# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # Roles menubar = 選單列 scrollbar = 捲動列 grip = 尺寸調整框 alert = 警告 menupopup = 彈出選單 document = 文件 pane = 窗格 dialog = 對話框 separator = 分隔線 toolbar = 工具列 statusbar = 狀態列 table = 表格 columnheader = 欄標題 rowheader = 行標題 column = 欄 row = 行 cell = 格子 link = 鏈結 list = 清單 listitem = 清單項目 outline = 大綱 outlineitem = 大綱項目 pagetab = 頁面導覽標籤 propertypage = 屬性頁面 graphic = 圖形 switch = 切換開關 pushbutton = 按鈕 checkbutton = 多選按鈕 radiobutton = 單選按鈕 combobox = 下拉選單 progressbar = 進度列 slider = 滾動條 spinbutton = 旋轉按鈕 diagram = 圖表 animation = 動畫 equation = 方程式 buttonmenu = 按鈕選單 whitespace = 空白 pagetablist = 導覽標籤清單 canvas = 畫布 checkmenuitem = 複選清單項目 passwordtext = 密碼文字 radiomenuitem = 單選清單項目 textcontainer = 文字容器 togglebutton = 開關按鈕 treetable = 樹狀表格 header = 檔頭 footer = 檔尾 paragraph = 段落 entry = 項目 caption = 表格標題 heading = 標題 section = 區段 form = 表單 comboboxlist = 複選下拉清單 comboboxoption = 複選下拉清單項目 imagemap = 影像地圖 listboxoption = 下拉選單項目 listbox = 下拉選單 flatequation = 方程式 gridcell = 網格欄位 note = 附註 figure = 圖片 definitionlist = 定義清單 term = 詞彙 definition = 定義 mathmltable = 數學表格 mathmlcell = 格子 mathmlenclosed = 包入 mathmlfraction = 分數 mathmlfractionwithoutbar = 無分數線分數 mathmlroot = 方根 mathmlscripted = 移位 mathmlsquareroot = 平方根 # More sophisticated roles which are not actual numeric roles textarea = 文字區域 base = 底數 close-fence = 後括號 denominator = 分母 numerator = 分子 open-fence = 前括號 overscript = 頂標 presubscript = 前下標 presuperscript = 前上標 root-index = 根指數 subscript = 下標 superscript = 上標 underscript = 下標 # More sophisticated object descriptions headingLevel = 標題等級 %S # Landmark announcements banner = 橫幅 complementary = 補充 contentinfo = 內容資訊 main = 主要 navigation = 導覽 search = 搜尋 region = 區域 stateRequired = 必要的