module, Ret ret,
                       Handle<PromiseObject*> promise)
      : OffThreadPromiseTask(cx, promise),
        ret_(ret) {}

  ImportValues& imports() { return imports_.get(); }

  bool resolve(JSContext* cx, Handle<PromiseObject*> promise) override {
    RootedObject instanceProto(
        cx, &cx->global()->getPrototype(JSProto_WasmInstance));

    Rooted<WasmInstanceObject*> instanceObj(cx);
    if (!module_->instantiate(cx, imports_.get(), instanceProto,
                              &instanceObj)) {
      return RejectWithPendingException(cx, promise);

    RootedValue resolutionValue(cx);
    if (ret_ == Ret::Instance) {
      resolutionValue = ObjectValue(*instanceObj);
    } else {
      RootedObject resultObj(cx, JS_NewPlainObject(cx));
      if (!resultObj) {
        return RejectWithPendingException(cx, promise);

      RootedObject moduleProto(cx,
      RootedObject moduleObj(
          cx, WasmModuleObject::create(cx, *module_, moduleProto));
      if (!moduleObj) {
        return RejectWithPendingException(cx, promise);

      RootedValue val(cx, ObjectValue(*moduleObj));
      if (!JS_DefineProperty(cx, resultObj, "module", val, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) {
        return RejectWithPendingException(cx, promise);

      val = ObjectValue(*instanceObj);
      if (!JS_DefineProperty(cx, resultObj, "instance", val,
                             JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) {
        return RejectWithPendingException(cx, promise);

      resolutionValue = ObjectValue(*resultObj);

    if (!PromiseObject::resolve(cx, promise, resolutionValue)) {
      return RejectWithPendingException(cx, promise);

    LogAsync(cx, "instantiate", *module_);
    return true;

static bool AsyncInstantiate(JSContext* cx, const Module& module,
                             HandleObject importObj, Ret ret,
                             Handle<PromiseObject*> promise) {
  auto task = js::MakeUnique<AsyncInstantiateTask>(cx, module, ret, promise);
  if (!task || !task->init(cx)) {
    return false;

  if (!GetImports(cx, module, importObj, &task->imports())) {
    return RejectWithPendingException(cx, promise);

  return true;

static bool ResolveCompile(JSContext* cx, const Module& module,
                           Handle<PromiseObject*> promise) {
  RootedObject proto(cx, &cx->global()->getPrototype(JSProto_WasmModule));
  RootedObject moduleObj(cx, WasmModuleObject::create(cx, module, proto));
  if (!moduleObj) {
    return RejectWithPendingException(cx, promise);

  RootedValue resolutionValue(cx, ObjectValue(*moduleObj));
  if (!PromiseObject::resolve(cx, promise, resolutionValue)) {
    return RejectWithPendingException(cx, promise);

  LogAsync(cx, "compile", module);
  return true;

struct CompileBufferTask : PromiseHelperTask {
  MutableBytes bytecode;
  SharedCompileArgs compileArgs;
  UniqueChars error;
  UniqueCharsVector warnings;
  SharedModule module;
  bool instantiate;
  PersistentRootedObject importObj;

  CompileBufferTask(JSContext* cx, Handle<PromiseObject*> promise,
                    HandleObject importObj)
      : PromiseHelperTask(cx, promise),
        importObj(cx, importObj) {}

  CompileBufferTask(JSContext* cx, Handle<PromiseObject*> promise)
      : PromiseHelperTask(cx, promise), instantiate(false) {}

  bool init(JSContext* cx, const char* introducer) {
    compileArgs = InitCompileArgs(cx, introducer);
    if (!compileArgs) {
      return false;
    return PromiseHelperTask::init(cx);

  void execute() override {
    module = CompileBuffer(*compileArgs, *bytecode, &error, &warnings, nullptr);

  bool resolve(JSContext* cx, Handle<PromiseObject*> promise) override {
    if (!ReportCompileWarnings(cx, warnings)) {
      return false;
    if (!module) {
      return Reject(cx, *compileArgs, promise, error);
    if (instantiate) {
      return AsyncInstantiate(cx, *module, importObj, Ret::Pair, promise);
    return ResolveCompile(cx, *module, promise);

