/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef nsBidiPresUtils_h___ #define nsBidiPresUtils_h___ #include "gfxContext.h" #include "mozilla/intl/BidiClass.h" #include "mozilla/intl/BidiEmbeddingLevel.h" #include "nsBidiUtils.h" #include "nsHashKeys.h" #include "nsCoord.h" #include "nsTArray.h" #include "nsLineBox.h" #ifdef DrawText # undef DrawText #endif struct BidiParagraphData; struct BidiLineData; class gfxContext; class nsFontMetrics; class nsIFrame; class nsBlockFrame; class nsPresContext; struct nsSize; template <class T> class nsTHashtable; namespace mozilla { namespace intl { class Bidi; } class ComputedStyle; class LogicalMargin; class WritingMode; } // namespace mozilla /** * A structure representing some continuation state for each frame on the line, * used to determine the first and the last continuation frame for each * continuation chain on the line. */ struct nsFrameContinuationState : public nsVoidPtrHashKey { explicit nsFrameContinuationState(const void* aFrame) : nsVoidPtrHashKey(aFrame) {} /** * The first visual frame in the continuation chain containing this frame, or * nullptr if this frame is the first visual frame in the chain. */ nsIFrame* mFirstVisualFrame{nullptr}; /** * The number of frames in the continuation chain containing this frame, if * this frame is the first visual frame of the chain, or 0 otherwise. */ uint32_t mFrameCount{0}; /** * TRUE if this frame is the first visual frame of its continuation chain on * this line and the chain has some frames on the previous lines. */ bool mHasContOnPrevLines{false}; /** * TRUE if this frame is the first visual frame of its continuation chain on * this line and the chain has some frames left for next lines. */ bool mHasContOnNextLines{false}; }; // A table of nsFrameContinuationState objects. // // This state is used between calls to nsBidiPresUtils::IsFirstOrLast. struct nsContinuationStates { static constexpr size_t kArrayMax = 32; // We use the array to gather up all the continuation state objects. If in // the end there are more than kArrayMax of them, we convert it to a hash // table for faster lookup. bool mUseTable = false; AutoTArray<nsFrameContinuationState, kArrayMax> mValues; nsTHashtable<nsFrameContinuationState> mTable; void Insert(nsIFrame* aFrame) { if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(mUseTable)) { mTable.PutEntry(aFrame); return; } if (MOZ_LIKELY(mValues.Length() < kArrayMax)) { mValues.AppendElement(aFrame); return; } for (const auto& entry : mValues) { mTable.PutEntry(entry.GetKey()); } mTable.PutEntry(aFrame); mValues.Clear(); mUseTable = true; } nsFrameContinuationState* Get(nsIFrame* aFrame) { MOZ_ASSERT(mValues.IsEmpty() != mTable.IsEmpty(), "expect entries to either be in mValues or in mTable"); if (mUseTable) { return mTable.GetEntry(aFrame); } for (size_t i = 0, len = mValues.Length(); i != len; ++i) { if (mValues[i].GetKey() == aFrame) { return &mValues[i]; } } return nullptr; } }; /** * A structure representing a logical position which should be resolved * into its visual position during BiDi processing. */ struct nsBidiPositionResolve { // [in] Logical index within string. int32_t logicalIndex; // [out] Visual index within string. // If the logical position was not found, set to kNotFound. int32_t visualIndex; // [out] Visual position of the character, from the left (on the X axis), in // twips. Eessentially, this is the X position (relative to the rendering // context) where the text was drawn + the font metric of the visual string to // the left of the given logical position. If the logical position was not // found, set to kNotFound. int32_t visualLeftTwips; // [out] Visual width of the character, in twips. // If the logical position was not found, set to kNotFound. int32_t visualWidth; }; class nsBidiPresUtils { public: typedef mozilla::gfx::DrawTarget DrawTarget; nsBidiPresUtils(); ~nsBidiPresUtils(); /** * Interface for the processor used by ProcessText. Used