/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

/* Error Message definitions. */

/* xpconnect specific codes (from nsIXPConnect.h) */

XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS                , "Not enough arguments")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_NEED_OUT_OBJECT                , "'Out' argument must be an object")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_CANT_SET_OUT_VAL               , "Cannot set 'value' property of 'out' argument")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_NATIVE_RETURNED_FAILURE        , "Component returned failure code:")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_CANT_GET_INTERFACE_INFO        , "Cannot find interface information")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_CANT_GET_PARAM_IFACE_INFO      , "Cannot find interface information for parameter")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_CANT_GET_METHOD_INFO           , "Cannot find method information")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_UNEXPECTED                     , "Unexpected error in XPConnect")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS                 , "Could not convert JavaScript argument")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_NATIVE             , "Could not convert Native argument")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS_NULL_REF        , "Could not convert JavaScript argument (NULL value cannot be used for a C++ reference type)")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_OP_ON_WN_PROTO             , "Illegal operation on WrappedNative prototype object")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_CANT_CONVERT_WN_TO_FUN         , "Cannot convert WrappedNative to function")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_CANT_DEFINE_PROP_ON_WN         , "Cannot define new property in a WrappedNative")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_CANT_WATCH_WN_STATIC           , "Cannot place watchpoints on WrappedNative object static properties")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_CANT_EXPORT_WN_STATIC          , "Cannot export a WrappedNative object's static properties")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_SCRIPTABLE_CALL_FAILED         , "nsIXPCScriptable::Call failed")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_SCRIPTABLE_CTOR_FAILED         , "nsIXPCScriptable::Construct failed")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_CANT_CALL_WO_SCRIPTABLE        , "Cannot use wrapper as function unless it implements nsIXPCScriptable")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_CANT_CTOR_WO_SCRIPTABLE        , "Cannot use wrapper as constructor unless it implements nsIXPCScriptable")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_CI_RETURNED_FAILURE            , "ComponentManager::CreateInstance returned failure code:")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_GS_RETURNED_FAILURE            , "ServiceManager::GetService returned failure code:")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CID                        , "Invalid ClassID or ContractID")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_IID                        , "Invalid InterfaceID")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_CANT_CREATE_WN                 , "Cannot create wrapper around native interface")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_EXCEPTION             , "JavaScript component threw exception")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_NATIVE_OBJECT         , "JavaScript component threw a native object that is not an exception")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_JS_OBJECT             , "JavaScript component threw a JavaScript object")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_NULL                  , "JavaScript component threw a null value as an exception")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_STRING                , "JavaScript component threw a string as an exception")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_NUMBER                , "JavaScript component threw a number as an exception")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR               , "JavaScript component caused a JavaScript error")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR_WITH_DETAILS  , "JavaScript component caused a JavaScript error (detailed report attached)")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_CANT_CONVERT_PRIMITIVE_TO_ARRAY, "Cannot convert primitive JavaScript value into an array")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_CANT_CONVERT_OBJECT_TO_ARRAY   , "Cannot convert JavaScript object into an array")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_NOT_ENOUGH_ELEMENTS_IN_ARRAY   , "JavaScript Array does not have as many elements as indicated by size argument")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_CANT_GET_ARRAY_INFO            , "Cannot find array information")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_NOT_ENOUGH_CHARS_IN_STRING     , "JavaScript String does not have as many characters as indicated by size argument")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_SECURITY_MANAGER_VETO          , "Security Manager vetoed action")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_INTERFACE_NOT_SCRIPTABLE       , "Failed to build a wrapper because the interface that was not declared [scriptable]")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_INTERFACE_NOT_FROM_NSISUPPORTS , "Failed to build a wrapper because the interface does not inherit from nsISupports")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_CANT_SET_READ_ONLY_CONSTANT    , "Property is a constant and cannot be changed")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_CANT_SET_READ_ONLY_ATTRIBUTE   , "Property is a read only attribute and cannot be changed")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_CANT_SET_READ_ONLY_METHOD      , "Property is an interface method and cannot be changed")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_CANT_ADD_PROP_TO_WRAPPED_NATIVE, "Cannot add property to WrappedNative object")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_CALL_TO_SCRIPTABLE_FAILED      , "Call to nsIXPCScriptable interface for WrappedNative failed unexpecedly")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_JSOBJECT_HAS_NO_FUNCTION_NAMED , "JavaScript component does not have a method named:")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_ID_STRING                  , "Bad ID string")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_INITIALIZER_NAME           , "Bad initializer name in Constructor - Component has no method with that name")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_HAS_BEEN_SHUTDOWN              , "Operation failed because the XPConnect subsystem has been shutdown")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_CANT_MODIFY_PROP_ON_WN         , "Cannot modify properties of a WrappedNative")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS_ZERO_ISNOT_NULL , "Could not convert JavaScript argument - 0 was passed, expected object. Did you mean null?")

