/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsProgressFrame.h"

#include "mozilla/PresShell.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Document.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Element.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/HTMLProgressElement.h"
#include "nsIContent.h"
#include "nsLayoutUtils.h"
#include "nsPresContext.h"
#include "nsGkAtoms.h"
#include "nsNameSpaceManager.h"
#include "nsNodeInfoManager.h"
#include "nsContentCreatorFunctions.h"
#include "nsFontMetrics.h"
#include "nsCSSPseudoElements.h"
#include "nsStyleConsts.h"
#include <algorithm>

using namespace mozilla;
using namespace mozilla::dom;

nsIFrame* NS_NewProgressFrame(PresShell* aPresShell, ComputedStyle* aStyle) {
  return new (aPresShell) nsProgressFrame(aStyle, aPresShell->GetPresContext());


nsProgressFrame::nsProgressFrame(ComputedStyle* aStyle,
                                 nsPresContext* aPresContext)
    : nsContainerFrame(aStyle, aPresContext, kClassID), mBarDiv(nullptr) {}

nsProgressFrame::~nsProgressFrame() = default;

void nsProgressFrame::Destroy(DestroyContext& aContext) {
               "nsProgressFrame should not have continuations; if it does we "
               "need to call RegUnregAccessKey only for the first.");

nsresult nsProgressFrame::CreateAnonymousContent(
    nsTArray<ContentInfo>& aElements) {
  // Create the progress bar div.
  nsCOMPtr<Document> doc = mContent->GetComposedDoc();
  mBarDiv = doc->CreateHTMLElement(nsGkAtoms::div);

  // Associate ::-moz-progress-bar pseudo-element to the anonymous child.

  // XXX(Bug 1631371) Check if this should use a fallible operation as it
  // pretended earlier, or change the return type to void.

  return NS_OK;

void nsProgressFrame::AppendAnonymousContentTo(nsTArray<nsIContent*>& aElements,
                                               uint32_t aFilter) {
  if (mBarDiv) {


void nsProgressFrame::BuildDisplayList(nsDisplayListBuilder* aBuilder,
                                       const nsDisplayListSet& aLists) {
  BuildDisplayListForInline(aBuilder, aLists);

void nsProgressFrame::Reflow(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
                             ReflowOutput& aDesiredSize,
                             const ReflowInput& aReflowInput,
                             nsReflowStatus& aStatus) {
  DISPLAY_REFLOW(aPresContext, this, aReflowInput, aDesiredSize, aStatus);
  MOZ_ASSERT(aStatus.IsEmpty(), "Caller should pass a fresh reflow status!");

  NS_ASSERTION(mBarDiv, "Progress bar div must exist!");
      PrincipalChildList().GetLength() == 1 &&
          PrincipalChildList().FirstChild() == mBarDiv->GetPrimaryFrame(),
      "unexpected child frames");
               "nsProgressFrame should not have continuations; if it does we "
               "need to call RegUnregAccessKey only for the first.");

  const auto wm = aReflowInput.GetWritingMode();
  aDesiredSize.SetSize(wm, aReflowInput.ComputedSizeWithBorderPadding(wm));

  for (auto childFrame : PrincipalChildList()) {
    ReflowChildFrame(childFrame, aPresContext, aReflowInput, aStatus);
    ConsiderChildOverflow(aDesiredSize.mOverflowAreas, childFrame);


  aStatus.Reset();  // This type of frame can't be split.

void nsProgressFrame::ReflowChildFrame(nsIFrame* aChild,
                                       nsPresContext* aPresContext,
                                       const ReflowInput& aReflowInput,
                                       nsReflowStatus& aStatus) {
  bool vertical = ResolvedOrientationIsVertical();
  WritingMode wm = aChild->GetWritingMode();
  LogicalSize availSize = aReflowInput.ComputedSize(wm);
  availSize.BSize(wm) = NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE;
  ReflowInput reflowInput(aPresContext, aReflowInput, aChild, availSize);
  nscoord size =
      vertical ? aReflowInput.ComputedHeight() : aReflowInput.ComputedWidth();
  nscoord xoffset = aReflowInput.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().left;
  nscoord yoffset = aReflowInput.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().top;

  double position = static_cast<HTMLProgressElement*>(GetContent())->Position();

  // Force the bar's size to match the current progress.
  // When indeterminate, the progress' size will be 100%.
  if (position >= 0.0) {
    size *= position;

  if (!vertical && wm.IsPhysicalRTL()) {
    xoffset += aReflowInput.ComputedWidth() - size;

