# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. migration-wizard-selection-header = Ворид кардани маълумоти браузер migration-wizard-selection-list = Маълумотеро, ки мехоҳед ворид кунед, интихоб намоед. # Shown in the new migration wizard's dropdown selector for choosing the browser # to import from. This variant is shown when the selected browser doesn't support # user profiles, and so we only show the browser name. # # Variables: # $sourceBrowser (String): the name of the browser to import from. migration-wizard-selection-option-without-profile = { $sourceBrowser } # Shown in the new migration wizard's dropdown selector for choosing the browser # and user profile to import from. This variant is shown when the selected browser # supports user profiles. # # Variables: # $sourceBrowser (String): the name of the browser to import from. # $profileName (String): the name of the user profile to import from. migration-wizard-selection-option-with-profile = { $sourceBrowser } — { $profileName } # Each migrator is expected to include a display name string, and that display # name string should have a key with "migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-" # as a prefix followed by the unique identification key for the migrator. migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-brave = Brave migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-canary = Chrome Canary migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-chrome = Chrome migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-chrome-beta = Chrome Beta migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-chrome-dev = Chrome Dev migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-chromium = Chromium migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-chromium-360se = 360 Secure Browser migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-chromium-edge = Microsoft Edge migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-chromium-edge-beta = Microsoft Edge Бета migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-edge-legacy = Microsoft Edge Legacy migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-firefox = Firefox migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-file-password-csv = Ниҳонвожаҳо аз файли CSV migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-file-bookmarks = Хатбаракҳо аз файли HTML migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-ie = Microsoft Internet Explorer migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-opera = Opera migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-opera-gx = Opera GX migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-safari = Safari migration-wizard-migrator-display-name-vivaldi = Вивалди migration-source-name-ie = Internet Explorer migration-source-name-edge = Microsoft Edge migration-source-name-chrome = Google Chrome migration-imported-safari-reading-list = Рӯйхати хониш (аз Safari) migration-imported-edge-reading-list = Рӯйхати хониш (аз Edge) ## These strings are shown if the selected browser data directory is unreadable. ## In practice, this tends to only occur on Linux when Firefox ## is installed as a Snap. migration-no-permissions-message = «{ -brand-short-name }» ба профилҳои дигари браузерҳои насбшуда дар ин дастгоҳ дастрасӣ надорад. migration-no-permissions-instructions = Барои идома додани воридкунии маълумот аз браузери дигар, ба «{ -brand-short-name }» иҷозат диҳед, то он ба ҷузвдони профили худ дастрасӣ пайдо намояд. migration-no-permissions-instructions-step1 = «Идома додан»-ро интихоб намоед # The second step in getting permissions to read data for the selected # browser type. # # Variables: # $permissionsPath (String): the file system path that the user will need to grant read permission to. migration-no-permissions-instructions-step2 = Дар василаи интихоби файлҳо, ба { $permissionsPath } гузаред ва «Интихоб кардан»-ро интихоб намоед ## These strings will be displayed based on how many resources are selected to import migration-all-available-data-label = Ворид кардани ҳамаи маълумоти дастрас migration-no-selected-data-label = Барои воридот ягон маълумот интихоб нашудааст migration-selected-data-label = Ворид кардани маълумоти интихобшуда ## migration-select-all-option-label = Ҳамаро интихоб кардан migration-bookmarks-option-label = Хатбаракҳо # Favorites is used for Bookmarks when importing from Internet Explorer or # Edge, as this is the terminology for bookmarks on those browsers. migration-favorites-option-label = Баргузидаҳо migration-logins-and-passwords-option-label = Воридшавиҳо ва ниҳонвожаҳои нигоҳдошташуда migration-passwords-option-label = Ниҳонвожаҳои нигоҳдошташуда migration-history-option-label = Таърихи тамошо migration-extensions-option-label = Васеъшавиҳо