[find-range-from-text-directive.html] expected: if os == "mac": [OK, TIMEOUT] [TIMEOUT, OK] [inverted range search.] expected: if os == "win": [PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] if os == "mac": [PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [NOTRUN, PASS, TIMEOUT] [Suffix comes before |end|.] expected: if os == "win": [PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] if os == "mac": [PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [NOTRUN, PASS, TIMEOUT] [Multiple overlapping prefixes.] expected: FAIL [match doesn't immediately follow prefix.] expected: if os == "android": [NOTRUN, PASS, TIMEOUT] FAIL [match doesn't immediately follow first prefix instance.] expected: if os == "android": [TIMEOUT, NOTRUN, PASS, FAIL] [FAIL, PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [Suffix must be end bounded.] expected: if os == "mac": [PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] if os == "win": [PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [NOTRUN, PASS, TIMEOUT] [non-existent exact match.] expected: if os == "android": [NOTRUN, PASS, TIMEOUT] [PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [non-existent range match.] expected: if os == "android": [NOTRUN, PASS, TIMEOUT] [PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [Multiple overlapping one letter prefixes.] expected: FAIL [Content appears between match and suffix.] expected: if os == "mac": [PASS, NOTRUN] if os == "win": [PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [NOTRUN, PASS] [overlapping exact matches with suffix.] expected: if os == "android": [NOTRUN, FAIL, TIMEOUT] [FAIL, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [Match with no suffix.] expected: if os == "win": [FAIL, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] if os == "mac": [FAIL, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [NOTRUN, FAIL, TIMEOUT] [Match text after prefix.] expected: FAIL [Search invisible content between |end| and suffix.] expected: if os == "win": [FAIL, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] if os == "mac": [FAIL, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [NOTRUN, FAIL, TIMEOUT] [Range with preceeding suffix.] expected: if os == "mac": [PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] if os == "win": [PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [NOTRUN, PASS, TIMEOUT] [no suffix forces |end| to be end bounded.] expected: if os == "win": [PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] if os == "mac": [PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [NOTRUN, PASS, TIMEOUT] [|end| must be start bounded even if full range is word bounded.] expected: if os == "win": [PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] if os == "mac": [PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [NOTRUN, PASS, TIMEOUT] [non-existent |end|.] expected: if os == "win": [PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] if os == "mac": [PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [NOTRUN, PASS, TIMEOUT] [suffix means |start| need not end on word boundary.] expected: if os == "linux": [FAIL, NOTRUN] FAIL [Search invisible content between prefix and match.] expected: FAIL [overlapping one letter exact matches with suffix.] expected: if os == "android": [NOTRUN, FAIL, TIMEOUT] [FAIL, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [Basic smoke test - full word match.] expected: FAIL [matching range search.] expected: if os == "android": [NOTRUN, FAIL, TIMEOUT] if os == "linux": [TIMEOUT, FAIL, NOTRUN] [FAIL, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [Prefix need not end on a word boundary.] expected: FAIL [|start| doesn't need to start on word boundary.] expected: if os == "linux": [FAIL, NOTRUN] FAIL [no-prefix; suffix means |start| need not end on word boundary.] expected: if os == "android": [NOTRUN, FAIL, TIMEOUT] [FAIL, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [no-prefix; |end| forces |start| to end on word boundary.] expected: if os == "android": [NOTRUN, PASS, TIMEOUT] [PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [no-prefix; no |end| or suffix forces |start| to end on word boundary.] expected: if os == "android": [NOTRUN, PASS, TIMEOUT] [PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [Non-existent suffix.] expected: if os == "win": [PASS, NOTRUN, TIMEOUT] if os == "mac": [PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [NOTRUN, PASS, TIMEOUT] [Suffix need not be start bounded.] expected: if os == "win": [FAIL, NOTRUN, TIMEOUT] if os == "mac": [FAIL, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [NOTRUN, FAIL, TIMEOUT] [|end| must be start bounded.] expected: if os == "win": [PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] if os == "mac": [PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [NOTRUN, PASS, TIMEOUT] [suffix means |end| need not be end bounded.] expected: if os == "mac": [FAIL, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] if os == "win": [FAIL, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [NOTRUN, FAIL, TIMEOUT] [|start| must start on a word boundary.] expected: if os == "android": [NOTRUN, PASS, TIMEOUT] [PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [Non-matching suffix search continues to prefix match.] expected: if os == "mac": [FAIL, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [NOTRUN, FAIL, TIMEOUT] [Range end matches correct suffix.] expected: if os == "mac": [FAIL, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] if os == "win": [NOTRUN, TIMEOUT, FAIL] [NOTRUN, FAIL, TIMEOUT] [Non-matching suffix in first potential match.] expected: if os == "mac": [FAIL, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] if os == "win": [FAIL, NOTRUN, TIMEOUT] [NOTRUN, FAIL, TIMEOUT] [match doesn't immediately follow prefix.] expected: [PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [prefix with non-existent range match.] expected: if os == "linux": [PASS, TIMEOUT, NOTRUN] [PASS, TIMEOUT] [no |end| or suffix forces |start| to end on word boundary.] expected: if os == "linux": [PASS, TIMEOUT] [prefix with non-existent exact match.] expected: if os == "linux": [PASS, NOTRUN]