/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set sw=2 ts=2 et tw=78: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsISupports.h" #include "nsISupportsImpl.h" #include "nsIParser.h" #include "CNavDTD.h" #include "nsIHTMLContentSink.h" NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(CNavDTD, nsIDTD); CNavDTD::CNavDTD() {} CNavDTD::~CNavDTD() {} NS_IMETHODIMP CNavDTD::BuildModel(nsIContentSink* aSink) { // NB: It is important to throw STOPPARSING if the sink is the wrong type in // order to make sure nsParser cleans up properly after itself. nsCOMPtr<nsIHTMLContentSink> sink = do_QueryInterface(aSink); if (!sink) { return NS_ERROR_HTMLPARSER_STOPPARSING; } nsresult rv = sink->OpenContainer(nsIHTMLContentSink::eHTML); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = sink->OpenContainer(nsIHTMLContentSink::eBody); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = sink->CloseContainer(nsIHTMLContentSink::eBody); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); rv = sink->CloseContainer(nsIHTMLContentSink::eHTML); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); return NS_OK; } void CNavDTD::DidBuildModel() {} NS_IMETHODIMP_(void) CNavDTD::Terminate() {}