  // The bar size is fixed in these cases:
  // - the progress position is determined: the bar size is fixed according
  //   to it's value.
  // - the progress position is indeterminate and the bar appearance should be
  //   shown as native: the bar size is forced to 100%.
  // Otherwise (when the progress is indeterminate and the bar appearance isn't
  // native), the bar size isn't fixed and can be set by the author.
  if (position != -1 || ShouldUseNativeStyle()) {
    if (vertical) {
      // We want the bar to begin at the bottom.
      yoffset += aReflowInput.ComputedHeight() - size;

      size -= reflowInput.ComputedPhysicalMargin().TopBottom() +
      size = std::max(size, 0);
    } else {
      size -= reflowInput.ComputedPhysicalMargin().LeftRight() +
      size = std::max(size, 0);
  } else if (vertical) {
    // For vertical progress bars, we need to position the bar specificly when
    // the width isn't constrained (position == -1 and !ShouldUseNativeStyle())
    // because aReflowInput.ComputedHeight() - size == 0.
    yoffset += aReflowInput.ComputedHeight() - reflowInput.ComputedHeight();

  xoffset += reflowInput.ComputedPhysicalMargin().left;
  yoffset += reflowInput.ComputedPhysicalMargin().top;

  ReflowOutput barDesiredSize(aReflowInput);
  ReflowChild(aChild, aPresContext, barDesiredSize, reflowInput, xoffset,
              yoffset, ReflowChildFlags::Default, aStatus);
  FinishReflowChild(aChild, aPresContext, barDesiredSize, &reflowInput, xoffset,
                    yoffset, ReflowChildFlags::Default);

nsresult nsProgressFrame::AttributeChanged(int32_t aNameSpaceID,
                                           nsAtom* aAttribute,
                                           int32_t aModType) {
  NS_ASSERTION(mBarDiv, "Progress bar div must exist!");

  if (aNameSpaceID == kNameSpaceID_None &&
      (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::value || aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::max)) {
    auto presShell = PresShell();
    for (auto childFrame : PrincipalChildList()) {
      presShell->FrameNeedsReflow(childFrame, IntrinsicDirty::None,

  return nsContainerFrame::AttributeChanged(aNameSpaceID, aAttribute, aModType);

LogicalSize nsProgressFrame::ComputeAutoSize(
    gfxContext* aRenderingContext, WritingMode aWM, const LogicalSize& aCBSize,
    nscoord aAvailableISize, const LogicalSize& aMargin,
    const LogicalSize& aBorderPadding, const StyleSizeOverrides& aSizeOverrides,
    ComputeSizeFlags aFlags) {
  const WritingMode wm = GetWritingMode();
  LogicalSize autoSize(wm);
  autoSize.BSize(wm) = autoSize.ISize(wm) =
          .ToAppUnits();  // 1em

  if (ResolvedOrientationIsVertical() == wm.IsVertical()) {
    autoSize.ISize(wm) *= 10;  // 10em
  } else {
    autoSize.BSize(wm) *= 10;  // 10em

  return autoSize.ConvertTo(aWM, wm);

nscoord nsProgressFrame::GetMinISize(gfxContext* aRenderingContext) {
  RefPtr<nsFontMetrics> fontMet =
      nsLayoutUtils::GetFontMetricsForFrame(this, 1.0f);

  nscoord minISize = fontMet->Font().size.ToAppUnits();  // 1em

  if (ResolvedOrientationIsVertical() == GetWritingMode().IsVertical()) {
    // The orientation is inline
    minISize *= 10;  // 10em

  return minISize;

nscoord nsProgressFrame::GetPrefISize(gfxContext* aRenderingContext) {
  return GetMinISize(aRenderingContext);

bool nsProgressFrame::ShouldUseNativeStyle() const {
  nsIFrame* barFrame = PrincipalChildList().FirstChild();

  // Use the native style if these conditions are satisfied:
  // - both frames use the native appearance;
  // - neither frame has author specified rules setting the border or the
  //   background.
  return StyleDisplay()->EffectiveAppearance() ==
             StyleAppearance::ProgressBar &&
         !Style()->HasAuthorSpecifiedBorderOrBackground() && barFrame &&
         barFrame->StyleDisplay()->EffectiveAppearance() ==
             StyleAppearance::Progresschunk &&