/* common global codes (from nsError.h) */

XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_OK                                  , "Success")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED               , "Component not initialized")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED           , "Component already initialized")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED               , "Method not implemented")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_NOINTERFACE                         , "Component does not have requested interface")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE                  , "Component does not have requested interface")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE                 , "Illegal value")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER               , "Invalid pointer")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER                  , "Null pointer")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_ABORT                         , "Abort")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FAILURE                       , "Failure")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED                    , "Unexpected error")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY                 , "Out of Memory")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG                   , "Invalid argument")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE                 , "Component is not available")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FACTORY_NOT_REGISTERED        , "Factory not registered")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FACTORY_REGISTER_AGAIN        , "Factory not registered (may be tried again)")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FACTORY_NOT_LOADED            , "Factory not loaded")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FACTORY_NO_SIGNATURE_SUPPORT  , "Factory does not support signatures")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FACTORY_EXISTS                , "Factory already exists")

/* added from nsError.h on Feb 28 2001... */

XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED                   , "Stream closed")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_BASE_STREAM_OSERROR                  , "Error from the operating system")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_BASE_STREAM_ILLEGAL_ARGS             , "Illegal arguments")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_BASE_STREAM_NO_CONVERTER             , "No converter for unichar streams")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_BASE_STREAM_BAD_CONVERSION           , "Bad converter for unichar streams")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_BASE_STREAM_WOULD_BLOCK              , "Stream would block")

XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FILE_UNRECOGNIZED_PATH         , "File error: Unrecognized path")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FILE_UNRESOLVABLE_SYMLINK      , "File error: Unresolvable symlink")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FILE_EXECUTION_FAILED          , "File error: Execution failed")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FILE_UNKNOWN_TYPE              , "File error: Unknown type")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FILE_DESTINATION_NOT_DIR       , "File error: Destination not dir")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FILE_COPY_OR_MOVE_FAILED       , "File error: Copy or move failed")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS            , "File error: Already exists")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FILE_INVALID_PATH              , "File error: Invalid path")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPTED                 , "File error: Corrupted")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_DIRECTORY             , "File error: Not directory")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FILE_IS_DIRECTORY              , "File error: Is directory")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FILE_IS_LOCKED                 , "File error: Is locked")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FILE_TOO_BIG                   , "File error: Too big")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FILE_NO_DEVICE_SPACE           , "File error: No device space")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FILE_NAME_TOO_LONG             , "File error: Name too long")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND                 , "File error: Not found")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FILE_READ_ONLY                 , "File error: Read only")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FILE_DIR_NOT_EMPTY             , "File error: Dir not empty")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED             , "File error: Access denied")

/* added from nsError.h on Sept 6 2001... */

XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_CANNOT_CONVERT_DATA            , "Data conversion error")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_OBJECT_IS_IMMUTABLE            , "Can not modify immutable data container")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_LOSS_OF_SIGNIFICANT_DATA       , "Data conversion failed because significant data would be lost")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_SUCCESS_LOSS_OF_INSIGNIFICANT_DATA   , "Data conversion succeeded but data was rounded to fit")