migration-form-autofill-option-label = Маълумоти пуркунии худкори шакл migration-payment-methods-option-label = Тарзҳои пардохт migration-cookies-option-label = Кукиҳо migration-session-option-label = Равзанаҳо ва варақаҳо migration-otherdata-option-label = Маълумоти дигар migration-passwords-from-file-progress-header = Ворид кардани файл бо ниҳонвожаҳо migration-passwords-from-file-success-header = Ниҳонвожаҳо бо муваффақият ворид карда шуданд migration-passwords-from-file = Санҷиши файл нисбат ба доштани ниҳонвожаҳо migration-passwords-new = Ниҳонвожаҳои нав migration-passwords-updated = Ниҳонвожаҳои мавҷудбуда migration-passwords-from-file-no-valid-data = Ин файл ягон маълумот дар бораи ниҳонвожаҳои дуруст надорад. Файли дигареро интихоб намоед. migration-passwords-from-file-picker-title = Ворид кардани файл бо ниҳонвожаҳо # A description for the .csv file format that may be shown as the file type # filter by the operating system. migration-passwords-from-file-csv-filter-title = { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Ҳуҷҷати CSV *[other] Файли CSV } # A description for the .tsv file format that may be shown as the file type # filter by the operating system. TSV is short for 'tab separated values'. migration-passwords-from-file-tsv-filter-title = { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Ҳуҷҷати TSV *[other] Файли TSV } # Shown in the migration wizard after importing passwords from a file # has completed, if new passwords were added. # # Variables: # $newEntries (Number): the number of new successfully imported passwords migration-wizard-progress-success-new-passwords = { $newEntries -> [one] { $newEntries } илова карда шуд *[other] { $newEntries } илова карда шуданд } # Shown in the migration wizard after importing passwords from a file # has completed, if existing passwords were updated. # # Variables: # $updatedEntries (Number): the number of updated passwords migration-wizard-progress-success-updated-passwords = { $updatedEntries -> [one] { $updatedEntries } навсозӣ карда шуд *[other] { $updatedEntries } навсозӣ карда шуданд } migration-bookmarks-from-file-picker-title = Ворид кардани файли хатбаракҳо migration-bookmarks-from-file-progress-header = Воридоти хатбаракҳо migration-bookmarks-from-file = Хатбаракҳо migration-bookmarks-from-file-success-header = Хатбаракҳо бо муваффақият ворид карда шуданд migration-bookmarks-from-file-no-valid-data = Ин файл ягон маълумот дар бораи хатбаракҳо надорад. Файли дигареро интихоб намоед. # A description for the .html file format that may be shown as the file type # filter by the operating system. migration-bookmarks-from-file-html-filter-title = { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Ҳуҷҷати HTML *[other] Файли HTML } # A description for the .json file format that may be shown as the file type # filter by the operating system. migration-bookmarks-from-file-json-filter-title = Файли JSON # Shown in the migration wizard after importing bookmarks from a file # has completed. # # Variables: # $newEntries (Number): the number of imported bookmarks. migration-wizard-progress-success-new-bookmarks = { $newEntries -> [one] { $newEntries } хатбарак *[other] { $newEntries } хатбарак } migration-import-button-label = Ворид кардан migration-choose-to-import-from-file-button-label = Ворид кардан аз файл migration-import-from-file-button-label = Интихоби файл migration-cancel-button-label = Бекор кардан migration-done-button-label = Тайёр migration-continue-button-label = Идома додан migration-wizard-import-browser-no-browsers = Браузери «{ -brand-short-name }» ягон барномаеро пайдо карда натавонист, ки дорои маълумоти хатбаракҳо, ниҳонвожаҳо ё таърих мебошад. migration-wizard-import-browser-no-resources = Хато ба миён омад. Браузери «{ -brand-short-name }» наметавонад, ки ягон маълумотеро барои ворид кардан аз ин профили браузер пайдо кунад. ## These strings will be used to create a dynamic list of items that can be ## imported. The list will be created using Intl.ListFormat(), so it will ## follow each locale's rules, and the first item will be capitalized by code. ## When applicable, the resources should be in their plural form. ## For example, a possible list could be "Bookmarks, passwords and autofill data". migration-list-bookmark-label = хатбаракҳо # “favorites” refers to bookmarks in Edge and Internet Explorer. Use the same terminology # if the browser is available in your language. migration-list-favorites-label = баргузидаҳо migration-list-password-label = ниҳонвожаҳо migration-list-history-label = таърих migration-list-extensions-label = васеъшавиҳо migration-list-autofill-label = маълумоти пуркунии худкор migration-list-payment-methods-label = тарзҳои пардохт ## migration-wizard-progress-header = Воридкунии маълумот # This