by process text to * collect information about the width of subruns and to notify where each * subrun should be rendered. */ class BidiProcessor { public: virtual ~BidiProcessor() = default; /** * Sets the current text with the given length and the given direction. * * @remark The reason that the function gives a string instead of an index * is that ProcessText copies and modifies the string passed to it, so * passing an index would be impossible. * * @param aText The string of text. * @param aLength The length of the string of text. * @param aDirection The direction of the text. The string will never have * mixed direction. */ virtual void SetText(const char16_t* aText, int32_t aLength, mozilla::intl::BidiDirection aDirection) = 0; /** * Returns the measured width of the text given in SetText. If SetText was * not called with valid parameters, the result of this call is undefined. * This call is guaranteed to only be called once between SetText calls. * Will be invoked before DrawText. */ virtual nscoord GetWidth() = 0; /** * Draws the text given in SetText to a rendering context. If SetText was * not called with valid parameters, the result of this call is undefined. * This call is guaranteed to only be called once between SetText calls. * * @param aXOffset The offset of the left side of the substring to be drawn * from the beginning of the overall string passed to ProcessText. */ virtual void DrawText(nscoord aXOffset) = 0; }; /** * Make Bidi engine calculate the embedding levels of the frames that are * descendants of a given block frame. * * @param aBlockFrame The block frame * * @lina 06/18/2000 */ static nsresult Resolve(nsBlockFrame* aBlockFrame); static nsresult ResolveParagraph(BidiParagraphData* aBpd); static void ResolveParagraphWithinBlock(BidiParagraphData* aBpd); /** * Reorder this line using Bidi engine. * Update frame array, following the new visual sequence. * * @return total inline size * * @lina 05/02/2000 */ static nscoord ReorderFrames(nsIFrame* aFirstFrameOnLine, int32_t aNumFramesOnLine, mozilla::WritingMode aLineWM, const nsSize& aContainerSize, nscoord aStart); /** * Format Unicode text, taking into account bidi capabilities * of the platform. The formatting includes: reordering, Arabic shaping, * symmetric and numeric swapping, removing control characters. * * @lina 06/18/2000 */ static nsresult FormatUnicodeText(nsPresContext* aPresContext, char16_t* aText, int32_t& aTextLength, mozilla::intl::BidiClass aBidiClass); /** * Reorder plain text using the Unicode Bidi algorithm and send it to * a rendering context for rendering. * * @param[in] aText the string to be rendered (in logical order) * @param aLength the number of characters in the string * @param aBaseLevel the base embedding level of the string * @param aPresContext the presentation context * @param aRenderingContext the rendering context to render to * @param aTextRunConstructionContext the rendering context to be used to * construct the textrun (affects font hinting) * @param aX the x-coordinate to render the string * @param aY the y-coordinate to render the string * @param[in,out] aPosResolve array of logical positions to resolve into * visual positions; can be nullptr if this functionality is not required * @param aPosResolveCount number of items in the aPosResolve array */ static nsresult RenderText(const char16_t* aText, int32_t aLength, mozilla::intl::BidiEmbeddingLevel aBaseLevel, nsPresContext* aPresContext, gfxContext& aRenderingContext, DrawTarget* aTextRunConstructionDrawTarget, nsFontMetrics& aFontMetrics, nscoord aX, nscoord aY, nsBidiPositionResolve* aPosResolve = nullptr, int32_t aPosResolveCount = 0) { return ProcessTextForRenderingContext( aText, aLength, aBaseLevel, aPresContext, aRenderingContext, aTextRunConstructionDrawTarget, aFontMetrics, MODE_DRAW, aX, aY, aPosResolve, aPosResolveCount, nullptr); } static nscoord MeasureTextWidth(const char16_t* aText, int32_t