[e.style['animation'\] = "1s linear 1s 2 reverse forwards paused anim scroll()" should not set the property value]
expected: FAIL
bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1824261
[e.style['animation'\] = "1s linear 1s 2 reverse forwards paused anim view()" should not set the property value]
expected: FAIL
bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1824261
[e.style['animation'\] = "1s linear 1s 2 reverse forwards paused anim timeline" should not set the property value]
expected: FAIL
bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1824261
[e.style['animation'\] = "1s linear 1s 2 reverse forwards paused anim1,\\n 1s linear 1s 2 reverse forwards paused anim2,\\n 1s linear 1s 2 reverse forwards paused anim3" should set animation-range-end]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['animation'\] = "1s linear 1s 2 reverse forwards paused anim1,\\n 1s linear 1s 2 reverse forwards paused anim2,\\n 1s linear 1s 2 reverse forwards paused anim3" should set animation-range-start]
expected: FAIL
[Animation shorthand can not represent non-initial timelines (specified)]
expected: FAIL
[Animation shorthand can not represent non-initial timelines (computed)]
expected: FAIL
[Animation shorthand can not represent non-initial animation-delay-end (specified)]
expected: FAIL
[Animation shorthand can not represent non-initial animation-delay-end (computed)]
expected: FAIL
[Animation shorthand can not represent non-initial animation-range-start (specified)]
expected: FAIL
[Animation shorthand can not represent non-initial animation-range-start (computed)]
expected: FAIL
[Animation shorthand can not represent non-initial animation-range-end (specified)]
expected: FAIL
[Animation shorthand can not represent non-initial animation-range-end (computed)]
expected: FAIL