static bool RejectWithPendingException(JSContext* cx,
                                       Handle<PromiseObject*> promise,
                                       CallArgs& callArgs) {
  if (!RejectWithPendingException(cx, promise)) {
    return false;

  return true;

static bool EnsurePromiseSupport(JSContext* cx) {
  if (!cx->runtime()->offThreadPromiseState.ref().initialized()) {
        cx, "WebAssembly Promise APIs not supported in this runtime.");
    return false;
  return true;

static bool GetBufferSource(JSContext* cx, CallArgs callArgs, const char* name,
                            MutableBytes* bytecode) {
  if (!callArgs.requireAtLeast(cx, name, 1)) {
    return false;

  if (!callArgs[0].isObject()) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
    return false;

  return GetBufferSource(cx, &callArgs[0].toObject(), JSMSG_WASM_BAD_BUF_ARG,

static bool WebAssembly_compile(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  if (!EnsurePromiseSupport(cx)) {
    return false;

  Log(cx, "async compile() started");

  Rooted<PromiseObject*> promise(cx, PromiseObject::createSkippingExecutor(cx));
  if (!promise) {
    return false;

  CallArgs callArgs = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

  if (!cx->isRuntimeCodeGenEnabled(JS::RuntimeCode::WASM, nullptr)) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
                              JSMSG_CSP_BLOCKED_WASM, "WebAssembly.compile");
    return RejectWithPendingException(cx, promise, callArgs);

  auto task = cx->make_unique<CompileBufferTask>(cx, promise);
  if (!task || !task->init(cx, "WebAssembly.compile")) {
    return false;

  if (!GetBufferSource(cx, callArgs, "WebAssembly.compile", &task->bytecode)) {
    return RejectWithPendingException(cx, promise, callArgs);

  if (!StartOffThreadPromiseHelperTask(cx, std::move(task))) {
    return false;

  return true;

static bool GetInstantiateArgs(JSContext* cx, CallArgs callArgs,
                               MutableHandleObject firstArg,
                               MutableHandleObject importObj) {
  if (!callArgs.requireAtLeast(cx, "WebAssembly.instantiate", 1)) {
    return false;

  if (!callArgs[0].isObject()) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
    return false;


  return GetImportArg(cx, callArgs, importObj);

static bool WebAssembly_instantiate(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  if (!EnsurePromiseSupport(cx)) {
    return false;

  Log(cx, "async instantiate() started");

  Rooted<PromiseObject*> promise(cx, PromiseObject::createSkippingExecutor(cx));
  if (!promise) {
    return false;

  CallArgs callArgs = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

  RootedObject firstArg(cx);
  RootedObject importObj(cx);
  if (!GetInstantiateArgs(cx, callArgs, &firstArg, &importObj)) {
    return RejectWithPendingException(cx, promise, callArgs);

  const Module* module;
  if (IsModuleObject(firstArg, &module)) {
    if (!AsyncInstantiate(cx, *module, importObj, Ret::Instance, promise)) {
      return false;
  } else {
    if (!cx->isRuntimeCodeGenEnabled(JS::RuntimeCode::WASM, nullptr)) {
      JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
      return RejectWithPendingException(cx, promise, callArgs);

    auto task = cx->make_unique<CompileBufferTask>(cx, promise, importObj);
    if (!task || !task->init(cx, "WebAssembly.instantiate")) {
      return false;

    if (!GetBufferSource(cx, firstArg, JSMSG_WASM_BAD_BUF_MOD_ARG,
                         &task->bytecode)) {
      return RejectWithPendingException(cx, promise, callArgs);

    if (!StartOffThreadPromiseHelperTask(cx, std::move(task))) {
      return false;

  return true;

static bool WebAssembly_validate(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs callArgs = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

  MutableBytes bytecode;
  if (!GetBufferSource(cx, callArgs, "WebAssembly.validate", &bytecode)) {
    return false;

  FeatureOptions options;
  UniqueChars error;
  bool validated = Validate(cx, *bytecode, options, &error);

  // If the reason for validation failure was OOM (signalled by null error
  // message), report out-of-memory so that validate's return is always
  // correct.
  if (!validated && !error) {
    return false;

  if (error) {
    Log(cx, "validate() failed with: %s", error.get());

  return true;

static bool EnsureStreamSupport(JSContext* cx) {
  // This should match wasm::StreamingCompilationAvailable().