/* network related codes (from nsNetError.h) */

XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_BINDING_FAILED                       , "The async request failed for some unknown reason")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_BINDING_ABORTED                      , "The async request failed because it was aborted by some user action")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_BINDING_REDIRECTED                   , "The async request has been redirected to a different async request")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_BINDING_RETARGETED                   , "The async request has been retargeted to a different handler")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI                  , "The URI is malformed")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL               , "The URI scheme corresponds to an unknown protocol handler")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_NO_CONTENT                     , "Channel opened successfully but no data will be returned")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS                    , "The requested action could not be completed while the object is busy")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_ALREADY_OPENED                 , "Channel is already open")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT_ENCODING       , "The content encoding of the source document is incorrect")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_CORRUPTED_CONTENT              , "Corrupted content received from server (potentially MIME type mismatch because of 'X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff')")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FIRST_HEADER_FIELD_COMPONENT_EMPTY, "Couldn't extract first component from potentially corrupted header field")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_ALREADY_CONNECTED              , "The connection is already established")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED                  , "The connection does not exist")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED             , "The connection was refused")

/* Error codes return from the proxy */
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_PROXY_CONNECTION_REFUSED           , "The connection to the proxy server was refused")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED        , "The proxy requires authentication")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_PROXY_BAD_GATEWAY                  , "The request failed on the proxy")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_PROXY_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT              , "The request timed out on the proxy")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_PROXY_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS            , "Sending too many requests to a proxy")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_PROXY_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED        , "The proxy does not support the version of the HTTP request")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_PROXY_FORBIDDEN                    , "The user is banned from the proxy")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_PROXY_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE          , "The proxy is not available")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_PROXY_UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS, "The desired destination is unavailable for legal reasons")

XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_NET_TIMEOUT                    , "The connection has timed out")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_NET_TIMEOUT_EXTERNAL           , "The request has been cancelled because of a timeout")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_OFFLINE                        , "The requested action could not be completed in the offline state")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_PORT_ACCESS_NOT_ALLOWED        , "Establishing a connection to an unsafe or otherwise banned port was prohibited")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_NET_RESET                      , "The connection was established, but no data was ever received")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_NET_INTERRUPT                  , "The connection was established, but the data transfer was interrupted")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_NET_PARTIAL_TRANSFER           , "A transfer was only partially done when it completed")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_NET_HTTP3_PROTOCOL_ERROR       , "There has been a http3 protocol error")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_NOT_RESUMABLE                  , "This request is not resumable, but it was tried to resume it, or to request resume-specific data")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_ENTITY_CHANGED                 , "It was attempted to resume the request, but the entity has changed in the meantime")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_REDIRECT_LOOP                  , "The request failed as a result of a detected redirection loop")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_UNSAFE_CONTENT_TYPE            , "The request failed because the content type returned by the server was not a type expected by the channel")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_LOAD_SHOWED_ERRORPAGE          , "The load caused an error page to be displayed.")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_BLOCKED_BY_POLICY              , "The request was blocked by a policy set by the system administrator.")

XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_HOST                   , "The lookup of the hostname failed")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_DNS_LOOKUP_QUEUE_FULL          , "The DNS lookup queue is full")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROXY_HOST             , "The lookup of the proxy hostname failed")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_SOCKET_TYPE            , "The specified socket type does not exist")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_SOCKET_CREATE_FAILED           , "The specified socket type could not be created")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_SOCKET_ADDRESS_NOT_SUPPORTED   , "The specified socket address type is not supported")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_SOCKET_ADDRESS_IN_USE          , "Some other socket is already using the specified address.")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_CACHE_KEY_NOT_FOUND            , "Cache key could not be found")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_CACHE_DATA_IS_STREAM           , "Cache data is a stream")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_CACHE_DATA_IS_NOT_STREAM       , "Cache data is not a stream")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_CACHE_WAIT_FOR_VALIDATION      , "Cache entry exists but needs to be validated first")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_CACHE_ENTRY_DOOMED             , "Cache entry has been  doomed")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_CACHE_READ_ACCESS_DENIED       , "Read access to cache denied")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_CACHE_WRITE_ACCESS_DENIED      , "Write access to cache denied")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_CACHE_IN_USE                   , "Cache is currently in use")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_DOCUMENT_NOT_CACHED            , "Document does not exist in cache")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_DOMAIN_LEVELS     , "The requested number of domain levels exceeds those present in the host string")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_HOST_IS_IP_ADDRESS             , "The host string is an IP address")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_NOT_SAME_THREAD                , "Can't access a wrapped JS object from a different thread")

