const { json } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "chrome://remote/content/marionette/json.sys.mjs" ); const { NodeCache } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/NodeCache.sys.mjs" ); const { ShadowRoot, WebElement, WebReference } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "chrome://remote/content/marionette/element.sys.mjs" ); function setupTest() { const browser = Services.appShell.createWindowlessBrowser(false); const nodeCache = new NodeCache(); const htmlEl = browser.document.createElement("video"); browser.document.body.appendChild(htmlEl); const svgEl = browser.document.createElementNS( "", "rect" ); browser.document.body.appendChild(svgEl); const shadowRoot = htmlEl.openOrClosedShadowRoot; const iframeEl = browser.document.createElement("iframe"); browser.document.body.appendChild(iframeEl); const childEl = iframeEl.contentDocument.createElement("div"); return { browser, nodeCache, childEl, iframeEl, htmlEl, shadowRoot, svgEl }; } add_task(function test_clone_generalTypes() { const { nodeCache } = setupTest(); // null equal(json.clone(undefined, nodeCache), null); equal(json.clone(null, nodeCache), null); // primitives equal(json.clone(true, nodeCache), true); equal(json.clone(42, nodeCache), 42); equal(json.clone("foo", nodeCache), "foo"); // toJSON equal( json.clone({ toJSON() { return "foo"; }, }), "foo" ); }); add_task(function test_clone_ShadowRoot() { const { nodeCache, shadowRoot } = setupTest(); const shadowRootRef = nodeCache.getOrCreateNodeReference(shadowRoot); deepEqual( json.clone(shadowRoot, nodeCache), WebReference.from(shadowRoot, shadowRootRef).toJSON() ); }); add_task(function test_clone_WebElement() { const { htmlEl, nodeCache, svgEl } = setupTest(); const htmlElRef = nodeCache.getOrCreateNodeReference(htmlEl); deepEqual( json.clone(htmlEl, nodeCache), WebReference.from(htmlEl, htmlElRef).toJSON() ); // Check an element with a different namespace const svgElRef = nodeCache.getOrCreateNodeReference(svgEl); deepEqual( json.clone(svgEl, nodeCache), WebReference.from(svgEl, svgElRef).toJSON() ); }); add_task(function test_clone_Sequences() { const { htmlEl, nodeCache } = setupTest(); const htmlElRef = nodeCache.getOrCreateNodeReference(htmlEl); const input = [ null, true, [], htmlEl, { toJSON() { return "foo"; }, }, { bar: "baz" }, ]; const actual = json.clone(input, nodeCache); equal(actual[0], null); equal(actual[1], true); deepEqual(actual[2], []); deepEqual(actual[3], { [WebElement.Identifier]: htmlElRef }); equal(actual[4], "foo"); deepEqual(actual[5], { bar: "baz" }); }); add_task(function test_clone_objects() { const { htmlEl, nodeCache } = setupTest(); const htmlElRef = nodeCache.getOrCreateNodeReference(htmlEl); const input = { null: null, boolean: true, array: [42], element: htmlEl, toJSON: { toJSON() { return "foo"; }, }, object: { bar: "baz" }, }; const actual = json.clone(input, nodeCache); equal(actual.null, null); equal(actual.boolean, true); deepEqual(actual.array, [42]); deepEqual(actual.element, { [WebElement.Identifier]: htmlElRef }); equal(actual.toJSON, "foo"); deepEqual(actual.object, { bar: "baz" }); }); add_task(function test_clone_сyclicReference() { const { nodeCache } = setupTest(); // object Assert.throws(() => { const obj = {}; obj.reference = obj; json.clone(obj, nodeCache); }, /JavaScriptError/); // array Assert.throws(() => { const array = []; array.push(array); json.clone(array, nodeCache); }, /JavaScriptError/); // array in object Assert.throws(() => { const array = []; array.push(array); json.clone({ array }, nodeCache); }, /JavaScriptError/); // object in array Assert.throws(() => { const obj = {}; obj.reference = obj; json.clone([obj], nodeCache); }, /JavaScriptError/); }); add_task(function test_deserialize_generalTypes() { const { browser, nodeCache } = setupTest(); const win = browser.document.ownerGlobal; // null equal(json.deserialize(undefined, nodeCache, win), undefined); equal(json.deserialize(null, nodeCache, win), null); // primitives equal(json.deserialize(true, nodeCache, win), true); equal(json.deserialize(42, nodeCache, win), 42); equal(json.deserialize("foo", nodeCache, win), "foo"); }); add_task(function test_deserialize_ShadowRoot() { const { browser, nodeCache, shadowRoot } = setupTest(); const win = browser.document.ownerGlobal; // Fails to resolve for unknown elements const unknownShadowRootId = { [ShadowRoot.Identifier]: "foo" }; Assert.throws(() => { json.deserialize(unknownShadowRootId, nodeCache, win); }, /NoSuchShadowRootError/); const shadowRootRef = nodeCache.getOrCreateNodeReference(shadowRoot); const shadowRootEl = { [ShadowRoot.Identifier]: shadowRootRef }; // Fails to resolve for missing window reference Assert.throws(() => json.deserialize(shadowRootEl, nodeCache), /TypeError/); // Previously seen element is associated with original web element reference const root = json.deserialize(shadowRootEl, nodeCache, win); deepEqual(root, shadowRoot); deepEqual(root, nodeCache.getNode(browser.browsingContext, shadowRootRef)); }); add_task(function test_deserialize_WebElement() { const { browser, htmlEl, nodeCache } = setupTest(); const win = browser.document.ownerGlobal; // Fails to resolve for unknown elements const unknownWebElId = { [WebElement.Identifier]: "foo" }; Assert.throws(() => { json.deserialize(unknownWebElId, nodeCache, win); }, /NoSuchElementError/); const htmlElRef = nodeCache.getOrCreateNodeReference(htmlEl); const htmlWebEl = { [WebElement.Identifier]: htmlElRef }; // Fails to resolve for missing window reference Assert.throws(() => json.deserialize(htmlWebEl, nodeCache), /TypeError/); // Previously seen element is associated with original web element reference const el = json.deserialize(htmlWebEl, nodeCache, win); deepEqual(el, htmlEl); deepEqual(el, nodeCache.getNode(browser.browsingContext, htmlElRef)); }); add_task(function test_deserialize_Sequences() { const { browser, htmlEl, nodeCache } = setupTest(); const win = browser.document.ownerGlobal; const htmlElRef = nodeCache.getOrCreateNodeReference(htmlEl); const input = [ null, true, [42], { [WebElement.Identifier]: htmlElRef }, { bar: "baz" }, ]; const actual = json.deserialize(input, nodeCache, win); equal(actual[0], null); equal(actual[1], true); deepEqual(actual[2], [42]); deepEqual(actual[3], htmlEl); deepEqual(actual[4], { bar: "baz" }); }); add_task(function test_deserialize_objects() { const { browser, htmlEl, nodeCache } = setupTest(); const win = browser.document.ownerGlobal; const htmlElRef = nodeCache.getOrCreateNodeReference(htmlEl); const input = { null: null, boolean: true, array: [42], element: { [WebElement.Identifier]: htmlElRef }, object: { bar: "baz" }, }; const actual = json.deserialize(input, nodeCache, win); equal(actual.null, null); equal(actual.boolean, true); deepEqual(actual.array, [42]); deepEqual(actual.element, htmlEl); deepEqual(actual.object, { bar: "baz" }); nodeCache.clear({ all: true }); });