  if (!EnsurePromiseSupport(cx)) {
    return false;

  if (!CanUseExtraThreads()) {
        cx, "WebAssembly.compileStreaming not supported with --no-threads");
    return false;

  if (!cx->runtime()->consumeStreamCallback) {
                        "WebAssembly streaming not supported in this runtime");
    return false;

  return true;

// This value is chosen and asserted to be disjoint from any host error code.
static const size_t StreamOOMCode = 0;

static bool RejectWithStreamErrorNumber(JSContext* cx, size_t errorCode,
                                        Handle<PromiseObject*> promise) {
  if (errorCode == StreamOOMCode) {
    return false;

  cx->runtime()->reportStreamErrorCallback(cx, errorCode);
  return RejectWithPendingException(cx, promise);

class CompileStreamTask : public PromiseHelperTask, public JS::StreamConsumer {
  // The stream progresses monotonically through these states; the helper
  // thread wait()s for streamState_ to reach Closed.
  enum StreamState { Env, Code, Tail, Closed };
  ExclusiveWaitableData<StreamState> streamState_;

  // Immutable:
  const bool instantiate_;
  const PersistentRootedObject importObj_;

  // Immutable after noteResponseURLs() which is called at most once before
  // first call on stream thread:
  const MutableCompileArgs compileArgs_;

  // Immutable after Env state:
  Bytes envBytes_;
  SectionRange codeSection_;

  // The code section vector is resized once during the Env state and filled
  // in chunk by chunk during the Code state, updating the end-pointer after
  // each chunk:
  Bytes codeBytes_;
  uint8_t* codeBytesEnd_;
  ExclusiveBytesPtr exclusiveCodeBytesEnd_;

  // Immutable after Tail state:
  Bytes tailBytes_;
  ExclusiveStreamEndData exclusiveStreamEnd_;

  // Written once before Closed state and read in Closed state on main thread:
  SharedModule module_;
  Maybe<size_t> streamError_;
  UniqueChars compileError_;
  UniqueCharsVector warnings_;

  // Set on stream thread and read racily on helper thread to abort compilation:
  Atomic<bool> streamFailed_;

  // Called on some thread before consumeChunk(), streamEnd(), streamError()):

  void noteResponseURLs(const char* url, const char* sourceMapUrl) override {
    if (url) {
      compileArgs_->scriptedCaller.filename = DuplicateString(url);
      compileArgs_->scriptedCaller.filenameIsURL = true;
    if (sourceMapUrl) {
      compileArgs_->sourceMapURL = DuplicateString(sourceMapUrl);

  // Called on a stream thread:

  // Until StartOffThreadPromiseHelperTask succeeds, we are responsible for
  // dispatching ourselves back to the JS thread.
  // Warning: After this function returns, 'this' can be deleted at any time, so
  // the caller must immediately return from the stream callback.
  void setClosedAndDestroyBeforeHelperThreadStarted() {
    streamState_.lock().get() = Closed;

  // See setClosedAndDestroyBeforeHelperThreadStarted() comment.
  bool rejectAndDestroyBeforeHelperThreadStarted(size_t errorNumber) {
    MOZ_ASSERT(streamState_.lock() == Env);
    streamError_ = Some(errorNumber);
    return false;

  // Once StartOffThreadPromiseHelperTask succeeds, the helper thread will
  // dispatchResolveAndDestroy() after execute() returns, but execute()
  // wait()s for state to be Closed.
  // Warning: After this function returns, 'this' can be deleted at any time, so
  // the caller must immediately return from the stream callback.
  void setClosedAndDestroyAfterHelperThreadStarted() {
    auto streamState = streamState_.lock();
    MOZ_ASSERT(streamState != Closed);
    streamState.get() = Closed;
    streamState.notify_one(/* stream closed */);

