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CrashReporterTitle=Nosozlik xabarchisi
; LOCALIZATION NOTE (CrashReporterVendorTitle): %s is replaced with the vendor name.  (i.e. "Mozilla")
CrashReporterVendorTitle=%s xato haqida hisobot beruvchi
; LOCALIZATION NOTE (CrashReporterErrorText): %s is replaced with another string containing detailed information.
CrashReporterErrorText=Ilova dasturda muammo bor, shuning uchun nosozlik yuz berdi.\n\nBaxtga qarshi, nosozlik ma’lumotini bergich ushbu nosozlik haqida ma’lumot jo‘nata olmaydi.\n\nBatafsil ma’lumotlar: %s
; LOCALIZATION NOTE (CrashReporterProductErrorText2): The first %s is replaced with the product name (i.e. "Firefox"), the second is replaced with another string containing detailed information.  These two substitutions can not be reordered!
CrashReporterProductErrorText2=%sda muammo mavjud, shuning uchun nosozlik yuz berdi.\n\nBaxtga qarshi, nosozlik ma’lumotini bergich ushbu nosozlik haqida ma’lumot jo‘nata olmaydi.\n\nBatafsil ma’lumotlar: %s
; LOCALIZATION NOTE (CrashReporterDescriptionText2): The %s is replaced with the product name.
CrashReporterDescriptionText2=%sda muammo mavjud, shuning uchun nosozlik yuz berdi.\n\nTashxis qo‘yishimiz va muammoni hal qilishimiz uchun bizga nosozlik ma’lumotini jo‘natishingiz kerak.
CrashReporterDefault=Ilova dasturi nosozlikdan so‘ng ushbu muammo haqida dastur ishlab chiqaruvchiga xabar berish uchun ishga tushirilgan. U to‘g‘ridan to‘g‘ri ishga tushirilmasligi kerak.
ViewReportTitle=Hisobot tarkibi
CommentGrayText=Mulohaza bildiring (mulohazalar hammaga koʻrinadi)
ExtraReportInfo=Ushbu nosozlik dasturda nosozlik yuz bergan holat haqidagi texnik ma’lumotlarni ham o‘z ichiga olgan.
; LOCALIZATION NOTE (CheckSendReport): The %s is replaced with the vendor name.
CheckSendReport=Nosozliklarni hal qilish uchun %sga ushbu nosozlik haqida xabar ber
CheckIncludeURL=Men kirgan sahifa manzili bilan birga
CheckAllowEmail=Nosozlik haqida xabar berish uchun %s bilan bog‘lanishimga ruxsat ber
EmailGrayText=Elektron pochta manzilingizni shu joyga kiriting
ReportPreSubmit2=Nosozlik ma’lumoti chiqish yoki qayta ishga tushirishdan oldin jo‘natiladi.
ReportDuringSubmit2=Hisobotingiz yuborilmoqda...
ReportSubmitSuccess=Hisobot muvaffaqiyatli yuborildi!
ReportSubmitFailed=Nosozlik ma’lumotini jo‘natishda muammo yuz berdi.
ReportResubmit=Ma’lumotlarni oldinroq jo‘natib bo‘lmagandi, shuning uchun qayta jo‘natilmoqda...
; LOCALIZATION NOTE (Quit2): The %s is replaced with the product name.
Quit2=%sdan chiqish
; LOCALIZATION NOTE (Restart): The %s is replaced with the product name.
Restart=%sni qayta ishga tushirish
; LOCALIZATION NOTE (CrashID): The %s is replaced with the Crash ID from the server, which is a string like abc12345-6789-0abc-def1-23456abcdef1
CrashID=Nosozlik ID raqami: %s
; LOCALIZATION NOTE (CrashDetailsURL): The %s is replaced with a URL that the user can visit to view the crash details.
CrashDetailsURL=Ushbu nosozlik ma’lumotlarini %sda ko‘rishingiz mumkin
ErrorBadArguments=Ilova dasturda xatolik bor
ErrorExtraFileExists=Ilova dasturi dastur ma’lumot fayllarini tashlab ketmadi
ErrorExtraFileRead=Ilova dasturi ma’lumotlari faylini o‘qib bo‘lmadi.
ErrorExtraFileMove=Ilova dasturi ma’lumotlari faylini ko‘chirib  bo‘lmadi.
ErrorDumpFileExists=Ilova dastur nosozlik damp faylini tashlab ketmadi.
ErrorDumpFileMove=Nosozlik yuklanmasini ko‘chirib bo‘lmadi
ErrorNoProductName=Ilova dastur o‘zini tanishtirmadi.
ErrorNoServerURL=Ilova dasturi nosozlik ma’lumotini berish serverini ko‘rsatmadi.
ErrorNoSettingsPath=Nosozlik ma’lumotini beruvchi moslamalari topilmadi
ErrorCreateDumpDir=Kutib turuvchi damp direktoriyasini yaratib bo‘lmadi
; LOCALIZATION NOTE (ErrorEndOfLife): The %s is replaced with the product name.
ErrorEndOfLife=%sning siz foydalanayotgan ushbu versiyasi endi qo‘llab-quvvatlanmaydi.  Shuning uchun nosozlik ma’lumotlari ushbu versiya uchun qabul qilinmaydi. Qo‘llab-quvvatlanadigan yangi versiyalariga yangilang.