header appears in the final page of the migration wizard only if # all resources were imported successfully. migration-wizard-progress-done-header = Маълумот бо муваффақият ворид карда шуд # This header appears in the final page of the migration wizard if only # some of the resources were imported successfully. This is meant to be # distinct from migration-wizard-progress-done-header, which is only shown # if all resources were imported successfully. migration-wizard-progress-done-with-warnings-header = Воридоти маълумот ба анҷом расид migration-wizard-progress-icon-in-progress = .aria-label = Ворид шуда истодааст… migration-wizard-progress-icon-completed = .aria-label = Ба анҷом расид migration-safari-password-import-header = Ворид кардани ниҳонвожаҳо аз «Safari» migration-safari-password-import-steps-header = Барои ворид кардани ниҳонвожаҳо аз «Safari»: migration-safari-password-import-step1 = Дар худи «Safari», менюи «Safari»-ро кушоед ва ба Хусусиятҳо > Ниҳонвожаҳо гузаред migration-safari-password-import-step2 = Тугмаи «»-ро интихоб кунед ва пас «Содир кардани ҳамаи ниҳонвожаҳо»-ро интихоб намоед migration-safari-password-import-step3 = Файли ниҳонвожаҳоро нигоҳ доред migration-safari-password-import-step4 = Барои интихоб кардани файли ниҳонвожаҳоеро, ки шумо нигоҳ доштед, аз имкони «Интихоби файл» дар зер истифода баред migration-safari-password-import-skip-button = Нодида гузарондан migration-safari-password-import-select-button = Интихоби файл # Shown in the migration wizard after importing bookmarks from another # browser has completed. # # Variables: # $quantity (Number): the number of successfully imported bookmarks migration-wizard-progress-success-bookmarks = { $quantity -> [one] { $quantity } хатбарак *[other] { $quantity } хатбарак } # Shown in the migration wizard after importing bookmarks from either # Internet Explorer or Edge. # # Use the same terminology if the browser is available in your language. # # Variables: # $quantity (Number): the number of successfully imported bookmarks migration-wizard-progress-success-favorites = { $quantity -> [one] { $quantity } баргузида *[other] { $quantity } баргузида } ## The import process identifies extensions installed in other supported ## browsers and installs the corresponding (matching) extensions compatible ## with Firefox, if available. # Shown in the migration wizard after importing all matched extensions # from supported browsers. # # Variables: # $quantity (Number): the number of successfully imported extensions migration-wizard-progress-success-extensions = { $quantity -> [one] { $quantity } васеъшавӣ *[other] { $quantity } васеъшавӣ } # Shown in the migration wizard after importing a partial amount of # matched extensions from supported browsers. # # Variables: # $matched (Number): the number of matched imported extensions # $quantity (Number): the number of total extensions found during import migration-wizard-progress-partial-success-extensions = { $matched } аз { $quantity } васеъшавӣ migration-wizard-progress-extensions-support-link = Маълумот гиред, ки чӣ тавр «{ -brand-product-name }» ба васеъшавиҳо мувофиқат мекунад # Shown in the migration wizard if there are no matched extensions # on import from supported browsers. migration-wizard-progress-no-matched-extensions = Ягон васеъшавии мувофиқ нест migration-wizard-progress-extensions-addons-link = Аз назар гузаронидани васеъшавиҳо барои «{ -brand-short-name }» ## # Shown in the migration wizard after importing passwords from another # browser has completed. # # Variables: # $quantity (Number): the number of successfully imported passwords migration-wizard-progress-success-passwords = { $quantity -> [one] { $quantity } ниҳонвожа *[other] { $quantity } ниҳонвожа } # Shown in the migration wizard after importing history from another # browser has completed. # # Variables: # $maxAgeInDays (Number): the maximum number of days of history that might be imported. migration-wizard-progress-success-history = { $maxAgeInDays -> [one] Аз рӯзи охирин *[other] Аз { $maxAgeInDays } рӯзи охирин } migration-wizard-progress-success-formdata = Таърихи шакл # Shown in the migration wizard after importing payment methods from another # browser has completed. # # Variables: # $quantity (Number): the number of successfully imported payment methods migration-wizard-progress-success-payment-methods = { $quantity -> [one] { $quantity } тарзи пардохт *[other] { $quantity } тарзи пардохт } migration-wizard-safari-permissions-sub-header = Барои ворид кардани хатбаракҳо ва таърихи тамошокунии «Safari»: migration-wizard-safari-instructions-continue = «Идома додан»-ро интихоб намоед migration-wizard-safari-instructions-folder = Ҷузвдони «Safari»-ро аз рӯйхат интихоб карда, имкони «Кушодан»-ро интихоб намоед