  // See setClosedAndDestroyAfterHelperThreadStarted() comment.
  bool rejectAndDestroyAfterHelperThreadStarted(size_t errorNumber) {
    streamError_ = Some(errorNumber);
    streamFailed_ = true;
    return false;

  bool consumeChunk(const uint8_t* begin, size_t length) override {
    switch (streamState_.lock().get()) {
      case Env: {
        if (!envBytes_.append(begin, length)) {
          return rejectAndDestroyBeforeHelperThreadStarted(StreamOOMCode);

        if (!StartsCodeSection(envBytes_.begin(), envBytes_.end(),
                               &codeSection_)) {
          return true;

        uint32_t extraBytes = envBytes_.length() - codeSection_.start;
        if (extraBytes) {

        if (codeSection_.size > MaxCodeSectionBytes) {
          return rejectAndDestroyBeforeHelperThreadStarted(StreamOOMCode);

        if (!codeBytes_.resize(codeSection_.size)) {
          return rejectAndDestroyBeforeHelperThreadStarted(StreamOOMCode);

        codeBytesEnd_ = codeBytes_.begin();
        exclusiveCodeBytesEnd_.lock().get() = codeBytesEnd_;

        if (!StartOffThreadPromiseHelperTask(this)) {
          return rejectAndDestroyBeforeHelperThreadStarted(StreamOOMCode);

        // Set the state to Code iff StartOffThreadPromiseHelperTask()
        // succeeds so that the state tells us whether we are before or
        // after the helper thread started.
        streamState_.lock().get() = Code;

        if (extraBytes) {
          return consumeChunk(begin + length - extraBytes, extraBytes);

        return true;
      case Code: {
        size_t copyLength =
            std::min<size_t>(length, codeBytes_.end() - codeBytesEnd_);
        memcpy(codeBytesEnd_, begin, copyLength);
        codeBytesEnd_ += copyLength;

          auto codeStreamEnd = exclusiveCodeBytesEnd_.lock();
          codeStreamEnd.get() = codeBytesEnd_;

        if (codeBytesEnd_ != codeBytes_.end()) {
          return true;

        streamState_.lock().get() = Tail;

        if (uint32_t extraBytes = length - copyLength) {
          return consumeChunk(begin + copyLength, extraBytes);

        return true;
      case Tail: {
        if (!tailBytes_.append(begin, length)) {
          return rejectAndDestroyAfterHelperThreadStarted(StreamOOMCode);

        return true;
      case Closed:
        MOZ_CRASH("consumeChunk() in Closed state");

  void streamEnd(JS::OptimizedEncodingListener* tier2Listener) override {
    switch (streamState_.lock().get()) {
      case Env: {
        SharedBytes bytecode = js_new<ShareableBytes>(std::move(envBytes_));
        if (!bytecode) {
        module_ = CompileBuffer(*compileArgs_, *bytecode, &compileError_,
                                &warnings_, nullptr);
      case Code:
      case Tail:
        // Unlock exclusiveStreamEnd_ before locking streamState_.
          auto streamEnd = exclusiveStreamEnd_.lock();
          streamEnd->reached = true;
          streamEnd->tailBytes = &tailBytes_;
          streamEnd->tier2Listener = tier2Listener;
      case Closed:
        MOZ_CRASH("streamEnd() in Closed state");

  void streamError(size_t errorCode) override {
    MOZ_ASSERT(errorCode != StreamOOMCode);
    switch (streamState_.lock().get()) {
      case Env:
      case Tail:
      case Code:
      case Closed:
        MOZ_CRASH("streamError() in Closed state");

  void consumeOptimizedEncoding(const uint8_t* begin, size_t length) override {
    module_ = Module::deserialize(begin, length);

    MOZ_ASSERT(streamState_.lock().get() == Env);

  // Called on a helper thread:

  void execute() override {
    module_ = CompileStreaming(*compileArgs_, envBytes_, codeBytes_,
                               exclusiveCodeBytesEnd_, exclusiveStreamEnd_,
                               streamFailed_, &compileError_, &warnings_);

    // When execute() returns, the CompileStreamTask will be dispatched
    // back to its JS thread to call resolve() and then be destroyed. We
    // can't let this happen until the stream has been closed lest
    // consumeChunk() or streamEnd() be called on a dead object.
    auto streamState = streamState_.lock();
    while (streamState != Closed) {
      streamState.wait(/* stream closed */);