aLength, mozilla::intl::BidiEmbeddingLevel aBaseLevel, nsPresContext* aPresContext, gfxContext& aRenderingContext, nsFontMetrics& aFontMetrics) { nscoord length; nsresult rv = ProcessTextForRenderingContext( aText, aLength, aBaseLevel, aPresContext, aRenderingContext, aRenderingContext.GetDrawTarget(), aFontMetrics, MODE_MEASURE, 0, 0, nullptr, 0, &length); return NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) ? length : 0; } /** * Check if a line is reordered, i.e., if the child frames are not * all laid out left-to-right. * @param aFirstFrameOnLine : first frame of the line to be tested * @param aNumFramesOnLine : number of frames on this line * @param[out] aLeftMost : leftmost frame on this line * @param[out] aRightMost : rightmost frame on this line */ static bool CheckLineOrder(nsIFrame* aFirstFrameOnLine, int32_t aNumFramesOnLine, nsIFrame** aLeftmost, nsIFrame** aRightmost); /** * Get the frame to the right of the given frame, on the same line. * @param aFrame : We're looking for the frame to the right of this frame. * If null, return the leftmost frame on the line. * @param aFirstFrameOnLine : first frame of the line to be tested * @param aNumFramesOnLine : number of frames on this line */ static nsIFrame* GetFrameToRightOf(const nsIFrame* aFrame, nsIFrame* aFirstFrameOnLine, int32_t aNumFramesOnLine); /** * Get the frame to the left of the given frame, on the same line. * @param aFrame : We're looking for the frame to the left of this frame. * If null, return the rightmost frame on the line. * @param aFirstFrameOnLine : first frame of the line to be tested * @param aNumFramesOnLine : number of frames on this line */ static nsIFrame* GetFrameToLeftOf(const nsIFrame* aFrame, nsIFrame* aFirstFrameOnLine, int32_t aNumFramesOnLine); static nsIFrame* GetFirstLeaf(nsIFrame* aFrame); /** * Get the bidi data of the given (inline) frame. */ static mozilla::FrameBidiData GetFrameBidiData(nsIFrame* aFrame); /** * Get the bidi embedding level of the given (inline) frame. */ static mozilla::intl::BidiEmbeddingLevel GetFrameEmbeddingLevel( nsIFrame* aFrame); /** * Get the bidi base level of the given (inline) frame. */ static mozilla::intl::BidiEmbeddingLevel GetFrameBaseLevel( const nsIFrame* aFrame); /** * Get a mozilla::intl::BidiDirection representing the direction implied by * the bidi base level of the frame. * @return mozilla::intl::BidiDirection */ static mozilla::intl::BidiDirection ParagraphDirection( const nsIFrame* aFrame) { return GetFrameBaseLevel(aFrame).Direction(); } /** * Get a mozilla::intl::BidiDirection representing the direction implied by * the bidi embedding level of the frame. * @return mozilla::intl::BidiDirection */ static mozilla::intl::BidiDirection FrameDirection(nsIFrame* aFrame) { return GetFrameEmbeddingLevel(aFrame).Direction(); } static bool IsFrameInParagraphDirection(nsIFrame* aFrame) { return ParagraphDirection(aFrame) == FrameDirection(aFrame); } // This is faster than nsBidiPresUtils::IsFrameInParagraphDirection, // because it uses the frame pointer passed in without drilling down to // the leaf frame. static bool IsReversedDirectionFrame(const nsIFrame* aFrame) { mozilla::FrameBidiData bidiData = aFrame->GetBidiData(); return !bidiData.embeddingLevel.IsSameDirection(bidiData.baseLevel); } enum Mode { MODE_DRAW, MODE_MEASURE }; /** * Reorder plain text using the Unicode Bidi algorithm and send it to * a processor for rendering or measuring * * @param[in] aText the string to be processed (in logical order) * @param aLength the number of characters in the string * @param aBaseLevel the base embedding level of the string * @param aPresContext the presentation context * @param aprocessor the bidi processor * @param aMode the operation to process * MODE_DRAW - invokes DrawText on the processor for each substring * MODE_MEASURE - does not invoke DrawText on the processor * Note that the string is always measured, regardless of mode * @param[in,out] aPosResolve array of