/* storage related codes (from mozStorage.h) */
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_STORAGE_BUSY                   , "SQLite database connection is busy")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_STORAGE_IOERR                  , "SQLite encountered an IO error")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_STORAGE_CONSTRAINT             , "SQLite database operation failed because a constraint was violated")

/* plugin related codes (from nsPluginError.h) */
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_PLUGIN_TIME_RANGE_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Clearing site data by time range not supported by plugin")

/* character converter related codes */
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT                  , "The input characters have illegal sequences")

/* Codes related to signd jars */
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_SIGNED_JAR_NOT_SIGNED          , "The JAR is not signed.")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_SIGNED_JAR_MODIFIED_ENTRY      , "An entry in the JAR has been modified after the JAR was signed.")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_SIGNED_JAR_UNSIGNED_ENTRY      , "An entry in the JAR has not been signed.")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_SIGNED_JAR_ENTRY_MISSING       , "An entry is missing from the JAR file.")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_SIGNED_JAR_WRONG_SIGNATURE     , "The JAR's signature is wrong.")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_SIGNED_JAR_ENTRY_TOO_LARGE     , "An entry in the JAR is too large.")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_SIGNED_JAR_ENTRY_INVALID       , "An entry in the JAR is invalid.")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_SIGNED_JAR_MANIFEST_INVALID    , "The JAR's manifest or signature file is invalid.")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_CMS_VERIFY_NO_CONTENT_INFO     , "The PKCS#7 signature is malformed or invalid.")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_CMS_VERIFY_NOT_SIGNED          , "The PKCS#7 information is not signed.")

/* Codes related to signed manifests */
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_SIGNED_APP_MANIFEST_INVALID   , "The signed app manifest or signature file is invalid.")

/* Codes for printing-related errors. */
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_NAME_NOT_FOUND       , "The selected printer could not be found.")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_COULD_NOT_OPEN_FILE  , "Failed to open output file for print to file.")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_STARTDOC             , "Printing failed while starting the print job.")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_ENDDOC               , "Printing failed while completing the print job.")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_STARTPAGE            , "Printing failed while starting a new page.")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_GFX_PRINTER_DOC_IS_BUSY          , "Cannot print this document yet, it is still being loaded.")

/* Codes related to content */
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_CONTENT_CRASHED                  , "The process that hosted this content has crashed.")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FRAME_CRASHED                    , "The process that hosted this frame has crashed.")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_BUILDID_MISMATCH                 , "The process that hosted this content did not have the same buildID as the parent.")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_CONTENT_BLOCKED                  , "The load for this content was blocked.")

/* Codes for the JS-implemented Push DOM API. These can be removed as part of bug 1252660. */
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_DOM_PUSH_INVALID_KEY_ERR         , "Invalid raw ECDSA P-256 public key.")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_DOM_PUSH_MISMATCHED_KEY_ERR      , "A subscription with a different application server key already exists.")

/* Codes defined in WebIDL https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#idl-DOMException-error-names */
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_FOUND_ERR                , "The object can not be found here.")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_ALLOWED_ERR              , "The request is not allowed.")

/* Codes related to the URIClassifier service */
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_MALWARE_URI                      , "The URI is malware")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_PHISHING_URI                     , "The URI is phishing")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_TRACKING_URI                     , "The URI is tracking")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_UNWANTED_URI                     , "The URI is unwanted")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_BLOCKED_URI                      , "The URI is blocked")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_HARMFUL_URI                      , "The URI is harmful")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_FINGERPRINTING_URI               , "The URI is fingerprinting")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_CRYPTOMINING_URI                 , "The URI is cryptomining")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_SOCIALTRACKING_URI               , "The URI is social tracking")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_EMAILTRACKING_URI                , "The URI is email tracking")

/* Profile manager error codes */
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_DATABASE_CHANGED                 , "Flushing the profiles to disk would have overwritten changes made elsewhere.")

/* Codes related to URILoader */
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_ERROR_PARSED_DATA_CACHED               , "The data from a channel has already been parsed and cached so it doesn't need to be reparsed from the original source.")
XPC_MSG_DEF(NS_BINDING_CANCELLED_OLD_LOAD             , "The async request has been cancelled by another async request")