  // Called on a JS thread after streaming compilation completes/errors:

  bool resolve(JSContext* cx, Handle<PromiseObject*> promise) override {
    MOZ_ASSERT(streamState_.lock() == Closed);

    if (!ReportCompileWarnings(cx, warnings_)) {
      return false;
    if (module_) {
      MOZ_ASSERT(!streamFailed_ && !streamError_ && !compileError_);
      if (instantiate_) {
        return AsyncInstantiate(cx, *module_, importObj_, Ret::Pair, promise);
      return ResolveCompile(cx, *module_, promise);

    if (streamError_) {
      return RejectWithStreamErrorNumber(cx, *streamError_, promise);

    return Reject(cx, *compileArgs_, promise, compileError_);

  CompileStreamTask(JSContext* cx, Handle<PromiseObject*> promise,
                    CompileArgs& compileArgs, bool instantiate,
                    HandleObject importObj)
      : PromiseHelperTask(cx, promise),
        streamState_(mutexid::WasmStreamStatus, Env),
        importObj_(cx, importObj),
        exclusiveCodeBytesEnd_(mutexid::WasmCodeBytesEnd, nullptr),
        streamFailed_(false) {
    MOZ_ASSERT_IF(importObj_, instantiate_);

// A short-lived object that captures the arguments of a
// WebAssembly.{compileStreaming,instantiateStreaming} while waiting for
// the Promise<Response> to resolve to a (hopefully) Promise.
class ResolveResponseClosure : public NativeObject {
  static const unsigned COMPILE_ARGS_SLOT = 0;
  static const unsigned PROMISE_OBJ_SLOT = 1;
  static const unsigned INSTANTIATE_SLOT = 2;
  static const unsigned IMPORT_OBJ_SLOT = 3;
  static const JSClassOps classOps_;

  static void finalize(JS::GCContext* gcx, JSObject* obj) {
    auto& closure = obj->as<ResolveResponseClosure>();
    gcx->release(obj, &closure.compileArgs(),

  static const unsigned RESERVED_SLOTS = 4;
  static const JSClass class_;

  static ResolveResponseClosure* create(JSContext* cx, const CompileArgs& args,
                                        HandleObject promise, bool instantiate,
                                        HandleObject importObj) {
    MOZ_ASSERT_IF(importObj, instantiate);

    AutoSetNewObjectMetadata metadata(cx);
    auto* obj = NewObjectWithGivenProto<ResolveResponseClosure>(cx, nullptr);
    if (!obj) {
      return nullptr;

    InitReservedSlot(obj, COMPILE_ARGS_SLOT, const_cast<CompileArgs*>(&args),
    obj->setReservedSlot(PROMISE_OBJ_SLOT, ObjectValue(*promise));
    obj->setReservedSlot(INSTANTIATE_SLOT, BooleanValue(instantiate));
    obj->setReservedSlot(IMPORT_OBJ_SLOT, ObjectOrNullValue(importObj));
    return obj;

  CompileArgs& compileArgs() const {
    return *(CompileArgs*)getReservedSlot(COMPILE_ARGS_SLOT).toPrivate();
  PromiseObject& promise() const {
    return getReservedSlot(PROMISE_OBJ_SLOT).toObject().as<PromiseObject>();
  bool instantiate() const {
    return getReservedSlot(INSTANTIATE_SLOT).toBoolean();
  JSObject* importObj() const {
    return getReservedSlot(IMPORT_OBJ_SLOT).toObjectOrNull();

const JSClassOps ResolveResponseClosure::classOps_ = {
    nullptr,                           // addProperty
    nullptr,                           // delProperty
    nullptr,                           // enumerate
    nullptr,                           // newEnumerate
    nullptr,                           // resolve
    nullptr,                           // mayResolve
    ResolveResponseClosure::finalize,  // finalize
    nullptr,                           // call
    nullptr,                           // construct
    nullptr,                           // trace

const JSClass ResolveResponseClosure::class_ = {
    "WebAssembly ResolveResponseClosure",

static ResolveResponseClosure* ToResolveResponseClosure(CallArgs args) {
  return &args.callee()

static bool RejectWithErrorNumber(JSContext* cx, uint32_t errorNumber,
                                  Handle<PromiseObject*> promise) {
  JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, errorNumber);
  return RejectWithPendingException(cx, promise);

static bool ResolveResponse_OnFulfilled(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc,
                                        Value* vp) {
  CallArgs callArgs = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