logical positions to resolve into * visual positions; can be nullptr if this functionality is not required * @param aPosResolveCount number of items in the aPosResolve array * @param[out] aWidth Pointer to where the width will be stored (may be null) */ static nsresult ProcessText(const char16_t* aText, size_t aLength, mozilla::intl::BidiEmbeddingLevel aBaseLevel, nsPresContext* aPresContext, BidiProcessor& aprocessor, Mode aMode, nsBidiPositionResolve* aPosResolve, int32_t aPosResolveCount, nscoord* aWidth, mozilla::intl::Bidi& aBidiEngine); /** * Use style attributes to determine the base paragraph level to pass to the * bidi algorithm. * * If |unicode-bidi| is set to "[-moz-]plaintext", returns * BidiEmbeddingLevel::DefaultLTR, in other words the direction is determined * from the first strong character in the text according to rules P2 and P3 of * the bidi algorithm, or LTR if there is no strong character. * * Otherwise returns BidiEmbeddingLevel::LTR or BidiEmbeddingLevel::RTL * depending on the value of |direction| */ static mozilla::intl::BidiEmbeddingLevel BidiLevelFromStyle( mozilla::ComputedStyle* aComputedStyle); private: static nsresult ProcessTextForRenderingContext( const char16_t* aText, int32_t aLength, mozilla::intl::BidiEmbeddingLevel aBaseLevel, nsPresContext* aPresContext, gfxContext& aRenderingContext, DrawTarget* aTextRunConstructionDrawTarget, nsFontMetrics& aFontMetrics, Mode aMode, nscoord aX, // DRAW only nscoord aY, // DRAW only nsBidiPositionResolve* aPosResolve, /* may be null */ int32_t aPosResolveCount, nscoord* aWidth /* may be null */); /** * Simplified form of ProcessText body, used when aText is a single Unicode * character (one UTF-16 codepoint, or a surrogate pair), or a run that is * known to have no bidi content. */ static void ProcessSimpleRun(const char16_t* aText, size_t aLength, mozilla::intl::BidiEmbeddingLevel aBaseLevel, nsPresContext* aPresContext, BidiProcessor& aprocessor, Mode aMode, nsBidiPositionResolve* aPosResolve, int32_t aPosResolveCount, nscoord* aWidth); /** * Traverse the child frames of the block element and: * Set up an array of the frames in logical order * Create a string containing the text content of all the frames * If we encounter content that requires us to split the element into more * than one paragraph for bidi resolution, resolve the paragraph up to that * point. */ static void TraverseFrames(nsIFrame* aCurrentFrame, BidiParagraphData* aBpd); /** * Perform a recursive "pre-traversal" of the child frames of a block or * inline container frame, to determine whether full bidi resolution is * actually needed. * This explores the same frames as TraverseFrames (above), but is less * expensive and may allow us to avoid performing the full TraverseFrames * operation. * @param aFirstChild frame to start traversal from * @param[in/out] aCurrContent the content node that we've most recently * scanned for RTL characters (so that when descendant frames refer * to the same content, we can avoid repeatedly scanning it). * @return true if it finds that bidi is (or may be) required, * false if no potentially-bidi content is present. */ static bool ChildListMayRequireBidi(nsIFrame* aFirstChild, nsIContent** aCurrContent); /** * Position ruby content frames (ruby base/text frame). * Called from RepositionRubyFrame. */ static void RepositionRubyContentFrame( nsIFrame* aFrame, mozilla::WritingMode aFrameWM, const mozilla::LogicalMargin& aBorderPadding); /* * Position ruby frames. Called from RepositionFrame. */ static nscoord RepositionRubyFrame( nsIFrame* aFrame, nsContinuationStates* aContinuationStates, const mozilla::WritingMode aContainerWM, const mozilla::LogicalMargin& aBorderPadding); /* * Position aFrame and its descendants to their visual places. Also if aFrame * is not leaf, resize it to embrace its children. * * @param aFrame The frame which itself and its children are * going to be repositioned * @param aIsEvenLevel TRUE means