# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.


# This file must be saved as UTF8

# Accesskeys are defined by prefixing the letter that is to be used for the
# accesskey with an ampersand (e.g. &).

# Do not replace $BrandShortName, $BrandFullName, or $BrandFullNameDA with a
# custom string and always use the same one as used by the en-US files.
# $BrandFullNameDA allows the string to contain an ampersand (e.g. DA stands
# for double ampersand) and prevents the letter following the ampersand from
# being used as an accesskey.

# You can use \n to create a newline in the string but only when the string
# from en-US contains a \n.

# Strings that require a space at the end should be enclosed with double
# quotes and the double quotes will be removed. To add quotes to the beginning
# and end of a strong enclose the add and additional double quote to the
# beginning and end of the string (e.g. ""This will include quotes"").

SetupCaption=Loowgol $BrandFullName
UninstallCaption=Momtugol $BrandFullName
BackBtn=< &Rutto
NextBtn=&Jokku >
AcceptBtn=Mi &jaɓii kuule gonɗe e Nanondiral Jamirol ɗee
DontAcceptBtn=Mi jaɓaa&ni kuule gonɗe e Nanondiral Jamirol ɗee
ShowDetailsBtn=Holir &teelɗe
ClickNext=Dobo ngam jokkude.
ClickInstall=Dobo Aaf ngam fuɗɗaade aafgol ngol.
ClickUninstall=Dobo Momtu ngam fuɗɗaade momtugol ngol.
LicenseTextRB=Tiiɗno ƴeewto nanondiral jamirol ngal hade-maa aafde $BrandFullNameDA. So a jaɓii kuule ɗee kala, labo suɓre adannde wonde les ɗoo ndee. $_CLICK
ComponentsText=Labo komponne njiɗ-ɗaa aafde tee labto-ɗaa komponne ɗe a yiɗaa aafde ɗee. $_CLICK
ComponentsSubText2_NoInstTypes=Labo komponne aafeteeɗe:
DirText=Aaforgal ngal maa aaf $BrandFullNameDA e ndee-ɗoo runngere. Ngam aafde e runngere woɗnde, dobo Weɗɗit tee cuɓo-ɗaa runngere woɗnde. $_CLICK
DirSubText=Runngere Tiindol
DirBrowseText=Labo runngere ɗo $BrandFullNameDA aafetee:
SpaceAvailable="Boowal keddingal: "
SpaceRequired="Boowal coklangal: "
UninstallingText=$BrandFullNameDA maa momte e ndee-ɗoo runngere. $_CLICK
UninstallingSubText=Nana momta e:
FileError=Juumre udditgol fiilde ngam winndude: \r\n\r\n$0\r\n\r\nDobo ngam haaytinde aafgol ngol,\r\nfuɗɗito, walla\r\nFaalkiso ngam diwde fiilde ndee.
FileError_NoIgnore=Juumre udditgol fiilde ngam winndude: \r\n\r\n$0\r\n\r\nDobo Fuɗɗito ngam etaade goɗngol, walla\r\nHaaytu ngam dartinde aafgol ngol.
CantWrite="Horiima winndude: "
CopyFailed=Nattol woorii
CopyTo="Natto to "
Registering="Nana winnditoo: "
Unregistering="Nana momta winndito: "
SymbolNotFound="Horiima yiytude maannde: "
CouldNotLoad="Horiima loowde: "
CreateFolder="Sos runngere: "
CreateShortcut="Sos sodorde: "
CreatedUninstaller="Sos momtirgol: "
Delete="Momtu fiilde: "
DeleteOnReboot="Momtu tuma kurmitinal: "
ErrorCreatingShortcut="Juumre cosgol sodorde: "
ErrorCreating="Juumre e cosgol: "
ErrorDecompressing=Juumre e tiɗɗitgol keɓe! Aaforgal Jiibnngal?
ErrorRegistering=Juumre winnditaade DLL
ExecShell="ExecShell: "
Exec="Humin: "
Extract="Aafto: "
ErrorWriting="Aafto: juumre binndugol e fiilde "
InvalidOpcode=Aaforgal ko jiibnngal: opkod oo moƴƴaani
NoOLE="Alaa OLE wonani: "
OutputFolder="Runngere jaltal: "
RemoveFolder="Momtu runngere: "
RenameOnReboot="Innit tuma kurmitinal: "
Rename="Innit: "
Skipped="Diwaama: "
CopyDetails=Natto Humpito to ɗakkitorde
LogInstall=Logagol aafgol ngol