[enrollment.https.html] expected: if os == "android": OK TIMEOUT [Payment credential is created successfully.] expected: [TIMEOUT, FAIL] [Payment credential requires userVerification to be "required", not "preferred".] expected: [FAIL, NOTRUN, TIMEOUT] [Payment credential requires userVerification to be "required", not "discouraged".] expected: [FAIL, NOTRUN, TIMEOUT] [Payment credential requires authenticatorAttachment to be "platform", not "cross-platform".] expected: [FAIL, NOTRUN, TIMEOUT] [Payment credential allows residentKey to be "preferred".] expected: [FAIL, NOTRUN, TIMEOUT] [Payment credential does not allow residentKey to be "discouraged".] expected: [FAIL, NOTRUN] [Payment credential abort without reason] expected: if os == "android": PASS NOTRUN [Payment credential abort reason with Error] expected: if os == "android": FAIL NOTRUN