the embedding level of this frame * is even (LTR) * @param aStartOrEnd The distance to the start or the end of aFrame * without considering its inline margin. If the * container is reordering frames in reverse * direction, it's the distance to the end, * otherwise, it's the distance to the start. * @param aContinuationStates A map from nsIFrame* to * nsFrameContinuationState * @return The isize aFrame takes, including margins. */ static nscoord RepositionFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame, bool aIsEvenLevel, nscoord aStartOrEnd, nsContinuationStates* aContinuationStates, mozilla::WritingMode aContainerWM, bool aContainerReverseOrder, const nsSize& aContainerSize); /* * Initialize the continuation state(nsFrameContinuationState) to * (nullptr, 0) for aFrame and its descendants. * * @param aFrame The frame which itself and its descendants will * be initialized * @param aContinuationStates A map from nsIFrame* to * nsFrameContinuationState */ static void InitContinuationStates(nsIFrame* aFrame, nsContinuationStates* aContinuationStates); /* * Determine if aFrame is first or last, and set aIsFirst and * aIsLast values. Also set continuation states of * aContinuationStates. * * A frame is first if it's the first appearance of its continuation * chain on the line and the chain is on its first line. * A frame is last if it's the last appearance of its continuation * chain on the line and the chain is on its last line. * * N.B: "First appearance" and "Last appearance" in the previous * paragraph refer to the frame's inline direction, not necessarily * the line's. * * @param aContinuationStates A map from nsIFrame* to * nsFrameContinuationState * @param[in] aSpanDirMatchesLineDir TRUE means that the inline * direction of aFrame is the same * as its container * @param[out] aIsFirst TRUE means aFrame is first frame * or continuation * @param[out] aIsLast TRUE means aFrame is last frame * or continuation */ static void IsFirstOrLast(nsIFrame* aFrame, nsContinuationStates* aContinuationStates, bool aSpanInLineOrder /* in */, bool& aIsFirst /* out */, bool& aIsLast /* out */); /** * Adjust frame positions following their visual order * * @param aFirstChild the first kid * @return total inline size * * @lina 04/11/2000 */ static nscoord RepositionInlineFrames(BidiLineData* aBld, mozilla::WritingMode aLineWM, const nsSize& aContainerSize, nscoord aStart); /** * Helper method for Resolve() * Truncate a text frame to the end of a single-directional run and possibly * create a continuation frame for the remainder of its content. * * @param aFrame the original frame * @param aLine the line box containing aFrame * @param aNewFrame [OUT] the new frame that was created * @param aStart [IN] the start of the content mapped by aFrame (and * any fluid continuations) * @param aEnd [IN] the offset of the end of the single-directional * text run. * @see Resolve() * @see RemoveBidiContinuation() */ static inline void EnsureBidiContinuation(nsIFrame* aFrame, const nsLineList::iterator aLine, nsIFrame** aNewFrame, int32_t aStart, int32_t aEnd); /** * Helper method for Resolve() * Convert one or more bidi continuation frames created in a previous reflow * by EnsureBidiContinuation() into fluid continuations. * @param aFrame the frame whose continuations are to be removed * @param aFirstIndex index of aFrame in mLogicalFrames * @param aLastIndex index of the last frame to be removed * * @see Resolve() * @see EnsureBidiContinuation() */ static void RemoveBidiContinuation(BidiParagraphData* aBpd, nsIFrame* aFrame, int32_t aFirstIndex, int32_t aLastIndex); static void CalculateBidiClass(const char16_t* aText, int32_t& aOffset, int32_t aBidiClassLimit, int32_t& aRunLimit, int32_t& aRunLength, int32_t& aRunCount, mozilla::intl::BidiClass& aBidiClass, mozilla::intl::BidiClass& aPrevBidiClass); static void StripBidiControlCharacters(char16_t* aText, int32_t& aTextLength); }; #endif /* nsBidiPresUtils_h___ */