  Rooted<ResolveResponseClosure*> closure(cx,
  Rooted<PromiseObject*> promise(cx, &closure->promise());
  CompileArgs& compileArgs = closure->compileArgs();
  bool instantiate = closure->instantiate();
  Rooted<JSObject*> importObj(cx, closure->importObj());

  auto task = cx->make_unique<CompileStreamTask>(cx, promise, compileArgs,
                                                 instantiate, importObj);
  if (!task || !task->init(cx)) {
    return false;

  if (!callArgs.get(0).isObject()) {
    return RejectWithErrorNumber(cx, JSMSG_WASM_BAD_RESPONSE_VALUE, promise);

  RootedObject response(cx, &callArgs.get(0).toObject());
  if (!cx->runtime()->consumeStreamCallback(cx, response, JS::MimeType::Wasm,
                                            task.get())) {
    return RejectWithPendingException(cx, promise);


  return true;

static bool ResolveResponse_OnRejected(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc,
                                       Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

  Rooted<ResolveResponseClosure*> closure(cx, ToResolveResponseClosure(args));
  Rooted<PromiseObject*> promise(cx, &closure->promise());

  if (!PromiseObject::reject(cx, promise, args.get(0))) {
    return false;

  return true;

static bool ResolveResponse(JSContext* cx, CallArgs callArgs,
                            Handle<PromiseObject*> promise,
                            bool instantiate = false,
                            HandleObject importObj = nullptr) {
  MOZ_ASSERT_IF(importObj, instantiate);

  const char* introducer = instantiate ? "WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming"
                                       : "WebAssembly.compileStreaming";

  SharedCompileArgs compileArgs = InitCompileArgs(cx, introducer);
  if (!compileArgs) {
    return false;

  RootedObject closure(
      cx, ResolveResponseClosure::create(cx, *compileArgs, promise, instantiate,
  if (!closure) {
    return false;

  RootedFunction onResolved(
      cx, NewNativeFunction(cx, ResolveResponse_OnFulfilled, 1, nullptr,
                            gc::AllocKind::FUNCTION_EXTENDED, GenericObject));
  if (!onResolved) {
    return false;

  RootedFunction onRejected(
      cx, NewNativeFunction(cx, ResolveResponse_OnRejected, 1, nullptr,
                            gc::AllocKind::FUNCTION_EXTENDED, GenericObject));
  if (!onRejected) {
    return false;

  onResolved->setExtendedSlot(0, ObjectValue(*closure));
  onRejected->setExtendedSlot(0, ObjectValue(*closure));

  RootedObject resolve(cx,
                       PromiseObject::unforgeableResolve(cx, callArgs.get(0)));
  if (!resolve) {
    return false;

  return JS::AddPromiseReactions(cx, resolve, onResolved, onRejected);

static bool WebAssembly_compileStreaming(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc,
                                         Value* vp) {
  if (!EnsureStreamSupport(cx)) {
    return false;

  Log(cx, "async compileStreaming() started");

  Rooted<PromiseObject*> promise(cx, PromiseObject::createSkippingExecutor(cx));
  if (!promise) {
    return false;

  CallArgs callArgs = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

  if (!cx->isRuntimeCodeGenEnabled(JS::RuntimeCode::WASM, nullptr)) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
    return RejectWithPendingException(cx, promise, callArgs);

  if (!ResolveResponse(cx, callArgs, promise)) {
    return RejectWithPendingException(cx, promise, callArgs);

  return true;

static bool WebAssembly_instantiateStreaming(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc,
                                             Value* vp) {
  if (!EnsureStreamSupport(cx)) {
    return false;

  Log(cx, "async instantiateStreaming() started");

  Rooted<PromiseObject*> promise(cx, PromiseObject::createSkippingExecutor(cx));
  if (!promise) {
    return false;

  CallArgs callArgs = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

  if (!cx->isRuntimeCodeGenEnabled(JS::RuntimeCode::WASM, nullptr)) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
    return RejectWithPendingException(cx, promise, callArgs);

  RootedObject firstArg(cx);
  RootedObject importObj(cx);
  if (!GetInstantiateArgs(cx, callArgs, &firstArg, &importObj)) {
    return RejectWithPendingException(cx, promise, callArgs);

  if (!ResolveResponse(cx, callArgs, promise, true, importObj)) {
    return RejectWithPendingException(cx, promise, callArgs);

  return true;


static bool WebAssembly_mozIntGemm(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) {
  CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

  Rooted<WasmModuleObject*> module(cx);
  wasm::IntrinsicId ids[] = {
  if (!wasm::CompileIntrinsicModule(cx, ids, Shareable::False, &module)) {
    return false;
  return true;

static const JSFunctionSpec WebAssembly_mozIntGemm_methods[] = {
    JS_FN("mozIntGemm", WebAssembly_mozIntGemm, 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE),


static const JSFunctionSpec WebAssembly_static_methods[] = {
    JS_FN(js_toSource_str, WebAssembly_toSource, 0, 0),
    JS_FN("compile", WebAssembly_compile, 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE),
    JS_FN("instantiate", WebAssembly_instantiate, 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE),
    JS_FN("validate", WebAssembly_validate, 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE),
    JS_FN("compileStreaming", WebAssembly_compileStreaming, 1,
    JS_FN("instantiateStreaming", WebAssembly_instantiateStreaming, 1,

static const JSPropertySpec WebAssembly_static_properties[] = {
    JS_STRING_SYM_PS(toStringTag, "WebAssembly", JSPROP_READONLY), JS_PS_END};

static JSObject* CreateWebAssemblyObject(JSContext* cx, JSProtoKey key) {

  RootedObject proto(cx, &cx->global()->getObjectPrototype());
  return NewTenuredObjectWithGivenProto(cx, &WasmNamespaceObject::class_,

struct NameAndProtoKey {
  const char* const name;
  JSProtoKey key;

static bool WebAssemblyDefineConstructor(JSContext* cx,
                                         Handle<WasmNamespaceObject*> wasm,
                                         NameAndProtoKey entry,
                                         MutableHandleValue ctorValue,
                                         MutableHandleId id) {
  JSObject* ctor = GlobalObject::getOrCreateConstructor(cx, entry.key);
  if (!ctor) {
    return false;

  JSAtom* className = Atomize(cx, entry.name, strlen(entry.name));
  if (!className) {
    return false;

  return DefineDataProperty(cx, wasm, id, ctorValue, 0);

static bool WebAssemblyClassFinish(JSContext* cx, HandleObject object,
                                   HandleObject proto) {
  Handle<WasmNamespaceObject*> wasm = object.as<WasmNamespaceObject>();

  constexpr NameAndProtoKey entries[] = {
      {"Module", JSProto_WasmModule},
      {"Instance", JSProto_WasmInstance},
      {"Memory", JSProto_WasmMemory},
      {"Table", JSProto_WasmTable},
      {"Global", JSProto_WasmGlobal},
      {"CompileError", GetExceptionProtoKey(JSEXN_WASMCOMPILEERROR)},
      {"LinkError", GetExceptionProtoKey(JSEXN_WASMLINKERROR)},
      {"RuntimeError", GetExceptionProtoKey(JSEXN_WASMRUNTIMEERROR)},
      {"Function", JSProto_WasmFunction},
  RootedValue ctorValue(cx);
  RootedId id(cx);
  for (const auto& entry : entries) {
    if (!WebAssemblyDefineConstructor(cx, wasm, entry, &ctorValue, &id)) {
      return false;

  if (ExceptionsAvailable(cx)) {
    constexpr NameAndProtoKey exceptionEntries[] = {
        {"Tag", JSProto_WasmTag},
        {"Exception", JSProto_WasmException},
    for (const auto& entry : exceptionEntries) {
      if (!WebAssemblyDefineConstructor(cx, wasm, entry, &ctorValue, &id)) {
        return false;

  if (MozIntGemmAvailable(cx) &&
      !JS_DefineFunctions(cx, wasm, WebAssembly_mozIntGemm_methods)) {
    return false;

  return true;

static const ClassSpec WebAssemblyClassSpec = {
    CreateWebAssemblyObject,       nullptr, WebAssembly_static_methods,
    WebAssembly_static_properties, nullptr, nullptr,

const JSClass js::WasmNamespaceObject::class_ = {
    js_WebAssembly_str, JSCLASS_HAS_CACHED_PROTO(JSProto_WebAssembly),
    JS_NULL_CLASS_OPS, &WebAssemblyClassSpec};

// Sundry